Define terms
Definitions of terms on this page
All valid values of AQUIFER:
Value | Description | Data provider |
Alluvial | Alluvial | All |
Intermediate | Intermediate | All |
Intermediate-Scr_95 | Intermediate-Scr_95 | ALL |
Intermediate-Scr_Max | Intermediate-Scr_Max | ALL |
Regional | Regional | All |
Regional-Scr_95 | Regional-Scr_95 | ALL |
Regional-Scr_Max | Regional-Scr_Max | ALL |
Value | Description | Data provider |
ANIMAL | Animal Byproduct | LANL |
ANIMAL | Animal Byproduct | N3B |
FISH | Fish | LANL |
FISH | Fish | N3B |
GAME | Game Animal | LANL |
GAME | Game Animal | N3B |
Honeybee | Bees | LANL |
Honeybee | Bees | N3B |
NATIVEPRODUCE | Native Produce | LANL |
NATIVEPRODUCE | Native Produce | N3B |
NATIVEVEG | Native Vegetation | LANL |
NATIVEVEG | Native Vegetation | N3B |
NONGAME | Non-Game Animal | LANL |
NONGAME | Non-Game Animal | N3B |
Null | Database Null Value | LANL |
Null | Database Null Value | N3B |
OTHER | Other | LANL |
OTHER | Other | N3B |
PRODUCE | Produce | LANL |
PRODUCE | Produce | N3B |
SED | Sediment | LANL |
SED | Sediment | N3B |
SOIL | Soil | LANL |
SOIL | Soil | N3B |
TUFF 1 | Qbt2, 3, 4 | LANL |
TUFF 1 | Qbt2, 3, 4 | N3B |
TUFF 2 | Qbt1v | LANL |
TUFF 2 | Qbt1v | N3B |
TUFF 3 | Qbt1g, Qct, Qbo | LANL |
TUFF 3 | Qbt1g, Qct, Qbo | N3B |
UA | Unassigned | LANL |
UA | Unassigned | N3B |
All valid values of DETECT_FLAG:
Value | Description | Data provider |
N | Analyte Not Detected | All |
Y | Analyte Detected | All |
All valid values of FILTERED_FLAG:
Value | Description | Data provider |
N | Sample Not Filtered | All |
U | Sample Filter Status Unknown | All |
Y | Sample Filtered | All |
Value | Description | Data provider |
Alluvial | Alluvial | All |
Alluvial Spring | Alluvial Spring | ALL |
Intermediate | Intermediate Aquifer | ALL |
Intermediate Perched | Intermediate Perched | All |
Intermediate Spring | Intermediate Spring | ALL |
Regional | Regional Aquifer | ALL |
Regional Deep | Regional Deep | All |
Regional Spring | Regional Spring | ALL |
Regional Top | Regional Top | All |
Vadose | Vadose | All |
Water Supply | Water Supply Well | ALL |
All valid values of LAB_MATRIX:
Value | Description | Data provider |
A | Animal | All |
EX | Extract | All |
FL | Filter | All |
GAS | Gas | All |
LIQ | Liquid (other than water) | All |
LO | Organic Liquid | All |
OIL | Oil | All |
SD | Solid | All |
SED | Sediment | All |
SO | Soil | All |
TA | Animal Tissue | All |
TISSUE | Tissue | All |
UNK | Unknown | All |
V | Vegetation | All |
W | Water | All |
All valid values of LAB_QUALIFIER:
Value | Description | Data provider |
# | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
# | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
* | (Inorganic) - Duplicate Analysis (relative percent difference) not within control limits. | LANL |
* | (Inorganic) - Duplicate Analysis (relative percent difference) not within control limits. | N3B |
* | Post 7/2012: A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria. Legacy: (Inorganic)-Duplicate analysis not within control limits. (Organic)-Spike recovery is = to or outside the control criteria used. STL-Surrogate recovery is outside stated control limits. TestAm-Internal standard recovery is outside stated control limits. | NMED |
** | Legacy: (Inorganic) and (Organic) GEL- Laboratory Control Sample recovery outside of acceptance limit. | NMED |
*+ | See * code and see + code. | LANL |
*+ | See * code and see + code. | N3B |
*E | See * code and see E code. | LANL |
*E | See * code and see E code. | N3B |
*N | See * code and see N code. | LANL |
*N | See * code and see N code. | N3B |
+ | (Organic) - Indicates that the relative percent difference equals or exceeds the control criteria. | LANL |
+ | (Organic) - Indicates that the relative percent difference equals or exceeds the control criteria. | N3B |
+ | Legacy: (Inorganic) GEL-Correlation coefficient Method of Standard Addition (MSA) is less than 0.095. Paragon-relative percent difference (RPD) equals or exceeds the criteria. (Organic) - Duplicate Analysis (relative percent difference) not within control limits. | NMED |
.I | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
.I | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
A | Legacy: (SLD) - See comments section with original data. | NMED |
A | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
A | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
AA | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
AA | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
AB | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
AB | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
B | (Organic) - Analyte present in the blank and the sample. (Inorganic) - reported value was obtained from a reading that was less than the Contract Required Detection Limit (CRDL) but greater than or equal to the Instrument Detection Limit (IDL). | LANL |
B | (Organic) - Analyte present in the blank and the sample. (Inorganic) - reported value was obtained from a reading that was less than the Contract Required Detection Limit (CRDL) but greater than or equal to the Instrument Detection Limit (IDL). | N3B |
B | Post 7/2012: Target analyte was detected in the associated method blank. Legacy: (Inorganic)-rptd value obtained from reading < Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) but >= to the Instrument Detection Limit (IDL). (Organic)-Analyte present in blank and sample. (Paragon)-Radchem Lab Blank concentration > MDA. TestAm-estimated result. | NMED |
B E | See B code and see E code | LANL |
B E | See B code and see E code | N3B |
B N | See B code and see N code | LANL |
B N | See B code and see N code | N3B |
B* | Legacy: (Inorganic)-reported value was obtained from a reading that was less than the Contract Required Detection Limit (CRDL) but greater than or equal to the Instrument Detection Limit (IDL). Inorganic)-Duplicate analysis not within control limits. | NMED |
B* | See B code and see * code | LANL |
B* | See B code and see * code | N3B |
B*E | See B code, see * code, and see E code | LANL |
B*E | See B code, see * code, and see E code | N3B |
B+ | See B code and see + code | LANL |
B+ | See B code and see + code | N3B |
B,E | See B code and see E code | LANL |
B,E | See B code and see E code | N3B |
B,N | See B code and see N code | LANL |
B,N | See B code and see N code | N3B |
B-1 | Legacy: Test America - analyte was detected in the associated method blank. Analyte concentration in the sample is > 10x the concentration found in the method blank. | NMED |
B1 | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
B1 | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
B2 | Legacy: (Paragon) - elevated level of analyte detected in method blank. | NMED |
B2 | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
B2 | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
B3 | Legacy: (Paragon) Radiochem Lab Blank concentration greater than MDA but less than Requested MDA. | NMED |
BD | See B code and see D code. | LANL |
BD | See B code and see D code. | N3B |
BE | Legacy: Low surrogate recovery; analyzed twice. | NMED |
BE | Low surrogate recovery; analyzed twice | LANL |
BE | Low surrogate recovery; analyzed twice | N3B |
BE* | See B code, see E code and see * code | LANL |
BE* | See B code, see E code and see * code | N3B |
BE*N | See B code, see E code, see * code and see N code | LANL |
BE*N | See B code, see E code, see * code and see N code | N3B |
BEN | See B code, see E code, and see N code | LANL |
BEN | See B code, see E code, and see N code | N3B |
BEN* | See B code, see E code, see N code and see * code | LANL |
BEN* | See B code, see E code, see N code and see * code | N3B |
BJ | See B code and see J code | LANL |
BJ | See B code and see J code | N3B |
BJN | See B code, see J code ND see N code | LANL |
BJN | See B code, see J code ND see N code | N3B |
BJP | See B code, see J code and see P code | LANL |
BJP | See B code, see J code and see P code | N3B |
BJPX | See B code, see J code, see P code and see X code | LANL |
BJPX | See B code, see J code, see P code and see X code | N3B |
BJX | See B code, see J code and see X code | LANL |
BJX | See B code, see J code and see X code | N3B |
BN | Ignites but does not sustain ignition | LANL |
BN | Ignites but does not sustain ignition | N3B |
BN | Legacy: Ignites but does not sustain ignition. | NMED |
BN* | See B code, see N code and see * code | LANL |
BN* | See B code, see N code and see * code | N3B |
BN*E | See B code, see N code, see * code and see E code | LANL |
BN*E | See B code, see N code, see * code and see E code | N3B |
BN+ | See B code, see N code, see + code | LANL |
BN+ | See B code, see N code, see + code | N3B |
BNE | See B code, see N code, see E code | LANL |
BNE | See B code, see N code, see E code | N3B |
BNS | See B code, see N code, and see S code. | LANL |
BNS | See B code, see N code, and see S code. | N3B |
BNW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
BNW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
BP | See B code and see P code. | LANL |
BP | See B code and see P code. | N3B |
BPX | See B code, see P code, and see X code. | LANL |
BPX | See B code, see P code, and see X code. | N3B |
BS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
BS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
BS* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
BS* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
BW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
BW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
BW* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
BW* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
BX | See B code and see X code. | LANL |
BX | See B code and see X code. | N3B |
C | Legacy: AXYS - Co-eluting congener. NMSSL - Spike recovery between 80% and 120%. Columbia - confirmation of the TCDF compound. | NMED |
C | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
C | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
CON | Legacy: TestAmerica - Confirmation analysis. | NMED |
CS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
CS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
D | Post 7/2012: Results are reported from a diluted aliquote of the sample. Legacy: (Organic) - Analytes analyzed at a secondary dilution. NMSSL - Spike recovery < 80% or > 120%. AXYS - Dilution Data. (Paragon) - Radchem DER for duplicate exceeds control limit of 2.13. STSL, TA - Result was obtained from the analysis of a dilution. | NMED |
D | The result for this analyte was reported from a dilution. | LANL |
D | The result for this analyte was reported from a dilution. | N3B |
DE | See D code and see E code. | LANL |
DE | See D code and see E code. | N3B |
DI | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
DI | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
DJ | See D code and see J code | LANL |
DJ | See D code and see J code | N3B |
DP | See D code and see P code. | LANL |
DP | See D code and see P code. | N3B |
DPX | (D) (Organic) - The result for this analyte was reported from a dilution. (P) (Pesticides/PCBs) - The quantitative results for this analyte between the primary and secondary GC columns were greater than 25% difference. (P) (SW-846 EPA Method 8310 High Pressure Liquid Chromotography, HPLC results) - The quantitative results for this analyte between the primary and secondary HPLC columns or primary and secondary HPLC detectors were greater than 40% difference. (X) (Organic/Inorganic) - The result for this analyte should be regarded as not detected. | LANL |
DPX | (D) (Organic) - The result for this analyte was reported from a dilution. (P) (Pesticides/PCBs) - The quantitative results for this analyte between the primary and secondary GC columns were greater than 25% difference. (P) (SW-846 EPA Method 8310 High Pressure Liquid Chromotography, HPLC results) - The quantitative results for this analyte between the primary and secondary HPLC columns or primary and secondary HPLC detectors were greater than 40% difference. (X) (Organic/Inorganic) - The result for this analyte should be regarded as not detected. | N3B |
E | Analyte exceeded the concentration range (Organics). The serial dilution was exceeded (Inorganics) | LANL |
E | Analyte exceeded the concentration range (Organics). The serial dilution was exceeded (Inorganics) | N3B |
E | Post 7/2012: Organics - Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range. Metals - % difference of sample and SD is >10%. Sample concentration must meet flagging criteria. Legacy: (Inorganic)Paragon-Rptd value is estimated due to presence of interference. GEL-% diff. between parent sample and its serial dilution's concentration exceeds 10%.(Organic)-Analyte concentration exceeded the upper level of calibration range of instrument. | NMED |
E* | See E code and see * code. | LANL |
E* | See E code and see * code. | N3B |
E*N | See E code, see * code, see N code | LANL |
E*N | See E code, see * code, see N code | N3B |
E+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
E+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
EJ | See E code and see J code | LANL |
EJ | See E code and see J code | N3B |
EJ* | See E code, See J code and see * code | LANL |
EJ* | See E code, See J code and see * code | N3B |
EJN | (E) (Organic) - The result for this anlayte exceeded the upper range of the instrument initial calibration curve. (E) (Inorganic) (ICP-AES) - The result for this analyte in the serial dilution analysis was outside acceptance criteria. (E) (Inorganic) (GFAA) - The result for this analyte failed one or more CLP acceptance critera as explained in the case narrative. (J) (Organic/General Inorganics) - The result for this analyte was greater than the Method Detection Limit (MDL) but less than the Practical Quantitaion Limit (PQL). (N) (Organic) - The reported analyte is a tentitively idenififed compound (TIC). (N) (Inorganic) - The result for this anlayte in the matrix spike sample was outside acceptance criteria. | LANL |
EJN | (E) (Organic) - The result for this anlayte exceeded the upper range of the instrument initial calibration curve. (E) (Inorganic) (ICP-AES) - The result for this analyte in the serial dilution analysis was outside acceptance criteria. (E) (Inorganic) (GFAA) - The result for this analyte failed one or more CLP acceptance critera as explained in the case narrative. (J) (Organic/General Inorganics) - The result for this analyte was greater than the Method Detection Limit (MDL) but less than the Practical Quantitaion Limit (PQL). (N) (Organic) - The reported analyte is a tentitively idenififed compound (TIC). (N) (Inorganic) - The result for this anlayte in the matrix spike sample was outside acceptance criteria. | N3B |
EMPC | Legacy: TA-STLKNX - Estimated Maxiumum Possible Concentration | NMED |
EN | See E code and see N code | LANL |
EN | See E code and see N code | N3B |
EN* | see E code, see N code, and see * code. | LANL |
EN* | see E code, see N code, and see * code. | N3B |
G | Legacy: AXYS - Disturbance of the mass ion used to monitor instrument performance (lock-mass) present. (Paragon) - Radchem Gamma Spec sample density differs from calibration standard by more than 15% (TestAm) - Elevated reporting limit. | NMED |
H | (H) (Organic/Inorganic) - The required extraction or analysis holding time for this result was exceeded. | LANL |
H | (H) (Organic/Inorganic) - The required extraction or analysis holding time for this result was exceeded. | N3B |
H | Post 7/2012: Analytical holding time was exceeded. Legacy: NMSSL - Sample analyzed in duplicate. GEL - Analytical holding time exceeded. (Paragon) - Radchem LCS recovery above upper control limit. | NMED |
h' | h - Post 7/2012: Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded. Legacy: GEL - Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded. | NMED |
HJ | See H code and see J code | LANL |
HJ | See H code and see J code | N3B |
HQ | See H code, see Q code | N3B |
I | Legacy: Consult case narrative, data summary package or project manager concerning this qualifier. | NMED |
I | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
I | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
IP | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
IP | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
J | (Inorganic) -The associated numerical value is an estimated quantity. (Organic) - The associated numerical value is an estimated quantity. | LANL |
J | (Inorganic) -The associated numerical value is an estimated quantity. (Organic) - The associated numerical value is an estimated quantity. | N3B |
J | Post 7/2012: Value is estimated. Legacy: (Inorganic)-The associated numerical value is an estimated quantity. (Organic) - The associated numerical value is an estimated quantity. AXYS - Result >= MDL, < RL. TestAm-Estimated result-result < RL. TestAm-method blank contamination. | NMED |
J B | See J code and see B code | LANL |
J B | See J code and see B code | N3B |
J X | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
J X | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
J* | See J code and see * code. | LANL |
J* | See J code and see * code. | N3B |
J+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
J+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
J,B | See J code and see B code | LANL |
J,B | See J code and see B code | N3B |
JB | See J code and see B code | LANL |
JB | See J code and see B code | N3B |
JBD | See J code, see B code, see D code | LANL |
JBD | See J code, see B code, see D code | N3B |
JBP | See J code, see B code, see P code | LANL |
JBP | See J code, see B code, see P code | N3B |
JD | See J code and see D code | LANL |
JD | See J code and see D code | N3B |
JE | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
JE | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
JL | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
JL | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
JN | See J code and see N code | LANL |
JN | See J code and see N code | N3B |
JN* | See J code, see N code and see * code | LANL |
JN* | See J code, see N code and see * code | N3B |
JP | See J code and see P code | LANL |
JP | See J code and see P code | N3B |
JPX | See J code, see P code, and see X code. | LANL |
JPX | See J code, see P code, and see X code. | N3B |
JS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
JS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
JX | See J code and see X code. | LANL |
JX | See J code and see X code. | N3B |
K | Post 7/2012: Peak detected but did not meet quantification criteria. Legacy: AXYS - Peak detected but did not meet quantification criteria. Summit - target ratios for analyte not within specifications. Columbia and Cape Fear - estimated maximum possible concentration due to ion abundance ratios being outside the QC limits. | NMED |
L | Legacy: (Paragon) - Radchem LCS low recovery. | NMED |
L | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
L | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
LB | Legacy: (Paragon) - Rad Chem. Consult case narrative, data summary package or project manager concerning this qualifier. | NMED |
LT | Legacy: (Paragon) - Result is less than requested MDC and greater than sample specific MDC. | NMED |
LT | Results are less than requested MDC but greater than the sample specific MDC. | LANL |
LT | Results are less than requested MDC but greater than the sample specific MDC. | N3B |
LT Y1 | See LT code and see Y1 code. | LANL |
LT Y1 | See LT code and see Y1 code. | N3B |
LTY2 | See LT code and see Y2 code. | LANL |
LTY2 | See LT code and see Y2 code. | N3B |
M | Legacy: (Paragon) - Requested MDC was not met. (Paragon LEGACY) - Due to the large concentration of analyte in the sample, matrix spike recoveries may not be accurate. | NMED |
M | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
M | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
M* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
M* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
M3 | Legacy: (Paragon) - Requested MDC was not met, but the reported activity > reported MDC. Anatek - spike recovery value unuseable, analyte concentration disproportionate to spike level. Blank spike recovery acceptable. | NMED |
MB-LOR | Legacy: (Paragon) - Method blank exceeds ALS DQO. LORs adjusted for samples with positive hits below 5 times blank level. | NMED |
MHA | Legacy: Test America - due to high levels of analyte in the sample, the MS/MSD calculation does not provide useful spike recovery information. See Blank Spike (LCS). | NMED |
MSA | Legacy: TestAm - recovery and RPD not calculated, sample was diluted beyond ability to quantitate a recovery. | NMED |
MSB | Legacy: Consult case narrative, data summary package or project manager concerning this qualifier. | NMED |
N | (Inorganic) - Spiked sample recovery not within control limits. | LANL |
N | (Inorganic) - Spiked sample recovery not within control limits. | N3B |
N | Post 7/2012: Metals - The matrix spike sample recovery is not within specified control limits. Legacy: (Inorganic) - Spiked sample recovery not within control limits. (Organic) -Presumptive evidence based on a mass spectral library search to make a tentative identification of the analyte. Assaigai - tentatively identified compound. | NMED |
N* | See N code and see * code. | LANL |
N* | See N code and see * code. | N3B |
N*E | See N code, see * code and see E code | LANL |
N*E | See N code, see * code and see E code | N3B |
N+ | See N code and see + code | LANL |
N+ | See N code and see + code | N3B |
N+* | See N code, see + code and see * code | LANL |
N+* | See N code, see + code and see * code | N3B |
NA | Legacy: Consult case narrative, data summary package or project manager concerning this qualifier. | NMED |
NC | Legacy: (Paragon) - RPD Not Calculated. | NMED |
NE | See N code and see E code | LANL |
NE | See N code and see E code | N3B |
NE* | See N code, see E code and see * code | LANL |
NE* | See N code, see E code and see * code | N3B |
NJ | Legacy: (Organic) - Analyte has been tentatively identified and the associated numerical value is estimated based upon 1:1 response factor to the nearest eluting internal standard. | NMED |
NQ | Legacy: AXYS - Data not quantifiable. (Paragon) - Net Quantification - the nuclide is not detected or supported at any level above the reported MDC and can be considered a non-detect. | NMED |
NS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
NS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
NS* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
NS* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
NS+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
NS+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
NW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
NW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
NW* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
NW* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
O | Legacy: (Pinnacle) Matrix spike duplicate RPD, sample duplicate RPD, or RER not within control limits. | NMED |
O-09 | Legacy: (Weck) - Sample received with the EPA recommended holding time expired. | NMED |
P | Legacy: (Organic) - > 25% difference for detected concentrations between two columns. (Paragon) - LCS, Matrix Spike recovery within control limits. | NMED |
P | Percent difference between the results on the two columns during the analysis differed by more than 40%. | LANL |
P | Percent difference between the results on the two columns during the analysis differed by more than 40%. | N3B |
PE | See P code and see E code. | LANL |
PE | See P code and see E code. | N3B |
PJ | See P code and see J code | LANL |
PJ | See P code and see J code | N3B |
PJX | See P code, see J code, and see X code. | LANL |
PJX | See P code, see J code, and see X code. | N3B |
PX | See P code and see X code. | LANL |
PX | See P code and see X code. | N3B |
PXE | See P code, see X code, and see E code. | LANL |
PXE | See P code, see X code, and see E code. | N3B |
Q | Post 7/2012: Estimated maximum possible concentration. Legacy: (Severn Trent) - Elevated reporting limit. The reporting limit is elevated due to high analyte levels. (AXYS) - Maximum concentration, single GC column result, not confirmed by second column. TestAm-Estimated maximum possible concentration. | NMED |
Q | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
Q | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
R | Legacy: (Inorganic) - The data are not useable. (Organic) - The data are unusable (compound may or may not be present.) Resampling and reanalysis is necessary for verification. [R= reject]. (Paragon)-Radchem Gamma Spec, Nuclide has exceeded 8 halflives. | NMED |
R | The data are not useable. | LANL |
R | The data are not useable. | N3B |
R4 | Legacy: (NMSSL) - Result based on 4 or more replicates. | NMED |
RN | Legacy: (Paragon)- Radchem Gamma Spec, Nuclide has exceeded 8 halflives. | NMED |
RRV | Legacy: (ALS Burlington)-Reported result verified by repeat analysis. | NMED |
S | Legacy: TestAm - Ion supression evident. | NMED |
S | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
S | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
S* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
S* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
S+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
S+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
SI | Indentification or quantitation is tentative due to spectral interference. | LANL |
SI | Indentification or quantitation is tentative due to spectral interference. | N3B |
SI | Legacy: (Paragon) - Nuclide identification and/or quantitation is tentative. | NMED |
SQ | Legacy: (Paragon) - Spectral inteference prevents accurate quatitation. | NMED |
SQ | Spectral quality prevents accurate quantitation. | LANL |
SQ | Spectral quality prevents accurate quantitation. | N3B |
SRD | Legacy: Surrogate recovery not calculated, sample was diluted beyond ability to quantitate a recovery. | NMED |
T | Legacy: (AXYS) - lock mass interference affecting the surrogate. | NMED |
TI | Legacy: Nuclide identification is tentative. | NMED |
TI | Nuclide identification is tentative. | LANL |
TI | Nuclide identification is tentative. | N3B |
U | Post 7/2012: Analyte concentration is not detected above the reporting limit (generally the MDL). Legacy: (Inorganic)-material analyzed for, not detected above level of associated numeric value. Associated numerical value either sample quant. limit or sample detection limit. (Organic)-material analyzed for, but not detected. Quant. limit is estimated quantity. | NMED |
U | The material was analyzed for, but was not detected above the level of the associated numeric value. | LANL |
U | The material was analyzed for, but was not detected above the level of the associated numeric value. | N3B |
U E | See U code and see E code | LANL |
U E | See U code and see E code | N3B |
U N | See U code and see N code | LANL |
U N | See U code and see N code | N3B |
U Y1 | See U code, see Y code and see 1 code | LANL |
U Y1 | See U code, see Y code and see 1 code | N3B |
U Y2 | See U code, see Y code and see 2 code | LANL |
U Y2 | See U code, see Y code and see 2 code | N3B |
U* | See U code and see * code | LANL |
U* | See U code and see * code | N3B |
U*E | See U code, see * code and see E code | LANL |
U*E | See U code, see * code and see E code | N3B |
U+ | See U code and see + code | LANL |
U+ | See U code and see + code | N3B |
U,N | See U code and see N code | LANL |
U,N | See U code and see N code | N3B |
U? | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
U? | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UA | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UA | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UAA | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UAA | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UD | See U code and see D code. | LANL |
UD | See U code and see D code. | N3B |
UE | See U code and see E code | LANL |
UE | See U code and see E code | N3B |
UE* | See U code, see E code and see * code | LANL |
UE* | See U code, see E code and see * code | N3B |
UE*N | See U code, see E code, see * code and see N code | LANL |
UE*N | See U code, see E code, see * code and see N code | N3B |
UEN | See U code, see E code and see N code | LANL |
UEN | See U code, see E code and see N code | N3B |
UH | See U code and see H code. | LANL |
UH | See U code and see H code. | N3B |
UI | Post 7/2012: Gamma Spectroscopy - Uncertain identification. This is the same is SI and TI. Legacy: denotes uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy. | NMED |
UI | This code is no longer used. | LANL |
UI | This code is no longer used. | N3B |
UJ | Material was analyzed for, but not detected. (Inorganics) Value is an estimate. (Organics) quant. limit is an estimate. | LANL |
UJ | Material was analyzed for, but not detected. (Inorganics) Value is an estimate. (Organics) quant. limit is an estimate. | N3B |
UJL | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UJL | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UJP | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UJP | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UL | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UL | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UM | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UM | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UMW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UMW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UN | EPA Flag (Inorganic) Compound was analyzed for,but not detected and spiked sample recovery not within control limits. | LANL |
UN | EPA Flag (Inorganic) Compound was analyzed for,but not detected and spiked sample recovery not within control limits. | N3B |
UN* | EPA Flag (Inorganic) -see U code, see N code, and see * code. | LANL |
UN* | EPA Flag (Inorganic) -see U code, see N code, and see * code. | N3B |
UN+ | See U code, see N code and see + code | LANL |
UN+ | See U code, see N code and see + code | N3B |
UNE | See U code, see N code and see E code | LANL |
UNE | See U code, see N code and see E code | N3B |
UNE* | See U code, see N code, see E code and see * code. | LANL |
UNE* | See U code, see N code, see E code and see * code. | N3B |
UNM | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UNM | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UNMW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UNMW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UNS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UNS | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UNW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UNW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UNW* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UNW* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UPX | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UPX | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UQ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UQ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UR | See U code and see R code | LANL |
UR | See U code and see R code | N3B |
US | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
US | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
USI | See U code and see SI code. | LANL |
USI | See U code and see SI code. | N3B |
UTI | See U code and see TI code. | LANL |
UTI | See U code and see TI code. | N3B |
UUI | (UUI) (Rad) - Gamma spectrocopy result should be regarded as an uncertain idenification and the lab assigned these gamma spectroscopy results as not detected. | LANL |
UUI | (UUI) (Rad) - Gamma spectrocopy result should be regarded as an uncertain idenification and the lab assigned these gamma spectroscopy results as not detected. | N3B |
UW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UW | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UW* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UW* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UX | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
UX | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
UY2 | See U code and see Y2 code. | LANL |
UY2 | See U code and see Y2 code. | N3B |
V | Legacy: AXYS - Percent recoveries of the surrogates were below method specifications. | NMED |
W | Legacy: (Paragon) - Radchem, DER for duplicate is greater than Warning Limit of 1.42. | NMED |
W | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
W | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
W* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
W* | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
W+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | LANL |
W+ | This code is no longer used and its definition is not currently known. | N3B |
X | Lab suspects result is a nondetect despite positive quantification results. | LANL |
X | Lab suspects result is a nondetect despite positive quantification results. | N3B |
X | Legacy: Reported concentration is a false positive. Paragon (Pesticides) - the analyte was diluted below an accurate quantitation level. | NMED |
X1 | Legacy: Consult case narrative, data summary package or project manager concerning this qualifier. | NMED |
XB | See X code and see B code. | LANL |
XB | See X code and see B code. | N3B |
XD | See X code and see D code. | LANL |
XD | See X code and see D code. | N3B |
XE | See X code and see E code. | LANL |
XE | See X code and see E code. | N3B |
XJ | See X code and see J code. | LANL |
XJ | See X code and see J code. | N3B |
XJB | See X code and see J code and see B code. | LANL |
XJB | See X code and see J code and see B code. | N3B |
XJD | See X code and see J code and see D code. | LANL |
XJD | See X code and see J code and see D code. | N3B |
Y1 | Legacy: (Paragon) - Chemical yield is in control at 100-110%. Quantitative yield is assumed. | NMED |
Y2 | Chemical yield is outside default limits. | LANL |
Y2 | Chemical yield is outside default limits. | N3B |
Y2 | Legacy: (Paragon) - Chemical yield outside default limits. | NMED |
Z | Legacy: Consult case narrative, data summary package or project manager concerning this qualifier. | NMED |
All valid values of LEACHED_FLAG:
Value | Description | Data provider |
Y | LEACHED | All |
All valid values of LOCATION_TYPE:
Value | Description | Data provider |
AMS | Air Monitoring Station | All |
BH(1-10ft) | Borehole sample 1ft to 10 ft deep | ALL |
BHover10ft | Borehole sample over 10 ft deep | ALL |
BIO | Biological Samples | ALL |
CH | Corehole | All |
CHAR | Characterization Well for Hydrogeologic Work Plan | All |
COMP | Spatial Composite | All |
DG | Diesel Generator | ALL |
DRILL | Drill hole | All |
DT | Diesel Tank | ALL |
DWF | Drinking Water Fountain | All |
DWT | Drinking Water Tap | All |
EXT | Extraction Well | ALL |
FS | Food stuffs | ALL |
GENERIC | Generic | All |
IH | used for industrial hygiene sampling | ALL |
INDUST | Industrial Process | All |
INJ | Injection Well | ALL |
MET_Tower | Meteorological Tower | All |
MOI | Moisture hole | All |
MON | Monitoring Well | All |
NB | Nest Box | All |
NOC | Well Not Otherwise Classified | All |
OBS | Observation Well | ALL |
OUT | Outfall | All |
PIEZ | Piezometer | All |
PRECIP | Precipitation | ALL |
SED | Sediment | All |
SHB | Seismic Bore Hole | All |
SO | Soil | All |
SPR | Spring | All |
SS(0-1ft) | Surface soil or sediment sample | ALL |
SUP | Supply Well | All |
TREATMENT | Waste Treatment Facility | All |
UA | Unassigned | All |
UNK | Unknown | All |
VAV | Industrial water line valve | ALL |
WB | Water balance well | ALL |
WCS | Watercourse | All |
WIP | Water from an Industrial Process | All |
WTF | Water Treatment Facility | All |
All valid values of SAMPLE_TYPE:
Value | Description | Data provider |
A | Animal | All |
AIR | Air Samples for AirNet | ALL |
AMPHIB | Amphibian samples | ALL |
APP | Apples | All |
ASH | Volcanic Ash | All |
BF | Biofilm samples collected by NMED DOE OB | ALL |
BIRD | This sample type includes all types of Birds | ALL |
D | Debris | All |
DRYDEP | Dry Atmospheric Deposition | ALL |
EM | Engineered Material | All |
F | Filter, total | All |
FBC | Bullhead Catfish | ALL |
FBG | Blue Gill | ALL |
FCC | Channel Catfish | All |
FCP | Carp | All |
FCS | Carp Sucker | All |
FISH | This type includes all fish types | ALL |
FNP | Northern Pike | ALL |
FRT | Rainbow Trout | All |
FSMB | Smallmouth Bass | All |
FWB | White Bass | ALL |
FWC | White Crappie | ALL |
FWLY | Walleye | All |
FWMB | Widemouth Bass | ALL |
FWS | White Sucker | All |
GAS | Gas | All |
INVERT | Invertebrate Samples to include insect, arthropods, worms, benthic macro Invertebrate | ALL |
LBW | Lab-derived blank water | ALL |
LET | Lettuce | All |
LIQ | Liquids other than water or oil | All |
LNW | liquid not water, used for non-aqueous liquids reported in per volume units | ALL |
MAM | Mammals samples | ALL |
MOSS | Moss | All |
NA | Not Applicable | All |
NASH | Nongeologic Ash | All |
NSED | Nongeologic Sediment | All |
OIL | Oil | All |
OTH | Other | All |
PA | Filter Particulates and/or adsorbates | All |
PLM | Plum | All |
R | Rock | All |
RAIN | Rain | All |
REPTILE | Reptile Samples | ALL |
RODENT | This type includes All types of rodents, mice/rats/voles | ALL |
S | Soil | All |
S_FTB | soil for FTB, used for replacement W->S for FTB | All |
SED | Geologic Sediment | All |
SLD | Sludge, Dry | All |
SNOW | Snow | All |
SWP | Wipe (Including Swipes) | All |
UA | Unassigned | All |
UNK | Unknown | All |
V | Vegetation | All |
W | Water | All |
W_FTB | Water for FTB, used for replacement S->W in FTB | All |
WD | Drinking Water from Fountain or Tap | All |
WE | Effluent | All |
WG | Ground Water | All |
WI | Influent | All |
WIP | Industrial Process Water | All |
WM | Snowmelt | All |
WO | Outfall | All |
WOE | Outfall Effluent | All |
WP | Persistent Flow | All |
WS | Base Flow | All |
WSEPTIC | Water from Septic Tanks | ALL |
WT | Storm Runoff | All |
WTE | Treated Effluent | ALL |
All valid values of UNITS:
Value | Description | Data provider |
# exceed | Number of Exceedances | ALL |
#/100ml | Number per 100 mL. | ALL |
% | % | All |
%Modern | %Modern | All |
10-7mCi/ml | 10-7mCi/ml | ALL |
1E-8cc/g | cubic centimeters per gram | All |
aCi/m3 | aCi/m3 | ALL |
atoms/g | atoms per gram | ALL |
atoms/L | atoms per liter | ALL |
C | Centigrade | All |
C14YEARS | C-14 years | All |
Cal/gC | Cal/gC | ALL |
cc/min | CC's per minute | ALL |
cell/mLE06 | cell/mLE06 | All |
CFCF | CFCF1 | All |
CFS | flow in cubic foot per second | All |
cfu | colony forming units | ALL |
cfu/100ml | Coliform Forming Units per 100 mls | ALL |
cfu/g-dry | used for fecal coli in sludge | ALL |
Ci/g | unit used in the waste WDS for rad solid acceptance criteria | ALL |
Ci/L | unit used in the waste WDS for rad water acceptance criteria | ALL |
cm | Centimeters | All |
cm/sec | centimeters per second | All |
cpm | counts per minute | All |
cpm/g | cpm/g | ALL |
cpm/L | cpm/L | ALL |
cps | counts per second | All |
CU | color units | All |
days | days | All |
deg C | degrees Celsius | All |
deg F | deg F | ALL |
degF | degrees Fahrenheit | All |
Degrees C | degrees Celcius | ALL |
dpm/100cm2 | Disintegrations per minute per 100 cm^2 | ALL |
dpm/g | dpm/g | ALL |
dpm/L | dpm/L | ALL |
EA | each | ALL |
F | Fahrenheit | All |
fCi/m3 | fCi/m3 | ALL |
fg/m3 | femtograms per cubic meter | All |
fibers/mm2 | Fibers per square mm | All |
FLOW | flow | All |
ft | feet | All |
ft elev | feet elevation | All |
ft/hr | feet per hour | All |
ft/min | feet per minute | All |
ft_asl | Feet above sea level | All |
ft_bgs | Feet below ground surface | All |
ft_BTIC | Feet below top of inner casing | ALL |
ft_BTOC | Feet below top of casing | ALL |
ft_BTOM | Feet below top of manhole | ALL |
ft_MSL | Feet above mean sea level | ALL |
ft_toc | Feet below top of casing | All |
g | gram | All |
g/cm3 | G/CM3 | All |
g/FILTER | g/filter | All |
g/kg | g/kg | All |
g/L | g/L | All |
g/m3 | Grams per meter cubed - unit for absolute humidity | ALL |
g/mL | g/mL | All |
g/PLANT | grams per plant | All |
g/SAMPLE | g/sample | All |
g/WORM | grams per worm | All |
gal | gallons | All |
gal/min | gallons per minute | All |
GAPI | GAPI | All |
GM/L | GM/L | ALL |
GPM | gallons per minute | All |
Hrs | Hours | ALL |
Hz | Hertz | All |
in | inches | All |
in2 | square inch | All |
J/cm*C | J/cm*C | All |
kg | kilogram | ALL |
kPa | Kilopascals | ALL |
L | liters | ALL |
lbf/ft3 | pound force per cubic foot | ALL |
lbs/day | Pounds per day | ALL |
LPM | Liters Per Minute | ALL |
m3 | Meters cubed for airnet | ALL |
MD | MD | All |
MFL | Millions of fibers per liter | All |
mg | mg | All |
mg/(AFDW) | mg (Ash Free Dry Weight) | All |
mg/FILTER | mg/filter | All |
mg/g | mg/g | All |
mg/kg | mg/kg | All |
mg/kg(wet) | milligrams per kilogram (wet weight) | All |
mg/L | mg/L | All |
mg/m3 | mg/m3 | ALL |
MG/SAMPL | Milligrams per sample | All |
mg/SAMPLE | mg/sample | All |
mg/TUBE | mg/TUBE | All |
Mgal/day | Million gallons per Day | ALL |
MIL | mil | All |
minutes | minutes | All |
mL | milliliters | ALL |
ML/SAMPLE | mL/sample | All |
mls | Milliliters | ALL |
mm | Millimeter length | All |
MM/M | MM/M | All |
mm/sec | mm/sec | ALL |
mm/yr | mm/yr | All |
mS/m | mS/m | ALL |
msec | msec | ALL |
MV | MV | All |
nCi/L | nCi/L | All |
negbars | negbars | All |
negcm | negcm | All |
ng | nanograms | All |
ng/FILTER | ng/filter | All |
ng/g | ng/g | All |
ng/g (wet) | nanogram per gram wet | ALL |
ng/kg | ng/kg | All |
ng/L | ng/L | All |
ng/m3 | ng/m3 | ALL |
ng/mL | nanograms per milliliter | All |
ng/SAMPLE | ng/sample | All |
ng/TUBE | ng/tube | All |
No | No | ALL |
NTU | Nephelometric turbidity units | All |
o/oo | per mil | All |
OHMM | OHMM | All |
P/A | Used for binary presence/absence tests. | ALL |
PASS | Used for binary presence/absence tests. | ALL |
Pass/Fail | Pass/Fail | ALL |
pass0fail1 | used for NPDES-wet test | ALL |
pCi | picocuries | All |
pCi/Clump | Rad filters for AIRNET composite clumps | ALL |
pCi/FILTER | pCi/filter | All |
pCi/g | pCi/g | All |
pCi/g ash | Radiological units for vegetation and animals ashed to dryness then processed. | ALL |
pCi/g dry | Radiological units for vegetation and animals processed and then converted back to dry weight from the percent moisture of the samples. | ALL |
pCi/g(wet) | picocuries per gram (wet weight) | All |
pCi/kg | Picocuries per kilogram | All |
pCi/L | pCi/L | All |
pCi/m3 | pCi/m3 | ALL |
pCi/mL | pCi/mL | All |
pCi/SAMPLE | pCi/sample | All |
PCI\G | Picocuries per kilogram | All |
PCT_SUR | Percent survival Rate | All |
PCU | Platinum Color units | All |
permil | Per million for Isotopes | All |
pg | picograms | All |
pg/Filter | picograms per filter | All |
pg/g | pg/g | All |
pg/g (wet) | picograms per gram (wet weight) | All |
pg/L | pg/L | All |
pg/m3 | pg/m3 | ALL |
pg/sample | picograms per sample | All |
pg/uL | picograms/microliter | ALL |
pH | pH Units | All |
PPB | ppb | All |
ppbv | parts per billion by volume | All |
ppm | ppm | All |
ppt | Parts per Trillion | All |
psi | psi | All |
psia | lb/in2absolute | All |
PU | PU | All |
Ra | normalized to same ratio in air | All |
Ratio | ratio | All |
RPS | RPS | All |
s | seconds | ALL |
S.U. | Standard Units | All |
sec | seconds | ALL |
SU | specific units | All |
T/U | ???? | All |
tons | tons | All |
TU | tritium units | All |
uCi/L | uCi/L | All |
ug | ug | All |
ug/FILTER | ug/filter | All |
ug/ft2 | Micrograms per feet squared | ALL |
ug/g | ug/g | All |
ug/kg | ug/Kg | All |
ug/kg(wet) | micrograms per kilogram (wet weight) | All |
ug/L | ug/L | All |
ug/m3 | ug/m^3 | All |
ug/ml | ug/mL | All |
ug/TUBE | ug/tube | All |
ug/uL | used by GEL for raw results | ALL |
ug/wipe | micrograms per wipe | ALL |
umhos | micro mhos | All |
umhos/cm | micro mhos per cm | All |
UNITLESS | no unit | All |
UNITS | Unspecified Units | All |
UNKNOWN | Unknown | All |
uS/cm | Micro-Seimens/centimeter | All |
uS/cm2 | uS/cm2 | All |
uS/m | uS/m | ALL |
V/V | V/V | All |
w/K-m | w/K-m | ALL |
W/mC | W/mC | All |
WETWGT/K | wet wgt./k | All |
Yes | Yes | ALL |
yr | years | All |
All valid values of SAMPLE_MATRIX:
Value | Description | Data provider |
A | Animal | All |
ASH | Ash collected in the field | ALL |
EX | Extract | All |
FL | Filter | All |
GAS | Gas | All |
GEL | GEL Sample for Airnet | ALL |
LIQ | Liquid (other than water) | All |
LO | Organic Liquid | All |
OIL | Oil | All |
SD | Solid | All |
SED | Sediment | All |
SO | Soil | All |
TA | Animal Tissue | All |
UNK | Unknown | All |
V | Vegetation | All |
W | Water | All |
WHATMAN | Whatman filters for swipes for industrial hygiene program | ALL |
All valid values of SAMPLE_PURPOSE:
Value | Description | Data provider |
CO | Collocated | All |
DUP | Duplicate | All |
EQB | Equipment Rinsate Blank | All |
FB | Field Blank | All |
FD | Field Duplicate | All |
FPR | Field Prepared Reagent | All |
FPS | Field Prepared Spike | All |
FR | Field Rinsate | All |
FS | Field Split | All |
FTB | Field Trip Blank | All |
FTR | Field Triplicate | All |
GB | ghost peak blank check sample used for PEST and aroclor analyses | ALL |
LCS | Lab Control Sample | All |
LCSD | Lab Control Sample Duplicate | All |
MB | Method Blank | All |
MPMB | Media Prepared Method Blank | ALL |
MS | Matrix Spike | All |
MSD | Matrix Spike Duplicate | All |
PE | Performance Evaluation | All |
PEB | Performance Equipment Blank | All |
PEK | Performance Evaluation Known | All |
PS | post-spike | ALL |
PSD | Post-spike duplicate | ALL |
REG | Regular Investigative Sample | All |
TB | Tumble Blank for TCLP Analysis | ALL |
All valid values of SAMPLE_TYPE:
Value | Description | Data provider |
A | Animal | All |
AIR | Air Samples for AirNet | ALL |
AMPHIB | Amphibian samples | ALL |
APP | Apples | All |
ASH | Volcanic Ash | All |
BF | Biofilm samples collected by NMED DOE OB | ALL |
BIRD | This sample type includes all types of Birds | ALL |
D | Debris | All |
DRYDEP | Dry Atmospheric Deposition | ALL |
EM | Engineered Material | All |
F | Filter, total | All |
FBC | Bullhead Catfish | ALL |
FBG | Blue Gill | ALL |
FCC | Channel Catfish | All |
FCP | Carp | All |
FCS | Carp Sucker | All |
FISH | This type includes all fish types | ALL |
FNP | Northern Pike | ALL |
FRT | Rainbow Trout | All |
FSMB | Smallmouth Bass | All |
FWB | White Bass | ALL |
FWC | White Crappie | ALL |
FWLY | Walleye | All |
FWMB | Widemouth Bass | ALL |
FWS | White Sucker | All |
GAS | Gas | All |
INVERT | Invertebrate Samples to include insect, arthropods, worms, benthic macro Invertebrate | ALL |
LBW | Lab-derived blank water | ALL |
LET | Lettuce | All |
LIQ | Liquids other than water or oil | All |
LNW | liquid not water, used for non-aqueous liquids reported in per volume units | ALL |
MAM | Mammals samples | ALL |
MOSS | Moss | All |
NA | Not Applicable | All |
NASH | Nongeologic Ash | All |
NSED | Nongeologic Sediment | All |
OIL | Oil | All |
OTH | Other | All |
PA | Filter Particulates and/or adsorbates | All |
PLM | Plum | All |
R | Rock | All |
RAIN | Rain | All |
REPTILE | Reptile Samples | ALL |
RODENT | This type includes All types of rodents, mice/rats/voles | ALL |
S | Soil | All |
S_FTB | soil for FTB, used for replacement W->S for FTB | All |
SED | Geologic Sediment | All |
SLD | Sludge, Dry | All |
SNOW | Snow | All |
SWP | Wipe (Including Swipes) | All |
UA | Unassigned | All |
UNK | Unknown | All |
V | Vegetation | All |
W | Water | All |
W_FTB | Water for FTB, used for replacement S->W in FTB | All |
WD | Drinking Water from Fountain or Tap | All |
WE | Effluent | All |
WG | Ground Water | All |
WI | Influent | All |
WIP | Industrial Process Water | All |
WM | Snowmelt | All |
WO | Outfall | All |
WOE | Outfall Effluent | All |
WP | Persistent Flow | All |
WS | Base Flow | All |
WSEPTIC | Water from Septic Tanks | ALL |
WT | Storm Runoff | All |
WTE | Treated Effluent | ALL |
All valid values of SAMPLING_EVENT:
Value | Description | Data provider |
01-001(d3) | 01-001(d3) | N3B |
010118 | 010118 | NMED |
010119 | 010119 | NMED |
010220 | 010220 | NMED |
010318 | 010318 | NMED |
010417 | 010417 | NMED |
010516 | 010516 | NMED |
010924 | 010924 | NMED |
011023 | 011023 | NMED |
011024 | 011024 | NMED |
011122 | 011122 | NMED |
011315 | 011315 | NMED |
011414 | 011414 | NMED |
011420 | 011420 | NMED |
011421 | 011421 | NMED |
011518 | 011518 | NMED |
011519 | 011519 | NMED |
011717 | 011717 | NMED |
011718 | 011718 | NMED |
012016 | 012016 | NMED |
012324 | 012324 | NMED |
012324_b | 012324_b | NMED |
012423 | 012423 | NMED |
012522 | 012522 | NMED |
012715 | 012715 | NMED |
012814 | 012814 | NMED |
012820 | 012820 | NMED |
012821 | 012821 | NMED |
012919 | 012919 | NMED |
013018 | 013018 | NMED |
013117 | 013117 | NMED |
020216 | 020216 | NMED |
020624 | 020624 | NMED |
020921 | 020921 | NMED |
021015 | 021015 | NMED |
021114 | 021114 | NMED |
021219 | 021219 | NMED |
021220 | 021220 | NMED |
021318 | 021318 | NMED |
021417 | 021417 | NMED |
021616 | 021616 | NMED |
022024 | 022024 | NMED |
022123 | 022123 | NMED |
022222 | 022222 | NMED |
022415 | 022415 | NMED |
022514 | 022514 | NMED |
022520 | 022520 | NMED |
022619 | 022619 | NMED |
022718 | 022718 | NMED |
022817 | 022817 | NMED |
022822 | 022822 | NMED |
03-B-13 MY23 Q4 | 03-B-13 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
03-B-13 MY24 Q4 | 03-B-13 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
03-B-13 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | 03-B-13 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
030116 | 030116 | NMED |
030221 | 030221 | NMED |
030524 | 030524 | NMED |
030723 | 030723 | NMED |
030822 | 030822 | NMED |
031015 | 031015 | NMED |
031020 | 031020 | NMED |
031021 | 031021 | NMED |
031114 | 031114 | NMED |
031219 | 031219 | NMED |
031318 | 031318 | NMED |
031417 | 031417 | NMED |
031516 | 031516 | NMED |
031720 | 031720 | NMED |
032024 | 032024 | NMED |
032123 | 032123 | NMED |
032222 | 032222 | NMED |
032321 | 032321 | NMED |
032514 | 032514 | NMED |
032619 | 032619 | NMED |
032718 | 032718 | NMED |
032817 | 032817 | NMED |
032916 | 032916 | NMED |
033115 | 033115 | NMED |
040224 | 040224 | NMED |
040324 | 040324 | NMED |
040423 | 040423 | NMED |
040522 | 040522 | NMED |
040721 | 040721 | NMED |
040814 | 040814 | NMED |
040919 | 040919 | NMED |
041018 | 041018 | NMED |
041117 | 041117 | NMED |
041216 | 041216 | NMED |
041415 | 041415 | NMED |
041624 | 041624 | NMED |
041624a | 041624a | NMED |
041624b | 041624b | NMED |
041823 | 041823 | NMED |
041922 | 041922 | NMED |
042021 | 042021 | NMED |
042214 | 042214 | NMED |
042319 | 042319 | NMED |
042418 | 042418 | NMED |
042419 | 042419 | NMED |
042517 | 042517 | NMED |
042616 | 042616 | NMED |
042815 | 042815 | NMED |
043024 | 043024 | NMED |
050223 | 050223 | NMED |
050322 | 050322 | NMED |
050521 | 050521 | NMED |
050614 | 050614 | NMED |
050719 | 050719 | NMED |
050818 | 050818 | NMED |
050917 | 050917 | NMED |
051 Q3, Monthly, Weekly 2/Term | 051 Q3, Monthly, Weekly 2/Term | LANL |
051016 | 051016 | NMED |
051215 | 051215 | NMED |
051424 | 051424 | NMED |
051524 | 051524 | NMED |
051623 | 051623 | NMED |
051722 | 051722 | NMED |
052014 | 052014 | NMED |
052119 | 052119 | NMED |
052218 | 052218 | NMED |
052317 | 052317 | NMED |
052416 | 052416 | NMED |
052715 | 052715 | NMED |
052721 | 052721 | NMED |
052824 | 052824 | NMED |
052924 | 052924 | NMED |
052924a | 052924a | NMED |
053023 | 053023 | NMED |
053024 | 053024 | NMED |
053024a | 053024a | NMED |
053122 | 053122 | NMED |
060220 | 060220 | NMED |
060314 | 060314 | NMED |
060419 | 060419 | NMED |
060518 | 060518 | NMED |
060617 | 060617 | NMED |
060716 | 060716 | NMED |
060915 | 060915 | NMED |
061124 | 061124 | NMED |
061124a | 061124a | NMED |
061124b | 061124b | NMED |
061323 | 061323 | NMED |
061422 | 061422 | NMED |
061620 | 061620 | NMED |
061621 | 061621 | NMED |
061714 | 061714 | NMED |
061819 | 061819 | NMED |
061918 | 061918 | NMED |
062017 | 062017 | NMED |
062116 | 062116 | NMED |
062315 | 062315 | NMED |
062524 | 062524 | NMED |
062723 | 062723 | NMED |
062822 | 062822 | NMED |
063020 | 063020 | NMED |
063021 | 063021 | NMED |
070114 | 070114 | NMED |
070219 | 070219 | NMED |
070318 | 070318 | NMED |
070417 | 070417 | NMED |
070516 | 070516 | NMED |
070715 | 070715 | NMED |
070924 | 070924 | NMED |
071123 | 071123 | NMED |
071221 | 071221 | NMED |
071222 | 071222 | NMED |
071420 | 071420 | NMED |
071514 | 071514 | NMED |
071619 | 071619 | NMED |
071718 | 071718 | NMED |
071817 | 071817 | NMED |
071916 | 071916 | NMED |
072115 | 072115 | NMED |
072324 | 072324 | NMED |
072523 | 072523 | NMED |
072523_2 | 072523_2 | NMED |
072622 | 072622 | NMED |
072623 | 072623 | NMED |
072721 | 072721 | NMED |
072820 | 072820 | NMED |
072914 | 072914 | NMED |
073019 | 073019 | NMED |
073118 | 073118 | NMED |
080117 | 080117 | NMED |
080216 | 080216 | NMED |
080415 | 080415 | NMED |
080520 | 080520 | NMED |
080620 | 080620 | NMED |
080624 | 080624 | NMED |
080823 | 080823 | NMED |
080922 | 080922 | NMED |
080923 | 080923 | NMED |
080923_4 | 080923_4 | NMED |
081020 | 081020 | NMED |
081021 | 081021 | NMED |
081120 | 081120 | NMED |
081214 | 081214 | NMED |
081319 | 081319 | NMED |
081320 | 081320 | NMED |
081418 | 081418 | NMED |
081517 | 081517 | NMED |
081616 | 081616 | NMED |
081720 | 081720 | NMED |
081815 | 081815 | NMED |
082020 | 082020 | NMED |
082024 | 082024 | NMED |
082223 | 082223 | NMED |
082223_2 | 082223_2 | NMED |
082322 | 082322 | NMED |
082420 | 082420 | NMED |
082421 | 082421 | NMED |
082520 | 082520 | NMED |
082614 | 082614 | NMED |
082719 | 082719 | NMED |
082818 | 082818 | NMED |
082820 | 082820 | NMED |
082917 | 082917 | NMED |
083016 | 083016 | NMED |
083120 | 083120 | NMED |
090115 | 090115 | NMED |
090220 | 090220 | NMED |
090324 | 090324 | NMED |
090622 | 090622 | NMED |
090623 | 090623 | NMED |
090820 | 090820 | NMED |
090821 | 090821 | NMED |
090914 | 090914 | LANL |
090914 | 090914 | NMED |
091019 | 091019 | NMED |
091020 | 091020 | NMED |
091118 | 091118 | NMED |
091217 | 091217 | NMED |
091316 | 091316 | NMED |
091420 | 091420 | NMED |
091515 | 091515 | NMED |
091720 | 091720 | NMED |
091724 | 091724 | NMED |
091923 | 091923 | NMED |
092120 | 092120 | NMED |
092121 | 092121 | NMED |
092122 | 092122 | NMED |
092314 | 092314 | NMED |
092420 | 092420 | NMED |
092518 | 092518 | NMED |
092519 | 092519 | NMED |
092617 | 092617 | NMED |
092716 | 092716 | NMED |
092820 | 092820 | NMED |
092915 | 092915 | NMED |
092920 | 092920 | NMED |
1/2 Years | 1/2 Years | LANL |
1/5 Years | 1/5 Years | LANL |
100120 | 100120 | NMED |
100124 | 100124 | NMED |
100323 | 100323 | NMED |
100422 | 100422 | NMED |
100520 | 100520 | NMED |
100521 | 100521 | NMED |
100617 | 100617 | NMED |
100620 | 100620 | NMED |
100714 | 100714 | NMED |
100819 | 100819 | NMED |
100820 | 100820 | NMED |
100918 | 100918 | NMED |
101018 | 101018 | NMED |
101216 | 101216 | NMED |
101315 | 101315 | NMED |
101320 | 101320 | NMED |
101520 | 101520 | NMED |
101723 | 101723 | NMED |
101822 | 101822 | NMED |
101921 | 101921 | NMED |
102020 | 102020 | NMED |
102114 | 102114 | NMED |
102219 | 102219 | NMED |
102220 | 102220 | NMED |
102318 | 102318 | NMED |
102417 | 102417 | NMED |
102516 | 102516 | NMED |
102620 | 102620 | NMED |
102715 | 102715 | NMED |
102920 | 102920 | NMED |
103123 | 103123 | NMED |
110122 | 110122 | NMED |
110220 | 110220 | NMED |
110221 | 110221 | NMED |
110320 | 110320 | NMED |
110414 | 110414 | NMED |
110519 | 110519 | NMED |
110617 | 110617 | NMED |
110618 | 110618 | NMED |
110816 | 110816 | NMED |
111015 | 111015 | NMED |
111423 | 111423 | NMED |
111620 | 111620 | NMED |
111622 | 111622 | NMED |
111721 | 111721 | NMED |
111814 | 111814 | NMED |
111919 | 111919 | NMED |
112017 | 112017 | NMED |
112018 | 112018 | NMED |
112216 | 112216 | NMED |
112415 | 112415 | NMED |
112823 | 112823 | NMED |
112923 | 112923 | NMED |
113021 | 113021 | NMED |
113022 | 113022 | NMED |
120214 | 120214 | NMED |
120319 | 120319 | NMED |
120418 | 120418 | NMED |
120517 | 120517 | NMED |
120523 | 120523 | NMED |
120616 | 120616 | NMED |
120815 | 120815 | NMED |
121217 | 121217 | LANL |
121223 | 121223 | NMED |
121231 | 121231 | LANL |
121322 | 121322 | NMED |
121421 | 121421 | NMED |
121614 | 121614 | NMED |
121719 | 121719 | NMED |
121818 | 121818 | NMED |
121917 | 121917 | NMED |
122016 | 122016 | NMED |
122215 | 122215 | NMED |
122220 | 122220 | NMED |
122623 | 122623 | NMED |
122722 | 122722 | NMED |
122723 | 122723 | NMED |
122821 | 122821 | NMED |
123014 | 123014 | NMED |
123119 | 123119 | NMED |
130114 | 130114 | LANL |
130128 | 130128 | LANL |
130211 | 130211 | LANL |
130225 | 130225 | LANL |
130311 | 130311 | LANL |
130325 | 130325 | LANL |
130408 | 130408 | LANL |
130422 | 130422 | LANL |
130506 | 130506 | LANL |
130520 | 130520 | LANL |
130603 | 130603 | LANL |
130617 | 130617 | LANL |
130701 | 130701 | LANL |
130715 | 130715 | LANL |
130729 | 130729 | LANL |
130812 | 130812 | LANL |
130826 | 130826 | LANL |
130909 | 130909 | LANL |
130923 | 130923 | LANL |
131007 | 131007 | LANL |
131021 | 131021 | LANL |
131104 | 131104 | LANL |
131118 | 131118 | LANL |
131202 | 131202 | LANL |
131216 | 131216 | LANL |
13Q1 | 13Q1 | LANL |
13Q2 | 13Q2 | LANL |
13Q3 | 13Q3 | LANL |
13Q4 | 13Q4 | LANL |
140113 | 140113 | LANL |
140127 | 140127 | LANL |
140210 | 140210 | LANL |
140224 | 140224 | LANL |
140310 | 140310 | LANL |
140324 | 140324 | LANL |
140407 | 140407 | LANL |
140421 | 140421 | LANL |
140505 | 140505 | LANL |
140519 | 140519 | LANL |
140602 | 140602 | LANL |
140616 | 140616 | LANL |
140630 | 140630 | LANL |
140714 | 140714 | LANL |
140728 | 140728 | LANL |
140811 | 140811 | LANL |
140825 | 140825 | LANL |
140908 | 140908 | LANL |
140922 | 140922 | LANL |
141006 | 141006 | LANL |
141020 | 141020 | LANL |
141103 | 141103 | LANL |
141117 | 141117 | LANL |
141201 | 141201 | LANL |
141215 | 141215 | LANL |
14Q1 | 14Q1 | LANL |
14Q1 | 14Q1 | NMED |
14Q2 | 14Q2 | LANL |
14Q2 | 14Q2 | NMED |
14Q3 | 14Q3 | LANL |
14Q3 | 14Q3 | NMED |
14Q4 | 14Q4 | LANL |
14Q4 | 14Q4 | NMED |
150105 | 150105 | LANL |
150119 | 150119 | LANL |
150202 | 150202 | LANL |
150216 | 150216 | LANL |
150302 | 150302 | LANL |
150316 | 150316 | LANL |
150330 | 150330 | LANL |
150413 | 150413 | LANL |
150427 | 150427 | LANL |
150511 | 150511 | LANL |
150525 | 150525 | LANL |
150608 | 150608 | LANL |
150622 | 150622 | LANL |
150706 | 150706 | LANL |
150720 | 150720 | LANL |
150803 | 150803 | LANL |
150817 | 150817 | LANL |
150831 | 150831 | LANL |
150914 | 150914 | LANL |
150928 | 150928 | LANL |
151012 | 151012 | LANL |
151026 | 151026 | LANL |
151109 | 151109 | LANL |
151123 | 151123 | LANL |
151207 | 151207 | LANL |
151221 | 151221 | LANL |
15Q1 | 15Q1 | LANL |
15Q1 | 15Q1 | NMED |
15Q2 | 15Q2 | LANL |
15Q2 | 15Q2 | NMED |
15Q3 | 15Q3 | LANL |
15Q3 | 15Q3 | NMED |
15Q4 | 15Q4 | LANL |
15Q4 | 15Q4 | NMED |
16-26644 December MY2023 Q1 | 16-26644 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
16-26644 December MY2025 Q1 | 16-26644 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
16-26644 May MY2023 Q3 | 16-26644 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
16-26644 MY2022 Q3 | 16-26644 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
16-26644 MY2022 Q4 | 16-26644 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
16-26644 MY2023 Q2 | 16-26644 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
16-26644 MY23 Q4 | 16-26644 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
16-26644 MY24 Q1 | 16-26644 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
16-26644 MY24 Q2 | 16-26644 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
16-26644 MY24 Q3 | 16-26644 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
16-26644 MY24 Q4 | 16-26644 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
16-26644 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | 16-26644 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
16-612309 MY2022 Q4 | 16-612309 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
16-612309 MY2023 Q2 | 16-612309 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
16-612309 MY23 Q4 | 16-612309 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
16-612309 MY24 Q2 | 16-612309 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
16-612309 MY24 Q4 | 16-612309 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
16-612309 surge bed MW Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | 16-612309 surge bed MW Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
16-61439 (PBR Alluvial Seep) MY2023 Q2 | 16-61439 (PBR Alluvial Seep) MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
16-61439 (PRB) Dec MY25 Q1 | 16-61439 (PRB) Dec MY25 Q1 | N3B |
16-61439 MY2022 Q4 | 16-61439 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
16-61439 MY23 Q4 | 16-61439 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
16-61439 MY24 Q2 | 16-61439 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
16-61439 MY24 Q4 | 16-61439 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
16-61439 PRB Alluvial Seep Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | 16-61439 PRB Alluvial Seep Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
160 - Cu | 160 - Cu | LANL |
160104 | 160104 | LANL |
160118 | 160118 | LANL |
160201 | 160201 | LANL |
160215 | 160215 | LANL |
160229 | 160229 | LANL |
160314 | 160314 | LANL |
160328 | 160328 | LANL |
160411 | 160411 | LANL |
160425 | 160425 | LANL |
160509 | 160509 | LANL |
160523 | 160523 | LANL |
160606 | 160606 | LANL |
160620 | 160620 | LANL |
160704 | 160704 | LANL |
160718 | 160718 | LANL |
160801 | 160801 | LANL |
160815 | 160815 | LANL |
160829 | 160829 | LANL |
160912 | 160912 | LANL |
160926 | 160926 | LANL |
161010 | 161010 | LANL |
161024 | 161024 | LANL |
161107 | 161107 | LANL |
161121 | 161121 | LANL |
161205 | 161205 | LANL |
161219 | 161219 | LANL |
16Q1 | 16Q1 | LANL |
16Q2 | 16Q2 | LANL |
16Q2 | 16Q2 | NMED |
16Q3 | 16Q3 | LANL |
16Q3 | 16Q3 | NMED |
16Q4 | 16Q4 | LANL |
16Q4 | 16Q4 | NMED |
170102 | 170102 | LANL |
170116 | 170116 | LANL |
170130 | 170130 | LANL |
170213 | 170213 | LANL |
170227 | 170227 | LANL |
170313 | 170313 | LANL |
170327 | 170327 | LANL |
170410 | 170410 | LANL |
170424 | 170424 | LANL |
170508 | 170508 | LANL |
170522 | 170522 | LANL |
170605 | 170605 | LANL |
170619 | 170619 | LANL |
170703 | 170703 | LANL |
170717 | 170717 | LANL |
170731 | 170731 | LANL |
170814 | 170814 | LANL |
170828 | 170828 | LANL |
170911 | 170911 | LANL |
170925 | 170925 | LANL |
171009 | 171009 | LANL |
171023 | 171023 | LANL |
171106 | 171106 | LANL |
171120 | 171120 | LANL |
171204 | 171204 | LANL |
171218 | 171218 | LANL |
17Q1 | 17Q1 | LANL |
17Q2 | 17Q2 | LANL |
17Q3 | 17Q3 | LANL |
17Q3 | 17Q3 | NMED |
17Q4 | 17Q4 | LANL |
17Q4 | 17Q4 | NMED |
18-MW-18 MY23 Q4 | 18-MW-18 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
18-MW-18 MY24 Q4 | 18-MW-18 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
18-MW-18 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | 18-MW-18 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
180101 | 180101 | LANL |
180115 | 180115 | LANL |
180129 | 180129 | LANL |
180212 | 180212 | LANL |
180226 | 180226 | LANL |
180312 | 180312 | LANL |
180326 | 180326 | LANL |
180409 | 180409 | LANL |
180423 | 180423 | LANL |
180507 | 180507 | LANL |
180521 | 180521 | LANL |
180604 | 180604 | LANL |
180618 | 180618 | LANL |
180702 | 180702 | LANL |
180716 | 180716 | LANL |
180730 | 180730 | LANL |
180813 | 180813 | LANL |
180827 | 180827 | LANL |
180910 | 180910 | LANL |
180924 | 180924 | LANL |
181008 | 181008 | LANL |
181022 | 181022 | LANL |
181105 | 181105 | LANL |
181119 | 181119 | LANL |
181203 | 181203 | LANL |
181217 | 181217 | LANL |
181231 | 181231 | LANL |
18Q1 | 18Q1 | LANL |
18Q1 | 18Q1 | NMED |
18Q2 | 18Q2 | LANL |
18Q2 | 18Q2 | NMED |
18Q3 | 18Q3 | LANL |
18Q3 | 18Q3 | NMED |
18Q4 | 18Q4 | LANL |
18Q4 | 18Q4 | NMED |
190114 | 190114 | LANL |
190128 | 190128 | LANL |
190211 | 190211 | LANL |
190225 | 190225 | LANL |
190311 | 190311 | LANL |
190325 | 190325 | LANL |
190408 | 190408 | LANL |
190422 | 190422 | LANL |
190506 | 190506 | LANL |
190520 | 190520 | LANL |
190603 | 190603 | LANL |
190617 | 190617 | LANL |
190701 | 190701 | LANL |
190715 | 190715 | LANL |
190729 | 190729 | LANL |
190812 | 190812 | LANL |
190826 | 190826 | LANL |
190909 | 190909 | LANL |
190923 | 190923 | LANL |
191007 | 191007 | LANL |
191021 | 191021 | LANL |
191104 | 191104 | LANL |
191118 | 191118 | LANL |
191202 | 191202 | LANL |
191216 | 191216 | LANL |
191230 | 191230 | LANL |
19Q1 | 19Q1 | LANL |
19Q1 | 19Q1 | NMED |
19Q2 | 19Q2 | LANL |
19Q3 | 19Q3 | LANL |
19Q3 | 19Q3 | NMED |
19Q4 | 19Q4 | LANL |
19Q4 | 19Q4 | NMED |
1Q | 1Q | LANL |
1st N3B Campaign, Year 1-MDA C Annual Vapor Moniti | 1st N3B Campaign, Year 1-MDA C Annual Vapor Moniti | N3B |
1st Qtr - FY19 - LANL P&A (Phase 4) - MCO-13 | 1st Qtr - FY19 - LANL P&A (Phase 4) - MCO-13 | LANL |
1st Qtr - FY19 - LANL P&A (Phase 4) - MCO-7.5B | 1st Qtr - FY19 - LANL P&A (Phase 4) - MCO-7.5B | LANL |
1st Qtr - FY19 - LANL P&A (Phase 4) - PCM-3 | 1st Qtr - FY19 - LANL P&A (Phase 4) - PCM-3 | LANL |
1st Qtr FY2018, 54-009, TWF, Poregas Sampling and | 1st Qtr FY2018, 54-009, TWF, Poregas Sampling and | LANL |
200113 | 200113 | LANL |
200127 | 200127 | LANL |
200210 | 200210 | LANL |
200224 | 200224 | LANL |
200309 | 200309 | LANL |
200323 | 200323 | LANL |
200406 | 200406 | LANL |
200420 | 200420 | LANL |
200504 | 200504 | LANL |
200518 | 200518 | LANL |
200601 | 200601 | LANL |
200615 | 200615 | LANL |
200629 | 200629 | LANL |
200713 | 200713 | LANL |
200727 | 200727 | LANL |
200810 | 200810 | LANL |
200824 | 200824 | LANL |
200907 | 200907 | LANL |
200921 | 200921 | LANL |
201005 | 201005 | LANL |
201019 | 201019 | LANL |
201102 | 201102 | LANL |
201116 | 201116 | LANL |
201130 | 201130 | LANL |
201214 | 201214 | LANL |
201228 | 201228 | LANL |
2014 Benthic Macroinvertebrates | 2014 Benthic Macroinvertebrates | LANL |
2014 Cochiti Lake - Fish - NMED Split Samples | 2014 Cochiti Lake - Fish - NMED Split Samples | LANL |
2014 MOU Mortandad/Sandia Q4 General Surveillanc | 2014 MOU Mortandad/Sandia Q4 General Surveillanc | LANL |
2016 SFB DARHT Soil/Sediment/Vegetation Sampling | 2016 SFB DARHT Soil/Sediment/Vegetation Sampling | LANL |
2016 SFB Tissue Analysis | 2016 SFB Tissue Analysis | LANL |
2016Q4 | 2016Q4 | NMED |
2017Q2 | 2017Q2 | NMED |
2018 - Benthic Macroinvertebrate/Meiofauna ID - A | 2018 - Benthic Macroinvertebrate/Meiofauna ID - A | LANL |
2018 - DP 857 - 001 - SWWS Reuse - Qtr. 3 | 2018 - DP 857 - 001 - SWWS Reuse - Qtr. 3 | LANL |
2018 - DP 857 - Sigma Mesa Evaporation Basin | 2018 - DP 857 - Sigma Mesa Evaporation Basin | LANL |
2018 - DP-1589 - Septic Tank - TA-33-0375 | 2018 - DP-1589 - Septic Tank - TA-33-0375 | LANL |
2018 - DP-857 - 001/SWWS Reuse - 4th Qtr. | 2018 - DP-857 - 001/SWWS Reuse - 4th Qtr. | LANL |
2018 - Eggs & Nestlings - DARHT | 2018 - Eggs & Nestlings - DARHT | LANL |
2018 - Eggs & Nestlings - TA-36, TA-16 and TA-39 | 2018 - Eggs & Nestlings - TA-36, TA-16 and TA-39 | LANL |
2018 SFP Programmatic Soil & Vegetation Sampling | 2018 SFP Programmatic Soil & Vegetation Sampling | LANL |
2018 WRC Seds | 2018 WRC Seds | NMED |
2019 - 1st Qtr. - DP-1132 - Effluent Monitoring | 2019 - 1st Qtr. - DP-1132 - Effluent Monitoring | LANL |
2019 - DP-857 - 001/SWWS Reuse - 1st Qtr. | 2019 - DP-857 - 001/SWWS Reuse - 1st Qtr. | LANL |
2019 Annual | 2019 Annual | LANL |
2019 LSW11 QC | 2019 LSW11 QC | NMED |
2019 NPDES Re- | 2019 NPDES Re- | LANL |
2019 NPDES Re-Application | 2019 NPDES Re-Application | LANL |
2019Q2 | 2019Q2 | NMED |
2021 E275 Event2 | 2021 E275 Event2 | NMED |
2021 QC LSW11 | 2021 QC LSW11 | NMED |
2021Q4 | 2021Q4 | NMED |
2022 Field Season | 2022 Field Season | NMED |
2022Q2 | 2022Q2 | NMED |
2022Q3 | 2022Q3 | NMED |
2022Q4 | 2022Q4 | NMED |
2023 | 2023 | NMED |
2023 IP Event 1 | 2023 IP Event 1 | NMED |
2023 IP Event 2 | 2023 IP Event 2 | NMED |
2023Q1 | 2023Q1 | NMED |
2023Q2 | 2023Q2 | NMED |
2023Q3 | 2023Q3 | NMED |
2023Q4 | 2023Q4 | NMED |
2024 IP Event 1 | 2024 IP Event 1 | NMED |
2024 IP Event 2 | 2024 IP Event 2 | NMED |
2024 IP Event 3 | 2024 IP Event 3 | NMED |
2024 IP Event 4 | 2024 IP Event 4 | NMED |
2024 IP Event 5 | 2024 IP Event 5 | NMED |
2024 IP Event 6 | 2024 IP Event 6 | NMED |
2024 IP Event 7 | 2024 IP Event 7 | NMED |
2024Q1 | 2024Q1 | NMED |
2024Q2 | 2024Q2 | NMED |
2025 LSW11 Event 1 | 2025 LSW11 Event 1 | NMED |
2025 LSW11 Event 2 | 2025 LSW11 Event 2 | NMED |
20Q1 | 20Q1 | LANL |
20Q1 | 20Q1 | NMED |
20Q2 | 20Q2 | LANL |
20Q2 | 20Q2 | NMED |
20Q3 | 20Q3 | LANL |
20Q3 | 20Q3 | NMED |
20Q4 | 20Q4 | LANL |
20Q4 | 20Q4 | NMED |
21-25262 | 21-25262 | N3B |
21-25264 | 21-25264 | N3B |
21-603058 | 21-603058 | N3B |
21-603059 | 21-603059 | N3B |
21-607955 | 21-607955 | N3B |
210111 | 210111 | LANL |
210125 | 210125 | LANL |
210208 | 210208 | LANL |
210222 | 210222 | LANL |
210308 | 210308 | LANL |
210322 | 210322 | LANL |
210405 | 210405 | LANL |
210419 | 210419 | LANL |
210503 | 210503 | LANL |
210517 | 210517 | LANL |
210531 | 210531 | LANL |
210614 | 210614 | LANL |
210628 | 210628 | LANL |
210712 | 210712 | LANL |
210726 | 210726 | LANL |
210809 | 210809 | LANL |
210823 | 210823 | LANL |
210906 | 210906 | LANL |
210920 | 210920 | LANL |
211004 | 211004 | LANL |
211018 | 211018 | LANL |
211101 | 211101 | LANL |
211115 | 211115 | LANL |
211129 | 211129 | LANL |
211213 | 211213 | LANL |
211227 | 211227 | LANL |
21Q1 | 21Q1 | LANL |
21Q1 | 21Q1 | NMED |
21Q2 | 21Q2 | LANL |
21Q2 | 21Q2 | NMED |
21Q3 | 21Q3 | LANL |
21Q3 | 21Q3 | NMED |
21Q4 | 21Q4 | LANL |
220110 | 220110 | LANL |
220124 | 220124 | LANL |
220207 | 220207 | LANL |
220221 | 220221 | LANL |
220307 | 220307 | LANL |
220321 | 220321 | LANL |
220404 | 220404 | LANL |
220418 | 220418 | LANL |
220502 | 220502 | LANL |
220516 | 220516 | LANL |
220530 | 220530 | LANL |
220613 | 220613 | LANL |
220627 | 220627 | LANL |
220711 | 220711 | LANL |
220725 | 220725 | LANL |
220808 | 220808 | LANL |
220822 | 220822 | LANL |
220905 | 220905 | LANL |
220919 | 220919 | LANL |
221003 | 221003 | LANL |
221017 | 221017 | LANL |
221031 | 221031 | LANL |
221114 | 221114 | LANL |
221128 | 221128 | LANL |
221212 | 221212 | LANL |
221226 | 221226 | LANL |
229.3 E1 | 229.3 E1 | NMED |
22Q1 | 22Q1 | LANL |
22Q1 | 22Q1 | NMED |
22Q2 | 22Q2 | LANL |
22Q3 | 22Q3 | LANL |
22Q4 | 22Q4 | LANL |
230109 | 230109 | LANL |
230123 | 230123 | LANL |
230206 | 230206 | LANL |
230220 | 230220 | LANL |
230306 | 230306 | LANL |
230320 | 230320 | LANL |
230403 | 230403 | LANL |
230417 | 230417 | LANL |
230501 | 230501 | LANL |
230515 | 230515 | LANL |
230529 | 230529 | LANL |
230612 | 230612 | LANL |
230626 | 230626 | LANL |
230710 | 230710 | LANL |
230724 | 230724 | LANL |
230807 | 230807 | LANL |
230821 | 230821 | LANL |
230904 | 230904 | LANL |
230918 | 230918 | LANL |
231002 | 231002 | LANL |
231016 | 231016 | LANL |
231030 | 231030 | LANL |
231113 | 231113 | LANL |
231127 | 231127 | LANL |
231211 | 231211 | LANL |
231225 | 231225 | LANL |
23Q1 | 23Q1 | LANL |
23Q1_2 | 23Q1_2 | LANL |
23Q2 | 23Q2 | LANL |
23Q3 | 23Q3 | LANL |
23Q4 | 23Q4 | LANL |
240108 | 240108 | LANL |
240122 | 240122 | LANL |
240205 | 240205 | LANL |
240219 | 240219 | LANL |
240304 | 240304 | LANL |
240318 | 240318 | LANL |
240401 | 240401 | LANL |
240415 | 240415 | LANL |
240429 | 240429 | LANL |
240513 | 240513 | LANL |
240527 | 240527 | LANL |
240610 | 240610 | LANL |
240624 | 240624 | LANL |
240708 | 240708 | LANL |
240722 | 240722 | LANL |
240805 | 240805 | LANL |
240819 | 240819 | LANL |
240902 | 240902 | LANL |
240916 | 240916 | LANL |
240930 | 240930 | LANL |
241014 | 241014 | LANL |
241028 | 241028 | LANL |
241111 | 241111 | LANL |
241125 | 241125 | LANL |
241209 | 241209 | LANL |
241223 | 241223 | LANL |
24Q1 | 24Q1 | LANL |
24Q2 | 24Q2 | LANL |
24Q3 | 24Q3 | LANL |
24Q3 | 24Q3 | NMED |
24Q4 | 24Q4 | LANL |
250106 | 250106 | LANL |
250120 | 250120 | LANL |
250203 | 250203 | LANL |
250217 | 250217 | LANL |
250303 | 250303 | LANL |
250317 | 250317 | LANL |
250331 | 250331 | LANL |
25Q1 | 25Q1 | LANL |
265 Event 1 | 265 Event 1 | NMED |
275 Event 1 | 275 Event 1 | NMED |
2M-2-21-E2 | 2M-2-21-E2 | NMED |
2M-2-21-E3 | 2M-2-21-E3 | NMED |
2M-2-21-E4 | 2M-2-21-E4 | NMED |
2M-SMA-2 | 2M-SMA-2 | NMED |
2M2-21-E1 | 2M2-21-E1 | NMED |
2nd Qtr FY2018, 54-009, TWF, Poregas Sampling and | 2nd Qtr FY2018, 54-009, TWF, Poregas Sampling and | LANL |
2nd Sampling | 2nd Sampling | LANL |
3 Mile Canyon Aggregate Area - 15-010(b) | 3 Mile Canyon Aggregate Area - 15-010(b) | N3B |
3 Mile Waste (Soil) 15-010(b) | 3 Mile Waste (Soil) 15-010(b) | N3B |
3 Mile Waste (Water) 15-010(b) | 3 Mile Waste (Water) 15-010(b) | N3B |
315 - 346 Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | 315 - 346 Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | N3B |
347 - 400 Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | 347 - 400 Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | N3B |
3489 - Apodaca - TA-60 Evap Ponds | 3489 - Apodaca - TA-60 Evap Ponds | LANL |
379 - 400 Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | 379 - 400 Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | N3B |
3852 - Meadows - TA-3 | 3852 - Meadows - TA-3 | LANL |
3rd Qtr FY2018, 54-009, TWF, Poregas Sampling and | 3rd Qtr FY2018, 54-009, TWF, Poregas Sampling and | LANL |
3rd Sampling | 3rd Sampling | LANL |
401 - 427 Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | 401 - 427 Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | N3B |
4th Qtr. FY16 - Well Maintenance - R- 28 Decon Wat | 4th Qtr. FY16 - Well Maintenance - R- 28 Decon Wat | LANL |
4th Qtr. FY16 - Well Maintenance - R- 28 Purge Wat | 4th Qtr. FY16 - Well Maintenance - R- 28 Purge Wat | LANL |
4th quarter FY 18. Sampling TA-39 PCB soil spil | 4th quarter FY 18. Sampling TA-39 PCB soil spil | LANL |
50.1 Event 4 | 50.1 Event 4 | NMED |
54-006 - MDA L | 54-006 - MDA L | N3B |
60.1 20 E1 | 60.1 20 E1 | NMED |
60.1 21 E1 | 60.1 21 E1 | NMED |
90s Line Pond | 90s Line Pond | N3B |
A-3 | A-3 | N3B |
ACID-2.1-21-E2 | ACID-2.1-21-E2 | NMED |
Additional | Additional | LANL |
Additional MDPR Nature and Extent | Additional MDPR Nature and Extent | N3B |
Additional QC Samples | Additional QC Samples | LANL |
AIRNET 13Q1 Composite | AIRNET 13Q1 Composite | LANL |
AIRNET 2017 Q1 | AIRNET 2017 Q1 | NMED |
Ancho @ RG | Ancho @ RG | N3B |
Ancho at Rio Grande MY2023 Q1 | Ancho at Rio Grande MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Ancho at Rio Grande MY24 Q1 | Ancho at Rio Grande MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Ancho Spring MY2023 Q1 | Ancho Spring MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Ancho Spring MY24 Q1 | Ancho Spring MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Annual | Annual | LANL |
Annual 2025 | Annual 2025 | LANL |
Annual CY22 | Annual CY22 | LANL |
Annual CY23 | Annual CY23 | LANL |
Annual CY24 | Annual CY24 | LANL |
Annual CY25 | Annual CY25 | LANL |
Annual Site Env. Report - Sampling & Sediment Moni | Annual Site Env. Report - Sampling & Sediment Moni | LANL |
Annual Site Env. Report Sampling & Sediment Monito | Annual Site Env. Report Sampling & Sediment Monito | LANL |
Annual Site Environmental Report Sampling & Sedime | Annual Site Environmental Report Sampling & Sedime | LANL |
AOC 03-003(p) iteration 2 | AOC 03-003(p) iteration 2 | N3B |
AOC 03-051(a) Additional Sampling | AOC 03-051(a) Additional Sampling | N3B |
AOC 15-008(g) Threemile Phase II MY22 | AOC 15-008(g) Threemile Phase II MY22 | N3B |
Apr 2022 | Apr 2022 | LANL |
Apr 2023 | Apr 2023 | LANL |
Apr 2024 | Apr 2024 | LANL |
Apr-24 | Apr-24 | LANL |
April | April | LANL |
April 2024 | April 2024 | LANL |
April 2025 | April 2025 | LANL |
Area G Tritium Study | Area G Tritium Study | LANL |
Area G Tritium Study - Whicker | Area G Tritium Study - Whicker | LANL |
Area G Trituim Study - 2015 | Area G Trituim Study - 2015 | LANL |
ASER FY23 | ASER FY23 | N3B |
ASER FY24 | ASER FY24 | N3B |
ASER FY25 | ASER FY25 | N3B |
Atm Dep 17 Q4 | Atm Dep 17 Q4 | NMED |
Atm Dep 18 Q1 | Atm Dep 18 Q1 | NMED |
Atm Dep 18 Q2 | Atm Dep 18 Q2 | NMED |
Atm Dep 18 Q3 | Atm Dep 18 Q3 | NMED |
Atm Dep 18 Q4 | Atm Dep 18 Q4 | NMED |
Atm Dep 19 Q1 | Atm Dep 19 Q1 | NMED |
Atm Dep 23 Q2 | Atm Dep 23 Q2 | NMED |
Atm Dep 23 Q3 | Atm Dep 23 Q3 | NMED |
Atm Dep 24 Q1 | Atm Dep 24 Q1 | NMED |
Atm Dep 24 Q2 | Atm Dep 24 Q2 | NMED |
AtmDep 19Q3 | AtmDep 19Q3 | NMED |
AtmDep 19Q4 | AtmDep 19Q4 | NMED |
AtmDep 20Q3 | AtmDep 20Q3 | NMED |
AtmDep 21Q1and2 | AtmDep 21Q1and2 | NMED |
AtmDep 21Q3 | AtmDep 21Q3 | NMED |
AtmDep 22Q3 | AtmDep 22Q3 | NMED |
AtmDep_20Q2 | AtmDep_20Q2 | NMED |
AtmDep19Q2 | AtmDep19Q2 | NMED |
AtmDep20Q4 | AtmDep20Q4 | NMED |
Aug 2022 | Aug 2022 | LANL |
Aug 2023 | Aug 2023 | LANL |
Aug 2024 | Aug 2024 | LANL |
Aug-24 | Aug-24 | LANL |
August | August | LANL |
August 2024 | August 2024 | LANL |
August 2025 | August 2025 | LANL |
Background | Background | LANL |
BAL 17 | BAL 17 | NMED |
Bcorn 20 | Bcorn 20 | NMED |
Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant - 4/19/17 | Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant - 4/19/17 | LANL |
Benthic macroinvertebrate and meiofauna | Benthic macroinvertebrate and meiofauna | LANL |
Benthic Macroinvertebrate ID - Hydrology Protocol | Benthic Macroinvertebrate ID - Hydrology Protocol | LANL |
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling 2021 | Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling 2021 | NMED |
Benthic Macroinvertebrate/Meiofauna ID - Aquatic L | Benthic Macroinvertebrate/Meiofauna ID - Aquatic L | LANL |
Beryllium Assessment - Soil Sampling - TA-40-15 | Beryllium Assessment - Soil Sampling - TA-40-15 | LANL |
Between E252 and Water at Beta MY2022 Q4 | Between E252 and Water at Beta MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Between E252 and Water at Beta MY2023 Q2 | Between E252 and Water at Beta MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
Between E252 and Water at Beta MY23 Q4 | Between E252 and Water at Beta MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Between E252 and Water at Beta MY24 Q2 | Between E252 and Water at Beta MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Between E252 and Water at Beta MY24 Q4 | Between E252 and Water at Beta MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Between E252 and Water at Beta Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | Between E252 and Water at Beta Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
Biennial | Biennial | LANL |
Bileen - Soil - TA-15 Waste | Bileen - Soil - TA-15 Waste | LANL |
Bileen - TA-15 Waste | Bileen - TA-15 Waste | LANL |
Bileen - TA-36 - Absorbant w/Hydraulic Fluid | Bileen - TA-36 - Absorbant w/Hydraulic Fluid | LANL |
Bileen - TA-36 - Water/Resin | Bileen - TA-36 - Water/Resin | LANL |
Bileen - TA-36 Waste | Bileen - TA-36 Waste | LANL |
Bileen - TA-40 Waste | Bileen - TA-40 Waste | LANL |
BIO 6/25 | BIO 6/25 | NMED |
Black Mesa Well 2 December MY2023 Q1 | Black Mesa Well 2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Black Mesa Well 2 December MY2025 Q1 | Black Mesa Well 2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
Black Mesa Well 2 December MY24 Q1 | Black Mesa Well 2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Black Mesa Well December MY2023 Q1 | Black Mesa Well December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Black Mesa Well December MY2025 Q1 | Black Mesa Well December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
Black Mesa Well December MY24 Q1 | Black Mesa Well December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Blauert - PCB Congener Sampling - TA-3 | Blauert - PCB Congener Sampling - TA-3 | LANL |
Blauert - TA-3 SERF Plant | Blauert - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
BUCK-21 | BUCK-21 | NMED |
BUCK_Jun_20 | BUCK_Jun_20 | NMED |
Buck2019Q2 | Buck2019Q2 | NMED |
Buckman 1 April MY2023 Q3 | Buckman 1 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
Buckman 1 December MY2023 Q1 | Buckman 1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Buckman 1 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 1 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 1 June MY2022 Q3 | Buckman 1 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
Buckman 1 March Aquifer Test MY2022 | Buckman 1 March Aquifer Test MY2022 | N3B |
Buckman 1 March MY24 Q2 | Buckman 1 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 1 Sept MY24 Q4 | Buckman 1 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Buckman 1 September MY2022 Q4 | Buckman 1 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Buckman 1 September MY23 Q4 | Buckman 1 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Buckman 1_Week 2_March Aquifer Test MY2022 | Buckman 1_Week 2_March Aquifer Test MY2022 | N3B |
Buckman 1_Week 4_March Aquifer Test MY2022 | Buckman 1_Week 4_March Aquifer Test MY2022 | N3B |
Buckman 1_Week1_March Aquifer Test MY2022 | Buckman 1_Week1_March Aquifer Test MY2022 | N3B |
Buckman 10 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 10 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 11 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 11 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 12 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 12 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 13 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 13 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 2 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 2 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 3a Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 3a Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 4 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 4 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 5 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 5 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 6 April MY2023 Q3 | Buckman 6 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
Buckman 6 December MY2023 Q1 | Buckman 6 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Buckman 6 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 6 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 6 June MY2022 Q3 | Buckman 6 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
Buckman 6 March MY24 Q2 | Buckman 6 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 6 Sept MY24 Q4 | Buckman 6 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Buckman 6 September MY2022 Q4 | Buckman 6 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Buckman 6 September MY23 Q4 | Buckman 6 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Buckman 7R Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 7R Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 8 April MY2023 Q3 | Buckman 8 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
Buckman 8 December MY2023 Q1 | Buckman 8 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Buckman 8 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 8 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 8 June MY2022 Q3 | Buckman 8 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
Buckman 8 March MY24 Q2 | Buckman 8 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman 8 May Aquifer Test MY2022 | Buckman 8 May Aquifer Test MY2022 | N3B |
Buckman 8 Sept MY24 Q4 | Buckman 8 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Buckman 8 September MY2022 Q4 | Buckman 8 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Buckman 8 September MY23 Q4 | Buckman 8 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Buckman 8_Week 1_May Aquifer Test MY2022 | Buckman 8_Week 1_May Aquifer Test MY2022 | N3B |
Buckman 8_Week 2_May Aquifer Test MY2022 | Buckman 8_Week 2_May Aquifer Test MY2022 | N3B |
Buckman 8_Week 4_May Aquifer Test MY2022 | Buckman 8_Week 4_May Aquifer Test MY2022 | N3B |
Buckman 9 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman 9 Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman NW Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | Buckman NW Feb Aquifer Test MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
Buckman08 MY2015 Q1 | Buckman08 MY2015 Q1 | LANL |
buckman2020 | buckman2020 | NMED |
Bucky 22 | Bucky 22 | NMED |
Building 257 Roof | Building 257 Roof | N3B |
Bulldog Spring Dec MY25 Q1 | Bulldog Spring Dec MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Bulldog Spring MY2022 Q4 | Bulldog Spring MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Bulldog Spring MY2023 Q2 | Bulldog Spring MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
Bulldog Spring MY23 Q4 | Bulldog Spring MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Bulldog Spring MY24 Q2 | Bulldog Spring MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Bulldog Spring MY24 Q4 | Bulldog Spring MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Bulldog Spring Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | Bulldog Spring Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
Burning Ground Spring Dec MY25 Q1 | Burning Ground Spring Dec MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Burning Ground Spring MY2022 Q4 | Burning Ground Spring MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Burning Ground Spring MY2023 Q2 | Burning Ground Spring MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
Burning Ground Spring MY23 Q4 | Burning Ground Spring MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Burning Ground Spring MY24 Q2 | Burning Ground Spring MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Burning Ground Spring MY24 Q4 | Burning Ground Spring MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Burning Ground Spring Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | Burning Ground Spring Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CACompC Inv | CACompC Inv | N3B |
CAM3 Sample 1 | CAM3 Sample 1 | N3B |
CAM3 Sample 2 | CAM3 Sample 2 | N3B |
CAM3-2 Sample 1 | CAM3-2 Sample 1 | N3B |
CAM3-2 Sample 2 | CAM3-2 Sample 2 | N3B |
CAM3-3 Sample 2 | CAM3-3 Sample 2 | N3B |
CAM5 Sample 1 | CAM5 Sample 1 | N3B |
CAM5 Sample 2 | CAM5 Sample 2 | N3B |
CAM5-2 Sample 1 | CAM5-2 Sample 1 | N3B |
CAM5-2 Sample 2 | CAM5-2 Sample 2 | N3B |
CAM5-3 Sample 1 | CAM5-3 Sample 1 | N3B |
CAM5-3 Sample 2 | CAM5-3 Sample 2 | N3B |
Cañon de Valle below MDA P MY2022 Q4 | Cañon de Valle below MDA P MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Canon de Valle below MDA P MY2023 Q2 | Canon de Valle below MDA P MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
Canon de Valle below MDA P MY23 Q4 | Canon de Valle below MDA P MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Canon de Valle below MDA P MY24 Q2 | Canon de Valle below MDA P MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Canon de Valle below MDA P MY24 Q4 | Canon de Valle below MDA P MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Canon de Valle below MDA P Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | Canon de Valle below MDA P Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CAPAApr21 | CAPAApr21 | NMED |
Carbon Sampling - TA-16 | Carbon Sampling - TA-16 | LANL |
Carbon Sampling - TA-46 | Carbon Sampling - TA-46 | LANL |
CAWA 20Q2 | CAWA 20Q2 | NMED |
cawa 25 Q1 | cawa 25 Q1 | NMED |
CAWA-22- | CAWA-22- | NMED |
CAWA-23 | CAWA-23 | NMED |
CAWA_20_Q4 | CAWA_20_Q4 | NMED |
CAWR 18 Q1 | CAWR 18 Q1 | NMED |
CCAA Phase III AOC C-33-001 Iteration 1 | CCAA Phase III AOC C-33-001 Iteration 1 | N3B |
CCAA Phase III AOC 33-001 Iteration 1 | CCAA Phase III AOC 33-001 Iteration 1 | N3B |
CCAA Phase III AOC C-33-001 | CCAA Phase III AOC C-33-001 | N3B |
CCAA Phase III AOC C-33-001 Iteration 1 | Chaquehui Phase III AOC C-33-001 Iteration 1 | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-001(a) | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-001(a) | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-002(a-e) Rock Samples | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-002(a-e) Rock Samples | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-004(a) | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-004(a) | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-004(a) Iteration 1 | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-004(a) Iteration 1 | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-004(i) | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-004(i) | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-006(a) | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-006(a) | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-006(a) Iteration 1 | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-006(a) Iteration 1 | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-008(c) | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-008(c) | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-011(a) | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-011(a) | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-012(a) | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-012(a) | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-012(a) Additional Sampling | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-012(a) Additional Sampling | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-017 | CCAA Phase III SWMU 33-017 | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU MDA K Vapor - Silica Sample | CCAA Phase III SWMU MDA K Vapor - Silica Sample | N3B |
CCAA Phase III SWMU MDA K Vapor Samples | CCAA Phase III SWMU MDA K Vapor Samples | N3B |
CCAA Phase III Waste Characterization TA-33 | CCAA Phase III Waste Characterization TA-33 | N3B |
CCAA Phase III Waste Characterization TA-33 (2) | CCAA Phase III Waste Characterization TA-33 (2) | N3B |
CCAA Phase III Waste Characterization TA-33 (3) | CCAA Phase III Waste Characterization TA-33 (3) | N3B |
CDB-SMA-1 21 E1 | CDB-SMA-1 21 E1 | NMED |
CDB-SMA-1 21 E2 | CDB-SMA-1 21 E2 | NMED |
CDBO-6 July MY2023 Q4 | CDBO-6 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
CDBO-6 July MY22 Q4 | CDBO-6 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
CDBO-6 MY24 Q4 | CDBO-6 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02656 MY2022 Q4 | CdV-16-02656 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02656 MY2023 Q2 | CdV-16-02656 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-02656 MY23 Q4 | CdV-16-02656 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02656 MY24 Q2 | CdV-16-02656 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-02656 MY24 Q4 | CdV-16-02656 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02656 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CdV-16-02656 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-02657r Dec MY25 Q1 | CdV-16-02657r Dec MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-02657r MY2022 Q4 | CdV-16-02657r MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02657r MY2023 Q2 | CdV-16-02657r MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-02657r MY23 Q4 | CdV-16-02657r MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02657r MY24 Q2 | CdV-16-02657r MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-02657r MY24 Q4 | CdV-16-02657r MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02657r Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CdV-16-02657r Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-02659 MY2022 Q4 | CdV-16-02659 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02659 MY2023 Q2 | CdV-16-02659 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-02659 MY23 Q4 | CdV-16-02659 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02659 MY24 Q2 | CdV-16-02659 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-02659 MY24 Q4 | CdV-16-02659 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-02659 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CdV-16-02659 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) BIN ID 89109-40864 MY2023 | CdV-16-1(i) BIN ID 89109-40864 MY2023 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) December MY2023 Q1 | CdV-16-1(i) December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) December MY2025 Q1 | CdV-16-1(i) December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) May MY2023 Q3 | CdV-16-1(i) May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) MY2022 Q3 | CdV-16-1(i) MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) MY2022 Q4 | CdV-16-1(i) MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) MY2023 Q2 | CdV-16-1(i) MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) MY23 Q4 | CdV-16-1(i) MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) MY24 Q1 | CdV-16-1(i) MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) MY24 Q2 | CdV-16-1(i) MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) MY24 Q3 | CdV-16-1(i) MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-16-1(i) MY24 Q4 | CdV-16-1(i) MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CDV-16-1(i) Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CDV-16-1(i) Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r December MY2023 Q1 | CdV-16-2(i)r December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r December MY2025 Q1 | CdV-16-2(i)r December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r May MY2023 Q3 | CdV-16-2(i)r May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r MY2022 Q3 | CdV-16-2(i)r MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r MY2022 Q4 | CdV-16-2(i)r MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r MY2023 Q2 | CdV-16-2(i)r MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r MY23 Q4 | CdV-16-2(i)r MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r MY24 Q1 | CdV-16-2(i)r MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r MY24 Q2 | CdV-16-2(i)r MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r MY24 Q3 | CdV-16-2(i)r MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-16-2(i)r MY24 Q4 | CdV-16-2(i)r MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CDV-16-2(i)r Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CDV-16-2(i)r Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 December MY2023 Q1 | CdV-16-4ip S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 December MY2025 Q1 | CdV-16-4ip S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 May MY2023 Q3 | CdV-16-4ip S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 MY2022 Q3 | CdV-16-4ip S1 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 MY2022 Q4 | CdV-16-4ip S1 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 MY2023 Q2 | CdV-16-4ip S1 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 MY23 Q4 | CdV-16-4ip S1 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 MY24 Q1 | CdV-16-4ip S1 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 MY24 Q2 | CdV-16-4ip S1 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 MY24 Q3 | CdV-16-4ip S1 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-16-4ip S1 MY24 Q4 | CdV-16-4ip S1 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CDV-16-4ip S1 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CDV-16-4ip S1 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-611923 Dec MY25 Q1 | CdV-16-611923 Dec MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-611923 MY2022 Q4 | CdV-16-611923 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-611923 MY2023 Q2 | CdV-16-611923 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-611923 MY23 Q4 | CdV-16-611923 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-611923 MY24 Q2 | CdV-16-611923 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-611923 MY24 Q4 | CdV-16-611923 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-611923 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CdV-16-611923 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-611937 Dec MY25 Q1 | CdV-16-611937 Dec MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-16-611937 MY2022 Q4 | CdV-16-611937 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-611937 MY2023 Q2 | CdV-16-611937 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-611937 MY23 Q4 | CdV-16-611937 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-611937 MY24 Q2 | CdV-16-611937 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-16-611937 MY24 Q4 | CdV-16-611937 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-16-611937 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CdV-16-611937 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-37-1(i) MY2022 Q3 | CdV-37-1(i) MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-37-1(i) MY2022 Q4 | CdV-37-1(i) MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-37-1(i) MY2023 Q2 | CdV-37-1(i) MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-37-1(i) MY23 Q4 | CdV-37-1(i) MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-37-1(i) MY24 Q2 | CdV-37-1(i) MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-37-1(i) MY24 Q4 | CdV-37-1(i) MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CDV-37-1(i) Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CDV-37-1(i) Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 December MY2023 Q1 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 May MY2023 Q3 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY2022 Q3 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY2022 Q4 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY2023 Q2 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY23 Q4 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY24 Q1 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY24 Q2 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY24 Q3 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY24 Q4 | CdV-9-1(i) S1 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CDV-9-1(i) S1 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CDV-9-1(i) S1 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-9-1i Historical Waste Mud Pit Water 550-050, 5 | CdV-9-1i Historical Waste Mud Pit Water 550-050, 5 | N3B |
CdV-9-1i S1 December MY2025 Q1 | CdV-9-1i S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY2022 Q4 | CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY2023 Q2 | CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY23 Q4 | CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY24 Q2 | CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY24 Q4 | CdV-R-15-3 S4 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CDV-R-15-3 S4 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CDV-R-15-3 S4 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-R-37-2 S2 MY2023 Q2 | CdV-R-37-2 S2 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CdV-R-37-2 S2 MY24 Q2 | CdV-R-37-2 S2 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CDV-R-37-2 S2 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | CDV-R-37-2 S2 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
CDV-SMA-2.42 | CDV-SMA-2.42 | NMED |
CDV/Water 2020 | CDV/Water 2020 | NMED |
CdVWater2018Q2 | CdVWater2018Q2 | NMED |
CdVWaterQ42018 | CdVWaterQ42018 | NMED |
CFC_Q1Q2_2019 | CFC_Q1Q2_2019 | NMED |
CFC_Q3_2019 | CFC_Q3_2019 | NMED |
chile 20 | chile 20 | NMED |
CHQ @ RG | CHQ @ RG | N3B |
CHQ-1.03-2021-E1 | CHQ-1.03-2021-E1 | NMED |
Chromium Project Area | Chromium Project Area | N3B |
CMP liquid sample May 2024 | CMP liquid sample May 2024 | N3B |
CMP Overburden Sampling | CMP Overburden Sampling | N3B |
Cochiti Reservoir | Cochiti Reservoir | N3B |
Cooling Tower/Boiler Water - Garcia - TA-3 | Cooling Tower/Boiler Water - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
cota t 20 | cota t 20 | NMED |
Coyote/Deer | Coyote/Deer | LANL |
CrEX & CrIN January 2025 | CrEX & CrIN January 2025 | N3B |
CrEX amd CrIN July 2024 | CrEX amd CrIN July 2024 | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN April 2024 | CrEX and CrIN April 2024 | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN Aug 2024 | CrEX and CrIN Aug 2024 | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN Febuary 2024 | CrEX and CrIN Febuary 2024 | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN June 2024 | CrEX and CrIN June 2024 | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN March 2024 | CrEX and CrIN March 2024 | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN May 2024 | CrEX and CrIN May 2024 | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN Monthly Sampling | CrEX and CrIN Monthly Sampling | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN November 2024 | CrEX and CrIN November 2024 | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN October 2024 | CrEX and CrIN October 2024 | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN Sampling | CrEX and CrIN SAmpling | N3B |
CrEX and CrIN Sept 2024 | CrEX and CrIN Sept 2024 | N3B |
CrEX Cr Isotopes | CrEX Cr Isotopes | N3B |
CrEX December 2024 | CrEX December 2024 | N3B |
CrEX Monthly Sampling | CrEX Monthly Sampling | N3B |
CrEX Monthly Sampling Oct-Mar | CrEX Monthly Sampling Oct-Mar | N3B |
CrEX November 2024 | CrEX November 2024 | N3B |
CrEX Sampling April-May | CrEX Sampling April-May | N3B |
CrEX Sampling Dec-Jan | CrEX Sampling Dec-Jan | N3B |
CrEX Sampling Oct-Dec | CrEX Sampling Oct-Dec | N3B |
CrEX-1 Startup | CrEX-1 Startup | N3B |
CrEX-2-5-15-17 | CrEX-2-5-15-17 | NMED |
CrEX-4 Dec2018 | CrEX-4 Dec2018 | NMED |
CrEX123_24hQ319 | CrEX123_24hQ319 | NMED |
CrEX3 Q4 2018 | CrEX3 Q4 2018 | NMED |
CrEXwells 19Q3 | CrEXwells 19Q3 | NMED |
CrFeb21 | CrFeb21 | NMED |
CrIN & CrEX Sampling | CrIN & CrEX Sampling | N3B |
CrIN-6 11/17 | CrIN-6 11/17 | NMED |
CRIN-6 Aq Test | CRIN-6 Aq Test | NMED |
CrPZ 18 Q2 | CrPZ 18 Q2 | NMED |
CrPZ Sampling at Various CVs | FY2018 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 April MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-1 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 August MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-1 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-1 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 December MY2025 Q1 | CrPZ-1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 December MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 Feb MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 February MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 Jan MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 January MY2023 Q2 | CrPZ-1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 January MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 Jul MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-1 Jul MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 July MY22 Q4 | CrPZ-1 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 July MY23 Q4 | CrPZ-1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 June MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-1 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 March MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-1 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-1 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 May MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 May MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 May MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 Nov MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 Nov MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 November MY2023 Q1 | CrPZ-1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 Oct MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-1 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 October MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-1 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-1 Sept MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-1 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a April MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-2a April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a August MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-2a August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-2a Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a December MY2025 Q1 | CrPZ-2a December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a December MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-2a December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a Feb MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-2a Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a February MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-2a February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a Jan MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-2a Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a January MY2023 Q2 | CrPZ-2a January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a January MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-2a January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a July MY22 Q4 | CrPZ-2a July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a July MY23 Q4 | CrPZ-2a July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a July MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-2a July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a June MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-2a June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a March MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-2a March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-2a May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a May MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-2a May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a May MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-2a May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a May MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-2a May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a Nov MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-2a Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a Nov MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-2a Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a November MY2023 Q1 | CrPZ-2a November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a Oct MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-2a Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a October MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-2a October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-2a Sept MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-2a Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 April MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-3 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 August MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-3 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-3 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 December MY2025 Q1 | CrPZ-3 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 December MYY24 Q1 | CrPZ-3 December MYY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 Feb MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-3 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 February MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-3 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 Jan MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-3 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 January MY2023 Q2 | CrPZ-3 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 January MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-3 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 July MY22 Q4 | CrPZ-3 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 July MY23 Q4 | CrPZ-3 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 July MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-3 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 June MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-3 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 March MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-3 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-3 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 May MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-3 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 May MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-3 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 May MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-3 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 Nov MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-3 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 Nov MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-3 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 November MY2023 Q1 | CrPZ-3 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 Oct MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-3 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 October MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-3 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-3 Sept MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-3 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 April MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-4 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 August MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-4 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-4 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 December MY2025 Q1 | CrPZ-4 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 December MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-4 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 Feb MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-4 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 February MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-4 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 Jan MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-4 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 January MY2023 Q2 | CrPZ-4 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 January MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-4 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 July MY22 Q4 | CrPZ-4 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 July MY23 Q4 | CrPZ-4 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 July MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-4 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 June MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-4 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 March MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-4 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 May April MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-4 May April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-4 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 May MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-4 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 May MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-4 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 Nov MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-4 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 Nov MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-4 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 November MY2023 Q1 | CrPZ-4 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 Oct MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-4 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 October MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-4 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-4 Sept MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-4 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 April MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-5 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 August MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-5 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-5 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 December MY2025 Q1 | CrPZ-5 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 December MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-5 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 Feb MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-5 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 February MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-5 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 Jan MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-5 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 January MY2023 Q2 | CrPZ-5 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 January MY2025 Q2 | CrPZ-5 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 July MY22 Q4 | CrPZ-5 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 July MY23 Q4 | CrPZ-5 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 July MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-5 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 June MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-5 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 March MY24 Q2 | CrPZ-5 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-5 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 May MY2023 Q3 | CrPZ-5 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 May MY22 Q3 | CrPZ-5 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 May MY24 Q3 | CrPZ-5 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 Nov MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-5 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 Nov MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-5 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 November MY2023 Q1 | CrPZ-5 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 Oct MY25 Q1 | CrPZ-5 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 October MY24 Q1 | CrPZ-5 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
CrPZ-5 Sept MY24 Q4 | CrPZ-5 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
CrPZ-5_March Extended Purge Sampling MY2022 Q2 | CrPZ-5_March Extended Purge Sampling MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
CrPZ22019Q2 | CrPZ22019Q2 | NMED |
CrTreatQ42018 | CrTreatQ42018 | NMED |
CrTrEff Q2 2019 | CrTrEff Q2 2019 | NMED |
CrWells2018Q3 | CrWells2018Q3 | NMED |
CTUA Pre-Filter | CTUA Pre-Filter | N3B |
CTUA Filters | CTUA Filters | N3B |
CTUB Sampling | CTUB Sampling | N3B |
CY20 Q1 | CY20 Q1 | LANL |
CY20 Q2 | CY20 Q2 | LANL |
CY20 Q3 | CY20 Q3 | LANL |
CY20 Q4 | CY20 Q4 | LANL |
CY2019 Q1 | CY2019 Q1 | LANL |
CY2019 Q2 | CY2019 Q2 | LANL |
CY2019 Q3 | CY2019 Q3 | LANL |
CY2019 Q4 | CY2019 Q4 | LANL |
CY2020 Q1 | CY2020 Q1 | LANL |
CY2020 Q2 | CY2020 Q2 | LANL |
CY2020 Q3 | CY2020 Q3 | LANL |
CY2020 Q4 | CY2020 Q4 | LANL |
CY2024 | CY2024 | LANL |
CY21 | CY21 | LANL |
CY21 Week 14 | CY21 Week 14 | LANL |
CY21 Week 15 | CY21 Week 15 | LANL |
CY21 Week 16 | CY21 Week 16 | LANL |
CY21 Week 17 | CY21 Week 17 | LANL |
CY21 Week 18 | CY21 Week 18 | LANL |
CY21 Week 19 | CY21 Week 19 | LANL |
CY21 Week 20 | CY21 Week 20 | LANL |
CY21 Week 21 | CY21 Week 21 | LANL |
CY21 Week 22 | CY21 Week 22 | LANL |
CY21 Week 23 | CY21 Week 23 | LANL |
CY21 Week 24 | CY21 Week 24 | LANL |
CY21 Week 25 | CY21 Week 25 | LANL |
CY21 Week 26 | CY21 Week 26 | LANL |
CY21 Week 27 | CY21 Week 27 | LANL |
CY21 Week 28 | CY21 Week 28 | LANL |
CY21 Week 29 | CY21 Week 29 | LANL |
CY21 Week 30 | CY21 Week 30 | LANL |
CY21 Week 31 | CY21 Week 31 | LANL |
CY21 Week 32 | CY21 Week 32 | LANL |
CY21 Week 33 | CY21 Week 33 | LANL |
CY21 Week 34 | CY21 Week 34 | LANL |
CY21 Week 35 | CY21 Week 35 | LANL |
CY21 Week 36 | CY21 Week 36 | LANL |
CY21 Week 37 | CY21 Week 37 | LANL |
CY21 Week 38 | CY21 Week 38 | LANL |
CY21 Week 39 | CY21 Week 39 | LANL |
CY21 Week 40 | CY21 Week 40 | LANL |
CY21 Week 41 | CY21 Week 41 | LANL |
CY21 Week 42 | CY21 Week 42 | LANL |
CY21 Week 43 | CY21 Week 43 | LANL |
CY21 Week 45 | CY21 Week 45 | LANL |
CY22 Semi-Annual 1 | CY22 Semi-Annual 1 | LANL |
CY22 Semi-Annual 2 | CY22 Semi-Annual 2 | LANL |
CY22 Week 1 | CY22 Week 1 | LANL |
CY22 Week 10 | CY22 Week 10 | LANL |
CY22 Week 11 | CY22 Week 11 | LANL |
CY22 Week 12 | CY22 Week 12 | LANL |
CY22 Week 13 | CY22 Week 13 | LANL |
CY22 Week 14 | CY22 Week 14 | LANL |
CY22 Week 15 | CY22 Week 15 | LANL |
CY22 Week 16 | CY22 Week 16 | LANL |
CY22 Week 17 | CY22 Week 17 | LANL |
CY22 Week 18 | CY22 Week 18 | LANL |
CY22 Week 19 | CY22 Week 19 | LANL |
CY22 Week 2 | CY22 Week 2 | LANL |
CY22 Week 20 | CY22 Week 20 | LANL |
CY22 Week 21 | CY22 Week 21 | LANL |
CY22 Week 22 | CY22 Week 22 | LANL |
CY22 Week 23 | CY22 Week 23 | LANL |
CY22 Week 24 | CY22 Week 24 | LANL |
CY22 Week 25 | CY22 Week 25 | LANL |
CY22 Week 26 | CY22 Week 26 | LANL |
CY22 Week 27 | CY22 Week 27 | LANL |
CY22 Week 28 | CY22 Week 28 | LANL |
CY22 Week 29 | CY22 Week 29 | LANL |
CY22 Week 3 | CY22 Week 3 | LANL |
CY22 Week 30 | CY22 Week 30 | LANL |
CY22 Week 31 | CY22 Week 31 | LANL |
CY22 Week 32 | CY22 Week 32 | LANL |
CY22 Week 33 | CY22 Week 33 | LANL |
CY22 Week 34 | CY22 Week 34 | LANL |
CY22 Week 35 | CY22 Week 35 | LANL |
CY22 Week 36 | CY22 Week 36 | LANL |
CY22 Week 37 | CY22 Week 37 | LANL |
CY22 Week 38 | CY22 Week 38 | LANL |
CY22 Week 39 | CY22 Week 39 | LANL |
CY22 Week 4 | CY22 Week 4 | LANL |
CY22 Week 41 | CY22 Week 41 | LANL |
CY22 Week 42 | CY22 Week 42 | LANL |
CY22 Week 45 | CY22 Week 45 | LANL |
CY22 Week 48 | CY22 Week 48 | LANL |
CY22 Week 49 | CY22 Week 49 | LANL |
CY22 Week 5 | CY22 Week 5 | LANL |
CY22 Week 50 | CY22 Week 50 | LANL |
CY22 Week 51 | CY22 Week 51 | LANL |
CY22 Week 52 | CY22 Week 52 | LANL |
CY22 Week 6 | CY22 Week 6 | LANL |
CY22 Week 7 | CY22 Week 7 | LANL |
CY22 Week 8 | CY22 Week 8 | LANL |
CY22 Week 9 | CY22 Week 9 | LANL |
cy23 precip Q4 | cy23 precip Q4 | NMED |
CY23 Semi-Annual 1 | CY23 Semi-Annual 1 | LANL |
CY23 Semi-Annual 2 | CY23 Semi-Annual 2 | LANL |
CY23 Week 10 | CY23 Week 10 | LANL |
CY23 Week 14 | CY23 Week 14 | LANL |
CY23 Week 17 | CY23 Week 17 | LANL |
CY23 Week 18 | CY23 Week 18 | LANL |
CY23 Week 19 | CY23 Week 19 | LANL |
CY23 Week 2 | CY23 Week 2 | LANL |
CY23 Week 20 | CY23 Week 20 | LANL |
CY23 Week 21 | CY23 Week 21 | LANL |
CY23 Week 22 | CY23 Week 22 | LANL |
CY23 Week 23 | CY23 Week 23 | LANL |
CY23 Week 24 | CY23 Week 24 | LANL |
CY23 Week 25 | CY23 Week 25 | LANL |
CY23 Week 26 | CY23 Week 26 | LANL |
CY23 Week 27 | CY23 Week 27 | LANL |
CY23 Week 28 | CY23 Week 28 | LANL |
CY23 Week 29 | CY23 Week 29 | LANL |
CY23 Week 30 | CY23 Week 30 | LANL |
CY23 Week 31 | CY23 Week 31 | LANL |
CY23 Week 32 | CY23 Week 32 | LANL |
CY23 Week 33 | CY23 Week 33 | LANL |
CY23 Week 34 | CY23 Week 34 | LANL |
CY23 Week 35 | CY23 Week 35 | LANL |
CY23 Week 38 | CY23 Week 38 | LANL |
CY23 Week 45 | CY23 Week 45 | LANL |
CY23 Week 5 | CY23 Week 5 | LANL |
CY23 Week 8 | CY23 Week 8 | LANL |
CY24 | CY24 | LANL |
CY24 Week 1 | CY24 Week 1 | LANL |
CY24 Week 38 | CY24 Week 38 | LANL |
CY24 Week 40 | CY24 Week 40 | LANL |
Daily 1 | Daily 1 | LANL |
Daily 2 | Daily 2 | LANL |
Daily 3 | Daily 3 | LANL |
Daily 4 | Daily 4 | LANL |
Daily 5 | Daily 5 | LANL |
DARHT Bee Hive Waste Characterization | DARHT Bee Hive Waste Characterization | LANL |
DARHT - Hive #2 - Bees/Honey | DARHT - Hive #2 - Bees/Honey | LANL |
Dec 2021 | Dec 2021 | LANL |
Dec 2022 | Dec 2022 | LANL |
Dec 2023 | Dec 2023 | LANL |
Dec-23 | Dec-23 | LANL |
December | December | LANL |
December 2023 | December 2023 | LANL |
December 2024 | December 2024 | LANL |
Deer - Area G | Deer - Area G | LANL |
deer samples | deer samples | LANL |
Deer/coyote | Deer/coyote | LANL |
Diesel Fuel Sampling - TA-69-53/TA-69-54 | Diesel Fuel Sampling - TA-69-53/TA-69-54 | LANL |
Discharge Permit MY19 Q1 | Discharge Permit MY19 Q1 | LANL |
DOE Land Transfer Tracts - C-2/C-3/C-4 | DOE Land Transfer Tracts - C-2/C-3/C-4 | LANL |
DP 1132 - RLWTF - Mech. Evaporator - November 2018 | DP 1132 - RLWTF - Mech. Evaporator - November 2018 | LANL |
DP Canyon Land Transfer - Tract A-16-B | DP Canyon Land Transfer - Tract A-16-B | LANL |
DP Canyon Land Transfer - Tract A-16-D | DP Canyon Land Transfer - Tract A-16-D | LANL |
DP Canyon Land Transfer - Tract A-5-2 | DP Canyon Land Transfer - Tract A-5-2 | LANL |
DP Canyon Land Transfer - Tract A-5-3 | DP Canyon Land Transfer - Tract A-5-3 | LANL |
DP Canyon Land Transfer Tract A-5-2 | DP Canyon Land Transfer Tract A-5-2 | LANL |
DP Spring MY2022 Q3 | DP Spring MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
DP Spring MY2023 Q3 | DP Spring MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
DP Spring MY2024 Q3 | DP Spring MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
DP Spring_MY22 Q3 | DP Spring_MY22 Q3 | N3B |
DP-0.3-21-E3 | DP-0.3-21-E3 | NMED |
DP-1-2021-E1 | DP-1-2021-E1 | NMED |
DP-1132 - RLWTF-Outfall 051-TA-50 – remake | DP-1132 - RLWTF-Outfall 051-TA-50 – remake | LANL |
DP-1132 - RWLTF - TA-50-0001 | DP-1132 - RWLTF - TA-50-0001 | LANL |
DP-1132 Annual GW 2019 | DP-1132 Annual GW 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Monthly - Apr 2019 | DP-1132 Monthly - Apr 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Monthly - Aug 2019 | DP-1132 Monthly - Aug 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Monthly - Dec 2019 | DP-1132 Monthly - Dec 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Monthly - Jul 2019 | DP-1132 Monthly - Jul 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Monthly - Jun 2019 | DP-1132 Monthly - Jun 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Monthly - May 2019 | DP-1132 Monthly - May 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Monthly - Nov 2019 | DP-1132 Monthly - Nov 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Monthly - Oct 2019 | DP-1132 Monthly - Oct 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Monthly - Sep 2019 | DP-1132 Monthly - Sep 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Quarter 2 2019 | DP-1132 Quarter 2 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Quarter 3 2019 | DP-1132 Quarter 3 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Quarter 4 2019 | DP-1132 Quarter 4 2019 | LANL |
DP-1132 Quarterly 2019 | DP-1132 Quarterly 2019 | LANL |
DP-1589 - Semi annual - TA-33-0375 | DP-1589 - Semi annual - TA-33-0375 | LANL |
DP-1589 - Septic Tank - TA-33-0375 | DP-1589 - Septic Tank - TA-33-0375 | LANL |
DP-1589 - Septic Tank Sampling - FY18 | DP-1589 - Septic Tank Sampling - FY18 | LANL |
DP-1589 - Septic Tanks - Annual | DP-1589 - Septic Tanks - Annual | LANL |
DP-1589 Annual 2019 | DP-1589 Annual 2019 | LANL |
DP-1589 Annual CY21 | DP-1589 Annual CY21 | LANL |
DP-1589 Semi-Annual 1 CY21 | DP-1589 Semi-Annual 1 CY21 | LANL |
DP-1589 Semi-Annual 2 CY21 | DP-1589 Semi-Annual 2 CY21 | LANL |
DP-1589 Semi-Annual 2019 Jan-Jun | DP-1589 Semi-Annual 2019 Jan-Jun | LANL |
DP-1589 Semi-Annual 2019 Jul-Dec | DP-1589 Semi-Annual 2019 Jul-Dec | LANL |
DP-1793 | DP-1793 | N3B |
DP-857 - 001/SWWS - Quarterly/Semi-Annual/Annual S | DP-857 - 001/SWWS - Quarterly/Semi-Annual/Annual S | LANL |
DP-857 2017 Annual | DP-857 2017 Annual | LANL |
DP-857 Annual 2019 | DP-857 Annual 2019 | LANL |
DP-857 Quarter 2 2019 | DP-857 Quarter 2 2019 | LANL |
DP-857 Quarter 3 2019 | DP-857 Quarter 3 2019 | LANL |
DP-857 Semi-Annual Jan-Jun 2019 | DP-857 Semi-Annual Jan-Jun 2019 | LANL |
DP-857 Semi-Annual Jul-Dec 2019 | DP-857 Semi-Annual Jul-Dec 2019 | LANL |
DP-857-Quarter 4 2019 | DP-857-Quarter 4 2019 | LANL |
DP-SMA-0.3 2020 Event 1 | DP-SMA-0.3 2020 Event 1 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3 18 1 | DP-SMA-0.3 18 1 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3 18 2 | DP-SMA-0.3 18 2 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3 2018 Event 4 | DP-SMA-0.3 2018 Event 4 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3 2018 Event 5 | DP-SMA-0.3 2018 Event 5 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3 2018 Event 6 | DP-SMA-0.3 2018 Event 6 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3 2018 Event3 | DP-SMA-0.3 2018 Event3 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3-eE1 | DP-SMA-0.3-eE1 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3-wE1 | DP-SMA-0.3-wE1 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3-wE2 | DP-SMA-0.3-wE2 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3eE2 | DP-SMA-0.3eE2 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3eE3 | DP-SMA-0.3eE3 | NMED |
DP-SMA-0.3wE3 | DP-SMA-0.3wE3 | NMED |
DP-SMA-1eE1 | DP-SMA-1eE1 | NMED |
DP-SMA-1eE2 | DP-SMA-1eE2 | NMED |
DP-SMA-2.35E1 | DP-SMA-2.35E1 | NMED |
DP=0.3-21-E2 | DP=0.3-21-E2 | NMED |
DP0.3 20 E2 | DP0.3 20 E2 | NMED |
DP0.3 2020 E3 | DP0.3 2020 E3 | NMED |
DP0.3-E1 | DP0.3-E1 | NMED |
DRI Field Split | DRI Field Split | N3B |
Drinking Fountain - 03--422 | Drinking Fountain - 03--422 | LANL |
Drinking Fountain - 03-0261 | Drinking Fountain - 03-0261 | LANL |
Drinking Water Fountain - TA-3-1663 | Drinking Water Fountain - TA-3-1663 | LANL |
Drum #1_30gal_W869836 | Drum #1_30gal_W869836 | N3B |
Drum #2_30gal_W869837 | Drum #2_30gal_W869837 | N3B |
Dry Precip Sampling Event 1 | Dry Precip Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
E 060 E2 | E 060 E2 | NMED |
E0060.1 Event 1 | E0060.1 Event 1 | NMED |
E039.1 Event 1 | E039.1 Event 1 | NMED |
E040 2018 Event 1 | E040 2018 Event 1 | NMED |
E040 2018 Event 2 | E040 2018 Event 2 | NMED |
E050.1 E2 | E050.1 E2 | NMED |
E050.1 E7 | E050.1 E7 | NMED |
E050.1 Event 1 | E050.1 Event 1 | NMED |
E060.1 18E2 | E060.1 18E2 | NMED |
E060.1 2018 Event 1 | E060.1 2018 Event 1 | NMED |
E060.1 2018 Event 3 | E060.1 2018 Event 3 | NMED |
E110 2017 E1T1 | E110 2017 E1T1 | NMED |
E110 2017 E1T2 | E110 2017 E1T2 | NMED |
E110 2017 E3 | E110 2017 E3 | NMED |
E110 2021 Event 3 | E110 2021 Event 3 | NMED |
E110 2021 Event 4 | E110 2021 Event 4 | NMED |
E110 21 E1 | E110 21 E1 | NMED |
E110 E1 | E110 E1 | NMED |
E110 E2 | E110 E2 | NMED |
E110 E2 T1 | E110 E2 T1 | NMED |
E110 E4 19 | E110 E4 19 | NMED |
E110 E5 | E110 E5 | NMED |
E123 2021 Event 1 | E123 2021 Event 1 | NMED |
E123 2021 Event 2 | E123 2021 Event 2 | NMED |
E123 2021 Event 3 | E123 2021 Event 3 | NMED |
E125 18 Event 1 | E125 18 Event 1 | NMED |
E125 2021 E1 | E125 2021 E1 | NMED |
E125 E1 | E125 E1 | NMED |
E125 Event 1 | E125 Event 1 | NMED |
E275 18E1 | E275 18E1 | NMED |
E275 2018 Event2 SSC | E275 2018 Event2 SSC | NMED |
E275 Event 1 | E275 Event 1 | NMED |
E275 Event 2 | E275 Event 2 | NMED |
E275 Event 3 | E275 Event 3 | NMED |
E275 Event 4 | E275 Event 4 | NMED |
Emergency Discharge | Emergency Discharge | LANL |
Emergency Sample | Emergency Sample | LANL |
END-21 | END-21 | NMED |
Enter/Edit Sampling Dates1 LA/Pueblo Q3 MY2016_ | Enter/Edit Sampling Dates1 LA/Pueblo Q3 MY2016_ | LANL |
Env. Surveillance Sampling & Sediment Monitoring | Env. Surveillance Sampling & Sediment Monitoring | LANL |
Env. Surveillance Sediment Sampling | Env. Surveillance Sediment Sampling | LANL |
Evaporation Ponds - Blauert - TA-3 | Evaporation Ponds - Blauert - TA-3 | LANL |
Event 2 | Event 2 | NMED |
Event 4 (N3B) | Event 4 (N3B) | NMED |
Event 7 | Event 7 | NMED |
Example | Example | LANL |
F-2-2021-E1 | F-2-2021-E1 | NMED |
F23 MDA L | F23 MDA L | N3B |
F23 MDA L System | F23 MDA L System | N3B |
Fall 2018 - Aquatic Life Survey - BMI & Meiofauna | Fall 2018 - Aquatic Life Survey - BMI & Meiofauna | LANL |
Fall 2018_ - Aquatic Life Survey - BMI & Meiofauna | Fall 2018_ - Aquatic Life Survey - BMI & Meiofauna | LANL |
Fall 2022 MDA-L Vapor Monitoring | Fall 2022 MDA-L Vapor Monitoring | N3B |
Fall 2024 MDA L Soil Vapor Sampling | Fall 2024 MDA L Soil Vapor Sampling | N3B |
Fall 2024 MDA L SVE System | Fall 2024 MDA L SVE System | N3B |
Fall 21 Sed Sampling | Fall 21 Sed Sampling | NMED |
Feb 2022 | Feb 2022 | LANL |
Feb 2023 | Feb 2023 | LANL |
Feb 2024 | Feb 2024 | LANL |
Feb-24 | Feb-24 | LANL |
February | February | LANL |
February 2024 | February 2024 | LANL |
February 2025 | February 2025 | LANL |
Feral Cattle | Feral Cattle | LANL |
First Week of May | First Week of May | N3B |
Fish CY22 | Fish CY22 | NMED |
FLC 16-25280 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | FLC 16-25280 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
FLC-16-25280 MY2022 Q4 | FLC-16-25280 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
FLC-16-25280 MY2023 Q2 | FLC-16-25280 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
FLC-16-25280 MY23 Q4 | FLC-16-25280 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
FLC-16-25280 MY24 Q2 | FLC-16-25280 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
FLC-16-25280 MY24 Q4 | FLC-16-25280 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Float: Ancho at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | Float: Ancho at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Ancho Spring MY25 Q1 | Float: Ancho Spring MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Frijoles at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | Float: Frijoles at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Mortandad at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | Float: Mortandad at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Pajarito at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | Float: Pajarito at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Rio Grande at Frijoles MY25 Q1 | Float: Rio Grande at Frijoles MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 3 MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 3 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 3A MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 3A MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 3AA MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 3AA MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 4 MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 4 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 4A MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 4A MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 4AA MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 4AA MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 4B MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 4B MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 5 MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 5 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 5B MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 5B MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Float: Spring 6 MY25 Q1 | Float: Spring 6 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Floating QC Sample #1 | Floating QC Sample #1 | LANL |
Floating QC Sample #2 | Floating QC Sample #2 | LANL |
Floating QC Sample #3 | Floating QC Sample #3 | LANL |
Floating QC Sample #4 | Floating QC Sample #4 | LANL |
Floating QC Sample #5 | Floating QC Sample #5 | LANL |
Floating QC Sample #6 | Floating QC Sample #6 | LANL |
Floating QC Samples | Floating QC Samples | LANL |
Floating QC Samples (1) | Floating QC Samples (1) | LANL |
Frijoles at Rio Grande MY2023 Q1 | Frijoles at Rio Grande MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Frijoles at Rio Grande MY24 Q1 | Frijoles at Rio Grande MY24 Q1 | N3B |
FS FFY2021 | FS FFY2021 | NMED |
FS FFY2022 | FS FFY2022 | NMED |
FS-FRUIT-2019 | FS-FRUIT-2019 | NMED |
Fuel Sampling - 03-1404 | Fuel Sampling - 03-1404 | LANL |
Fuel Sampling - 35-0088 | Fuel Sampling - 35-0088 | LANL |
Fuel Sampling - 35-0402 | Fuel Sampling - 35-0402 | LANL |
Fuel Sampling - 46-0335 | Fuel Sampling - 46-0335 | LANL |
Fuel Sampling - 50-0069 | Fuel Sampling - 50-0069 | LANL |
Fuel Sampling - 50-0184 | Fuel Sampling - 50-0184 | LANL |
FUEL Sampling - TA-48-0045 | FUEL Sampling - TA-48-0045 | LANL |
FUEL Sampling - TA-55-0400 | FUEL Sampling - TA-55-0400 | LANL |
Fuel Sampling -43-0001 | Fuel Sampling -43-0001 | LANL |
FY 14 - Wier Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | FY 14 - Wier Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | LANL |
FY 19 - Fuel Sampling - Meadows | FY 19 - Fuel Sampling - Meadows | LANL |
FY 19 - TWF Poregas Sampling - 54-009 | FY 19 - TWF Poregas Sampling - 54-009 | LANL |
FY-24 CMP Solid and Liquid Sample 54-015(k) | FY-24 CMP Solid and Liquid Sample 54-015(k) | N3B |
FY-24 WASTE CMP Solid and Liquid Sample 54-015(k) | FY-24 WASTE CMP Solid and Liquid Sample 54-015(k) | N3B |
FY:22 CTUB Compliance Sampling | FY:22 CTUB Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY13 - Crops, Fruit Branches, Eggs, Milk & Honey S | FY13 - Crops, Fruit Branches, Eggs, Milk & Honey S | LANL |
FY13 - LA/Pueblo Env. Surv. Sediment Monitoring | FY13 - LA/Pueblo Env. Surv. Sediment Monitoring | LANL |
FY13 SFB Program - Deer/Elk Muscle and Bone | FY13 SFB Program - Deer/Elk Muscle and Bone | LANL |
FY14 - Area G - Soil & Vegetation Sampling - TA-54 | FY14 - Area G - Soil & Vegetation Sampling - TA-54 | LANL |
FY14 - Cochiti & Abiquiu Lake - Fish Samples | FY14 - Cochiti & Abiquiu Lake - Fish Samples | LANL |
FY14 - DARHT - Soil/Sediment/Vegetation/Small Mam | FY14 - DARHT - Soil/Sediment/Vegetation/Small Mam | LANL |
FY14 - Rio Grande Fish | FY14 - Rio Grande Fish | LANL |
FY14 - Semi-Annual Pore Gas Sampling - 50-009 1st | FY14 - Semi-Annual Pore Gas Sampling - 50-009 1st Event | N3B |
FY14 - Semi-Annual Pore Gas Sampling - 50-009 2nd | FY14 - Semi-Annual Pore Gas Sampling - 50-009 2nd Event | N3B |
FY14 4th Qtr. Well Drilling - Well CrEx-1 - Drilli | FY14 4th Qtr. Well Drilling - Well CrEx-1 - Drilli | LANL |
FY15 - SFB - DARHT Soil/Sediment/Small Mammal Samp | FY15 - SFB - DARHT Soil/Sediment/Small Mammal Samp | LANL |
FY15 Soil/Native Vegetation Sampling | FY15 Soil/Native Vegetation Sampling | LANL |
FY16 - 4th Qtr - LANL P & A - CDBO-5 | FY16 - 4th Qtr - LANL P & A - CDBO-5 | LANL |
FY16 - Land Transfer - Pond Cabin/Slotin Bldg/Batt | FY16 - Land Transfer - Pond Cabin/Slotin Bldg/Batt | LANL |
FY16 - Sediment Sampling - CdV & Water Canyons | FY16 - Sediment Sampling - CdV & Water Canyons | LANL |
FY16 - SFB - Chicken Eggs | FY16 - SFB - Chicken Eggs | LANL |
FY16 - SFB - Crops | FY16 - SFB - Crops | LANL |
FY16 - SFB - Goat Milk | FY16 - SFB - Goat Milk | LANL |
FY16 - SFB - Land Transfer - Tract A-16-c - Soil S | FY16 - SFB - Land Transfer - Tract A-16-c - Soil S | LANL |
FY16 - SFB Wier Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | FY16 - SFB Wier Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | LANL |
FY16 -Sediment Sampling - La & Pueblo Canyons | FY16 -Sediment Sampling - La & Pueblo Canyons | LANL |
FY16 -Sediment Sampling - LA Canyon/San Ildefonso | FY16 -Sediment Sampling - LA Canyon/San Ildefonso | LANL |
FY16 -Sediment Sampling - Pajarito Canyon | FY16 -Sediment Sampling - Pajarito Canyon | LANL |
FY16 SFB Program - Area G Soil/Vegetation Sampling | FY16 SFB Program - Area G Soil/Vegetation Sampling | LANL |
FY16 SFB Tissue Analysis | FY16 SFB Tissue Analysis | LANL |
FY17 - Abiquiu/Rio Grande/Cochiti - Fish Samples | FY17 - Abiquiu/Rio Grande/Cochiti - Fish Samples | LANL |
FY17 - Area G - Soil/Vegetation Sampling - TA-54 | FY17 - Area G - Soil/Vegetation Sampling - TA-54 | LANL |
FY17 - DARHT Soil/Sediment Sampling - TA-15 | FY17 - DARHT Soil/Sediment Sampling - TA-15 | LANL |
FY17 - SFB - Benthic Macroinvertebrate - River Sed | FY17 - SFB - Benthic Macroinvertebrate - River Sed | LANL |
FY17 - SFB - Soil Sampling - San I & Tsankawi | FY17 - SFB - Soil Sampling - San I & Tsankawi | LANL |
FY17 - Soil Sampling - Middle LA Canyon | FY17 - Soil Sampling - Middle LA Canyon | LANL |
FY17 - Weir Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | FY17 - Weir Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | LANL |
FY17 -SFB - Roadkill Samples | FY17 -SFB - Roadkill Samples | LANL |
FY17- SFB - Roadkill Samples | FY17- SFB - Roadkill Samples | LANL |
FY18 - 4th Qtr. - TWF Poregas Sampling - 54-009 | FY18 - 4th Qtr. - TWF Poregas Sampling - 54-009 | LANL |
FY18 - SFB - DARHT Soil/Sediment Sampling - TA-15 | FY18 - SFB - DARHT Soil/Sediment Sampling - TA-15 | LANL |
FY18 - TWF Poregas Sampling - 54-009 | FY18 - TWF Poregas Sampling - 54-009 | LANL |
FY19 - SFB - DARHT Soil/Sediment Sampling - TA-15 | FY19 - SFB - DARHT Soil/Sediment Sampling - TA-15 | LANL |
FY19 - April - TWF Poregas Sampling | FY19 - April - TWF Poregas Sampling | LANL |
FY19 - April - TWF Poregas Sampling - TA-63 | FY19 - April - TWF Poregas Sampling - TA-63 | LANL |
FY19 - SFB - Area G Soil Sampling - TA-54 | FY19 - SFB - Area G Soil Sampling - TA-54 | LANL |
FY19 - SFB - San I/Tsankawi Soil Sampling | FY19 - SFB - San I/Tsankawi Soil Sampling | LANL |
FY19 - SFB - Weir Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | FY19 - SFB - Weir Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | LANL |
FY19:CrEX Wellhead Sampling | FY2019 | N3B |
FY20 Annual | FY20 Annual | LANL |
FY20 Q2 | FY20 Q2 | LANL |
FY20 Q3 | FY20 Q3 | LANL |
FY20 Q4 | FY20 Q4 | LANL |
FY20:CrPZ Sampling | FY2020 | N3B |
FY21 Q1 | FY21 Q1 | LANL |
FY21 Q2 | FY21 Q2 | LANL |
FY21 Q3 | FY21 Q3 | LANL |
FY21 Q4 | FY21 Q4 | LANL |
FY22 Q1 | FY22 Q1 | LANL |
FY22 Q2 | FY22 Q2 | LANL |
FY22 Q3 | FY22 Q3 | LANL |
FY22 Q4 | FY22 Q4 | LANL |
FY22: CTUB Compliance Sampling | FY22: CTUB Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY22: Chromium Treatment Unit B | FY22: Chromium Treatment Unit B | N3B |
FY22: CTUA Compliance Sampling | FY22: CTUA Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY22: CTUA Influent | FY22: CTUA Influent | N3B |
FY22: CTUC Annual | FY22: CTUC Annual | N3B |
FY22: CTUC Compliance Sampling | FY22: CTUC Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY22: CTUC Influent Sampling | FY22: CTUC Influent Sampling | N3B |
FY22:CTUA Influent | FY22:CTUA Influent | N3B |
FY23 Q1 | FY23 Q1 | LANL |
FY23 Q2 | FY23 Q2 | LANL |
FY23 Q3 | FY23 Q3 | LANL |
FY23 Q4 | FY23 Q4 | LANL |
FY23: Chromium Treatment Unit B | FY23: Chromium Treatment Unit B | N3B |
FY23: CTUA Compliance Sampling | FY23: CTUA Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY23: CTUA Influent Sampling | FY23: CTUA Influent Sampling | N3B |
FY23: CTUC Compliance Sampling | FY23: CTUC Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY23: CTUC Influent Sampling | FY23: CTUC Influent Sampling | N3B |
FY24 Lower Pajarito Canyon SWMU 18-001(a) | FY24 Lower Pajarito Canyon SWMU 18-001(a) | N3B |
FY24 Lower Pajarito Canyon SWMU 18-001(b) | FY24 Lower Pajarito Canyon SWMU 18-001(b) | N3B |
FY24 Lower Pajarito Canyon SWMU 27-002 | FY24 Lower Pajarito Canyon SWMU 27-002 | N3B |
FY24 Lower Pajarito Canyon SWMU 27-003 | FY24 Lower Pajarito Canyon SWMU 27-003 | N3B |
FY24 Q1 | FY24 Q1 | LANL |
FY24 Q2 | FY24 Q2 | LANL |
FY24 Q3 | FY24 Q3 | LANL |
FY24 Q4 | FY24 Q4 | LANL |
FY24 Spring 2024 MDA L SVE System | FY24 Spring 2024 MDA L SVE System | N3B |
FY24: Chromium Treatment Unit | FY24: Chromium Treatment Unit | N3B |
FY24: CTUA Annual Sampling | FY24: CTUA Annual Sampling | N3B |
FY24: CTUA Compliance Sampling | FY24: CTUA Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY24: CTUA HEXMOD resample | FY24: CTUA HEXMOD resample | N3B |
FY24: CTUA Influent Sampling | FY24: CTUA Influent Sampling | N3B |
FY24: CTUC Annual Sampling | FY24: CTUC Annual Sampling | N3B |
FY24: CTUC Compliance Sampling | FY24: CTUC Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY24: CTUC Influent Sampling | FY24: CTUC Influent Sampling | N3B |
FY25 Q1 | FY25 Q1 | LANL |
FY25 Q2 | FY25 Q2 | LANL |
FY25 Q3 | FY25 Q3 | LANL |
FY25 Q4 | FY25 Q4 | LANL |
FY25: Cr IM mon Dec 024 | FY25: Cr IM mon Dec 024 | N3B |
FY25: CTUA Annual Sampling | FY25: CTUA Annual Sampling | N3B |
FY25: CTUA Compliance Sampling | FY25: CTUA Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY25: CTUA Influent Sampling | FY25: CTUA Influent Sampling | N3B |
FY25: CTUB Effluent | FY25: CTUB Effluent | N3B |
FY25: CTUB Influent | FY25: CTUB Influent | N3B |
FY25: CTUC Compliance Sampling | FY25: CTUC Compliance Sampling | N3B |
FY25: CTUC Influent Sampling | FY25: CTUC Influent Sampling | N3B |
G-2A June MY2022 Q3 | G-2A June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
G-2A June MY2023 Q3 | G-2A June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
G-2A June MY24 Q3 | G-2A June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
G-2A September MY2022 Q4 | G-2A September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
G-3A June MY2022 Q3 | G-3A June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
G-3A June MY2023 Q3 | G-3A June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
G-3A June MY24 Q3 | G-3A June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
G-4A June MY2022 Q3 | G-4A June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
G-4A June MY2023 Q3 | G-4A June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
G-4A June MY2024 Q3 | G-4A June MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
G-5A June MY2022 Q3 | G-5A June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
G-5A June MY20233 Q3 | G-5A June MY20233 Q3 | N3B |
G-5A June MY2024 Q3 | G-5A June MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
GEL R-73 S2_Day 1 Well Development | GEL R-73 S2_Day 1 Well Development | N3B |
GEL R-73 S2_Day 2 Well Development | GEL R-73 S2_Day 2 Well Development | N3B |
GEL R-73 S2_Day 3 Well Development | GEL R-73 S2_Day 3 Well Development | N3B |
GEL R-73 S2_Day 4 Well Development | GEL R-73 S2_Day 4 Well Development | N3B |
GEL R-73 S2_Day 5 Well Development | GEL R-73 S2_Day 5 Well Development | N3B |
GEL R-73 S2_Day 6 Well Development | GEL R-73 S2_Day 6 Well Development | N3B |
GEL R-73 S2_Day 7 Well Development | GEL R-73 S2_Day 7 Well Development | N3B |
GEL_R-58 Ext Purge December MY2023 Q1 | GEL_R-58 Ext Purge December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
GGRL R-73 S2_Day 1 Well Development | GGRL R-73 S2_Day 1 Well Development | N3B |
GGRL R-73 S2_Day 2 Well Development | GGRL R-73 S2_Day 2 Well Development | N3B |
GGRL R-73 S2_Day 3 Well Development | GGRL R-73 S2_Day 3 Well Development | N3B |
GGRL R-73 S2_Day 4 Well Development | GGRL R-73 S2_Day 4 Well Development | N3B |
GGRL R-73 S2_Day 5 Well Development | GGRL R-73 S2_Day 5 Well Development | N3B |
GGRL R-73 S2_Day 6 Well Development | GGRL R-73 S2_Day 6 Well Development | N3B |
GGRL R-73 S2_Day 7 Well Development | GGRL R-73 S2_Day 7 Well Development | N3B |
GGRL: December_R-42_MY2023 Q1 | GGRL: December_R-42_MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
GGRL: November_R-42_MY2023 Q1 | GGRL: November_R-42_MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
GGRL_R-58 Ext Purge December MY2023 Q1 | GGRL_R-58 Ext Purge December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
GH owl | GH owl | LANL |
GMS 4 | GMS 4 | N3B |
Gopher Snake | Gopher Snake | LANL |
Groundwater Discharge Permit DP-857 - Quarterly/Se | Groundwater Discharge Permit DP-857 - Quarterly/Se | LANL |
GSM 1 | GSM 1 | N3B |
GSM 2 | GSM 2 | N3B |
GSM 3 | GSM 3 | N3B |
GSM 4 | GSM 4 | N3B |
GSM 5 | GSM 5 | N3B |
GSM 6 | GSM 6 | N3B |
GSM 7 | GSM 7 | N3B |
GSM-1 | GSM-1 | N3B |
GSM-2 | GSM-2 | N3B |
GSM-3 | GSM-3 | N3B |
GSM-4 | GSM-4 | N3B |
GSM-5 | GSM-5 | N3B |
GSM-6 | GSM-6 | N3B |
GSM-7 | GSM-7 | N3B |
GSM-8 | GSM-8 | N3B |
GU-0.01 Spring December MY2023 Q1 | GU-0.01 Spring December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
GU-0.01 Spring December MY2025 Q1 | GU-0.01 Spring December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
GU-0.01 Spring December MY24 Q1 | GU-0.01 Spring December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
GuajeWellsQ3_19 | GuajeWellsQ3_19 | NMED |
GW Discharge Permit DP-857 - 1st Qtr. - Outfall 00 | GW Discharge Permit DP-857 - 1st Qtr. - Outfall 00 | LANL |
H3/He3 | H3/He3 | NMED |
Hike Pajarito at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | Hike Pajarito at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Ancho at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | Hike: Ancho at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Ancho Spring MY25 Q1 | Hike: Ancho Spring MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Mortandad at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | Hike: Mortandad at Rio Grande MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 3 MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 3 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 3A MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 3A MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 3AA MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 3AA MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 4 MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 4 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 4A MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 4A MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 4AA MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 4AA MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 4B MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 4B MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 5 MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 5 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 5B MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 5B MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Hike: Spring 6 MY25 Q1 | Hike: Spring 6 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
HO/ST Spr Q3 18 | HO/ST Spr Q3 18 | NMED |
Homestead Spring MY23 Q4 | Homestead Spring MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Homestead Spring MY24 Q4 | Homestead Spring MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Homestead Spring Pajarito MY22 Q3 | Homestead Spring Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
Industrial Water - Torrez - TA-55 | Industrial Water - Torrez - TA-55 | LANL |
Inorganics METTAL Aluminum 6010B/6020 Inorganics M | Inorganics METTAL Aluminum 6010B/6020 Inorganics M | LANL |
IP CY 2024 | IP CY 2024 | NMED |
J. Martinez House Well December MY2023 Q1 | J. Martinez House Well December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
J. Martinez House Well December MY24 Q1 | J. Martinez House Well December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Jan 2022 | Jan 2022 | LANL |
Jan 2023 | Jan 2023 | LANL |
Jan 2024 | Jan 2024 | LANL |
Jan-24 | Jan-24 | LANL |
January | January | LANL |
January 2024 | January 2024 | LANL |
January 2025 | January 2025 | LANL |
Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 1 | Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 2 | Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 3 | Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 3 | LANL |
Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 4 | Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 4 | LANL |
Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 5 | Jemez PO SEP Sampling Event 5 | LANL |
JM_2020 | JM_2020 | NMED |
JP-CSA-1 Sampling Event 1 | JP-CSA-1 Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
JP-CSA-1 Sampling Event 2 | JP-CSA-1 Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
JP-CSA-1 Sampling Event 3 | JP-CSA-1 Sampling Event 3 | LANL |
JP-RV-1 Sampling Event 1 | JP-RV-1 Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
JP-RV-1 Sampling Event 2 | JP-RV-1 Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
JP-RV-1 Sampling Event 3 | JP-RV-1 Sampling Event 3 | LANL |
Jul 2022 | Jul 2022 | LANL |
Jul 2023 | Jul 2023 | LANL |
Jul 2024 | Jul 2024 | LANL |
Jul-24 | Jul-24 | LANL |
Jul-Dec 2019 | Jul-Dec 2019 | LANL |
July | July | LANL |
July 2023 | July 2023 | LANL |
July 2024 | July 2024 | LANL |
July 2025 | July 2025 | LANL |
Jun 2022 | Jun 2022 | LANL |
Jun 2023 | Jun 2023 | LANL |
Jun 2024 | Jun 2024 | LANL |
Jun-24 | Jun-24 | LANL |
June | June | LANL |
June 18 2022 Rain Event | June 18 2022 Rain Event | NMED |
June 2019 | June 2019 | LANL |
June 2024 | June 2024 | LANL |
June 2025 | June 2025 | LANL |
Kodak Fixer Solution - Bileen - TA-40 | Kodak Fixer Solution - Bileen - TA-40 | LANL |
LA Canyon Land Transfer Tract A-16-D | LA Canyon Land Transfer Tract A-16-D | LANL |
LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge December MY2023 Q1 | LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY2023 Q3 | LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY2024 Q3 | LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY2025 Q1 | LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY22 Q3 | LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY22 Q3 | N3B |
LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY24 Q1 | LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge MY24 Q1 | N3B |
LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge_MY22 Q3 | LA Canyon near Otowi Bridge_MY22 Q3 | N3B |
LA CO 17 Q2 | LA CO 17 Q2 | NMED |
LA P 2020 Q4 | LA P 2020 Q4 | NMED |
LA SMA 5.2 | LA SMA 5.2 | NMED |
LA-2.1-2021-E3 | LA-2.1-2021-E3 | NMED |
LA-4.1-2021-E4 | LA-4.1-2021-E4 | NMED |
LA-4.1-21-E3 | LA-4.1-21-E3 | NMED |
LA-5 December MY2023 Q1 | LA-5 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
LA-5 December MY2025 Q1 | LA-5 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
LA-5 December MY24 Q1 | LA-5 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
LA-SMA-2.1 2018 Event 3 | LA-SMA-2.1 2018 Event 3 | NMED |
LA-SMA-2.1 2018 Event 4 | LA-SMA-2.1 2018 Event 4 | NMED |
LA-SMA-2.1 2018 Event 5 | LA-SMA-2.1 2018 Event 5 | NMED |
LA-SMA-2.1 2018 Event 6 | LA-SMA-2.1 2018 Event 6 | NMED |
LA-SMA-2.1 Event 1 | LA-SMA-2.1 Event 1 | NMED |
LA-SMA-2.1 Event 2 | LA-SMA-2.1 Event 2 | NMED |
LA-SMA-2.1E1 | LA-SMA-2.1E1 | NMED |
LA-SMA-2.1E2 | LA-SMA-2.1E2 | NMED |
LA-SMA-2.1E3 | LA-SMA-2.1E3 | NMED |
LA-SMA-2.1E4 | LA-SMA-2.1E4 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 3 | LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 3 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 4 | LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 4 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 5 | LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 5 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 6 | LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 6 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 7 | LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 7 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 8 | LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event 8 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event1 | LA-SMA-5.51 2018 Event1 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51 Event 2 | LA-SMA-5.51 Event 2 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51E1 | LA-SMA-5.51E1 | NMED |
LA-SMA-5.51E2 | LA-SMA-5.51E2 | NMED |
LA/CO 17 Q4 | LA/CO 17 Q4 | NMED |
LA/DP/Acid Canyon Sediment Sampling | LA/DP/Acid Canyon Sediment Sampling | LANL |
LA/PU 2020 | LA/PU 2020 | NMED |
LA/Pueblo Environmental Surveillance Sediment Moni | LA/Pueblo Environmental Surveillance Sediment Moni | LANL |
LA/Pueblo Surveillance Sampling | LA/Pueblo Surveillance Sampling | LANL |
LA/Pueblo_Buck 01 MY2017 Q1 | LA/Pueblo_Buck 01 MY2017 Q1 | LANL |
LA/Pueblo_Buck 06 MY2017 Q1 | LA/Pueblo_Buck 06 MY2017 Q1 | LANL |
LA/Pueblo_Buck 08 MY2017 Q1 | LA/Pueblo_Buck 08 MY2017 Q1 | LANL |
LA/Pueblo_Buck PZ MY2017 Q1 | LA/Pueblo_Buck PZ MY2017 Q1 | LANL |
LA2.1 2020 E1 | LA2.1 2020 E1 | NMED |
LA2.1-21-E2 | LA2.1-21-E2 | NMED |
LA4.1-21-E1 | LA4.1-21-E1 | NMED |
LACO 23 Q2 | LACO 23 Q2 | NMED |
LACO 23 Q4 | LACO 23 Q4 | NMED |
LACO 24 Q1 | LACO 24 Q1 | NMED |
LACO 24 Q3 | LACO 24 Q3 | NMED |
LACO Q1 23 | LACO Q1 23 | NMED |
LACO-21 | LACO-21 | NMED |
LACO-22 | LACO-22 | NMED |
LACO_Jun_20 | LACO_Jun_20 | NMED |
LACO2020 | LACO2020 | NMED |
LADP-3 MY2022 Q4 | LADP-3 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
LADP-3 MY23Q4 | LADP-3 MY23Q4 | N3B |
LADP-3 MY24 Q4 | LADP-3 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Land Transfer - A-16-d STF - TA-21 | Land Transfer - A-16-d STF - TA-21 | LANL |
Land Transfer - Tract A-16-e | Land Transfer - Tract A-16-e | LANL |
Land Transfer - Tract A-18-2 - Bayo Canyon | Land Transfer - Tract A-18-2 - Bayo Canyon | LANL |
Land Transfer - Verification Sampling - Tract A-18 | Land Transfer - Verification Sampling - Tract A-18 | LANL |
LANL Steam Plant Acquisition Project | LANL Steam Plant Acquisition Project | LANL |
LAO-1.6g MY2023 Q3 | LAO-1.6g MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
LAO-1.6g MY2024 Q3 | LAO-1.6g MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
LAO-1.6g MY22 Q3 | LAO-1.6g MY22 Q3 | N3B |
LAO-1.6g_MY22 Q3 | LAO-1.6g_MY22 Q3 | N3B |
LAO-3a | LAO-3a | N3B |
LAO-3a MY2024 Q3 | LAO-3a MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
LAO-3a MY22 Q3 | LAO-3a MY22 Q3 | N3B |
LAO-3a_MY22 Q3 | LAO-3a_MY22 Q3 | N3B |
LAOI(a)-1.1 MY2022 Q4 | LAOI(a)-1.1 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI(a)-1.1 MY23 Q4 | LAOI(a)-1.1 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI(a)-1.1 MY24 Q4 | LAOI(a)-1.1 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI-3.2 MY2022 Q4 | LAOI-3.2 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI-3.2 MY23 Q4 | LAOI-3.2 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI-3.2 MY24 Q4 | LAOI-3.2 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI-3.2a January MY2025 Q2 | LAOI-3.2a January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
LAOI-3.2a MY2022 Q4 | LAOI-3.2a MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI-3.2a MY23 Q4 | LAOI-3.2a MY23 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI-3.2a MY24 Q4 | LAOI-3.2a MY24 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI-7 January MY2025 Q2 | LAOI-7 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
LAOI-7 MY2022 Q4 | LAOI-7 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI-7 MY23 Q4 | LAOI-7 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
LAOI-7 MY24 Q4 | LAOI-7 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
LAP 1 | LAP 1 | LANL |
LAP 2 | LAP 2 | LANL |
LAP 3 | LAP 3 | LANL |
LAP 4 | LAP 4 | LANL |
LAP 5 | LAP 5 | LANL |
LAP 6 | LAP 6 | LANL |
LAP 7 | LAP 7 | LANL |
LAP 8 | LAP 8 | LANL |
LAP 9 | LAP 9 | LANL |
LAPU 20Q2 | LAPU 20Q2 | NMED |
LAUZ-1 MY2023 Q3 | LAUZ-1 MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
LAUZ-1 MY2024 Q3 | LAUZ-1 MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
LAUZ-1 MY22 Q3 | LAUZ-1 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
LeScouarnec - TA-15 - Soil/Concrete Pile | LeScouarnec - TA-15 - Soil/Concrete Pile | LANL |
LLAO-1b MY2023 Q3 | LLAO-1b MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
LLAO-1b MY2024 Q3 | LLAO-1b MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
LLAO-1b MY22 Q3 | LLAO-1b MY22 Q3 | N3B |
LLAO-4 MY2023 Q3 | LLAO-4 MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
LLAO-4 MY2024 Q3 | LLAO-4 MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
LLAO-4 MY22 Q3 | LLAO-4 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
Los Alamos Spring MY2023 Q3 | Los Alamos Spring MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
Los Alamos Spring MY2024 Q3 | Los Alamos Spring MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
Los Alamos Spring MY22 Q3 | Los Alamos Spring MY22 Q3 | N3B |
Los Alamos/Pueblo 2012 Surveillance | Los Alamos/Pueblo 2012 Surveillance | LANL |
Lower Pajarito Canyon TA-36 Waste Characterization | Lower Pajarito Canyon TA-36 Waste Characterization | N3B |
Lower Sandia Spring April MY24 Q3 | Lower Sandia Spring April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
Lower Sandia Spring MY2023 Q1 | Lower Sandia Spring MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Lower Sandia Spring MY24 Q1 | Lower Sandia Spring MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Lower Slobovia TA-36 | Lower Slobovia TA-36 | LANL |
LPCAA SWMU 27-002 FY24 DF_FS | LPCAA SWMU 27-002 FY24 DF_FS | N3B |
LSW11 2018 QC | LSW11 2018 QC | NMED |
LSW11 2023 | LSW11 2023 | NMED |
LSW11 2024 Event 4 | LSW11 2024 Event 4 | NMED |
LSW11 2024 Event 5 | LSW11 2024 Event 5 | NMED |
LSW11 2024 Event 6 | LSW11 2024 Event 6 | NMED |
LSW11 2024 Event 7 | LSW11 2024 Event 7 | NMED |
LSW11 22 Event 1 | LSW11 22 Event 1 | NMED |
LSW11 22 Event 2 | LSW11 22 Event 2 | NMED |
LSW11 22 Event 3 | LSW11 22 Event 3 | NMED |
LSW11 22 Event 4 | LSW11 22 Event 4 | NMED |
LSW11 22 Event 5 | LSW11 22 Event 5 | NMED |
LSW11 22 Event 6 | LSW11 22 Event 6 | NMED |
LSW11 22 Event 7 | LSW11 22 Event 7 | NMED |
LSW11 22 Event 8 | LSW11 22 Event 8 | NMED |
LSW11 24 Event 1 | LSW11 24 Event 1 | NMED |
LSW11 24 Event 2 | LSW11 24 Event 2 | NMED |
LSW11 24 Event 3 | LSW11 24 Event 3 | NMED |
LSW11 N3B transfer | LSW11 N3B transfer | NMED |
M-13-2021-E1 | M-13-2021-E1 | NMED |
M-4WM-4C | M-4WM-4C | N3B |
M-5E PDSI | M-5E PDSI | N3B |
M-7.9-21-E1 | M-7.9-21-E1 | NMED |
Mar 2022 | Mar 2022 | LANL |
Mar 2023 | Mar 2023 | LANL |
Mar 2024 | Mar 2024 | LANL |
Mar-24 | Mar-24 | LANL |
March | March | LANL |
March 2024 | March 2024 | LANL |
March 2025 | March 2025 | LANL |
Martin Spring MY2022 Q4 | Martin Spring MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Martin Spring MY2023 Q2 | Martin Spring MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
Martin Spring MY23 Q4 | Martin Spring MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Martin Spring MY24 Q2 | Martin Spring MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Martin Spring MY24 Q4 | Martin Spring MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Martin Spring Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | Martin Spring Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
Martinez - TA-43 Waste | Martinez - TA-43 Waste | LANL |
Martinez - TA-59 - Vent Hood | Martinez - TA-59 - Vent Hood | LANL |
May | May | LANL |
May 2022 | May 2022 | LANL |
May 2023 | May 2023 | LANL |
May 2024 | May 2024 | LANL |
May 2025 | May 2025 | LANL |
May-24 | May-24 | LANL |
McCormick - TA-55 - Diesel-Contaminated Soil | McCormick - TA-55 - Diesel-Contaminated Soil | LANL |
McCormick - TA-55 - Liquid Waste | McCormick - TA-55 - Liquid Waste | LANL |
McCormick - TA-55 - Oil Waste | McCormick - TA-55 - Oil Waste | LANL |
MCO-5 July MY2023 Q4 | MCO-5 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
MCO-5 July MY22 Q4 | MCO-5 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
MCO-5 MY2024 Q4 | MCO-5 MY2024 Q4 | N3B |
MCO-7 July MY2023 Q4 | MCO-7 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
MCO-7 July MY22 Q4 | MCO-7 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
MCO-7 MY24 Q4 | MCO-7 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
MCOI-5 Jan MY24 Q2 | MCOI-5 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
MCOI-5 January MY2023 Q2 | MCOI-5 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
MCOI-5 January MY2025 Q2 | MCOI-5 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
MCOI-5 July MY22 Q4 | MCOI-5 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
MCOI-5 July MY23 Q4 | MCOI-5 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
MCOI-5 July MY24 Q4 | MCOI-5 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
MCOI-5 May MY2023 Q3 | MCOI-5 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
MCOI-5 May MY22 Q3 | MCOI-5 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
MCOI-5 May MY24 Q3 | MCOI-5 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
MCOI-5 Nov MY24 Q1 | MCOI-5 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
MCOI-5 Nov MY25 Q1 | MCOI-5 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
MCOI-5 November MY2023 Q1 | MCOI-5 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
MCOI-6 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | MCOI-6 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
MCOI-6 Jan MY24 Q2 | MCOI-6 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
MCOI-6 January MY2023 Q2 | MCOI-6 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
MCOI-6 January MY2025 Q2 | MCOI-6 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
MCOI-6 July MY22 Q3 | MCOI-6 July MY22 Q3 | N3B |
MCOI-6 July MY22 Q4 | MCOI-6 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
MCOI-6 July MY23 Q4 | MCOI-6 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
MCOI-6 July MY24 Q4 | MCOI-6 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
MCOI-6 May MY2023 Q3 | MCOI-6 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
MCOI-6 May MY22 Q3 | MCOI-6 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
MCOI-6 May MY24 Q3 | MCOI-6 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
MCOI-6 Nov MY24 Q1 | MCOI-6 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
MCOI-6 Nov MY25 Q1 | MCOI-6 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
MCOI-6 November MY2023 Q1 | MCOI-6 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
MCOI-6 Well Maint May24 | MCOI-6 Well Maint May24 | N3B |
MDA A Vapor Monitoring | MDA A Vapor Monitoring | N3B |
MDA C Vapor Monitoring | MDA C Vapor Monitoring | N3B |
MDA G Vapor Monitoring | MDA G Vapor Monitoring | N3B |
MDA H Vapor Sampling | MDA H Vapor Sampling | N3B |
MDA L | MDA L | N3B |
MDA T Vapor Monitoring | MDA T Vapor Monitoring | N3B |
MDA T Waste Characterization | MDA T Waste Characterization | N3B |
MDA-B TA-21 Land Transfer Tract A-16-a | MDA-B TA-21 Land Transfer Tract A-16-a | LANL |
MDAE Vegetation Waste Disposal | MDAE Vegetation Waste Disposal | N3B |
MDPR Backfill Characterization 4 | MDPR Backfill Characterization 4 | N3B |
MDPR Backfill Characterization 5 | MDPR Backfill Characterization 5 | N3B |
MDPR N&E (4) | MDPR N&E (4) | N3B |
MDPR N&E 5 | MDPR N&E 5 | N3B |
MDPR N&E Waste Characterization | MDPR N&E Waste Characterization | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent | MDPR Nature and Extent | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent (10) | MDPR Nature and Extent (10) | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent (11) | MDPR Nature and Extent (11) | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent (2) | MDPR Nature and Extent (2) | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent (6) | MDPR Nature and Extent (6) | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent (9) | MDPR Nature and Extent (9) | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent 7 | MDPR Nature and Extent 7 | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent 8 | MDPR Nature and Extent 8 | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (2) | MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (2) | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (3) | MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (3) | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (4) | MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (4) | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (5) | MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (5) | N3B |
MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (6) | MDPR Nature and Extent Waste Characterization (6) | N3B |
MDPR Triad Spoils Footprint Sampling | MDPR Triad Spoils Footprint Sampling | N3B |
MDPR Waste Characterization 458.1 | MDPR Waste Characterization 458.1 | N3B |
MEx | MEx | N3B |
MEx Sample 2 | MEx Sample 2 | N3B |
MO/SA 09-17 | MO/SA 09-17 | NMED |
MO/SA 17 Q3 | MO/SA 17 Q3 | NMED |
MO/SA 17 Q4 | MO/SA 17 Q4 | NMED |
MO/SA 20 Q1 | MO/SA 20 Q1 | NMED |
MO/SA 20Q1 | MO/SA 20Q1 | NMED |
Mort/Sandia_MY2013 Q2_R-61 S1,S2 Time Series | Mort/Sandia_MY2013 Q2_R-61 S1,S2 Time Series | N3B |
Mortanda/Sandia MY2018 Q1 | Mortanda/Sandia MY2018 Q1 | LANL |
Mortandad (Discharge Permit Sampling) MY2015 Q2 | Mortandad (Discharge Permit Sampling) MY2015 Q2 | LANL |
Mortandad (Discharge Permit Sampling) MY2015 Q3 | Mortandad (Discharge Permit Sampling) MY2015 Q3 | LANL |
Mortandad at Rio Grande MY2023 Q1 | Mortandad at Rio Grande MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Mortandad at Rio Grande MY24 Q1 | Mortandad at Rio Grande MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Mortandad/Sandia MY2013 Q3 Discharge Permit | Mortandad/Sandia MY2013 Q3 Discharge Permit | LANL |
Mortandad/Sandia Q3 MY2016_MCO-0.6 | Mortandad/Sandia Q3 MY2016_MCO-0.6 | LANL |
MOSA 18 Q2 | MOSA 18 Q2 | NMED |
MOSA 18 Q3 | MOSA 18 Q3 | NMED |
MOSA 2020 Q4 | MOSA 2020 Q4 | NMED |
MOSA 2021 Q2 | MOSA 2021 Q2 | NMED |
MOSA 2023 Q1 | MOSA 2023 Q1 | NMED |
MOSA 2023 Q3 | MOSA 2023 Q3 | NMED |
MOSA 20Q2 | MOSA 20Q2 | NMED |
MOSA 22 Q2 | MOSA 22 Q2 | NMED |
mosa 23 Q2 | mosa 23 Q2 | NMED |
MOSA 23 Q4 | MOSA 23 Q4 | NMED |
MOSA 24 Q1 | MOSA 24 Q1 | NMED |
MOSA-21 Q4 | MOSA-21 Q4 | NMED |
MOSA-22 Q1 | MOSA-22 Q1 | NMED |
MOSA-Q1-19 | MOSA-Q1-19 | NMED |
MOSA_Jun_20 | MOSA_Jun_20 | NMED |
MOSAQ319 | MOSAQ319 | NMED |
MSC-16-06293 MY2022 Q4 | MSC-16-06293 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
MSC-16-06293 MY2023 Q2 | MSC-16-06293 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
MSC-16-06293 MY23 Q4 | MSC-16-06293 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
MSC-16-06293 MY24 Q2 | MSC-16-06293 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
MSC-16-06293 MY24 Q4 | MSC-16-06293 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
MSC-16-06293 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | MSC-16-06293 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
MSC-16-06294 MY2022 Q4 | MSC-16-06294 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
MSC-16-06294 MY2023 Q2 | MSC-16-06294 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
MSC-16-06294 MY23 Q4 | MSC-16-06294 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
MSC-16-06294 MY24 Q2 | MSC-16-06294 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
MSC-16-06294 MY24 Q4 | MSC-16-06294 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
MSC-16-06294 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | MSC-16-06294 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
MSGP 2 | MSGP 2 | LANL |
MSGP 2015 | MSGP 2015 | LANL |
MSGP 3 | MSGP 3 | LANL |
MSGP 4 | MSGP 4 | LANL |
MSGP Annual | MSGP Annual | LANL |
MSGP Annual | MSGP Annual | N3B |
MSGP Annual 2017 | MSGP Annual 2017 | LANL |
MSGP Annual 2019 | MSGP Annual 2019 | LANL |
MSGP Q1 | MSGP Q1 | N3B |
MSGP Q1 2017 | MSGP Q1 2017 | LANL |
MSGP Q1 2019 | MSGP Q1 2019 | LANL |
MSGP Q1 and Annual | MSGP Q1 and Annual | N3B |
MSGP Q2 | MSGP Q2 | N3B |
MSGP Q2 2017 | MSGP Q2 2017 | LANL |
MSGP Q2 2019 | MSGP Q2 2019 | LANL |
MSGP Q2 and Annual | MSGP Q2 and Annual | N3B |
MSGP Q3 | MSGP Q3 | N3B |
MSGP Q3 2017 | MSGP Q3 2017 | LANL |
MSGP Q3 2019 | MSGP Q3 2019 | LANL |
MSGP Q3 and Annual | MSGP Q3 and Annual | N3B |
MSGP Q4 | MSGP Q4 | N3B |
MSGP Q4 2017 | MSGP Q4 2017 | LANL |
MSGP Q4 2019 | MSGP Q4 2019 | LANL |
MSGP Q4 and Annual | MSGP Q4 and Annual | N3B |
MSGP Qtr 1 2016 | MSGP Qtr 1 2016 | LANL |
MSGP Qtr 2 2016 | MSGP Qtr 2 2016 | LANL |
MSGP Qtr 3 2016 | MSGP Qtr 3 2016 | LANL |
MSGP Qtr 4 2016 | MSGP Qtr 4 2016 | LANL |
MSGP-13-Q1 | MSGP-13-Q1 | LANL |
MSGP-13-Q3 | MSGP-13-Q3 | LANL |
MSGP-13-Q4 | MSGP-13-Q4 | LANL |
MSGP-Annual 2016 | MSGP-Annual 2016 | LANL |
MSPG-13-Q2 | MSPG-13-Q2 | LANL |
mtn lion | mtn lion | LANL |
mtn. lion stomach | mtn. lion stomach | LANL |
MY23 Sample 1 | MY23 Sample 1 | N3B |
MY23 Sample 2 | MY23 Sample 2 | N3B |
MY23 Sample 3 | MY23 Sample 3 | N3B |
MY24 Sample 1 | MY24 Sample 1 | N3B |
MY24 Sample 2 | MY24 Sample 2 | N3B |
MY24 Sample 3 | MY24 Sample 3 | N3B |
n | n | N3B |
na | na | N3B |
NACAA Phase II Waste Characterization | NACAA Phase II Waste Characterization | N3B |
NACAA Phase II Waste Characterization (2) | NACAA Phase II Waste Characterization (2) | N3B |
NACAA Phase II Waste Characterization 3 | NACAA Phase II Waste Characterization 3 | N3B |
new event | new event | LANL |
New Water Fountain Installations - TA-03-2327 | New Water Fountain Installations - TA-03-2327 | LANL |
Nitrite Resample Nov 23 | Nitrite Resample Nov 23 | LANL |
North Ancho | North Ancho | N3B |
North Ancho Canyon 39-002(a) Area 1 - Additional | North Ancho Canyon 39-002(a) Area 1 - Additional | N3B |
North Ancho Canyon AOC 39-002(b) | North Ancho Canyon AOC 39-002(b) | N3B |
North Ancho Canyon SWMU 39-002(a) Area 1 | North Ancho Canyon SWMU 39-002(a) Area 1 | N3B |
North Ancho Canyon SWMU 39-002(a) Area 2 | North Ancho Canyon SWMU 39-002(a) Area 2 | N3B |
North Ancho Canyon SWMU 39-006(a) | North Ancho Canyon SWMU 39-006(a) | N3B |
North Ancho Canyon SWMU 39-010 | North Ancho Canyon SWMU 39-010 | N3B |
North Ancho P&A liquid waste samples | North Ancho P&A liquid waste samples | N3B |
North Ancho SWMU 39-002(b) Add_round2 | North Ancho SWMU 39-002(b) Add_round2 | N3B |
Nov 2021 | Nov 2021 | LANL |
Nov 2021 Confirmation | Nov 2021 Confirmation | LANL |
Nov 2022 | Nov 2022 | LANL |
Nov 2023 | Nov 2023 | LANL |
Nov-23 | Nov-23 | LANL |
November | November | LANL |
November 2023 | November 2023 | LANL |
November 2024 | November 2024 | LANL |
November 2024 Resample | November 2024 Resample | LANL |
NPDES - 2nd Quarter - 2018 | NPDES - 2nd Quarter - 2018 | LANL |
NPDES - 3rd Quarter - 2018 | NPDES - 3rd Quarter - 2018 | LANL |
NPDES - 4th Quarter - 2018 | NPDES - 4th Quarter - 2018 | LANL |
NPDES - Annual Sampling - 2018 | NPDES - Annual Sampling - 2018 | LANL |
NPDES 160 - Cu | NPDES 160 - Cu | LANL |
NPDES 1st Qrt 1st Month | NPDES 1st Qrt 1st Month | LANL |
Npdes 1st Qrt 2nd Month 2015 | Npdes 1st Qrt 2nd Month 2015 | LANL |
Npdes 1st Qrt 3rd Month 2015 | Npdes 1st Qrt 3rd Month 2015 | LANL |
NPDES 1st Quarter - 2018 | NPDES 1st Quarter - 2018 | LANL |
Npdes 1st quarter 2nd month | Npdes 1st quarter 2nd month | LANL |
Npdes 1st quarter 3rd month | Npdes 1st quarter 3rd month | LANL |
NPDES 2014 2nd Qtr | NPDES 2014 2nd Qtr | LANL |
NPDES 2016 1st Qtr 3rd month | NPDES 2016 1st Qtr 3rd month | LANL |
NPDES 2016 2nd Qtr 2nd Month | NPDES 2016 2nd Qtr 2nd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2016 2nd Qtr 3rd Month | NPDES 2016 2nd Qtr 3rd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2016 3rd Qtr 1st Month | NPDES 2016 3rd Qtr 1st Month | LANL |
NPDES 2016 3rd Qtr 2nd Month | NPDES 2016 3rd Qtr 2nd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2016 3rd Qtr 3rd Month | NPDES 2016 3rd Qtr 3rd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2016 4th Qtr 1st Month | NPDES 2016 4th Qtr 1st Month | LANL |
NPDES 2016 4th Qtr 2nd Month | NPDES 2016 4th Qtr 2nd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2016 4th Qtr 3rd Month | NPDES 2016 4th Qtr 3rd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2017 1st Qtr 1st Month | NPDES 2017 1st Qtr 1st Month | LANL |
NPDES 2017 1st Qtr 2nd Month | NPDES 2017 1st Qtr 2nd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2017 1st Qtr 3rd Month | NPDES 2017 1st Qtr 3rd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2017 2nd Qtr 1st Month | NPDES 2017 2nd Qtr 1st Month | LANL |
NPDES 2017 2nd Qtr 2nd Month | NPDES 2017 2nd Qtr 2nd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2017 2nd Qtr 3rd Month | NPDES 2017 2nd Qtr 3rd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2017 3rd Qtr 1st Month | NPDES 2017 3rd Qtr 1st Month | LANL |
NPDES 2017 3rd Qtr 2nd Month | NPDES 2017 3rd Qtr 2nd Month | LANL |
NPDES 2017 3rd Qtr 3rd Month | NPDES 2017 3rd Qtr 3rd Month | LANL |
Npdes 2nd Qrt 1st Month 2015 | Npdes 2nd Qrt 1st Month 2015 | LANL |
Npdes 2nd quarter 1st Month | Npdes 2nd quarter 1st Month | LANL |
Npdes 2nd quarter 3rd Month | Npdes 2nd quarter 3rd Month | LANL |
Npdes 3rd Qrt 1st Month 2015 | Npdes 3rd Qrt 1st Month 2015 | LANL |
Npdes 3rd Qrt 2nd Month 2015 | Npdes 3rd Qrt 2nd Month 2015 | LANL |
Npdes 3rd Qrt 2nd Mth 2015 | Npdes 3rd Qrt 2nd Mth 2015 | LANL |
Npdes 3rd Qrt 3rd Month 2015 | Npdes 3rd Qrt 3rd Month 2015 | LANL |
Npdes 3rd quarter 1st Month | Npdes 3rd quarter 1st Month | LANL |
Npdes 3rd quarter 2nd Month | Npdes 3rd quarter 2nd Month | LANL |
Npdes 3rd quarter 4th Month | Npdes 3rd quarter 4th Month | LANL |
Npdes 4th Qrt 1st Month 2015 | Npdes 4th Qrt 1st Month 2015 | LANL |
Npdes 4th Qrt 2nd Month 2015 | Npdes 4th Qrt 2nd Month 2015 | LANL |
Npdes 4th Qrt 4th Month 2015 | Npdes 4th Qrt 4th Month 2015 | LANL |
Npdes 4th quarter 1st Month | Npdes 4th quarter 1st Month | LANL |
NPDES 4th Quarter 2017 | NPDES 4th Quarter 2017 | LANL |
Npdes 4th quarter 3rd Month | Npdes 4th quarter 3rd Month | LANL |
Npdes 4th quarter 4th Month | Npdes 4th quarter 4th Month | LANL |
NPDES Annual 2019 | NPDES Annual 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly April 2019 | NPDES Monthly April 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly August 2019 | NPDES Monthly August 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly December 2019 | NPDES Monthly December 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly February 2019 | NPDES Monthly February 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly January 2019 | NPDES Monthly January 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly July 2019 | NPDES Monthly July 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly June 2019 | NPDES Monthly June 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly March 2019 | NPDES Monthly March 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly May 2019 | NPDES Monthly May 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly November 2019 | NPDES Monthly November 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly October 2019 | NPDES Monthly October 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Monthly September 2019 | NPDES Monthly September 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Quarter 1 2019 | NPDES Quarter 1 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Quarter 2 2019 | NPDES Quarter 2 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Quarter 3 2019 | NPDES Quarter 3 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Quarter 4 2019 | NPDES Quarter 4 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly April 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly April 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly August 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly August 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly December 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly December 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly February 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly February 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly January 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly January 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly July 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly July 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly June 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly June 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly March 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly March 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly May 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly May 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly November 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly November 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly October 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly October 2019 | LANL |
NPDES Semi-Monthly September 2019 | NPDES Semi-Monthly September 2019 | LANL |
NRDA Eggs | NRDA Eggs | LANL |
NRDA Nestlings | NRDA Nestlings | LANL |
O-1 December MY2023 Q1 | O-1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
O-1 December MY2025 Q1 | O-1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
O-1 December MY24 Q1 | O-1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
O-1 June MY2022 Q3 | O-1 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
O-1 June MY2023 Q3 | O-1 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
O-1 June MY2024 Q3 | O-1 June MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
O-2 December MY2025 Q1 | O-2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
O-2 December MY24 Q1 | O-2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
O-2 June MY24 Q3 | O-2 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
O-2 September MY2023 Q4 | O-2 September MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
O-4 December MY2023 Q1 | O-4 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
O-4 December MY2025 Q1 | O-4 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
O-4 December MY24 Q1 | O-4 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
O-4 June MY2022 Q3 | O-4 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
O-4 June MY2023 Q3 | O-4 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
O-4 June MY24 Q3 | O-4 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
OB_AM_August2022 | OB_AM_August2022 | LANL |
OB_AM_Nov2_2022 | OB_AM_Nov2_2022 | LANL |
OB_AM_Nov3_2022 | OB_AM_Nov3_2022 | LANL |
OB_AM_October27_2022 | OB_AM_October27_2022 | LANL |
Oct 2021 | Oct 2021 | LANL |
Oct 2022 | Oct 2022 | LANL |
Oct 2023 | Oct 2023 | LANL |
Oct-23 | Oct-23 | LANL |
October | October | LANL |
October 2023 | October 2023 | LANL |
October 2024 | October 2024 | LANL |
operational samples | operational samples | LANL |
Oshel - TA-48 | Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
Otowi Building - E.Coli, Pb, Cu Samples | Otowi Building - E.Coli, Pb, Cu Samples | LANL |
Outfalls 24 | Outfalls 24 | NMED |
P-3FE/P-4W | P-3FE/P-4W | N3B |
Paj @ RG | Paj @ RG | N3B |
Paj bel S-N Anch E Basin Conf MY2022 Q4 | Paj bel S-N Anch E Basin Conf MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Paj bel S-N Anch E Basin conf MY23 Q4 | Paj bel S-N Anch E Basin conf MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Paj bel S-N Anch E Basin conf MY24 Q2 | Paj bel S-N Anch E Basin conf MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Paj bel S-N Anch E Basin conf MY24 Q4 | Paj bel S-N Anch E Basin conf MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Paj blw S&N Ancho E Basin Con Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | Paj blw S&N Ancho E Basin Con Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
Paj SR-4 culvert Event 1 | Paj SR-4 culvert Event 1 | NMED |
Paj SR-4 culvert Event 2 | Paj SR-4 culvert Event 2 | NMED |
PAJA 18 Q1 | PAJA 18 Q1 | NMED |
PAJA 18 Q3 | PAJA 18 Q3 | NMED |
PajaQ22018 | PajaQ22018 | NMED |
Pajarito at Rio Grande MY2023 Q1 | Pajarito at Rio Grande MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Pajarito at Rio Grande MY24 Q1 | Pajarito at Rio Grande MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Pajarito below S&N Ancho E Basin Conf MY2023 Q2 | Pajarito below S&N Ancho E Basin Conf MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
PajE1 | PajE1 | NMED |
PAO-5n MY2023 Q3 | PAO-5n MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PAO-5n MY2024 Q3 | PAO-5n MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
PAO-5n MY22 Q3 | PAO-5n MY22 Q3 | N3B |
PC-RB-1 Sampling Event 1 | PC-RB-1 Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
PC-RB-1 Sampling Event 2 | PC-RB-1 Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
PC-RC-1 Sampling Event 1 | PC-RC-1 Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
PC-RP-1 Sampling Event 1 | PC-RP-1 Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
PC-RP-1 Sampling Event 2 | PC-RP-1 Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
PC-RP-1 Sampling Event 3 | PC-RP-1 Sampling Event 3 | LANL |
PCAO-8 MY23 Q4 | PCAO-8 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
PCAO-8 MY24 Q4 | PCAO-8 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
PCAO-8 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | PCAO-8 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
PCB congeners | PCB congeners | LANL |
PCB Congeners - Blauert - TA-3 | PCB Congeners - Blauert - TA-3 | LANL |
PCB Congeners Sampling - Blauert - TA-3 | PCB Congeners Sampling - Blauert - TA-3 | LANL |
PCI-2 MY23 Q4 | PCI-2 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
PCI-2 MY24 Q4 | PCI-2 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
PCI-2 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | PCI-2 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
PD20 2020 E3 | PD20 2020 E3 | NMED |
PFAS Sample 1 | PFAS Sample 1 | N3B |
PFAS Sample 2 | PFAS Sample 2 | N3B |
PFCAA SWMU 36-003(b) iteration | PFCAA SWMU 36-003(b) iteration | N3B |
PFCAA Waste Characterization TA15 | PFCAA Waste Characterization TA15 | N3B |
PFCAA Waste Characterization TA36 | PFCAA Waste Characterization TA36 | N3B |
PHARM 17 Q3 | PHARM 17 Q3 | NMED |
PJ-11.1-21-E1 | PJ-11.1-21-E1 | NMED |
PJ-18-2021-E3 | PJ-18-2021-E3 | NMED |
PJ-18-21-E1 | PJ-18-21-E1 | NMED |
PJ-18-21-E2 | PJ-18-21-E2 | NMED |
PJ-19-21-E1 | PJ-19-21-E1 | NMED |
PJ-20-2021-E4 | PJ-20-2021-E4 | NMED |
PJ-20-21-E1 | PJ-20-21-E1 | NMED |
PJ-20-21-E5 | PJ-20-21-E5 | NMED |
PJ-SMA-18E1 | PJ-SMA-18E1 | NMED |
PJ-SMA-18E2 | PJ-SMA-18E2 | NMED |
PJ-SMA-19E1 | PJ-SMA-19E1 | NMED |
PJ-SMA-20E1 | PJ-SMA-20E1 | NMED |
PJ-SMA-20E2 | PJ-SMA-20E2 | NMED |
PJ-SMA-20E3 | PJ-SMA-20E3 | NMED |
PJ-SMA-20E4 | PJ-SMA-20E4 | NMED |
PJ-SMA-20E5 | PJ-SMA-20E5 | NMED |
PJ20 2020 1 | PJ20 2020 1 | NMED |
PJ20 2020 E2 | PJ20 2020 E2 | NMED |
PM-1 December MY2023 Q1 | PM-1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
PM-1 December MY2025 Q1 | PM-1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
PM-1 December MY24 Q1 | PM-1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-1 June MY2022 Q3 | PM-1 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
PM-1 June MY2023 Q3 | PM-1 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-1 June MY2024 Q3 | PM-1 June MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
PM-2 December MY2023 Q1 | PM-2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
PM-2 December MY2025 Q1 | PM-2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
PM-2 December MY24 Q1 | PM-2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-2 June MY2022 Q3 | PM-2 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
PM-2 June MY2023 Q3 | PM-2 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-2 June MY2024 Q3 | PM-2 June MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
PM-3 April Monthly MY2022 Q32 | PM-3 April Monthly MY2022 Q32 | N3B |
PM-3 April MY2023 Q3 | PM-3 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-3 August MY23 Q4 | PM-3 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
PM-3 December MY2023 Q1 | PM-3 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
PM-3 December MY24 Q1 | PM-3 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-3 Feb MY24 Q2 | PM-3 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
PM-3 February MY2023 Q2 | PM-3 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
PM-3 January MY24 Q2 | PM-3 January MY24 Q2 | N3B |
PM-3 July MY2023 Q4 | PM-3 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
PM-3 June MY2022 Q3 | PM-3 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
PM-3 June MY2023 Q3 | PM-3 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-3 March MY2022 Q2 | PM-3 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
PM-3 March MY2023 Q2 | PM-3 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
PM-3 May MY2023 Q3 | PM-3 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-3 May MY22 Q3 | PM-3 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
PM-3 Nov MY24 Q1 | PM-3 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-3 October MY24 Q1 | PM-3 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-3 September MY23 Q4 | PM-3 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
PM-4 April MY2023 Q3 | PM-4 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-4 April MY24 Q3 | PM-4 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
PM-4 August MY23 Q4 | PM-4 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
PM-4 August MY24 Q4 | PM-4 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
PM-4 December MY2023 Q1 | PM-4 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
PM-4 December MY2025 Q1 | PM-4 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
PM-4 December MY24 Q1 | PM-4 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-4 Feb MY24 Q2 | PM-4 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
PM-4 February MY2023 Q2 | PM-4 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
PM-4 February MY2025 Q2 | PM-4 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
PM-4 January MY2023 Q2 | PM-4 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
PM-4 January MY2025 Q2 | PM-4 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
PM-4 January MY24 Q2 | PM-4 January MY24 Q2 | N3B |
PM-4 July MY2023 Q4 | PM-4 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
PM-4 July MY24 Q4 | PM-4 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
PM-4 June MY2022 Q3 | PM-4 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
PM-4 June MY2023 Q3 | PM-4 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-4 June MY2024 Q3 | PM-4 June MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
PM-4 March MY2023 Q2 | PM-4 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
PM-4 March MY24 Q2 | PM-4 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
PM-4 May MY2023 Q3 | PM-4 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-4 May MY24 Q3 | PM-4 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
PM-4 Nov MY24 Q1 | PM-4 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-4 Nov MY25 Q1 | PM-4 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
PM-4 Oct MY25 Q1 | PM-4 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
PM-4 October MY24 Q1 | PM-4 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-4 Q3 18 | PM-4 Q3 18 | NMED |
PM-4 Sept MY24 Q4 | PM-4 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
PM-4 September MY23 Q4 | PM-4 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
PM-5 April MY2023 Q3 | PM-5 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-5 April MY24 Q3 | PM-5 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
PM-5 August MY23 Q4 | PM-5 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
PM-5 August MY24 Q4 | PM-5 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
PM-5 December MY2023 Q1 | PM-5 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
PM-5 December MY2025 Q1 | PM-5 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
PM-5 December MY24 Q1 | PM-5 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-5 Feb MY24 Q2 | PM-5 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
PM-5 February MY2023 Q2 | PM-5 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
PM-5 February MY2025 Q2 | PM-5 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
PM-5 January MY2023 Q2 | PM-5 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
PM-5 January MY2025 Q2 | PM-5 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
PM-5 January MY24 Q2 | PM-5 January MY24 Q2 | N3B |
PM-5 July MY2023 Q4 | PM-5 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
PM-5 July MY24 Q4 | PM-5 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
PM-5 June MY2022 Q3 | PM-5 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
PM-5 June MY2023 Q3 | PM-5 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-5 June MY2024 Q3 | PM-5 June MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
PM-5 March MY2023 Q2 | PM-5 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
PM-5 March MY24 Q2 | PM-5 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
PM-5 May MY2023 Q3 | PM-5 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
PM-5 May MY24 Q3 | PM-5 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
PM-5 Nov MY24 Q1 | PM-5 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-5 Nov MY25 Q1 | PM-5 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
PM-5 Oct MY25 Q1 | PM-5 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
PM-5 October MY24 Q1 | PM-5 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
PM-5 Sept MY24 Q4 | PM-5 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
PM-5 September MY23 Q4 | PM-5 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
POI-4 MY2023 Q3 | POI-4 MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
POI-4 MY2024 Q3 | POI-4 MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
POI-4 MY22 Q3 | POI-4 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
Potable Water Line - TA-50 | Potable Water Line - TA-50 | LANL |
Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 15-002 | Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 15-002 | N3B |
Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 15-004(b,c) | Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 15-004(b,c) | N3B |
Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 15-009(e) | Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 15-009(e) | N3B |
Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 36-003(b) | Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 36-003(b) | N3B |
Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 36-005 | Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU 36-005 | N3B |
Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU15-008(a) | Potrillo-Fence Canyon SWMU15-008(a) | N3B |
Potrillo-Fence SWMU 36-001 | Potrillo-Fence SWMU 36-001 | N3B |
Precip 2017 Q1 | Precip 2017 Q1 | NMED |
Precip 2017 Q2 | Precip 2017 Q2 | NMED |
precip Q1 | precip Q1 | NMED |
Precip Q1 22 | Precip Q1 22 | NMED |
Precip Sampling Event 1 | Precip Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
Precip Sampling Event 2 | Precip Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
Precip Sampling Event 3 | Precip Sampling Event 3 | LANL |
Precip Sampling Event 4 | Precip Sampling Event 4 | LANL |
Precip Sampling Event 5 | Precip Sampling Event 5 | LANL |
Precip Sampling Event 6 | Precip Sampling Event 6 | LANL |
PSI-LA-1 Sampling Event 1 | PSI-LA-1 Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
PSI-LA-1 Sampling Event 2 | PSI-LA-1 Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
PSI-LA-1 Sampling Event 3 | PSI-LA-1 Sampling Event 3 | LANL |
PSI-RP-1 Sampling Event 1 | PSI-RP-1 Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
PSI-RP-1 Sampling Event 2 | PSI-RP-1 Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
PT-2-21-E1 | PT-2-21-E1 | NMED |
PT-4.2-21-E1 | PT-4.2-21-E1 | NMED |
Pueblo Canyon Biota & Native Vegetation Sampling | Pueblo Canyon Biota & Native Vegetation Sampling | LANL |
Pueblo Canyon Land Transfer Tract A-18-a | Pueblo Canyon Land Transfer Tract A-18-a | LANL |
Pueblo Snowmelt 2021 | Pueblo Snowmelt 2021 | NMED |
Q1 | Q1 | LANL |
Q2 | Q2 | LANL |
Q2 and Annual | Q2 and Annual | N3B |
Q3 | Q3 | LANL |
Q3 and Annual | Q3 and Annual | N3B |
Q4 | Q4 | LANL |
Q4 Resample | Q4 Resample | LANL |
QC - collect with any sample | QC - collect with any sample | LANL |
QC samples | QC samples | LANL |
R-1 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | R-1 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-1 May MY22 Q3 | R-1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-1 May MY24 Q3 | R-1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-1 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-10 S1 MY24 Q1 | R-10 S1 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-10 S1 MY25 Q1 | R-10 S1 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-10 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-10 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-10 S2 MY24 Q1 | R-10 S2 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-10 S2 MY25 Q1 | R-10 S2 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-10 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | R-10 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-10a May MY2022 Q3 | R-10a May MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-10a May MY2023 Q3 | R-10a May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-10a May MY24 Q3 | R-10a May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-10a MY24 Q1 | R-10a MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-10a MY25 Q1 | R-10a MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-10a November MY2023 Q1 | R-10a November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 May MY2023 Q3 | R-11 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 April MY2022 Q3 | R-11 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 April MY2023 Q3 | R-11 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 April MY24 Q3 | R-11 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 August MY2022 Q4 | R-11 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-11 August MY23 Q4 | R-11 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-11 August MY24 Q4 | R-11 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-11 December MY2023 Q1 | R-11 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 December MY2025 Q1 | R-11 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 December MY24 Q1 | R-11 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-11 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-11 February MY2023 Q2 | R-11 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-11 February MY2025 Q2 | R-11 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-11 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-11 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-11 January MY2023 Q2 | R-11 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-11 January MY2025 Q2 | R-11 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-11 July MY2023 Q4 | R-11 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-11 July My22 Q4 | R-11 July My22 Q4 | N3B |
R-11 July MY24 Q4 | R-11 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-11 June MY2022 Q3 | R-11 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 June MY2023 Q3 | R-11 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 June MY24 Q3 | R-11 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 March MY2022 Q2 | R-11 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-11 March MY2023 Q2 | R-11 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-11 March MY24 Q2 | R-11 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-11 May MY2023 Q3 | R-11 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 May MY22 Q3 | R-11 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 May MY24 Q3 | R-11 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-11 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-11 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-11 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 November MY2023 Q1 | R-11 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-11 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 October MY2023 Q1 | R-11 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 October MY24 Q1 | R-11 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-11 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-11 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-11 September MY2022 Q4 | R-11 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-11 September MY23 Q4 | R-11 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-12 S1 July Cr52/53 MY2023 Q4 | R-12 S1 July Cr52/53 MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-12 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-12 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-12 S1 MY2024 Q4 | R-12 S1 MY2024 Q4 | N3B |
R-12 S2 July Cr52/53 MY2023 Q4 | R-12 S2 July Cr52/53 MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-12 S2 July MY2023 Q4 | R-12 S2 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-12 S2 July MY22 Q4 | R-12 S2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-12 S2 MY2024 Q4 | R-12 S2 MY2024 Q4 | N3B |
R-13 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | R-13 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-13 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-13 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-13 January MY2023 Q2 | R-13 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-13 January MY2025 Q2 | R-13 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-13 July MY2023 Q4 | R-13 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-13 July MY22 Q4 | R-13 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-13 July MY24 Q4 | R-13 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-13 May MY2023 Q3 | R-13 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-13 May MY22 Q3 | R-13 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-13 May MY24 Q3 | R-13 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-13 MY2023 Q1 | R-13 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-13 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-13 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-13 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-13 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-14 S1 MY24 Q1 | R-14 S1 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-14 S1 MY25 Q1 | R-14 S1 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-14 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-14 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-15 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-15 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-15 January MY2023 Q2 | R-15 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-15 January MY2025 Q2 | R-15 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-15 July MY2023 Q4 | R-15 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-15 July MY22 Q4 | R-15 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-15 July MY24 Q4 | R-15 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-15 May MY2023 Q3 | R-15 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-15 May MY22 Q3 | R-15 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-15 May MY24 Q3 | R-15 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-15 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-15 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-15 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-15 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-15 November MY2023 Q1 | R-15 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-16 S2 July MY2023 Q4 | R-16 S2 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-16 S2 July MY22 Q4 | R-16 S2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-16 S2 MY24 Q4 | R-16 S2 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-16 S4 July MY2023 Q4 | R-16 S4 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-16 S4 July MY22 Q4 | R-16 S4 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-16 S4 MY2024 Q4 | R-16 S4 MY2024 Q4 | N3B |
R-16 Well Maint Purge Water MY24 | R-16 Well Maint Purge Water MY24 | N3B |
R-16 Well Maintenance Resample | R-16 Well Maintenance Resample | N3B |
R-16r July MY2023 Q4 | R-16r July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-16r July MY22 Q4 | R-16r July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-16r MY2024 Q4 | R-16r MY2024 Q4 | N3B |
R-17 S1 Feb MY24Q2 | R-17 S1 Feb MY24Q2 | N3B |
R-17 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-17 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-17 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-17 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-17 S1 MY23 Q4 | R-17 S1 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-17 S1 MY24 Q4 | R-17 S1 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-17 S1 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | R-17 S1 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-17 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-17 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-17 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-17 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-17 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-17 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-17 S2 MY23 Q4 | R-17 S2 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-17 S2 MY24 Q4 | R-17 S2 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-17 S2 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | R-17 S2 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-18 December MY2023 Q1 | R-18 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-18 December MY2025 Q1 | R-18 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-18 May MY2023 Q3 | R-18 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-18 MY2022 Q3 | R-18 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-18 MY2022 Q4 | R-18 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-18 MY2023 Q2 | R-18 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-18 MY23 Q4 | R-18 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-18 MY24 Q1 | R-18 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-18 MY24 Q2 | R-18 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-18 MY24 Q3 | R-18 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-18 MY24 Q4 | R-18 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-18 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-18 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-19 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-19 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-19 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-19 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-19 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-19 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-19 S2 MY23 Q4 | R-19 S2 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-19 S2 MY24 Q4 | R-19 S2 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-19 S2 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | R-19 S2 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-19 S3 | R-19 S3 | NMED |
R-19 S3 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-19 S3 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-19 S3 February MY2023 Q2 | R-19 S3 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-19 S3 February MY2025 Q2 | R-19 S3 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-19 S3 MY23 Q4 | R-19 S3 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-19 S3 MY24 Q4 | R-19 S3 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-19 S3 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | R-19 S3 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-2 MY2023 Q3 | R-2 MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-2 MY2024 Q3 | R-2 MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
R-2 MY22 Q3 | R-2 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-20 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-20 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-20 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-20 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-20 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-20 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-20 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-20 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-20 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-20 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-20 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-20 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-21 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-21 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-21 February MY2023 Q2 | R-21 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-21 February MY2025 Q2 | R-21 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-23 Feb MY23 Q2 | R-23 Feb MY23 Q2 | N3B |
R-23 February MY2023 Q2 | R-23 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-23 February MY2025 Q2 | R-23 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-23i S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-23i S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-23i S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-23i S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-23i S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-23i S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i S3 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-23i S3 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i S3 February MY2023 Q2 | R-23i S3 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i S3 February MY2025 Q2 | R-23i S3 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-23i Well Maint Apr24 | R-23i Well Maint Apr24 | N3B |
R-23i Well Maintenance Resample | R-23i Well Maintenance Resample | N3B |
R-24 MY2023 Q3 | R-24 MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-24 MY2024 Q3 | R-24 MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
R-24 MY22 Q3 | R-24 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-25b MY2022 Q4 | R-25b MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-25b MY2023 Q2 | R-25b MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-25b MY23 Q4 | R-25b MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-25b MY24 Q2 | R-25b MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-25b MY24 Q4 | R-25b MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-25b Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-25b Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-26 PZ-2 MY2022 Q4 | R-26 PZ-2 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-26 PZ-2 MY2023 Q2 | R-26 PZ-2 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-26 PZ-2 MY23 Q4 | R-26 PZ-2 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-26 PZ-2 MY24 Q2 | R-26 PZ-2 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-26 PZ-2 MY24 Q4 | R-26 PZ-2 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-26 PZ-2 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-26 PZ-2 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-26 S1 MY2022 Q4 | R-26 S1 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-26 S1 MY2023 Q2 | R-26 S1 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-26 S1 MY23 Q4 | R-26 S1 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-26 S1 MY24 Q2 | R-26 S1 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-26 S1 MY24 Q4 | R-26 S1 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-26 S1 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-26 S1 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-27 MY2022 Q4 | R-27 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-27 MY23 Q4 | R-27 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-27 MY24 Q4 | R-27 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-27i MY2022 Q4 | R-27i MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-27i MY23 Q4 | R-27i MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-27i MY24 Q4 | R-27i MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-28 Extended Purge GGRL MY2023 Q2 | R-28 Extended Purge GGRL MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-28 Extended Purge MY2023 Q2 | R-28 Extended Purge MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-28 Stormwater | R-28 Stormwater | N3B |
R-28 Unknown Water | R-28 Unknown Water | N3B |
R-28 Wellhead_GEL | R-28 Wellhead_GEL | N3B |
R-29 MY2022 Q4 | R-29 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-29 MY23 Q4 | R-29 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-29 MY24 Q4 | R-29 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-3 MY2023 Q3 | R-3 MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-3 MY2024 Q3 | R-3 MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
R-3 MY22 Q3 | R-3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-30 MY2022 Q4 | R-30 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-30 MY23 Q4 | R-30 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-30 MY24 Q4 | R-30 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-31 S3 February MY2023 Q2 | R-31 S3 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-31 S3 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-31 S3 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-31 S3 January MY2023 Q2 | R-31 S3 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-31 S3 January MY2025 Q2 | R-31 S3 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-31 S3 MY2022 Q4 | R-31 S3 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-31 S3 MY23 Q4 | R-31 S3 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-31 S3 MY24 Q4 | R-31 S3 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-31 S4 February MY2023 Q2 | R-31 S4 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-31 S4 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-31 S4 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-31 S4 January MY2023 Q2 | R-31 S4 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-31 S4 January MY2025 Q2 | R-31 S4 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-31 S4 MY2022 Q4 | R-31 S4 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-31 S4 MY23 Q4 | R-31 S4 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-31 S4 MY24 Q4 | R-31 S4 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-31 S4 Rev 1 MY2023 Q2 | R-31 S4 Rev 1 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-32 S1 Feb MY24 | R-32 S1 Feb MY24 | N3B |
R-32 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-32 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-32 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-32 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-33 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-33 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-33 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-33 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-33 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | R-33 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-33 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | R-33 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-33 S1 July MY22 Q4 | R-33 S1 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-33 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-33 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-33 S1 July MY24 Q4 | R-33 S1 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-33 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-33 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-33 S1 May MY22 Q3 | R-33 S1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-33 S1 May MY24 Q3 | R-33 S1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-33 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-33 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-33 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-33 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-33 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-33 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-33 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-33 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-33 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | R-33 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-33 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | R-33 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-33 S2 July MY22 Q4 | R-33 S2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-33 S2 July MY23 Q4 | R-33 S2 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-33 S2 July MY24 Q4 | R-33 S2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-33 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-33 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-33 S2 May MY22 Q3 | R-33 S2 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-33 S2 May MY24 Q3 | R-33 S2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-33 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-33 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-33 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-33 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-33 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | R-33 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-33 S3 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-33 S3 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-33 S4 January MY2023 Q2 | R-33 S4 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-34 MY24 Q1 | R-34 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-34 MY25 Q1 | R-34 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-34 November MY2023 Q1 | R-34 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a 0.5CV August MY2022 Q4 | R-35a 0.5CV August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a 1CV August MY2022 Q4 | R-35a 1CV August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a 2CV August MY2022 Q4 | R-35a 2CV August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a 3CV August MY2022 Q4 | R-35a 3CV August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a 4CV August MY2022 Q4 | R-35a 4CV August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a 5CV August MY2022 Q4 | R-35a 5CV August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a 6CV August MY2022 Q4 | R-35a 6CV August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a April Ext Purge MY2023 Q3 | R-35a April Ext Purge MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a April MY2022 Q3 | R-35a April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a April MY2023 Q3 | R-35a April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a April MY24 Q3 | R-35a April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a August MY2022 Q4 | R-35a August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a August MY23 Q4 | R-35a August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a August MY24 Q4 | R-35a August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a December MY2023 Q1 | R-35a December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a December MY2025 Q1 | R-35a December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a December MY24 Q1 | R-35a December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a Feb MY24 Q2 | R-35a Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-35a February MY2023 Q2 | R-35a February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-35a February MY2025 Q2 | R-35a February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-35a Jan MY24 Q2 | R-35a Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-35a January MY2023 Q2 | R-35a January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-35a January MY2025 Q2 | R-35a January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-35a July MY2023 Q4 | R-35a July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a July MY22 Q4 | R-35a July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a July MY24 Q4 | R-35a July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a June MY2022 Q3 | R-35a June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a June MY2023 Q3 | R-35a June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a June MY24 Q3 | R-35a June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a March MY2022 Q2 | R-35a March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-35a March MY2023 Q2 | R-35a March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-35a March MY24 Q2 | R-35a March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-35a May Ext Purge MY2023 Q3 | R-35a May Ext Purge MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a May MY2023 Q3 | R-35a May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a May MY22 Q3 | R-35a May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a May MY24 Q3 | R-35a May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-35a Nov MY24 Q1 | R-35a Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a Nov MY25 Q1 | R-35a Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a November MY2023 Q1 | R-35a November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a Oct MY25 Q1 | R-35a Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a October MY2023 Q1 | R-35a October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a October MY24 Q1 | R-35a October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-35a Sept MY24 Q4 | R-35a Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a September MY2022 Q4 | R-35a September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35a September MY23 Q4 | R-35a September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-35b April MY2022 Q3 | R-35b April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-35b April MY2023 Q3 | R-35b April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-35b April MY24 Q3 | R-35b April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-35b August MY2022 Q4 | R-35b August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35b August MY23 Q4 | R-35b August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-35b August MY24 Q4 | R-35b August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-35b December MY2023 Q1 | R-35b December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-35b December MY2025 Q1 | R-35b December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-35b December MY24 Q1 | R-35b December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-35b Feb MY24 Q2 | R-35b Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-35b February MY2023 Q2 | R-35b February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-35b February MY2025 Q2 | R-35b February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-35b Jan MY24 Q2 | R-35b Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-35b January MY2023 Q2 | R-35b January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-35b January MY2025 Q2 | R-35b January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-35b July MY2023 Q4 | R-35b July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-35b July MY22 Q4 | R-35b July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-35b July MY24 Q4 | R-35b July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-35b June MY2022 Q3 | R-35b June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-35b June MY2023 Q3 | R-35b June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-35b June MY24 Q3 | R-35b June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-35b March MY2022 Q2 | R-35b March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-35b March MY2023 Q2 | R-35b March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-35b March MY24 Q2 | R-35b March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-35b May MY2023 Q3 | R-35b May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-35b May MY22 Q3 | R-35b May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-35b May MY24 Q3 | R-35b May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-35b Nov MY24 Q1 | R-35b Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-35b Nov MY25 Q1 | R-35b Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-35b November MY2023 Q1 | R-35b November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-35b Oct MY25 Q1 | R-35b Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-35b October MY2023 Q1 | R-35b October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-35b October MY24 Q1 | R-35b October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-35b Sept MY24 Q4 | R-35b Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-35b September MY2022 Q4 | R-35b September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-35b September MY23 Q4 | R-35b September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-36 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | R-36 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-36 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-36 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-36 January MY2023 Q2 | R-36 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-36 January MY2025 Q2 | R-36 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-36 July MY22 Q4 | R-36 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-36 July MY23 Q4 | R-36 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-36 July MY24 Q4 | R-36 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-36 May MY2023 Q3 | R-36 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-36 May MY22 Q3 | R-36 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-36 May MY24 Q3 | R-36 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-36 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-36 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-36 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-36 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-36 November MY2023 Q1 | R-36 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-37 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-37 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-37 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-37 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-37 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-37 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-37 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-37 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-37 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-37 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-37 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-37 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-38 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-38 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-38 February MY2023 Q2 | R-38 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-38 February MY2025 Q2 | R-38 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-38 Well Maintenance | R-38 Well Maintenance | N3B |
R-38 Well Maintenance Resample | R-38 Well Maintenance Resample | N3B |
R-39 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-39 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-39 February MY2023 Q2 | R-39 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-39 February MY2025 Q2 | R-39 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-39 Well Maintenance Purge Water June2024 MY24 | R-39 Well Maintenance Purge Water June2024 MY24 | N3B |
R-39 Well Maintenance Resample | R-39 Well Maintenance Resample | N3B |
R-3i MY2023 Q3 | R-3i MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-3i MY2024 Q3 | R-3i MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
R-3i MY22 Q3 | R-3i MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-4 MY2023 Q3 | R-4 MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-4 MY2024 Q3 | R-4 MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
R-4 MY22 Q3 | R-4 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-40 BIN ID 89109-40868 MY2023 | R-40 BIN ID 89109-40868 MY2023 | N3B |
R-40 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-40 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-40 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-40 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-40 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-40 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-40 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-40 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-40 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-40 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-40 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-40 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-40 Si Feb MY24 Q2 | R-40 Si Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-40 Si February MY2023 Q2 | R-40 Si February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-40 Si February MY2025 Q2 | R-40 Si February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-41 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-41 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-41 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-41 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-41 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-41 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 | R-42 | N3B |
R-42 April MY2022 Q3 | R-42 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 April MY2023 Q3 | R-42 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 April MY24 Q3 | R-42 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 April Solid Sample MY2022 Q3 | R-42 April Solid Sample MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 Aquifer test at 0.5 hr_2 CVs | R-42 Aquifer test at 0.5 hr_2 CVs | N3B |
R-42 Aquifer test at 12 hr_41 CVs | R-42 Aquifer test at 12 hr_41 CVs | N3B |
R-42 Aquifer test at 16 hr_55 CVs | R-42 Aquifer test at 16 hr_55 CVs | N3B |
R-42 Aquifer test at 2 hr_7 CVs | R-42 Aquifer test at 2 hr_7 CVs | N3B |
R-42 Aquifer test at 20 hr_68 CVs | R-42 Aquifer test at 20 hr_68 CVs | N3B |
R-42 Aquifer test at 24 hr_82 CVs | R-42 Aquifer test at 24 hr_82 CVs | N3B |
R-42 Aquifer test at 4 hr_14 CVs | R-42 Aquifer test at 4 hr_14 CVs | N3B |
R-42 Aquifer test at 8 hr_27 CVs | R-42 Aquifer test at 8 hr_27 CVs | N3B |
R-42 August MY2022 Q4_GEL | R-42 August MY2022 Q4_GEL | N3B |
R-42 August MY2022 Q4_GGRL | R-42 August MY2022 Q4_GGRL | N3B |
R-42 August MY23 Q4 | R-42 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-42 August MY24 Q4 | R-42 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-42 Borehole Dilution Tracer | R-42 Borehole Dilution Tracer | N3B |
R-42 CrOps Legacy Decon Water | R-42 CrOps Legacy Decon Water | N3B |
R-42 December MY2023 Q1 | R-42 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-42 December MY2023 Q1_GEL | R-42 December MY2023 Q1_GEL | N3B |
R-42 December MY2025 Q1 | R-42 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-42 December MY24 Q1 | R-42 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-42 Ext Purge MY2024 | R-42 Ext Purge MY2024 | N3B |
R-42 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-42 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 February MY2022 Q2 | R-42 February MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 February MY2023 Q2 | R-42 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 February MY2025 Q2 | R-42 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 February Solids Sample MY2022 Q2 | R-42 February Solids Sample MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 GEL May MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GEL May MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GEL May_12 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GEL May_12 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GEL May_3 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GEL May_3 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GEL May_6 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GEL May_6 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GGRL May MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GGRL May MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GGRL May Solid Sample MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GGRL May Solid Sample MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GGRL May Solid Sample_12 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GGRL May Solid Sample_12 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GGRL May Solid Sample_3 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GGRL May Solid Sample_3 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GGRL May Solid Sample_6 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GGRL May Solid Sample_6 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GGRL May_0.5 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GGRL May_0.5 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GGRL May_12 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GGRL May_12 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GGRL May_3CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GGRL May_3CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 GGRL May_6 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | R-42 GGRL May_6 CVs_MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 IFGMP Sample_3 CVs | R-42 IFGMP Sample_3 CVs | N3B |
R-42 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-42 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 January MY2023 Q2 | R-42 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 January MY2025 Q2 | R-42 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 July MY2022 Q4_GEL | R-42 July MY2022 Q4_GEL | N3B |
R-42 July MY2022 Q4_GGRL | R-42 July MY2022 Q4_GGRL | N3B |
R-42 July MY2023 Q4 | R-42 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-42 July MY24 Q4 | R-42 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-42 June MY2022 Q3 | R-42 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 June MY2023 Q3 | R-42 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 June MY24 Q3 | R-42 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 March MY2022 Q2 | R-42 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 March MY2023 Q2 | R-42 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 March MY24 Q2 | R-42 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-42 May MY2023 Q3 | R-42 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 May MY24 Q3 | R-42 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-42 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-42 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-42 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-42 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-42 November MY2023 Q1_GEL | R-42 November MY2023 Q1_GEL | N3B |
R-42 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-42 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-42 October IFGMP MY24 Q1 | R-42 October IFGMP MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-42 October MY2023 Q1_GEL | R-42 October MY2023 Q1_GEL | N3B |
R-42 October MY2023 Q1_GGRL | R-42 October MY2023 Q1_GGRL | N3B |
R-42 October MY24 Q1 | R-42 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-42 Resample NO2_3000UL | R-42 Resample NO2_3000UL | N3B |
R-42 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-42 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-42 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-42 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-42 September MY2022 Q4_GEL | R-42 September MY2022 Q4_GEL | N3B |
R-42 September MY2022 Q4_GGRL | R-42 September MY2022 Q4_GGRL | N3B |
R-42 September MY23 Q4 | R-42 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-42_GEL_June MY2022 Q3 | R-42_GEL_June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-42_GGRL_June MY2022 Q3 | R-42_GGRL_June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S1 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | R-43 S1 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-43 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-43 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | R-43 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-43 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | R-43 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-43 S1 July MY22 Q4 | R-43 S1 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-43 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-43 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-43 S1 July MY24 Q4 | R-43 S1 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-43 S1 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | R-43 S1 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-43 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S1 May MY22 Q3 | R-43 S1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S1 May MY24 Q3 | R-43 S1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S1 MY23 Q4 | R-43 S1 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-43 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-43 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-43 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-43 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-43 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-43 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-43 S2 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | R-43 S2 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-43 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-43 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | R-43 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-43 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | R-43 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-43 S2 July MY22 Q4 | R-43 S2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-43 S2 July MY23 Q4 | R-43 S2 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-43 S2 July MY24 Q4 | R-43 S2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-43 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-43 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S2 May MY22 Q3 | R-43 S2 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S2 May MY24 Q3 | R-43 S2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-43 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-43 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-43 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-43 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-43 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | R-43 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 BIN ID 3000-014 MY2023 | R-44 BIN ID 3000-014 MY2023 | N3B |
R-44 BIN ID 550-119 MY2023 | R-44 BIN ID 550-119 MY2023 | N3B |
R-44 BIN ID 550-209 MY2023 | R-44 BIN ID 550-209 MY2023 | N3B |
R-44 BIN ID 89169-40009 MY2023 | R-44 BIN ID 89169-40009 MY2023 | N3B |
R-44 BIN ID 89169-40009 RS MY2023 | R-44 BIN ID 89169-40009 RS MY2023 | N3B |
R-44 Re-resample | R-44 re-resample | N3B |
R-44 Re-sample Tanks 119, 208, 014, UL | R-44 Re-sample Tanks 119, 208, 014, UL | N3B |
R-44 Resample NO2_3000-014 | R-44 Resample NO2_3000-014 | N3B |
R-44 Resample NO2_550-119 | R-44 Resample NO2_550-119 | N3B |
R-44 Resample NO2_550-208 | R-44 Resample NO2_550-208 | N3B |
R-44 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | R-44 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | R-44 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 April MY24 A3 | R-44 S1 April MY24 A3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | R-44 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S1 August MY24 Q3 | R-44 S1 August MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 August MY24 Q4 | R-44 S1 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S1 Cr52/53 MY23 Q4 | R-44 S1 Cr52/53 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | R-44 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | R-44 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S1 December MY24 Q1 | R-44 S1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S1 Event | R-44 S1 Event | N3B |
R-44 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-44 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-44 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-44 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-44 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | R-44 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | R-44 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S1 July MY22 Q4 | R-44 S1 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-44 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S1 July My24 Q4 | R-44 S1 July My24 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | R-44 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 June MY24 Q3 | R-44 S1 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | R-44 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | R-44 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S1 March MY24 Q2 | R-44 S1 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-44 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 May MY22 Q3 | R-44 S1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 May MY24 Q3 | R-44 S1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 MY2022 Q3 | R-44 S1 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-44 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-44 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-44 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | R-44 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S1 October MY24 Q1 | R-44 S1 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-44 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | R-44 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S1 September MY23 Q4 | R-44 S1 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S11 November MY2023 Q1 | R-44 S11 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 April MY2022 Q3 | R-44 S2 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | R-44 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S2 April MY24 Q3 | R-44 S2 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | R-44 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S2 August MY23 Q4 | R-44 S2 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S2 August MY24 Q4 | R-44 S2 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S2 Cr52/53 MY23 Q4 | R-44 S2 Cr52/53 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | R-44 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | R-44 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 December MY24 Q1 | R-44 S2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-44 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-44 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-44 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-44 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | R-44 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | R-44 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S2 July MY22 Q4 | R-44 S2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S2 July MY23 Q4 | R-44 S2 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S2 July MY24 Q4 | R-44 S2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S2 June MY2022 Q3 | R-44 S2 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | R-44 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S2 June MY24 Q3 | R-44 S2 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S2 March MY2022 Q2 | R-44 S2 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | R-44 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S2 March MY24 Q2 | R-44 S2 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-44 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-44 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S2 May MY22 Q3 | R-44 S2 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S2 May MY24 Q3 | R-44 S2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-44 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-44 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-44 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | R-44 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-44 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | R-44 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 October MY24 Q1 | R-44 S2 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-44 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-44 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | R-44 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-44 S2 September MY23 Q4 | R-44 S2 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | R-45 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | R-45 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S1 April MY24 Q3 | R-45 S1 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | R-45 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S1 August MY23 Q4 | R-45 S1 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S1 August MY24 Q4 | R-45 S1 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | R-45 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | R-45 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S1 December MY24 Q1 | R-45 S1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-45 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-45 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-45 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-45 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | R-45 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | R-45 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S1 July MY22 Q4 | R-45 S1 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-45 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S1 July MY24 Q4 | R-45 S1 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S1 June MY2022 Q3 | R-45 S1 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | R-45 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S1 June MY24 Q3 | R-45 S1 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | R-45 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | R-45 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S1 March My24 Q2 | R-45 S1 March My24 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-45 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S1 May MY22 Q3 | R-45 S1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S1 May MY24 Q3 | R-45 S1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-45 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-45 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-45 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-45 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | R-45 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S1 October MY24 Q1 | R-45 S1 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-45 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | R-45 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S1 September MY23 Q4 | R-45 S1 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S2 April MY2022 Q3 | R-45 S2 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | R-45 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S2 April MY24 Q3 | R-45 S2 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | R-45 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S2 August MY23 Q4 | R-45 S2 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S2 August MY24 Q4 | R-45 S2 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | R-45 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | R-45 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S2 December MY24 Q1 | R-45 S2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-45 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-45 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-45 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-45 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | R-45 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | R-45 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S2 July MY22 Q4 | R-45 S2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S2 July MY23 Q4 | R-45 S2 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S2 July MY24 Q4 | R-45 S2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S2 June MY2022 Q3 | R-45 S2 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | R-45 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S2 June MY24 Q3 | R-45 S2 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S2 March MY2022 Q2 | R-45 S2 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | R-45 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S2 March MY24 Q2 | R-45 S2 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-45 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-45 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S2 May MY22 Q3 | R-45 S2 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S2 May MY24 Q3 | R-45 S2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-45 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-45 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-45 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | R-45 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-45 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | R-45 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S2 October MY24 Q1 | R-45 S2 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-45 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-45 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | R-45 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-45 S2 September MY23 Q4 | R-45 S2 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-46 MY24 Q1 | R-46 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-46 MY25 Q1 | R-46 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-46 November MY2023 Q1 | R-46 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-47 December MY2023 Q1 | R-47 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-47 December MY2025 Q1 | R-47 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-47 May MY2023 Q3 | R-47 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-47 MY2022 Q3 | R-47 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-47 MY2022 Q4 | R-47 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-47 MY2023 Q2 | R-47 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-47 MY23 Q4 | R-47 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-47 MY24 Q1 | R-47 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-47 MY24 Q2 | R-47 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-47 MY24 Q3 | R-47 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-47 MY24 Q4 | R-47 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-47 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-47 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-47i December MY2023 Q1 | R-47i December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-47i December MY2025 Q1 | R-47i December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-47i May MY2023 Q3 | R-47i May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-47i MY2022 Q3 | R-47i MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-47i MY2022 Q4 | R-47i MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-47i MY2023 Q2 | R-47i MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-47i MY23 Q4 | R-47i MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-47i MY24 Q1 | R-47i MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-47i MY24 Q2 | R-47i MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-47i MY24 Q3 | R-47i MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-47i MY24 Q4 | R-47i MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-47i Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-47i Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-48 December MY2023 Q1 | R-48 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-48 December MY2025 Q1 | R-48 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-48 May MY2023 Q3 | R-48 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-48 MY2022 Q3 | R-48 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-48 MY2022 Q4 | R-48 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-48 MY2023 Q2 | R-48 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-48 MY23 Q4 | R-48 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-48 MY24 Q1 | R-48 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-48 MY24 Q2 | R-48 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-48 MY24 Q3 | R-48 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-48 MY24 Q4 | R-48 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-48 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-48 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID 3000-012 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID 3000-012 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID 3000-015 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID 3000-015 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID 3000-017 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID 3000-017 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID 3000-019 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID 3000-019 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID 3000-026 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID 3000-026 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID R-19-3 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID R-19-3 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID R-49-1 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID R-49-1 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID R-49-2 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID R-49-2 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID R-49-4 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID R-49-4 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 BIN ID R-49-5 MY2023 | R-49 BIN ID R-49-5 MY2023 | N3B |
R-49 Consolidation tank Sampling MY23 Q3 | R-49 Consolidation tank Sampling MY23 Q3 | N3B |
R-49 Resample pH 49-5 | R-49 Resample pH 49-5 | N3B |
R-49 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-49 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-49 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-49 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-49 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-49 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-49 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-49 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-49 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-49 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-49 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-49 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-49 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-49 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-49 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-49 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-49 Well Maint Jun24 | R-49 Well Maint Jun24 | N3B |
R-49 Well Maintenance Resample | R-49 Well Maintenance Resample | N3B |
R-5 S2 MY2022 Q4 | R-5 S2 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-5 S2 MY23 Q4 | R-5 S2 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-5 S2 MY24 Q4 | R-5 S2 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S1 0.5CVs MY24Q3 | R-50 S1 0.5CVs MY24Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 1 CVs MY24Q3 | R-50 S1 1 CVs MY24Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 1.5CVs MY24 Q3 | R-50 S1 1.5CVs MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 12CVs MY24Q3 | R-50 S1 12CVs MY24Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 3CVs MY24 Q3 | R-50 S1 3CVs MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 6CVs MY24Q3 | R-50 S1 6CVs MY24Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 9CVs MY24Q3 | R-50 S1 9CVs MY24Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 April Extended Purge MY24 Q3 | R-50 S1 April Extended Purge MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | R-50 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | R-50 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 April MY24 Q3 | R-50 S1 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | R-50 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S1 August MY23 Q4 | R-50 S1 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S1 August MY24 Q4 | R-50 S1 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | R-50 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | R-50 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S1 December MY24 Q1 | R-50 S1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S1 Extended Purge MY24 Q3 | R-50 S1 Extended Purge MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 Feb MY2024 Q2 | R-50 S1 Feb MY2024 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-50 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-50 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-50 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | R-50 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | R-50 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 July MY22 Q4 | R-50 S1 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-50 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S1 July MY24 Q4 | R-50 S1 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S1 June My2022 Q3 | R-50 S1 June My2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | R-50 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 June MY24 Q3 | R-50 S1 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | R-50 S1 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | R-50 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | R-50 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 March MY24 Q2 | R-50 S1 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-50 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 May MY22 Q3 | R-50 S1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 May MY24 Q3 | R-50 S1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S1 Nov MY2023 Q1 | R-50 S1 Nov MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-50 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-50 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-50 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | R-50 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S1 October MY24 Q1 | R-50 S1 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-50 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | R-50 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S1 September MY23 Q4 | R-50 S1 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S2 April MY2022 Q3 | R-50 S2 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | R-50 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S2 April MY24 Q3 | R-50 S2 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | R-50 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S2 August MY23 Q4 | R-50 S2 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S2 August MY24 Q4 | R-50 S2 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | R-50 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | R-50 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S2 December MY24 Q1 | R-50 S2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-50 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-50 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-50 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-50 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | R-50 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | R-50 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 July MY22 Q4 | R-50 S2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S2 July MY23 Q4 | R-50 S2 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S2 July MY24 Q4 | R-50 S2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S2 June MY2022 Q3 | R-50 S2 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | R-50 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S2 June MY24 Q3 | R-50 S2 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S2 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | R-50 S2 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 March MY2022 Q2 | R-50 S2 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | R-50 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 March MY24 Q2 | R-50 S2 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-50 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-50 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S2 May MY22 Q3 | R-50 S2 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S2 May MY24 Q3 | R-50 S2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-50 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-50 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-50 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | R-50 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-50 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | R-50 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S2 October MY24 Q1 | R-50 S2 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-50 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-50 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | R-50 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 S2 September MY23 Q4 | R-50 S2 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-50 Well Maintenance May24 | R-50 Well Maintenance May24 | N3B |
R-50 Well Maintenance Resample | R-50 Well Maintenance Resample | N3B |
R-51 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-51 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-51 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-51 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-51 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-51 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-51 S1 Q2 2019 | R-51 S1 Q2 2019 | NMED |
R-51 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-51 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-51 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-51 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-51 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-51 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-51 S2 MY23 Q4 | R-51 S2 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-52 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-52 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-52 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-52 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-52 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-52 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-52 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-52 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-52 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-52 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-52 S2 MY2023 Q2 | R-52 S2 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-53 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-53 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-53 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-53 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-53 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-53 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-53 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-53 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-53 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-53 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-53 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-53 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-54 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-54 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-54 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-54 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-54 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-54 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-54 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-54 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-54 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-54 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-54 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-54 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-55 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-55 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-55 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-55 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-55 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-55 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-55 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-55 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-55 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-55 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-55 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-55 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-55i Feb MY24 Q2 | R-55i Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-55i February MY2023 Q2 | R-55i February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-55i February MY2025 Q2 | R-55i February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-56 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-56 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-56 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-56 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-56 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-56 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-56 S1 MY2023 Q4 | R-56 S1 MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-56 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-56 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-56 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-56 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-56 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-56 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-56 S2 MY2023 Q4 | R-56 S2 MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
R-57 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-57 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-57 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-57 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-57 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-57 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-57 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-57 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-57 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-57 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-57 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-57 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-58 BIN ID 550-002 MY2023 | R-58 BIN ID 550-002 MY2023 | N3B |
R-58 BIN ID 550-275 MY2023 | R-58 BIN ID 550-275 MY2023 | N3B |
R-58 December MY2023 Q1 | R-58 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-58 December MY2025 Q1 | R-58 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-58 December Rev1 MY2023 Q1 | R-58 December Rev1 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-58 May MY2023 Q3 | R-58 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-58 MY2022 Q3 | R-58 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-58 MY2022 Q4 | R-58 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-58 MY2023 Q2 | R-58 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-58 MY23 Q4 | R-58 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-58 MY24 Q1 | R-58 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-58 MY24 Q2 | R-58 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-58 MY24 Q3 | R-58 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-58 MY24 Q4 | R-58 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-58 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-58 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-6 MY2022 Q4 | R-6 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-6 MY23 Q4 | R-6 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-6 MY24 Q4 | R-6 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-60 MY24 Q1 | R-60 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-60 MY25 Q1 | R-60 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-60 November MY2023 Q1 | R-60 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | R-61 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-61 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | R-61 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-61 S1 April MY24 Q3 | R-61 S1 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-61 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | R-61 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-61 S1 August MY23 Q4 | R-61 S1 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-61 S1 August MY24 Q4 | R-61 S1 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-61 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | R-61 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | R-61 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 December MY24 Q1 | R-61 S1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-61 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-61 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-61 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-61 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-61 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-61 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-61 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-61 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | R-61 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-61 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | R-61 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-61 S1 July MY22 Q4 | R-61 S1 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-61 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-61 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-61 S1 July MY24 Q4 | R-61 S1 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-61 S1 June MY2022 Q3 | R-61 S1 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-61 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | R-61 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-61 S1 June MY24 Q3 | R-61 S1 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-61 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | R-61 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-61 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | R-61 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-61 S1 March MY24 Q2 | R-61 S1 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-61 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-61 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-61 S1 May MY22 Q3 | R-61 S1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-61 S1 May MY24 Q3 | R-61 S1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-61 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-61 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-61 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-61 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-61 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | R-61 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 October MY24 Q1 | R-61 S1 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-61 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-61 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-61 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | R-61 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-61 S1 September MY23 Q4 | R-61 S1 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-61 S2 November MY24 Q1 | R-61 S2 November MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-62 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | R-62 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-62 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-62 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-62 January MY2023 Q2 | R-62 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-62 January MY2025 Q2 | R-62 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-62 July MY22 Q4 | R-62 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-62 July MY23 Q4 | R-62 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-62 July MY24 Q4 | R-62 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-62 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | R-62 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-62 May MY2023 Q3 | R-62 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-62 May MY22 Q3 | R-62 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-62 May MY24 Q3 | R-62 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-62 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-62 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-62 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-62 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-62 November MY2023 Q1 | R-62 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-63 December MY2023 Q1 | R-63 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-63 December MY2025 Q1 | R-63 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-63 May MY2023 Q3 | R-63 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-63 MY2022 Q3 | R-63 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-63 MY2022 Q4 | R-63 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-63 MY2023 Q2 | R-63 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-63 MY23 Q4 | R-63 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-63 MY24 Q1 | R-63 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-63 MY24 Q2 | R-63 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-63 MY24 Q3 | R-63 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-63 MY24 Q4 | R-63 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-63 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-63 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-63i MY2022 Q4 | R-63i MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-63i MY2023 Q2 | R-63i MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-63i MY24 Q2 | R-63i MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-63i Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-63i Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-64 MY2022 Q4 | R-64 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-64 MY23 Q4 | R-64 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-64 MY24 Q4 | R-64 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-66 MY2022 Q4 | R-66 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-66 MY23 Q4 | R-66 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-66 MY24 Q4 | R-66 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-67 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | R-67 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-67 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-67 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-67 January MY2023 Q2 | R-67 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-67 January MY2025 Q2 | R-67 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-67 July MY22 Q4 | R-67 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-67 July MY23 Q4 | R-67 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-67 July MY24 Q4 | R-67 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-67 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | R-67 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-67 May MY2023 Q3 | R-67 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-67 May MY22 Q3 | R-67 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-67 May MY24 Q3 | R-67 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-67 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-67 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-67 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-67 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-67 November MY2023 Q1 | R-67 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-68 December MY2023 Q1 | R-68 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-68 December MY2025 Q1 | R-68 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-68 May MY2023 Q3 | R-68 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-68 MY2022 Q3 | R-68 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-68 MY2022 Q4 | R-68 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-68 MY2023 Q2 | R-68 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-68 MY23 Q4 | R-68 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-68 MY24 Q1 | R-68 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-68 MY24 Q2 | R-68 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-68 MY24 Q3 | R-68 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-68 MY24 Q4 | R-68 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-68 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-68 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-69 Jan2019 | R-69 Jan2019 | NMED |
R-69 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | R-69 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-69 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | R-69 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-69 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-69 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-69 S1 MY2022 Q3 | R-69 S1 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-69 S1 MY2022 Q4 | R-69 S1 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-69 S1 MY2023 Q2 | R-69 S1 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-69 S1 MY23 Q4 | R-69 S1 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-69 S1 MY24 Q1 | R-69 S1 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-69 S1 MY24 Q2 | R-69 S1 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-69 S1 MY24 Q3 | R-69 S1 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-69 S1 MY24 Q4 | R-69 S1 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-69 S1 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-69 S1 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-69 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | R-69 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-69 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | R-69 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-69 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-69 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-69 S2 MY2022 Q3 | R-69 S2 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-69 S2 MY2022 Q4 | R-69 S2 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-69 S2 MY2023 Q2 | R-69 S2 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-69 S2 MY23 Q4 | R-69 S2 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-69 S2 MY24 Q1 | R-69 S2 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-69 S2 MY24 Q2 | R-69 S2 MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-69 S2 MY24 Q3 | R-69 S2 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-69 S2 MY24 Q4 | R-69 S2 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-69 S2 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | R-69 S2 Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
R-6i MY2022 Q4 | R-6i MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-6i MY23 Q4 | R-6i MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-6i MY24 Q4 | R-6i MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-7 S3 MY2022 | R-7 S3 MY2022 | N3B |
R-7 S3 MY23 Q4 | R-7 S3 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-7 S3 MY24 Q4 | R-7 S3 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 Diagnostic Purge Water S1 | R-70 Diagnostic Purge Water S1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | R-70 S1 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | R-70 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 April MY24 Q3 | R-70 S1 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | R-70 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S1 August MY23 Q4 | R-70 S1 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S1 August MY24 Q4 | R-70 S1 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | R-70 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | R-70 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 December MY24 Q1 | R-70 S1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-70 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-70 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 Hexp March MY2023 Q2 | R-70 S1 Hexp March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 Hexp May MY2023 Q3 | R-70 S1 Hexp May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-70 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | R-70 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | R-70 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 July MY22 Q4 | R-70 S1 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-70 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S1 July MY24 Q4 | R-70 S1 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S1 June MY2022 Q3 | R-70 S1 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 June MY2023 Q1 | R-70 S1 June MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | R-70 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 June MY24 Q3 | R-70 S1 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | R-70 S1 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | R-70 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 March MY24 Q2 | R-70 S1 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-70 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 May MY22 Q3 | R-70 S1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 May MY24 Q3 | R-70 S1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S1 MY2023 Q2 | R-70 S1 MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-70 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-70 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-70 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-70 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-70 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | R-70 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 October MY24 Q1 | R-70 S1 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-70 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | R-70 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S1 September MY23 Q4 | R-70 S1 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S2 April MY2022 Q3 | R-70 S2 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | R-70 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 April MY24 Q3 | R-70 S2 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | R-70 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S2 August MY23 Q4 | R-70 S2 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S2 August MY24 Q4 | R-70 S2 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | R-70 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | R-70 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S2 December MY24 Q1 | R-70 S2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-70 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-70 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-70 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 Hexp March MY2023 Q2 | R-70 S2 Hexp March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 Hexp May MY2023 Q3 | R-70 S2 Hexp May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-70 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | R-70 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | R-70 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 July MY22 Q4 | R-70 S2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S2 July MY23 Q4 | R-70 S2 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S2 July MY24 Q4 | R-70 S2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S2 June MY2022 Q3 | R-70 S2 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | R-70 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 June MY24 Q3 | R-70 S2 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 March MY2022 Q2 | R-70 S2 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | R-70 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 March MY24 Q2 | R-70 S2 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-70 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-70 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 May MY22 Q3 | R-70 S2 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 May MY24 Q3 | R-70 S2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-70 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-70 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-70 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | R-70 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-70 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | R-70 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S2 October MY24 Q1 | R-70 S2 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-70 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-70 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | R-70 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-70 S2 September MY23 Q4 | R-70 S2 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-70_CrEX | R-70_CrEX | NMED |
R-71 drilling | R-71 drilling | NMED |
R-71 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | R-71 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S1 April MY24 Q3 | R-71 S1 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S1 August GGRL MY2022 Q4 | R-71 S1 August GGRL MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | R-71 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 August MY23 Q4 | R-71 S1 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 August MY24 Q4 | R-71 S1 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | R-71 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | R-71 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S1 December MY24 Q1 | R-71 S1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-71 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-71 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-71 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 s1 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-71 s1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | R-71 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | R-71 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-71 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 July MY24 Q4 | R-71 S1 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 June My2023 Q3 | R-71 S1 June My2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S1 June MY24 Q3 | R-71 S1 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S1 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | R-71 S1 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | R-71 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S1 March MY24 Q2 | R-71 S1 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-71 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S1 May MY24 Q3 | R-71 S1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S1 MY24 Q4 | R-71 S1 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-71 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-71 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-71 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-71 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | R-71 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S1 October MY24 Q1 | R-71 S1 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-71 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 September Extended Purge MY2022 | R-71 S1 September Extended Purge MY2022 | N3B |
R-71 S1 September GGRL MY2022 Q4 | R-71 S1 September GGRL MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | R-71 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1 September MY23 Q4 | R-71 S1 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S1_1 of 4 | R-71 S1_1 of 4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | R-71 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S2 April MY24 Q3 | R-71 S2 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S2 August GGRL MY2022 Q4 | R-71 S2 August GGRL MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | R-71 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 August MY23 Q4 | R-71 S2 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 August MY24 Q4 | R-71 S2 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_1 of 4 | R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_1 of 4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_1 of 4 (GEL) | R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_1 of 4 (GEL) | N3B |
R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_2 of 4 | R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_2 of 4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_2 of 4 (GEL) | R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_2 of 4 (GEL) | N3B |
R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_3 of 4 | R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_3 of 4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_3 of 4 (GEL) | R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_3 of 4 (GEL) | N3B |
R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_4 of 4 | R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_4 of 4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_4 of 4 (GEL) | R-71 S2 Cross-flow pumping_4 of 4 (GEL) | N3B |
R-71 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | R-71 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | R-71 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S2 December MY24 Q1 | R-71 S2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Feb MY23 Q2 | R-71 S2 Feb MY23 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-71 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-71 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-71 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | R-71 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | R-71 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S2 July MY23 Q4 | R-71 S2 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 July MY24 Q4 | R-71 S2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | R-71 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S2 June MY24 Q3 | R-71 S2 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S2 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | R-71 S2 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | R-71 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S2 March MY24 Q2 | R-71 S2 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-71 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-71 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S2 May MY24 Q3 | R-71 S2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-71 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-71 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | R-71 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-71 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | R-71 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S2 October MY24 Q1 | R-71 S2 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-71 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-71 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 September Extended Purge MY2022 | R-71 S2 September Extended Purge MY2022 | N3B |
R-71 S2 September GGRL MY2022 Q4 | R-71 S2 September GGRL MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | R-71 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 S2 September MY23 Q4 | R-71 S2 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-71 Screen 1 Waste pre-characterization | R-71 Screen 1 Waste pre-characterization | N3B |
R-71 Screen 2 Waste pre-characterization | R-71 Screen 2 Waste pre-characterization | N3B |
R-71 scrn 1 _24hr _Aqfr Test | R-71 scrn 1 _24hr _Aqfr Test | N3B |
R-71 scrn 2 _24hr _Aqfr Test | R-71 scrn 2 _24hr _Aqfr Test | N3B |
R-72 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | R-72 S1 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S1 April MY24 Q3 | R-72 S1 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S1 August GGRL MY2022 Q4 | R-72 S1 August GGRL MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | R-72 S1 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 August MY23 Q4 | R-72 S1 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 August MY24 Q4 | R-72 S1 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | R-72 S1 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | R-72 S1 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S1 December MY24 Q1 | R-72 S1 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-72 S1 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | R-72 S1 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | R-72 S1 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S1 Frack Tank Sampling MY24 Q3 | R-72 S1 Frack Tank Sampling MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-72 S1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | R-72 S1 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | R-72 S1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S1 July MY23 Q4 | R-72 S1 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 July MY24 Q4 | R-72 S1 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | R-72 S1 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S1 June MY24 Q3 | R-72 S1 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S1 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | R-72 S1 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | R-72 S1 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S1 March MY24 Q2 | R-72 S1 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | R-72 S1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S1 May MY24 Q3 | R-72 S1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-72 S1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-72 S1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | R-72 S1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-72 S1 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | R-72 S1 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S1 October MY24 Q1 | R-72 S1 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S1 Poly Tanks 2 for 10/14/24 | R-72 S1 Poly Tanks 2 for 10/14/24 | N3B |
R-72 S1 Poly Tanks 3 for 9/22/22 | R-72 S1 Poly Tanks 3 for 9/22/22 | N3B |
R-72 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-72 S1 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 September Extended Purge MY2022 | R-72 S1 September Extended Purge MY2022 | N3B |
R-72 S1 September GGRL MY2022 Q4 | R-72 S1 September GGRL MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | R-72 S1 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 September MY23 Q4 | R-72 S1 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S1 VOC Frack Tank Sampling MY24 Q3 | R-72 S1 VOC Frack Tank Sampling MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S1 VOC Poly Tanks 2 for 10/14/22 | R-72 S1 VOC Poly Tanks 2 for 10/14/22 | N3B |
R-72 S1 VOC Poly Tanks 2 for 10/14/24 | R-72 S1 VOC Poly Tanks 2 for 10/14/24 | N3B |
R-72 S1 VOC Poly Tanks 3 for 9/22/22 | R-72 S1 VOC Poly Tanks 3 for 9/22/22 | N3B |
R-72 S1_2 Poly Tanks dated 10/14/24 | R-72 S1_2 Poly Tanks dated 10/14/24 | N3B |
R-72 S1_3 Poly Tanks dated 9/22/22 | R-72 S1_3 Poly Tanks dated 9/22/22 | N3B |
R-72 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | R-72 S2 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S2 April MY24 Q2 | R-72 S2 April MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 August GGRL MY2022 Q4 | R-72 S2 August GGRL MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | R-72 S2 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S2 August MY23 Q4 | R-72 S2 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S2 August MY24 Q4 | R-72 S2 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | R-72 S2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | R-72 S2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S2 December MY24 Q1 | R-72 S2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | R-72 S2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | R-72 S2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | R-72 S2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 Frac Tank Sampling MY24 Q3 | R-72 S2 Frac Tank Sampling MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | R-72 S2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | R-72 S2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | R-72 S2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 July MY23 Q4 | R-72 S2 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S2 July MY24 Q4 | R-72 S2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | R-72 S2 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S2 June MY24 Q3 | R-72 S2 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S2 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | R-72 S2 March Cr Isotope MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | R-72 S2 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 March MY24 Q2 | R-72 S2 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
R-72 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | R-72 S2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S2 May MY24 Q3 | R-72 S2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
R-72 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | R-72 S2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-72 S2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | R-72 S2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | R-72 S2 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | R-72 S2 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S2 October MY24 Q1 | R-72 S2 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-72 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | R-72 S2 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S2 September Extended Purge MY2022 | R-72 S2 September Extended Purge MY2022 | N3B |
R-72 S2 September GGRL MY2022 Q4 | R-72 S2 September GGRL MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | R-72 S2 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 S2 September MY23 Q4 | R-72 S2 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-72 Screen 1 Waste pre-characterization | R-72 Screen 2 Waste pre-characterization | N3B |
R-72 Screen 2 Waste pre-characterization | R-72 Screen 2 Waste pre-characterization | N3B |
R-72 scrn 1 _24hr _Aqfr Test | R-72 scrn 1 _24hr _Aqfr Test | N3B |
R-72 scrn 2 _24hr _Aqfr Test | R-72 scrn 2 _24hr _Aqfr Test | N3B |
R-73 _supplemental | R-73 _supplemental | N3B |
R-73 Decon Water_Composite Sampling MY2023 | R-73 Decon Water_Composite Sampling MY2023 | N3B |
R-73 Deep Drill Cutting Sample MY2022 | R-73 Deep Drill Cutting Sample MY2022 | N3B |
R-73 Drill Cuttings Drum | R-73 Drill Cuttings Drum | N3B |
R-73 Drill Cuttings R-73-BP-6-2022 | R-73 Drill Cuttings R-73-BP-6-2022 | N3B |
R-73 Intermediate Drill Cutting Sample MY2022 | R-73 Intermediate Drill Cutting Sample MY2022 | N3B |
R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_1 | R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_1 | N3B |
R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_2 | R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_2 | N3B |
R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_3 | R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_3 | N3B |
R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_4 | R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_4 | N3B |
R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_5 | R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_5 | N3B |
R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_Full GEL Suite | R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_Full GEL Suite | N3B |
R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_FullGEL Suite2 | R-73 Perched/Intermediate GW Sample_FullGEL Suite2 | N3B |
R-73 Pit Water MY2023 | R-73 Pit Water MY2023 | N3B |
R-73 Plug and Abandon MY2023 | R-73 Plug and Abandon MY2023 | N3B |
R-73 Rig Pit Debris N3B07 MY2023 | R-73 Rig Pit Debris N3B07 MY2023 | N3B |
R-73 S1_100k gal | R-73 S1_100k gal | N3B |
R-73 S1_20k gal | R-73 S1_20k gal | N3B |
R-73 S1_40k gal | R-73 S1_40k gal | N3B |
R-73 S1_60k gal | R-73 S1_60k gal | N3B |
R-73 S1_80k gal | R-73 S1_80k gal | N3B |
R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 1 | R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 1 | N3B |
R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 2 | R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 2 | N3B |
R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 3 | R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 3 | N3B |
R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 4 | R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 4 | N3B |
R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 5 | R-73 S1_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 5 | N3B |
R-73 S2 ClO4 Sample | R-73 S2 ClO4 Sample | N3B |
R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 1 | R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 1 | N3B |
R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 2 | R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 2 | N3B |
R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 3 | R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 3 | N3B |
R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 4 | R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 4 | N3B |
R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 5 | R-73 S2_Waste pre-characterization_Sample 5 | N3B |
R-73 screen 1_Aqfr Test | R-73 screen 1_Aqfr Test | N3B |
R-73 screen 2_Aqfr Test | R-73 screen 2_Aqfr Test | N3B |
R-73 Shallow Drill Cutting Sample MY2022 | R-73 Shallow Drill Cutting Sample MY2022 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #1 | R-73 Split Sample #1 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #10 | R-73 Split Sample #10 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #11 | R-73 Split Sample #11 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #12 | R-73 Split Sample #12 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #13 | R-73 Split Sample #13 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #14 | R-73 Split Sample #14 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #15 | R-73 Split Sample #15 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #2 | R-73 Split Sample #2 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #3 | R-73 Split Sample #3 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #4 | R-73 Split Sample #4 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #5 | R-73 Split Sample #5 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #6 | R-73 Split Sample #6 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #7 | R-73 Split Sample #7 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #8 | R-73 Split Sample #8 | N3B |
R-73 Split Sample #9 | R-73 Split Sample #9 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 1 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 1 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 2 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 2 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 3 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 3 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 4 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 4 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 5 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 1_Sample 5 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 1 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 1 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 2 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 2 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 3 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 3 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 4 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 4 | N3B |
R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 5 | R-73 Well Development_Screen 2_Sample 5 | N3B |
R-76 | R-76 | NMED |
R-76 #1 Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | R-76 #1 Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | N3B |
R-76 #2 Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | R-76 #2 Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | N3B |
R-76 24 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | R-76 24 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | N3B |
R-76 32 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | R-76 32 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | N3B |
R-76 40 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | R-76 40 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | N3B |
R-76 56 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | R-76 56 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | N3B |
R-76 72 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | R-76 72 hour Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | N3B |
R-76 Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | R-76 Aquifer Test Consent Order MY2024 | N3B |
R-76 Aquifer Test MY2024 | R-76 Aquifer Test MY2024 | N3B |
R-76 Aquifer Test to Guide Water Management | R-76 Aquifer Test to Guide Water Management | N3B |
R-76 Contaminated Stormwater | R-76 Contaminated Stormwater | N3B |
R-76 Cuttings Pit Water | R-76 Cuttings Pit Water | N3B |
R-76 Drill Cuttings Aliquot Drum | R-76 Drill Cuttings Aliquot Drum | N3B |
R-76 Drilling Fluid Frac Tank SV28246L | R-76 Drilling Fluid Frac Tank SV28246L | N3B |
R-76 February MY2025 Q2 | R-76 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-76 January MY2025 Q2 | R-76 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
R-76 Nov MY25 Q1 | R-76 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
R-76 RDD Stormwater | R-76 RDD Stormwater | N3B |
R-76 Sediment/Soil Sampling | R-76 Sediment/Soil Sampling | N3B |
R-76 Used Oil | R-76 Used Oil | N3B |
R-76 Well Development MY24 | R-76 Well Development MY24 | N3B |
R-76 zonal | R-76 zonal | NMED |
R-76 Zonal Sampling MY24 Q1 | R-76 Zonal Sampling MY24 Q1 | N3B |
R-8 S1 MY2022 Q4 | R-8 S1 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-8 S1 MY23 Q4 | R-8 S1 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-8 S1 MY24 Q4 | R-8 S1 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-8 S2 MY2022 Q4 | R-8 S2 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-8 S2 MY23 Q4 | R-8 S2 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-8 S2 MY24 Q4 | R-8 S2 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-9 MY2022 Q4 | R-9 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-9 MY23 Q4 | R-9 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-9 MY24 Q4 | R-9 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R-9i S1 MY2022 Q4 | R-9i S1 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
R-9i S1 MY23 Q4 | R-9i S1 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
R-9i S1 MY24 Q4 | R-9i S1 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
R28R42Q1MY19 | R28R42Q1MY19 | NMED |
R69_HE_Q1_2019 | R69_HE_Q1_2019 | NMED |
R69S2 19Q2 | R69S2 19Q2 | NMED |
R70_AqTest_Q319 | R70_AqTest_Q319 | NMED |
raft end of week 3 | raft end of week 3 | N3B |
raft end of week 4 | raft end of week 4 | N3B |
raft hike 1 | raft hike 1 | N3B |
raft hike 2 | raft hike 2 | N3B |
Ranee Test | Ranee Test | N3B |
RB BLW Mortandad | RB BLW Mortandad | N3B |
RDX Project Area | RDX Project Area | N3B |
Reference 1 | Reference 1 | LANL |
Reference 2 | Reference 2 | LANL |
Reference 3 | Reference 3 | LANL |
Reference 4 | Reference 4 | LANL |
Reference 5 | Reference 5 | LANL |
Regional Background Small Mammal | Regional Background Small Mammal | LANL |
RegPharm Sp18 | RegPharm Sp18 | NMED |
Resample 2019 | Resample 2019 | LANL |
Resample at 001 | Resample at 001 | LANL |
Resample for Annual SVOCs | Resample for Annual SVOCs | LANL |
RFA 3268 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA 3268 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3348 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA 3348 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3817 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3817 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3972 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | RFA 3972 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA # #2888 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | RFA # #2888 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | LANL |
RFA # 2809 Stadelmaier - TA-16 Waste | RFA # 2809 Stadelmaier - TA-16 Waste | LANL |
RFA # 2828 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16 | RFA # 2828 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA # 2836 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA # 2836 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA # 2857 - Schrock - TA-15 | RFA # 2857 - Schrock - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA # 2858 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA # 2858 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA # 2861 - MCCormick - TA-55 | RFA # 2861 - MCCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA # 2868 - TA-3-32 | RFA # 2868 - TA-3-32 | LANL |
RFA # 2886 - Velasquez - TA-11-30 | RFA # 2886 - Velasquez - TA-11-30 | LANL |
RFA # 2891 - Garcia - TA-60-1 | RFA # 2891 - Garcia - TA-60-1 | LANL |
RFA # 2897 - Sandoval - TA-46-487 | RFA # 2897 - Sandoval - TA-46-487 | LANL |
RFA # 2914 - Garcia - TA-6-85 | RFA # 2914 - Garcia - TA-6-85 | LANL |
RFA # 2916 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | RFA # 2916 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | LANL |
RFA # 2919 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | RFA # 2919 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | LANL |
RFA # 2933 - Kelkenny -TA-36 | RFA # 2933 - Kelkenny -TA-36 | LANL |
RFA # 2939 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA # 2939 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA # 2942 - Torrez - TA-50 | RFA # 2942 - Torrez - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA # 2943 - LeScournec | RFA # 2943 - LeScournec | LANL |
RFA # 2945 - Bileen - TA-15 - Shot Debris | RFA # 2945 - Bileen - TA-15 - Shot Debris | LANL |
RFA # 2953 -Schrock - TA-8 | RFA # 2953 -Schrock - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA # 3006 - KelKenny - TA-40 | RFA # 3006 - KelKenny - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA # 3716 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA # 3716 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2764 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA #2764 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA #2794 Kloefkorn - Waste | RFA #2794 Kloefkorn - Waste | LANL |
RFA #2795 Montague - Waste | RFA #2795 Montague - Waste | LANL |
RFA #2796 Vigil-Holterman - TA-39 | RFA #2796 Vigil-Holterman - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA #2798 - Montague - TA-55 Waste | RFA #2798 - Montague - TA-55 Waste | LANL |
RFA #2799 - Montague - Waste | RFA #2799 - Montague - Waste | LANL |
RFA #2800 McCormick - Waste | RFA #2800 McCormick - Waste | LANL |
RFA #2802 Schrock - Waste | RFA #2802 Schrock - Waste | LANL |
RFA #2803 McCormick - Waste | RFA #2803 McCormick - Waste | LANL |
RFA #2804 - McCormick - Waste | RFA #2804 - McCormick - Waste | LANL |
RFA #2805 - Villareal - TA-51 Waste | RFA #2805 - Villareal - TA-51 Waste | LANL |
RFA #2806 - Gallegos - TA-59 | RFA #2806 - Gallegos - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA #2807 - Schrock - TA-8 | RFA #2807 - Schrock - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA #2808 -Sandoval - TA-35 Waste | RFA #2808 -Sandoval - TA-35 Waste | LANL |
RFA #2810 - McCormick - TA-55 Waste | RFA #2810 - McCormick - TA-55 Waste | LANL |
RFA #2811 - McCormick - TA-55 Waste | RFA #2811 - McCormick - TA-55 Waste | LANL |
RFA #2811(2) - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA #2811(2) - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA #2812 - Arellano - TA-3 Waste | RFA #2812 - Arellano - TA-3 Waste | LANL |
RFA #2814 - Arellano Ta-3 - Waste | RFA #2814 - Arellano Ta-3 - Waste | LANL |
RFA #2817 Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA #2817 Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2818 Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA #2818 Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2819 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA #2819 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2820 Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA #2820 Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2822 Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA #2822 Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2824 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA #2824 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA #2825 - Lee - TA-54 | RFA #2825 - Lee - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2826 - Schrock | RFA #2826 - Schrock | LANL |
RFA #2827 - Bileen - TA-49 | RFA #2827 - Bileen - TA-49 | LANL |
RFA #2829 - Baker - TA-3 | RFA #2829 - Baker - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2829(1) - Baker - TA-3 | RFA #2829(1) - Baker - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2831 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA #2831 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2832 - Johnson - RULOB | RFA #2832 - Johnson - RULOB | LANL |
RFA #2835 - Villareal - TA-3 | RFA #2835 - Villareal - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2837 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA #2837 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA #2838 - Schrock - TA-8 | RFA #2838 - Schrock - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA #2839 - Apodaca - TA-3 | RFA #2839 - Apodaca - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2840 - Sandoval - TA-46 | RFA #2840 - Sandoval - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA #2843 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA #2843 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2846 - Albright - TA-46 | RFA #2846 - Albright - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA #2847 - Schrock - TA-36 | RFA #2847 - Schrock - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA #2848 - Garcia - TA-35 | RFA #2848 - Garcia - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA #2849 - Schrock - TA-36 | RFA #2849 - Schrock - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA #2850 - Villareal - TA-60 | RFA #2850 - Villareal - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA #2851 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA #2851 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA #2852 - Apodaca - TA-46 | RFA #2852 - Apodaca - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA #2853 - Apodaca - TA-16 | RFA #2853 - Apodaca - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA #2854 - LeScouarnec - TA-54 | RFA #2854 - LeScouarnec - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2855 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA #2855 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2856 - Velasquez - TA-16 | RFA #2856 - Velasquez - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA #2859 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA #2859 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA #2860 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA #2860 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA #2862 - Wheeler - TA-59 | RFA #2862 - Wheeler - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA #2863 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA #2863 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA #2865 - Gallegos - TA-59-1 | RFA #2865 - Gallegos - TA-59-1 | LANL |
RFA #2866 - Bileen - TA-40 | RFA #2866 - Bileen - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA #2867 - TA-3-34 | RFA #2867 - TA-3-34 | LANL |
RFA #2871 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | RFA #2871 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | LANL |
RFA #2872 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | RFA #2872 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | LANL |
RFA #2873 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | RFA #2873 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | LANL |
RFA #2874 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | RFA #2874 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | LANL |
RFA #2875 - Serazio - TA-3-102 | RFA #2875 - Serazio - TA-3-102 | LANL |
RFA #2877 - Serazio - TA-3-102 | RFA #2877 - Serazio - TA-3-102 | LANL |
RFA #2878 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA #2878 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2882 - Johnson - TA-55 Spoils Pile | RFA #2882 - Johnson - TA-55 Spoils Pile | LANL |
RFA #2883 - LeScouranec - TA-54-224 | RFA #2883 - LeScouranec - TA-54-224 | LANL |
RFA #2884 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA #2884 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2885 - Gallegos - TA-39 | RFA #2885 - Gallegos - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA #2887 - LeScouranec - TA-54-70 | RFA #2887 - LeScouranec - TA-54-70 | LANL |
RFA #2889 - Velasquez - TA-16-388 | RFA #2889 - Velasquez - TA-16-388 | LANL |
RFA #2890 - Bileen - TA-15-312 | RFA #2890 - Bileen - TA-15-312 | LANL |
RFA #2892 - Villareal - TA-16 | RFA #2892 - Villareal - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA #2893 - Kelkenny - TA-36 | RFA #2893 - Kelkenny - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA #2894 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA #2894 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA #2895 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | RFA #2895 - Serazio - TA-3-39 | LANL |
RFA #2896 - Apodaca - TA-3-22 | RFA #2896 - Apodaca - TA-3-22 | LANL |
RFA #2899 - Villareal - TA-16 | RFA #2899 - Villareal - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA #2900 - Le Scouarnec - TA-54 | RFA #2900 - Le Scouarnec - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2902 - Schrock - TA-8-12 | RFA #2902 - Schrock - TA-8-12 | LANL |
RFA #2903 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA #2903 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA #2904 - Garcia - TA-60-1 | RFA #2904 - Garcia - TA-60-1 | LANL |
RFA #2905 - Garcia - TA-35-213 | RFA #2905 - Garcia - TA-35-213 | LANL |
RFA #2906 - Garcia - TA-60-1 | RFA #2906 - Garcia - TA-60-1 | LANL |
RFA #2907 - McCormick - TA-55-3 | RFA #2907 - McCormick - TA-55-3 | LANL |
RFA #2908 - Sandoval -TA-46-31 | RFA #2908 - Sandoval -TA-46-31 | LANL |
RFA #2910 - Sandoval - TA-43-1 | RFA #2910 - Sandoval - TA-43-1 | LANL |
RFA #2911 - Velasquez - TA-9-21 | RFA #2911 - Velasquez - TA-9-21 | LANL |
RFA #2912 - KelKenny - TA-40 | RFA #2912 - KelKenny - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA #2913 - Garcia - TA-60-86 | RFA #2913 - Garcia - TA-60-86 | LANL |
RFA #2917 - Schrock - TA-40-15 | RFA #2917 - Schrock - TA-40-15 | LANL |
RFA #2918 - McCormick - TA-55-04 | RFA #2918 - McCormick - TA-55-04 | LANL |
RFA #2920 - English - TA-54 - Outside | RFA #2920 - English - TA-54 - Outside | LANL |
RFA #2921 - Gonzales - TA-54-Outside | RFA #2921 - Gonzales - TA-54-Outside | LANL |
RFA #2923 - Johnson - TA-55 | RFA #2923 - Johnson - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA #2924 - Bileen - TA-40-9 | RFA #2924 - Bileen - TA-40-9 | LANL |
RFA #2928 - Gallegos/Gallegos - TA-33 | RFA #2928 - Gallegos/Gallegos - TA-33 | LANL |
RFA #2934 - Espinoza - TA-03 | RFA #2934 - Espinoza - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA #2935 - Cummings - TA-53 | RFA #2935 - Cummings - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #2938 - LeScournec - TA-54 | RFA #2938 - LeScournec - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2941 - Villareal - TA-51 | RFA #2941 - Villareal - TA-51 | LANL |
RFA #2944 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA #2944 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA #2945 - Bileen - Hydraulic Fluid | RFA #2945 - Bileen - Hydraulic Fluid | LANL |
RFA #2945 - Bileen - TA-15 | RFA #2945 - Bileen - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA #2948 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA #2948 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2948 - Garcia - TA-35 | RFA #2948 - Garcia - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA #2949 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA #2949 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2955 - LeScournec - TA-54 | RFA #2955 - LeScournec - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2956 - LeScournec - TA-54 | RFA #2956 - LeScournec - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2957 - LeScournec - TA-54 | RFA #2957 - LeScournec - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2958 - LeScournec - TA-54 | RFA #2958 - LeScournec - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2960 - Serazio - TA-3 | RFA #2960 - Serazio - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2970 - Mikkelson | RFA #2970 - Mikkelson | LANL |
RFA #2970 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA #2970 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2978 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA #2978 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #2980 - Diesel Spill | RFA #2980 - Diesel Spill | LANL |
RFA #2981 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA #2981 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2984 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA #2984 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2985 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA #2985 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2987 - Schrock - TA-15 - DARHT | RFA #2987 - Schrock - TA-15 - DARHT | LANL |
RFA #2988 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA #2988 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA #2989 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA #2989 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2990 - Gallegos - TA-33 | RFA #2990 - Gallegos - TA-33 | LANL |
RFA #2996 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA #2996 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA #2998 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA #2998 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #2999 - Garcia - TA-3-38 | RFA #2999 - Garcia - TA-3-38 | LANL |
RFA #3001 - Villareal - TA-46 | RFA #3001 - Villareal - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA #3002 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA #3002 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA #3004 - Velasquez - TA-22 | RFA #3004 - Velasquez - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA #3005 - Kelkenny - TA-35 | RFA #3005 - Kelkenny - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA #3010 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA #3010 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #3029 - Serazio - TA-3 | RFA #3029 - Serazio - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA #3031 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA #3031 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA #3112 - Oshel- TA-3-48 | RFA #3112 - Oshel- TA-3-48 | LANL |
RFA #3690 - O'Neil -TA-50 | RFA #3690 - O'Neil -TA-50 | LANL |
RFA - 4172 - Sheldon - TA-46 | RFA - 4172 - Sheldon - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA - 4229 - Trujillo - TA-03 | RFA - 4229 - Trujillo - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA - 4229 - Trujillo Adam - TA-03 | RFA - 4229 - Trujillo Adam - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA - 4229 SWWS - Trujillo - TA-03 | RFA - 4229 SWWS - Trujillo - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA - 4230 - Serazo - TA-3-102 | RFA - 4230 - Serazo - TA-3-102 | LANL |
RFA - 4231 - Serazo - TA-3-102 | RFA - 4231 - Serazo - TA-3-102 | LANL |
RFA - 4232 - Serazo - TA-3-39 | RFA - 4232 - Serazo - TA-3-39 | LANL |
RFA - 4283 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA - 4283 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA - 4284 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA - 4284 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA - 4579-1 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA - 4579-1 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA - 4598 - Gonzales - TA-9 | RFA - 4598 - Gonzales - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA - Apodaca - TA-46 | RFA - Apodaca - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA - Espinoza - TA-53-3 | RFA - Espinoza - TA-53-3 | LANL |
RFA - Lee - TA-22 | RFA - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA - Lee - TA-9-21 | RFA - Lee - TA-9-21 | LANL |
RFA 1005 | RFA 1005 | LANL |
RFA 1015 | RFA 1015 | LANL |
RFA 1020 | RFA 1020 | LANL |
RFA 1400 | RFA 1400 | LANL |
RFA 2845 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 2845 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 2879 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA 2879 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 2901 - Yoshida - TA-59-1 | RFA 2901 - Yoshida - TA-59-1 | LANL |
RFA 2915 - Stadelmaier - TA-39-69 | RFA 2915 - Stadelmaier - TA-39-69 | LANL |
RFA 2922 | RFA 2922 | LANL |
RFA 2936 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 2936 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 2937 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 2937 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 2967 - Johnson - TA-55 | RFA 2967 - Johnson - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 2968 - Velasquez - TA-16 | RFA 2968 - Velasquez - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 2979 - Parsons - TA-3 | RFA 2979 - Parsons - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 2991 - Velasquez - TA-16-260 | RFA 2991 - Velasquez - TA-16-260 | LANL |
RFA 2992 - Velasquez - TA-16-969 | RFA 2992 - Velasquez - TA-16-969 | LANL |
RFA 2993 - Velasquez - TA-9-21 | RFA 2993 - Velasquez - TA-9-21 | LANL |
RFA 2994 - Velasquez - TA-9-21 | RFA 2994 - Velasquez - TA-9-21 | LANL |
RFA 2995 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA 2995 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3000 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA 3000 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 3003 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3003 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3007 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3007 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3008 - Apodaca - TA-3 SERF | RFA 3008 - Apodaca - TA-3 SERF | LANL |
RFA 3009 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA 3009 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3012 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3012 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3017 - Schrock - TA-15 | RFA 3017 - Schrock - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3018 - Espinoza - TA-53 | RFA 3018 - Espinoza - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3022 - Schrock - TA-36 | RFA 3022 - Schrock - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3023 -Schrock -TA-36 | RFA 3023 -Schrock -TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3025 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA 3025 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3027 - Stadelmaier - TA-11 | RFA 3027 - Stadelmaier - TA-11 | LANL |
RFA 3028 - Apodaca - TA-60 | RFA 3028 - Apodaca - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3030 - Peterson - TA-53 | RFA 3030 - Peterson - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3032 -Bileen - TA-36 | RFA 3032 -Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3033 - Schrock - TA-15 | RFA 3033 - Schrock - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3034 - Velasquez - TA-16 | RFA 3034 - Velasquez - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3037 - Lee - TA-55 | RFA 3037 - Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3038 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA 3038 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3040/3041 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3040/3041 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3043 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3043 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3046 - Serazio - TA-3 | RFA 3046 - Serazio - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3049 - Bileen - TA-15 | RFA 3049 - Bileen - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3059 - Villareal - TA-3 | RFA 3059 - Villareal - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3062 - Apodaca - TA-60 | RFA 3062 - Apodaca - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3063 - Apodaca -TA-9 | RFA 3063 - Apodaca -TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 3063 - Apodaca -TA-9/16 | RFA 3063 - Apodaca -TA-9/16 | LANL |
RFA 3064 | RFA 3064 | LANL |
RFA 3070 - Apodaca - TA-46 | RFA 3070 - Apodaca - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3071 | RFA 3071 | LANL |
RFA 3072 | RFA 3072 | LANL |
RFA 3073 | RFA 3073 | LANL |
RFA 3078 | RFA 3078 | LANL |
RFA 3079 - LeScouarnec - TA-39 | RFA 3079 - LeScouarnec - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 3080 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA 3080 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3081 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA 3081 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3082 | RFA 3082 | LANL |
RFA 3083 | RFA 3083 | LANL |
RFA 3084 | RFA 3084 | LANL |
RFA 3085 - Bileen - TA-15 | RFA 3085 - Bileen - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3086 | RFA 3086 | LANL |
RFA 3091 | RFA 3091 | LANL |
RFA 3091 - Oshel - TA-48 - Hg | RFA 3091 - Oshel - TA-48 - Hg | LANL |
RFA 3092 | RFA 3092 | LANL |
RFA 3101 - Sandoval - TA-46 | RFA 3101 - Sandoval - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3107 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA 3107 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3108 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3108 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3109 -Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3109 -Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3110 - Lee - TA-54 | RFA 3110 - Lee - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3113 - Velasquez - TA-16 | RFA 3113 - Velasquez - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3116 - Apodaca - TA-60 | RFA 3116 - Apodaca - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3118 - Velasquez - TA-9 | RFA 3118 - Velasquez - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 3120 - Sandoval - TA-46 | RFA 3120 - Sandoval - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3122 - Bileen - TA-15 | RFA 3122 - Bileen - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3123 - Garcia- TA-54 | RFA 3123 - Garcia- TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3125 - Bileen - TA-40 | RFA 3125 - Bileen - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 3126 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA 3126 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3128 - Bileen - TA-36 | RFA 3128 - Bileen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3129 - Velasquez - TA-9 | RFA 3129 - Velasquez - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 3130 - Meadows - TA-3 | RFA 3130 - Meadows - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3131 - Bileen - TA-40 | RFA 3131 - Bileen - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 3135 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3135 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3136 - Roach - TA-36 | RFA 3136 - Roach - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3136 - Roach - TA-48 | RFA 3136 - Roach - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 3137 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | RFA 3137 - Kloefkorn - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3138 | RFA 3138 | LANL |
RFA 3139 - Villareal - TA-54 | RFA 3139 - Villareal - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3140 - Villa - TA-54 | RFA 3140 - Villa - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3141 - Baker - TA-15 | RFA 3141 - Baker - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3142 - Meadows - TA-46 | RFA 3142 - Meadows - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3143 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA 3143 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3145 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3145 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3146 - Arellano - TA-03 | RFA 3146 - Arellano - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 3147 | RFA 3147 | LANL |
RFA 3148 | RFA 3148 | LANL |
RFA 3151 - Le Scouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3151 - Le Scouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3152 - Velasquez - TA-09 | RFA 3152 - Velasquez - TA-09 | LANL |
RFA 3153 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | RFA 3153 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 3154 - Kloefkorn - TA-55 | RFA 3154 - Kloefkorn - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3155 - Bileen - TA-15 | RFA 3155 - Bileen - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3156 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA 3156 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3157 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA 3157 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3161 | RFA 3161 | LANL |
RFA 3162 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA 3162 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3163 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3163 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3164 - Apodaca - TA-3 | RFA 3164 - Apodaca - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3165 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | RFA 3165 - Mikkelson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3166 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3166 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3168A - Baker - TA-8 & TA-9 | RFA 3168A - Baker - TA-8 & TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 3169 | RFA 3169 | LANL |
RFA 317 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 317 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3172 - LeScouarnec - TA-11 | RFA 3172 - LeScouarnec - TA-11 | LANL |
RFA 3176 - Billeen - TA-36 | RFA 3176 - Billeen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3177 - Billeen - TA-36 | RFA 3177 - Billeen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3178 - Billeen - TA-36 | RFA 3178 - Billeen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3179 - Billeen - TA-36 | RFA 3179 - Billeen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3180 - Billeen - TA-36 | RFA 3180 - Billeen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3181 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3181 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3182 - Billeen - TA-36 | RFA 3182 - Billeen - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3183/3184/3185 - Waste Water - TA-33/39 | RFA 3183/3184/3185 - Waste Water - TA-33/39 | LANL |
RFA 3186 - Garde - TA-60 | RFA 3186 - Garde - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3188 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | RFA 3188 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3189 - Velasquez - TA-16 | RFA 3189 - Velasquez - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3190 - Meadows - TA-35 | RFA 3190 - Meadows - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3190 - Meadows - TA-35 - Soil | RFA 3190 - Meadows - TA-35 - Soil | LANL |
RFA 3191 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3191 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3192 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | RFA 3192 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3193 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3193 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3194 - Arellano - TA-03 | RFA 3194 - Arellano - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 3195 - Arellano - TA-03 | RFA 3195 - Arellano - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 3196 - Torrez - TA-55 | RFA 3196 - Torrez - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3199 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | RFA 3199 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 3200 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3200 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3201 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | RFA 3201 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3203 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA 3203 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3204 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | RFA 3204 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3205 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3205 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3209 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3209 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3210 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3210 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3212 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3212 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3213 - TA-46 | RFA 3213 - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3214 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 3214 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3217 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3217 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3218 - Espinoza - TA-53 | RFA 3218 - Espinoza - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3219 - Arellano -TA-3 | RFA 3219 - Arellano -TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3220 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 3220 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3221 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 3221 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3222 - Stadelmaier - TA-16 | RFA 3222 - Stadelmaier - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3223 - Stadelmaier - TA-49 | RFA 3223 - Stadelmaier - TA-49 | LANL |
RFA 3224 - LeScouranec - TA-15 | RFA 3224 - LeScouranec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3227 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3227 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3230 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3230 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3231 - LeScouarnec - TA-22 | RFA 3231 - LeScouarnec - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3235 - Velasquez - TA-09 | RFA 3235 - Velasquez - TA-09 | LANL |
RFA 3236 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | RFA 3236 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3237 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | RFA 3237 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3238 - Meadows - TA-18 | RFA 3238 - Meadows - TA-18 | LANL |
RFA 3239 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3239 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3240 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3240 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3241 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3241 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3243 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3243 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3244 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3244 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3247 - Wells - TA-72 | RFA 3247 - Wells - TA-72 | LANL |
RFA 3248 - SERF Plant - TA-3 | RFA 3248 - SERF Plant - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3251 | RFA 3251 | LANL |
RFA 3252 - Shelton - TA-54 | RFA 3252 - Shelton - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3253 - Arellano - TA-3-94 | RFA 3253 - Arellano - TA-3-94 | LANL |
RFA 3254 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3254 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3255 - Trujillo - TA-35-87 | RFA 3255 - Trujillo - TA-35-87 | LANL |
RFA 3256 - Trujillo -TA-35-87 | RFA 3256 - Trujillo -TA-35-87 | LANL |
RFA 3257 - Trujillo - TA-35-189 | RFA 3257 - Trujillo - TA-35-189 | LANL |
RFA 3258 - Trujillo - TA-35-189 | RFA 3258 - Trujillo - TA-35-189 | LANL |
RFA 3259 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | RFA 3259 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | LANL |
RFA 3260 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF PLANT | RFA 3260 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF PLANT | LANL |
RFA 3261 | RFA 3261 | LANL |
RFA 3261 - Stadelmaier - TA-22-87 | RFA 3261 - Stadelmaier - TA-22-87 | LANL |
RFA 3262 - Lee - TA-9-21 | RFA 3262 - Lee - TA-9-21 | LANL |
RFA 3263 - Lee - TA-16-88 | RFA 3263 - Lee - TA-16-88 | LANL |
RFA 3264 - Espinoza - TA-53 | RFA 3264 - Espinoza - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3265 | RFA 3265 | LANL |
RFA 3266 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3266 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3269 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA 3269 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3270 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA 3270 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3272 - Peterson -TA-50 | RFA 3272 - Peterson -TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 3273 - Garcia - TA-03 | RFA 3273 - Garcia - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 3274 - Garcia - TA-60 | RFA 3274 - Garcia - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3275B - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3275B - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3276 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3276 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3278 - Sandoval - TA-46 | RFA 3278 - Sandoval - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3280 | RFA 3280 | LANL |
RFA 3281 - Meadows - TA-35 | RFA 3281 - Meadows - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3282 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3282 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3283 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3283 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3284 - Shelton - TA-54 | RFA 3284 - Shelton - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3285 - Potter - TA-54 | RFA 3285 - Potter - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3286 - Arellano - TA-3-40 | RFA 3286 - Arellano - TA-3-40 | LANL |
RFA 3287 | RFA 3287 | LANL |
RFA 3288 | RFA 3288 | LANL |
RFA 3289 | RFA 3289 | LANL |
RFA 3290 | RFA 3290 | LANL |
RFA 3291 | RFA 3291 | LANL |
RFA 3292 | RFA 3292 | LANL |
RFA 3293 | RFA 3293 | LANL |
RFA 3295 | RFA 3295 | LANL |
RFA 3296 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3296 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3297 - Baker - TA-3 | RFA 3297 - Baker - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3307 | RFA 3307 | LANL |
RFA 3308 | RFA 3308 | LANL |
RFA 3310 - Apodaca - TA-16 | RFA 3310 - Apodaca - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3311 - Meadows - TA-16-16 | RFA 3311 - Meadows - TA-16-16 | LANL |
RFA 3312 - Sandoval - TA-59 | RFA 3312 - Sandoval - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA 3313 - Wells -TA-60 | RFA 3313 - Wells -TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3314 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3314 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3315 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3315 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3316 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3316 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3317 - Garcia - TA-3 - Water Jet Cutting Sedim | RFA 3317 - Garcia - TA-3 - Water Jet Cutting Sedim | LANL |
RFA 3318 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3318 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3319 | RFA 3319 | LANL |
RFA 3320 - Herrera - TA-3 | RFA 3320 - Herrera - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3321 - Serazio - TA-03 | RFA 3321 - Serazio - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 3323 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3323 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3324 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3324 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3325 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3325 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3326 - Baker - TA-53-3 Sector A Roof | RFA 3326 - Baker - TA-53-3 Sector A Roof | LANL |
RFA 3327 - Baker - TA-53-3 Sector H Roof | RFA 3327 - Baker - TA-53-3 Sector H Roof | LANL |
RFA 3328 - Baker - TA-53-3 Roof | RFA 3328 - Baker - TA-53-3 Roof | LANL |
RFA 3329 - Peterson - TA-50 | RFA 3329 - Peterson - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 3330 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3330 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3331 - Lee - TA-9 | RFA 3331 - Lee - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 3332 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3332 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3333 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3333 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3334 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3334 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3335 - Lee - TA-15 | RFA 3335 - Lee - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3336 - Homan- TA-3 | RFA 3336 - Homan- TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3337 - Romero - TA-43 | RFA 3337 - Romero - TA-43 | LANL |
RFA 3338 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3338 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3339 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3339 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3342 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3342 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3343 - Peterson - TA-57 | RFA 3343 - Peterson - TA-57 | LANL |
RFA 3344 -LeScouarnec - TA-39 | RFA 3344 -LeScouarnec - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 3347 - Meadows - TA-16 | RFA 3347 - Meadows - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3349 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3349 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3350 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3350 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3360 - Torrez - TA-50 | RFA 3360 - Torrez - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 3362 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3362 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3366 - Fuechsel - TA-50 | RFA 3366 - Fuechsel - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 3367 - Beers - TA-33 | RFA 3367 - Beers - TA-33 | LANL |
RFA 3368 - Apodaca - TA-3 | RFA 3368 - Apodaca - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3369 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 3369 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3370 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3370 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3371 - Kosler - TA-54 | RFA 3371 - Kosler - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3371 - Kosler - TA-54 - Resample | RFA 3371 - Kosler - TA-54 - Resample | LANL |
RFA 3374 - LeScouarnec - TA-39-69 | RFA 3374 - LeScouarnec - TA-39-69 | LANL |
RFA 3375 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3375 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3376 - Villareal - TA-64 | RFA 3376 - Villareal - TA-64 | LANL |
RFA 3377 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3377 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3378 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3378 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3379 - Wells - TA-21 | RFA 3379 - Wells - TA-21 | LANL |
RFA 3380 - Lee - TA-15 | RFA 3380 - Lee - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3381 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3381 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3382 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3382 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3383 - Apodaca - TA-60 | RFA 3383 - Apodaca - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3384 - Garcia - TA-54 | RFA 3384 - Garcia - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3386 - Garcia - TA-38 | RFA 3386 - Garcia - TA-38 | LANL |
RFA 3387 - Stadelmaier - TA-16 | RFA 3387 - Stadelmaier - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3388 - DeSotel - TA-54 | RFA 3388 - DeSotel - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3389 - Sandoval - TA-50-01 | RFA 3389 - Sandoval - TA-50-01 | LANL |
RFA 3390 - Sandoval - TA-50-37 | RFA 3390 - Sandoval - TA-50-37 | LANL |
RFA 3391 - Sandoval - TA-59 | RFA 3391 - Sandoval - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA 3392 - Sandoval - TA-46 | RFA 3392 - Sandoval - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3393 - Sandoval - TA-46 | RFA 3393 - Sandoval - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3394 - Sandoval - TA-46 | RFA 3394 - Sandoval - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3395 - Wells - TA-5-28 | RFA 3395 - Wells - TA-5-28 | LANL |
RFA 3396 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3396 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3397 - Shelton - TA-54 | RFA 3397 - Shelton - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3398 - Shelton - TA-54 | RFA 3398 - Shelton - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3400 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3400 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3401 - Villareal - TA-03-2009 | RFA 3401 - Villareal - TA-03-2009 | LANL |
RFA 3402 - Williams - TA-54 | RFA 3402 - Williams - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3403 - Williams - TA-54 | RFA 3403 - Williams - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3405 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3405 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3406 - Gallegos - TA-53 | RFA 3406 - Gallegos - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3407 - Gallegos - TA-53 | RFA 3407 - Gallegos - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3408 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3408 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3409 - Cummins - TA-53-737 | RFA 3409 - Cummins - TA-53-737 | LANL |
RFA 3410 - Cummins - TA-53-757 | RFA 3410 - Cummins - TA-53-757 | LANL |
RFA 3411 - Meadows - TA-57 | RFA 3411 - Meadows - TA-57 | LANL |
RFA 3413 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3413 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3414 - Manzanares | RFA 3414 - Manzanares | LANL |
RFA 3415 - LeScouarnec - TA-36-48 | RFA 3415 - LeScouarnec - TA-36-48 | LANL |
RFA 3416 - Fuechsel - TA-50 | RFA 3416 - Fuechsel - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 3417 - Lee - TA-09-21 | RFA 3417 - Lee - TA-09-21 | LANL |
RFA 3418 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3418 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3419 - Martinez - TA-55-Yard | RFA 3419 - Martinez - TA-55-Yard | LANL |
RFA 3420 - Garcia - TA-3-66 | RFA 3420 - Garcia - TA-3-66 | LANL |
RFA 3421 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3421 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3421 - Peterson - TA-54-281 | RFA 3421 - Peterson - TA-54-281 | LANL |
RFA 3422 - Herrera - SERF Plant | RFA 3422 - Herrera - SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3422 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3422 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3423 - Sandoval - TA-46-20 | RFA 3423 - Sandoval - TA-46-20 | LANL |
RFA 3425 - Trujillo - TA-35-02 | RFA 3425 - Trujillo - TA-35-02 | LANL |
RFA 3426 - Trujillo - TA-35-386 | RFA 3426 - Trujillo - TA-35-386 | LANL |
RFA 3427 - Lee - TA-9-21-Tank 2 | RFA 3427 - Lee - TA-9-21-Tank 2 | LANL |
RFA 3428 - Garcia - TA-60-86 | RFA 3428 - Garcia - TA-60-86 | LANL |
RFA 3430 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3430 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3431 - Rowley - TA-03-4200 | RFA 3431 - Rowley - TA-03-4200 | LANL |
RFA 3432 - Trujillo - TA-35-301 | RFA 3432 - Trujillo - TA-35-301 | LANL |
RFA 3433 - Lee - TA-22-91 | RFA 3433 - Lee - TA-22-91 | LANL |
RFA 3434 - Trujillo - TA-35-189 | RFA 3434 - Trujillo - TA-35-189 | LANL |
RFA 3435 - Villareal - TA-55 | RFA 3435 - Villareal - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3438 - Apodaca - TA-60 | RFA 3438 - Apodaca - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3438 - Apodaca - TA-60 - Organics | RFA 3438 - Apodaca - TA-60 - Organics | LANL |
RFA 3439 - Apodaca - TA-60 Linemen Yard | RFA 3439 - Apodaca - TA-60 Linemen Yard | LANL |
RFA 3441 - Apodaca - TA-46-333 | RFA 3441 - Apodaca - TA-46-333 | LANL |
RFA 3442 - TA-54-281 | RFA 3442 - TA-54-281 | LANL |
RFA 3446 - Lee - TA-16-88 | RFA 3446 - Lee - TA-16-88 | LANL |
RFA 3447 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3447 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3448 - Sandoval - TA-59 | RFA 3448 - Sandoval - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA 3450 - Chavez - TA-15 | RFA 3450 - Chavez - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3451 - McCormick - TA- 55 Yard | RFA 3451 - McCormick - TA- 55 Yard | LANL |
RFA 3463 - Lee - TA-16-88 | RFA 3463 - Lee - TA-16-88 | LANL |
RFA 3466 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3466 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3468 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3468 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3469 - Trujillo - TA-35-125 | RFA 3469 - Trujillo - TA-35-125 | LANL |
RFA 3470 - Sandoval - TA-36-154 | RFA 3470 - Sandoval - TA-36-154 | LANL |
RFA 3472 - Lee - TA-16-0088 | RFA 3472 - Lee - TA-16-0088 | LANL |
RFA 3473 - McCormick - TA-55-Yard | RFA 3473 - McCormick - TA-55-Yard | LANL |
RFA 3475 - Trujillo - TA-35-85E | RFA 3475 - Trujillo - TA-35-85E | LANL |
RFA 3476 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3476 - Herrera - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3477 - Lee - TA-15-0313 | RFA 3477 - Lee - TA-15-0313 | LANL |
RFA 3478 - Meadows - TA-9-000 | RFA 3478 - Meadows - TA-9-000 | LANL |
RFA 3479 - Trujillo - TA-35-125 | RFA 3479 - Trujillo - TA-35-125 | LANL |
RFA 3480 - Shelton - TA-54-Area L | RFA 3480 - Shelton - TA-54-Area L | LANL |
RFA 3481 - Martinez - TA-55-Yard | RFA 3481 - Martinez - TA-55-Yard | LANL |
RFA 3482 - Garcia - TA-3-66 | RFA 3482 - Garcia - TA-3-66 | LANL |
RFA 3483 - Desotel - TA-54 | RFA 3483 - Desotel - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3484 - Williams - TA-54 | RFA 3484 - Williams - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3485 - Apodaca - TA-46 | RFA 3485 - Apodaca - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3486 - Villareal - TA-60 | RFA 3486 - Villareal - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3487 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3487 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3488 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3488 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3489 - Volz - TA-60 - Evap Ponds | RFA 3489 - Volz - TA-60 - Evap Ponds | LANL |
RFA 3490 - LeScouarnec - TA-39 | RFA 3490 - LeScouarnec - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 3491 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3491 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3492 - Trujillo - TA-35-125 | RFA 3492 - Trujillo - TA-35-125 | LANL |
RFA 3493 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3493 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3500 - Lee - TA-9-21-Tank 1 | RFA 3500 - Lee - TA-9-21-Tank 1 | LANL |
RFA 3504 - Lee - TA-16-260 | RFA 3504 - Lee - TA-16-260 | LANL |
RFA 3506 - Cummins - TA-53-06 | RFA 3506 - Cummins - TA-53-06 | LANL |
RFA 3507 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3507 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3508 - Arellano - TA-3-40 | RFA 3508 - Arellano - TA-3-40 | LANL |
RFA 3509 - Arellano - TA-03-0040 | RFA 3509 - Arellano - TA-03-0040 | LANL |
RFA 3510 - Torrez - TA-55-400 | RFA 3510 - Torrez - TA-55-400 | LANL |
RFA 3511 - Meyer - TA-15-494 | RFA 3511 - Meyer - TA-15-494 | LANL |
RFA 3513 - Lee - TA-9-021 | RFA 3513 - Lee - TA-9-021 | LANL |
RFA 3515 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3515 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3516 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3516 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3517 - Sandoval - TA-3 | RFA 3517 - Sandoval - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3518 - Begay - TA-3 - SERF Plant | RFA 3518 - Begay - TA-3 - SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3519 - Trujillo - TA-35-124 | RFA 3519 - Trujillo - TA-35-124 | LANL |
RFA 3521 - Arellano - TA-3-494 | RFA 3521 - Arellano - TA-3-494 | LANL |
RFA 3522 - Arellano - TA-3-40 | RFA 3522 - Arellano - TA-3-40 | LANL |
RFA 3523 - Arellano - TA-3-40 | RFA 3523 - Arellano - TA-3-40 | LANL |
RFA 3524 - Lee - TA-15 | RFA 3524 - Lee - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3526 - Garcia - TA-46-24 | RFA 3526 - Garcia - TA-46-24 | LANL |
RFA 3527 - Villareal - TA-60 | RFA 3527 - Villareal - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3528 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3528 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3529 - Garcia - TA-46-555 | RFA 3529 - Garcia - TA-46-555 | LANL |
RFA 3530 - Garcia - TA-46-555 | RFA 3530 - Garcia - TA-46-555 | LANL |
RFA 3531 - Seriazo - TA-3-39 | RFA 3531 - Seriazo - TA-3-39 | LANL |
RFA 3532 - Apodaca - TA-60-1 | RFA 3532 - Apodaca - TA-60-1 | LANL |
RFA 3539 - Cummins - TA-53-06 | RFA 3539 - Cummins - TA-53-06 | LANL |
RFA 3540 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3540 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3543 - LeScouarnec - TA-40-10 | RFA 3543 - LeScouarnec - TA-40-10 | LANL |
RFA 3544 -Trujillo - TA-35-85W | RFA 3544 -Trujillo - TA-35-85W | LANL |
RFA 3545 - Lee - TA-8-70 | RFA 3545 - Lee - TA-8-70 | LANL |
RFA 3546 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3546 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3547 - Williams - TA-54 | RFA 3547 - Williams - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3549 - Apodaca - TA-60-1 | RFA 3549 - Apodaca - TA-60-1 | LANL |
RFA 3551 - LeScouarnec - TA-40-15 | RFA 3551 - LeScouarnec - TA-40-15 | LANL |
RFA 3552 - Valdez - TA-54 | RFA 3552 - Valdez - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3553 - Sandoval - TA-50 | RFA 3553 - Sandoval - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 3554 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3554 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3555 - Meadows - TA-5-R-28 | RFA 3555 - Meadows - TA-5-R-28 | LANL |
RFA 3557 | RFA 3557 | LANL |
RFA 3558 - McClory - TA-33-375 | RFA 3558 - McClory - TA-33-375 | LANL |
RFA 3559 - Apodaca - TA-03-22 | RFA 3559 - Apodaca - TA-03-22 | LANL |
RFA 3560 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3560 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3561 - Cummins - TA-53-365 | RFA 3561 - Cummins - TA-53-365 | LANL |
RFA 3562 - Martinez - TA-53 | RFA 3562 - Martinez - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3563 - Cummins - TA-53-0984 | RFA 3563 - Cummins - TA-53-0984 | LANL |
RFA 3564 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3564 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3565 - Villareal -TA-3 | RFA 3565 - Villareal -TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3566 - LeScouarnec - TA-39 | RFA 3566 - LeScouarnec - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 3567 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3567 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3569 - Trujillo - TA-35-301 | RFA 3569 - Trujillo - TA-35-301 | LANL |
RFA 3570 - Trujillo - TA-35-294 | RFA 3570 - Trujillo - TA-35-294 | LANL |
RFA 3572 - Blanchard - TA-16-410 | RFA 3572 - Blanchard - TA-16-410 | LANL |
RFA 3573 - Blanchard - TA-9-51 | RFA 3573 - Blanchard - TA-9-51 | LANL |
RFA 3574 - Blanchard - TA-8-70 | RFA 3574 - Blanchard - TA-8-70 | LANL |
RFA 3575 - TA-15-183 | RFA 3575 - TA-15-183 | LANL |
RFA 3577 - Cummins - TA-53-365 | RFA 3577 - Cummins - TA-53-365 | LANL |
RFA 3579 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | RFA 3579 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | LANL |
RFA 3580 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | RFA 3580 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | LANL |
RFA 3581 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | RFA 3581 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | LANL |
RFA 3582 - Cummins - TA-53-950 | RFA 3582 - Cummins - TA-53-950 | LANL |
RFA 3583 - Durren - TA-15-DARHT | RFA 3583 - Durren - TA-15-DARHT | LANL |
RFA 3584 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3584 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3585 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3585 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3586 - Williams - TA-54 | RFA 3586 - Williams - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3587 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3587 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3588 - Peterson - TA-54 | RFA 3588 - Peterson - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3589 - Wells - TA-60 | RFA 3589 - Wells - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3590 - Williams - TA-54 | RFA 3590 - Williams - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3591 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3591 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3592 - LeScouarnec - TA-36-48 | RFA 3592 - LeScouarnec - TA-36-48 | LANL |
RFA 3593 - Gallegos - TA-35 | RFA 3593 - Gallegos - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3597 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3597 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3598 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3598 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3599 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3599 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3600 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3600 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3601 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3601 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3602 - Williams - TA-54 | RFA 3602 - Williams - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3614 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3614 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3616 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3616 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3617 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3617 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3618 - Yoshida - TA-59-1 | RFA 3618 - Yoshida - TA-59-1 | LANL |
RFA 3619 - Garcia - TA-46-158 | RFA 3619 - Garcia - TA-46-158 | LANL |
RFA 3622 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3622 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3624 - TA-35-001 - Trujillo | RFA 3624 - TA-35-001 - Trujillo | LANL |
RFA 3625 - Apodaca - TA-46 | RFA 3625 - Apodaca - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3626 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3626 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3626A - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3626A - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3627 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3627 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3629 - LeScouarnec - TA-36-48 | RFA 3629 - LeScouarnec - TA-36-48 | LANL |
RFA 3630 - Baker - TA-3-2322 | RFA 3630 - Baker - TA-3-2322 | LANL |
RFA 3631 - Apodaca - TA-60 | RFA 3631 - Apodaca - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3632 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3632 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3634 - TA-3 | RFA 3634 - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3641 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA 3641 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 3642 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3642 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3643 - Begay - TA-46 - SWWS Plant | RFA 3643 - Begay - TA-46 - SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3644 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3644 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3645 -Stadelmaier - TA-15 | RFA 3645 -Stadelmaier - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3646 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3646 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3649 - TA-3 SERF Plant - TA-3 | RFA 3649 - TA-3 SERF Plant - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3650 - Begay - SWWS Plant | RFA 3650 - Begay - SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3651 - Garcia - TA-03-141 | RFA 3651 - Garcia - TA-03-141 | LANL |
RFA 3652 - Garcia - TA-03-066 | RFA 3652 - Garcia - TA-03-066 | LANL |
RFA 3652 - Garcia - TA-03-066 - Resample | RFA 3652 - Garcia - TA-03-066 - Resample | LANL |
RFA 3656 - Apodaca - TA-16 | RFA 3656 - Apodaca - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3656 - Apodaca - TA-33 | RFA 3656 - Apodaca - TA-33 | LANL |
RFA 3657 - Apodaca - TA-39 | RFA 3657 - Apodaca - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 3658 - Apodaca - TA-49 | RFA 3658 - Apodaca - TA-49 | LANL |
RFA 3659 - Apodaca - TA-58 | RFA 3659 - Apodaca - TA-58 | LANL |
RFA 3660 - Apodaca - TA-33 | RFA 3660 - Apodaca - TA-33 | LANL |
RFA 3660 - Begay - TA-3 - SERF Plant | RFA 3660 - Begay - TA-3 - SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3661 - Apodaca - TA-33 | RFA 3661 - Apodaca - TA-33 | LANL |
RFA 3662 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3662 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3663 - Williams - TA-54 | RFA 3663 - Williams - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3664 - Fuechsel - TA-50 | RFA 3664 - Fuechsel - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 3665 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3665 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3666 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3666 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3667 - Gammon - TA-35 | RFA 3667 - Gammon - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3668 - Mourant - TA-43 | RFA 3668 - Mourant - TA-43 | LANL |
RFA 3669 - Apodaca - TA-3 | RFA 3669 - Apodaca - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3670 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3670 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3671 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3671 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3672 - Begay - TA-46 - SWWS Plant | RFA 3672 - Begay - TA-46 - SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3673 - Lee - TA-8 | RFA 3673 - Lee - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA 3674 - Gonzales - TA-3-35 | RFA 3674 - Gonzales - TA-3-35 | LANL |
RFA 3674 - McCormick - TA-55 | RFA 3674 - McCormick - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3675 - Cummins - TA-53 - Bag #1 | RFA 3675 - Cummins - TA-53 - Bag #1 | LANL |
RFA 3691 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3691 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3692 - Gammon - TA-03 | RFA 3692 - Gammon - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 3693 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3693 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3694 - Begay - TA-46 - SWWS Plant | RFA 3694 - Begay - TA-46 - SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3695 - Gammon - TA-54 | RFA 3695 - Gammon - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3696 - Gonzales - TA-3-35 | RFA 3696 - Gonzales - TA-3-35 | LANL |
RFA 3697 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3697 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3698 - Begay - TA-46-SWWS Plant | RFA 3698 - Begay - TA-46-SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3699 - Gammon - TA-3 | RFA 3699 - Gammon - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3700 - Upshaw -TA-3-4200 | RFA 3700 - Upshaw -TA-3-4200 | LANL |
RFA 3702 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | RFA 3702 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 3703 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3703 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3704 - Williams - TA-16 | RFA 3704 - Williams - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3706 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3706 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3707 - Beers - TA-33 | RFA 3707 - Beers - TA-33 | LANL |
RFA 3708 - Lee - TA-15 | RFA 3708 - Lee - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3709 - Schrock - TA-63 | RFA 3709 - Schrock - TA-63 | LANL |
RFA 3710 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 3710 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3711 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 3711 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3712 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3712 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3712 - Lee - TA-16 - Lead | RFA 3712 - Lee - TA-16 - Lead | LANL |
RFA 3713 - Apodaca - TA-3 | RFA 3713 - Apodaca - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3714 - Apodaca - TA-3 | RFA 3714 - Apodaca - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3715 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3715 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3717 - Apodaca - TA-35 | RFA 3717 - Apodaca - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3718 - Apodaca - TA-16-1480 | RFA 3718 - Apodaca - TA-16-1480 | LANL |
RFA 3725 - Apodaca - TA-9-282 | RFA 3725 - Apodaca - TA-9-282 | LANL |
RFA 3726 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA 3726 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 3727 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3727 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3728 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3728 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3729 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3729 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3730 - Pease - TA-53 | RFA 3730 - Pease - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3732 - Johnson - TA-3-29 | RFA 3732 - Johnson - TA-3-29 | LANL |
RFA 3733 - SERF Plant - TA-3 | RFA 3733 - SERF Plant - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3734 - Garcia - TA-3-66 | RFA 3734 - Garcia - TA-3-66 | LANL |
RFA 3735 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3735 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3736 - LeScouarnec -TA-36 | RFA 3736 - LeScouarnec -TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3737 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3737 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3738 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3738 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3739 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 3739 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3740 - Villareal - TA-51 | RFA 3740 - Villareal - TA-51 | LANL |
RFA 3741 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3741 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3742 - Villareal - TA-36 | RFA 3742 - Villareal - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3745 - Williams - TA-54 | RFA 3745 - Williams - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3746 - Cisneros - TA-48-1 | RFA 3746 - Cisneros - TA-48-1 | LANL |
RFA 3747 - Lee - TA-9 | RFA 3747 - Lee - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 3748 - Arellano - TA-3-502 | RFA 3748 - Arellano - TA-3-502 | LANL |
RFA 3749 - Arellano - TA-3-494 | RFA 3749 - Arellano - TA-3-494 | LANL |
RFA 3750 - Baumgartner - TA-33-375 | RFA 3750 - Baumgartner - TA-33-375 | LANL |
RFA 3751 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3751 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3752 - Gonzales - TA-55 | RFA 3752 - Gonzales - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3753 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | RFA 3753 - LeScouarnec - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3754 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3754 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3755 - Stadelmaier - TA-15 | RFA 3755 - Stadelmaier - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3756 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3756 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3757 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3757 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3758 - Garcia -TA-54 | RFA 3758 - Garcia -TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3759 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3759 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3760 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | RFA 3760 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 3763 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3763 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3765 - Apodaca - TA-35 | RFA 3765 - Apodaca - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3766 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3766 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3767 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3767 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3768 - Apodaca - TA-60 Evap Ponds | RFA 3768 - Apodaca - TA-60 Evap Ponds | LANL |
RFA 3769 - Apodaca - TA-46 | RFA 3769 - Apodaca - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3770 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3770 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3771 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3771 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3773 - Beal - TA-3 | RFA 3773 - Beal - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3774 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3774 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3775 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3775 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3776 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3776 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3777 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3777 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3778 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3778 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3779 - Apodaca - TA-35 | RFA 3779 - Apodaca - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3780 - Stadelmaier - TA-16 | RFA 3780 - Stadelmaier - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3781 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3781 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3782 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3782 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3784 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3784 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3785 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3785 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3786 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3786 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3787 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3787 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3788 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3788 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3790 - Parker - TA-5 | RFA 3790 - Parker - TA-5 | LANL |
RFA 3791 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3791 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3792 - Garcia - TA 54 | RFA 3792 - Garcia - TA 54 | LANL |
RFA 3793 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 3793 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3797- Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3797- Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3798 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | RFA 3798 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | LANL |
RFA 3800 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | RFA 3800 - Serazio - TA-03-39 | LANL |
RFA 3801- Serazio - TA-03-39 | RFA 3801- Serazio - TA-03-39 | LANL |
RFA 3802 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3802 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3803 - Begay - TA-3 SWWS Plant | RFA 3803 - Begay - TA-3 SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3805 - Garcia - TA-54 | RFA 3805 - Garcia - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3806 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3806 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3807- Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 3807- Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3808 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3808 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3809 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3809 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3810 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3810 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3811 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | RFA 3811 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3812 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3812 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3814 - Apodaca - TA-3 | RFA 3814 - Apodaca - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3815 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3815 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3816 - Torrez - TA-35 | RFA 3816 - Torrez - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3821 - Bechtel - TA-46 | RFA 3821 - Bechtel - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3824 - Lee - TA-8 | RFA 3824 - Lee - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA 3826 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3826 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3827 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3827 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3828 - Garcia - TA-54 | RFA 3828 - Garcia - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3829 - Garcia - TA-54 | RFA 3829 - Garcia - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3830 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3830 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3831 - Bechtel - TA-59 | RFA 3831 - Bechtel - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA 3832 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3832 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3833 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3833 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3834 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3834 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3835 - Garcia - TA-54 | RFA 3835 - Garcia - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3836 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3836 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3837 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3837 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3838 - Houdashelt - TA-54 | RFA 3838 - Houdashelt - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3839 - Torrez - TA-3-29 | RFA 3839 - Torrez - TA-3-29 | LANL |
RFA 3840 - Pease - TA-16 | RFA 3840 - Pease - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3842 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3842 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3845 - Trujillo - TA-55 | RFA 3845 - Trujillo - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3846 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | RFA 3846 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 3847 - Villareal - TA-72 | RFA 3847 - Villareal - TA-72 | LANL |
RFA 3848 - LeScouarnec - TA-39 | RFA 3848 - LeScouarnec - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 3850 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | RFA 3850 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 3853 - Garcia - TA-54 | RFA 3853 - Garcia - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3854 - Martinez - TA-3 | RFA 3854 - Martinez - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3855 - Martinez - TA-46 SWWS Plant | RFA 3855 - Martinez - TA-46 SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3856 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3856 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3857 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | RFA 3857 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3862 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3862 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3864 - DeWees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 3864 - DeWees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3866 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3866 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3867 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3867 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3868 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | RFA 3868 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3869 - Yoshida - TA-59 | RFA 3869 - Yoshida - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA 3871 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3871 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3873 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3873 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3874 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3874 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3875 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3875 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3880 - Gallegos - TA-57-Milagro Pond | RFA 3880 - Gallegos - TA-57-Milagro Pond | LANL |
RFA 3881 - Arellano - TA-03 | RFA 3881 - Arellano - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 3883 - Villareal - TA-64 | RFA 3883 - Villareal - TA-64 | LANL |
RFA 3884 - Gonzales - TA-03 | RFA 3884 - Gonzales - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 3889 - Berger - TA-3 | RFA 3889 - Berger - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3891 - Garcia - TA-54 | RFA 3891 - Garcia - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3892 - Gonzales - TA-57 | RFA 3892 - Gonzales - TA-57 | LANL |
RFA 3893 - Bechtel - TA-16 | RFA 3893 - Bechtel - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3894 - Martinez -TA-16 | RFA 3894 - Martinez -TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3895 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3895 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3896 - Houdshelt - TA-15 | RFA 3896 - Houdshelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3897 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | RFA 3897 - Begay - TA-46 SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3898 - Martinez - TA-16 | RFA 3898 - Martinez - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3907 - Gonzales - TA-57 | RFA 3907 - Gonzales - TA-57 | LANL |
RFA 3908 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3908 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3909 - Begay - TA-46-SWWS Plant | RFA 3909 - Begay - TA-46-SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 3910 - Villareal - TA-3 | RFA 3910 - Villareal - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3914 - Torrez - TA-3 | RFA 3914 - Torrez - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3923 - Gonzales - TA-9 | RFA 3923 - Gonzales - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 3924 - Martinez - TA-54 | RFA 3924 - Martinez - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3925 - Martinez - TA-54 | RFA 3925 - Martinez - TA-54 | LANL |
RFA 3926 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 3926 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3928 - Sandoval - TA-60 | RFA 3928 - Sandoval - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 3930 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3930 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3931 - Martinez - TA-16 | RFA 3931 - Martinez - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3933 - Villareal - TA-3 | RFA 3933 - Villareal - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3934 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | RFA 3934 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3937 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3937 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3938 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3938 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3939 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 3939 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3940 - Trujillo - TA-50 | RFA 3940 - Trujillo - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 3941 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 3941 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3943 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3943 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3944 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3944 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3946 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 3946 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3947 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3947 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3948 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3948 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3949 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3949 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3950 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 3950 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 3951 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 3951 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 3953 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3953 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3954 - LeScouarnec - Ta-36 | RFA 3954 - LeScouarnec - Ta-36 | LANL |
RFA 3955 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | RFA 3955 - LeScouarnec - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 3956 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3956 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3957 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | RFA 3957 - LeScouarnec - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 3958 - Apodaca - TA-3 | RFA 3958 - Apodaca - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3959 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3959 - LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3961 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3961 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3963 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3963 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3965 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 3965 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3967 - Gonzales - TA-3-Bldg 35 | RFA 3967 - Gonzales - TA-3-Bldg 35 | LANL |
RFA 3968 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3968 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3969 - Gonzales - TA-39 | RFA 3969 - Gonzales - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 3970 - TA-48 | RFA 3970 - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 3971 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3971 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3973 - TA-3 | RFA 3973 - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3974 - TA-3 | RFA 3974 - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3976 - TA-69 | RFA 3976 - TA-69 | LANL |
RFA 3977 -LeScouarnec - TA-15 | RFA 3977 -LeScouarnec - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3978 - LeScouarnec -TA-15 | RFA 3978 - LeScouarnec -TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 3980 - TA-55 | RFA 3980 - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 3981 - Gonzales - TA-39 | RFA 3981 - Gonzales - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 3982 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 3982 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3982 - Sandoval - TA-03 | RFA 3982 - Sandoval - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 3983 -- Arellano -- TA-35 | RFA 3983 -- Arellano -- TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3983- Arellano - TA-35 | RFA 3983- Arellano - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3985 - Arellano - TA-35 | RFA 3985 - Arellano - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3986 - TA-48 | RFA 3986 - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 3987 - Serrano - TA-16 | RFA 3987 - Serrano - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3988 - Lee - TA-8 | RFA 3988 - Lee - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA 3990 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 3990 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 3991 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 3991 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 3992 - Apodaca - TA-16 | RFA 3992 - Apodaca - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 3995 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 3995 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 3997 | RFA 3997 | LANL |
RFA 3997 - Serazio - TA-3 | RFA 3997 - Serazio - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 3999 - Begay - TA-3 - SERF Plant | RFA 3999 - Begay - TA-3 - SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4000 - LeScouarnec - TA-3 | RFA 4000 - LeScouarnec - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4001 - Trujillo - TA-3 | RFA 4001 - Trujillo - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4004 - Apodaca - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4004 - Apodaca - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4005 - Pease - TA-41-04 | RFA 4005 - Pease - TA-41-04 | LANL |
RFA 4006 - Pease - TA-46-88 | RFA 4006 - Pease - TA-46-88 | LANL |
RFA 4007 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4007 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4008 - LeScouarnec - TA-40-Bldg. 41 | RFA 4008 - LeScouarnec - TA-40-Bldg. 41 | LANL |
RFA 4009 - Berger - TA-3 | RFA 4009 - Berger - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4010 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4010 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4013 -Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4013 -Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4014 - Villareal - TA-60 | RFA 4014 - Villareal - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4015 - Roeder - TA-15 | RFA 4015 - Roeder - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4017 - Garcia TA-3 Mop Water | RFA 4017 - Garcia TA-3 Mop Water | LANL |
RFA 4019 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 4019 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4019 - TA-55 | RFA 4019 - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4020 - Apodaca - TA-60 | RFA 4020 - Apodaca - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4021 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4021 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4022 - Begay - TA-46-SWWS Plant | RFA 4022 - Begay - TA-46-SWWS Plant | LANL |
RFA 4023 - Gonzales - TA-50 | RFA 4023 - Gonzales - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4024 - Houdashelt - TA-49 | RFA 4024 - Houdashelt - TA-49 | LANL |
RFA 4026 - Houdashelt - TA-09 | RFA 4026 - Houdashelt - TA-09 | LANL |
RFA 4027 - Houdashelt - TA-49 | RFA 4027 - Houdashelt - TA-49 | LANL |
RFA 4028 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4028 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4029 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4029 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4031 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4031 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4033 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 4033 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4034 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 4034 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4037 - Bechtel - TA-59 | RFA 4037 - Bechtel - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA 4038 - Gonzales - TA-3 | RFA 4038 - Gonzales - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4040 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 4040 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4042- Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 4042- Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4043 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4043 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4045 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 4045 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4046 - Houdashelt - TA-39 | RFA 4046 - Houdashelt - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 4047 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4047 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4049 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4049 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4050 - Bechtel - TA-40 | RFA 4050 - Bechtel - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4051 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 4051 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4056 - Houdashelt - TA-15-Bldg.534 | RFA 4056 - Houdashelt - TA-15-Bldg.534 | LANL |
RFA 4057 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4057 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4058 - Lee - TA-9-Bldg.45 | RFA 4058 - Lee - TA-9-Bldg.45 | LANL |
RFA 4059 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4059 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4060 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4060 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4061 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4061 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4064 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4064 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4065 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4065 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4065 - Trujillo - TA-35-Bldg.213 | RFA 4065 - Trujillo - TA-35-Bldg.213 | LANL |
RFA 4066 Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4066 Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4067 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4067 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4070 - Johnson - TA-43 | RFA 4070 - Johnson - TA-43 | LANL |
RFA 4071 - Houdashelt - TA-49 | RFA 4071 - Houdashelt - TA-49 | LANL |
RFA 4072 - Singleton - TA-50 | RFA 4072 - Singleton - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4073 - Singleton - TA-50 | RFA 4073 - Singleton - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4074 - Espinoza - TA-55 | RFA 4074 - Espinoza - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4075 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4075 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4077 - Gonzales - TA-3 | RFA 4077 - Gonzales - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4078 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 4078 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4079 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 4079 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4081 - Bechtel - TA-03 | RFA 4081 - Bechtel - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4082 - Bechtel - TA03 | RFA 4082 - Bechtel - TA03 | LANL |
RFA 4086 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA 4086 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4092 - Dewees - TA-55-PF-4 | RFA 4092 - Dewees - TA-55-PF-4 | LANL |
RFA 4093 - Dewees - TA-55-PF-4 | RFA 4093 - Dewees - TA-55-PF-4 | LANL |
RFA 4094 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4094 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4095 - Roberson - TA-03 | RFA 4095 - Roberson - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4096 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4096 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4097 - Edward - TA-36 | RFA 4097 - Edward - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 4098 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4098 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4102 - Villareal - TA-3 | RFA 4102 - Villareal - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4103 - TA-64 | RFA 4103 - TA-64 | LANL |
RFA 4105 - TA-50-1 | RFA 4105 - TA-50-1 | LANL |
RFA 4106 - Sanchez - TA-3 | RFA 4106 - Sanchez - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4108 - Lee - TA-22 | RFA 4108 - Lee - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4109 - Roberson - TA-03 | RFA 4109 - Roberson - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4110 - Roberson - TA-03 | RFA 4110 - Roberson - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4111 - Roberson - TA-03 | RFA 4111 - Roberson - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4112 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4112 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4114 - LeScouarnec - TA-40-0008 | RFA 4114 - LeScouarnec - TA-40-0008 | LANL |
RFA 4115 - Lee - TA-50 | RFA 4115 - Lee - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4116 - Sandoval - TA-3 | RFA 4116 - Sandoval - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4117 - Sandoval - TA-60 | RFA 4117 - Sandoval - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4119 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 4119 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4120 - TA-16 | RFA 4120 - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4122 - Chavez - TA-55 | RFA 4122 - Chavez - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4123 - Houdashelt - TA-39 | RFA 4123 - Houdashelt - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 4124 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4124 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4125 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4125 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4126 - Edward - TA-33 | RFA 4126 - Edward - TA-33 | LANL |
RFA 4127 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4127 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4129 - Meadows - TA-3 | RFA 4129 - Meadows - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4131 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4131 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4137 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 4137 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4140 - Lee - TA-3 | RFA 4140 - Lee - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4141 - Sheldon - TA-53 | RFA 4141 - Sheldon - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4142 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 4142 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4145 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4145 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4146 - Lee - TA-3 | RFA 4146 - Lee - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4147 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4147 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4148 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4148 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4149 - Torrez - TA-3 | RFA 4149 - Torrez - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4150 - Houdashelt - TA-40 | RFA 4150 - Houdashelt - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4151 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4151 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4152 - Arrelano - TA-3 | RFA 4152 - Arrelano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4153 - Arrelano - TA-35 | RFA 4153 - Arrelano - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4154 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 4154 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4155 - Trujillo - TA-9 | RFA 4155 - Trujillo - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 4156 - Trujillo - TA-14 | RFA 4156 - Trujillo - TA-14 | LANL |
RFA 4157 - Trujillo - TA-16 | RFA 4157 - Trujillo - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4158 - Trujillo - TA-40 | RFA 4158 - Trujillo - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4159 - Trujillo - TA-53 | RFA 4159 - Trujillo - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4160 - Roberson -TA-3 | RFA 4160 - Roberson -TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4161 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4161 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4162 - Wells - TA-22 | RFA 4162 - Wells - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4163 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 4163 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4164 - Arellano - TA-35 | RFA 4164 - Arellano - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4165 - Arellano - TA-35 | RFA 4165 - Arellano - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4166 - Arellano - TA35 | RFA 4166 - Arellano - TA35 | LANL |
RFA 4167 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4167 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4169 - Villareal - TA-33 | RFA 4169 - Villareal - TA-33 | LANL |
RFA 4170 - Arrelano - TA-35 | RFA 4170 - Arrelano - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4172 - Sheldon - TA-46 | RFA 4172 - Sheldon - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4173 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | RFA 4173 - Begay - TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4174 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4174 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4175 - Serazio - TA-3 | RFA 4175 - Serazio - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4175 - Serazio - TA-3 RESAMPLE | RFA 4175 - Serazio - TA-3 RESAMPLE | LANL |
RFA 4176 - Serazio - TA-3 | RFA 4176 - Serazio - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4176 - Serazio -TA-3 RESAMPLE | RFA 4176 - Serazio -TA-3 RESAMPLE | LANL |
RFA 4177 - Lee - TA-39 | RFA 4177 - Lee - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 4178 - Lee - TA-16 | RFA 4178 - Lee - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4179 - Lee - TA-15 | RFA 4179 - Lee - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4180 - Garcia - TA-3-SERF PLANT | RFA 4180 - Garcia - TA-3-SERF PLANT | LANL |
RFA 4181 - Lee - TA-3 | RFA 4181 - Lee - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4182 - Houdashelt - TA-40 | RFA 4182 - Houdashelt - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4183 - Baumgartner - TA-16 | RFA 4183 - Baumgartner - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4184 - Baumgartner - TA-16 | RFA 4184 - Baumgartner - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4185 -Pease - TA-46 | RFA 4185 -Pease - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4186 - Pease TA-3 | RFA 4186 - Pease TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4187 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4187 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4188 - Trujillo @ TA-35 | RFA 4188 - Trujillo @ TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4189 - Wells - TA-59 | RFA 4189 - Wells - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA 4190 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4190 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4191 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 4191 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4192 - Lee - TA-15 | RFA 4192 - Lee - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4193 - Begay - TA-3-SERF PLANT | RFA 4193 - Begay - TA-3-SERF PLANT | LANL |
RFA 4194 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA 4194 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4196 - Trujillo - TA-9 | RFA 4196 - Trujillo - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 4199 - Trujillo - TA-09 | RFA 4199 - Trujillo - TA-09 | LANL |
RFA 4200 - Begay - TA-3-SERF | RFA 4200 - Begay - TA-3-SERF | LANL |
RFA 4201 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA 4201 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4202 - Sandoval - TA3 | RFA 4202 - Sandoval - TA3 | LANL |
RFA 4203 - Weary - TA-48 | RFA 4203 - Weary - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4204 - Trujillo - TA-46 | RFA 4204 - Trujillo - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4205 - Trujillo - TA-46 | RFA 4205 - Trujillo - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4206 - Trujillo - TA-46 | RFA 4206 - Trujillo - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4207 - Trujillo - TA-46 | RFA 4207 - Trujillo - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4208 - Cummins - TA-53 | RFA 4208 - Cummins - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4209 - Trujillo - TA-50 | RFA 4209 - Trujillo - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4210 - Begay - TA-3-SERF | RFA 4210 - Begay - TA-3-SERF | LANL |
RFA 4211 - Gonzales - TA-9 | RFA 4211 - Gonzales - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 4212 - Trujillo - TA-39 | RFA 4212 - Trujillo - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 4213 - Gonzales - TA-9 | RFA 4213 - Gonzales - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 4214 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4214 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4215 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4215 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4215 - Trujillo - TA-52 | RFA 4215 - Trujillo - TA-52 | LANL |
RFA 4216 - Weary - TA48 | RFA 4216 - Weary - TA48 | LANL |
RFA 4217 - Gonzales - TA-18 | RFA 4217 - Gonzales - TA-18 | LANL |
RFA 4217 - TA-22 | RFA 4217 - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4218 - Villareal - TA-3 | RFA 4218 - Villareal - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4219 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 4219 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4220 - Arellano - TA-3 | RFA 4220 - Arellano - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4221 - Begay - TA-3-SERF PLANT | RFA 4221 - Begay - TA-3-SERF PLANT | LANL |
RFA 4222 - Torrez - TA-3 | RFA 4222 - Torrez - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4223 - Houdshelt - TA-40 | RFA 4223 - Houdshelt - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4224 - Houdshelt - TA-36 | RFA 4224 - Houdshelt - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 4225 - Anthony - TA-3 | RFA 4225 - Anthony - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4226 - Anthony - TA-3 | RFA 4226 - Anthony - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4227 - Anthony - TA-3 | RFA 4227 - Anthony - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4228 - Anthony - TA-3 | RFA 4228 - Anthony - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4229 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4229 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4230 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4230 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4231 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4231 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4232 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4232 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4233 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4233 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4234 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4234 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4235 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4235 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4235 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4235 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4236 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4236 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4236 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4236 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4237 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4237 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4237 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4237 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4238 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4238 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4239 - Houdashelt - TA-3 | RFA 4239 - Houdashelt - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4240 - Alice Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4240 - Alice Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4240 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4240 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4241 - Berger - TA-3 | RFA 4241 - Berger - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4242 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4242 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4243 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4243 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4244 - Begay - TA-3/46 - SERF Plant | RFA 4244 - Begay - TA-3/46 - SERF Plant | LANL |
RFA 4245 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4245 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4246 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4246 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4246 - Gonzales - TA22 | RFA 4246 - Gonzales - TA22 | LANL |
RFA 4247 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | RFA 4247 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 4248 - Sandoval - TA-60 | RFA 4248 - Sandoval - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4258 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4258 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4259 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4259 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4260 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4260 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4261 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4261 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4262 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4262 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4263 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4263 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4264 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4264 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4265 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4265 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4266 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4266 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4267 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4267 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4268 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4268 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4269 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4269 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4270 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4270 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4271 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4271 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4272 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4272 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4273 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4273 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4274 - Bechtel - TA-3 | RFA 4274 - Bechtel - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4275 - Gonzales - TA-8 | RFA 4275 - Gonzales - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA 4276 - Trujillo - TA-35-213 | RFA 4276 - Trujillo - TA-35-213 | LANL |
RFA 4277 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4277 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4278 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4278 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4279 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4279 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4280 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4280 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4281 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4281 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4282 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | RFA 4282 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 4285 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4285 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4287 - Johnson - TA-55 | RFA 4287 - Johnson - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4288 - Gonzales - TA-9 | RFA 4288 - Gonzales - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 4290 - Michalczyk - TA-43 | RFA 4290 - Michalczyk - TA-43 | LANL |
RFA 4292 - Trujillo - TA-35-085E-108 | RFA 4292 - Trujillo - TA-35-085E-108 | LANL |
RFA 4297 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4297 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4298 - Roberson - TA-03-1698-C218 | RFA 4298 - Roberson - TA-03-1698-C218 | LANL |
RFA 4299 - Trujillo - TA-3-16 | RFA 4299 - Trujillo - TA-3-16 | LANL |
RFA 4300 - Roberson - TA-03-1698-Cooling Tower | RFA 4300 - Roberson - TA-03-1698-Cooling Tower | LANL |
RFA 4301 - Sheldon - TA-60-Pond | RFA 4301 - Sheldon - TA-60-Pond | LANL |
RFA 4302 - Gonzales - TA-8 | RFA 4302 - Gonzales - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA 4303 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4303 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4304 - Weary - TA-48 | RFA 4304 - Weary - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4305 - Weary - TA-48 | RFA 4305 - Weary - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4307 - Arellano - TA-35 | RFA 4307 - Arellano - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4308 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4308 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4309 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4309 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4311 - Naranjo - TA-39-6 | RFA 4311 - Naranjo - TA-39-6 | LANL |
RFA 4312 - Naranjo - TA-36-8 | RFA 4312 - Naranjo - TA-36-8 | LANL |
RFA 4313 - Naranjo - TA-16-388 | RFA 4313 - Naranjo - TA-16-388 | LANL |
RFA 4314 - Schrock - TA-16-260 | RFA 4314 - Schrock - TA-16-260 | LANL |
RFA 4316 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | RFA 4316 - Dewees-Lee - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4317 - MCallister - TA-53 | RFA 4317 - MCallister - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4318 - David Schrock - TA-3-2327 | RFA 4318 - David Schrock - TA-3-2327 | LANL |
RFA 4318 - Schrock - TA-3-2327 | RFA 4318 - Schrock - TA-3-2327 | LANL |
RFA 4320 - Mcallister - TA-53 | RFA 4320 - Mcallister - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4321 - Mcallister - TA-53 | RFA 4321 - Mcallister - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4322 - Sandoval - TA-03 | RFA 4322 - Sandoval - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4323 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | RFA 4323 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 4325 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4325 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4327 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4327 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4328 - TA-55 - Bishop | RFA 4328 - TA-55 - Bishop | LANL |
RFA 4329 - Garcia - TA-53 | RFA 4329 - Garcia - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4330 - Gonzales - TA-08/TA-22 | RFA 4330 - Gonzales - TA-08/TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4333 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA 4333 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 43331 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 43331 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4334 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4334 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4336 - Mcallister - TA-53 | RFA 4336 - Mcallister - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4337 - Vigil - TA-08 | RFA 4337 - Vigil - TA-08 | LANL |
RFA 4338 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4338 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4339 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4339 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4340 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4340 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4341 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4341 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4342 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4342 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4343 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4343 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4344 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA 4344 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4345 - Schrock - TA-41 | RFA 4345 - Schrock - TA-41 | LANL |
RFA 4345 - Serazio- TA-3 | RFA 4345 - Serazio- TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4346 - Serazio- TA-3 | RFA 4346 - Serazio- TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4347 - Serazio- TA-3 | RFA 4347 - Serazio- TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4348 - Gallegos - TA-35 | RFA 4348 - Gallegos - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4349 - Schrock | RFA 4349 - Schrock | LANL |
RFA 4350 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4350 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4351 - Schrock - TA-03-2587 | RFA 4351 - Schrock - TA-03-2587 | LANL |
RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-15-285 | RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-15-285 | LANL |
RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-90 | RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-90 | LANL |
RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-91 | RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-91 | LANL |
RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-93 | RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-93 | LANL |
RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-98 | RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-98 | LANL |
RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-99 | RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-22-99 | LANL |
RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-36-2 | RFA 4352 - Schrock - TA-36-2 | LANL |
RFA 4352-14 - Schrock - TA-14 | RFA 4352-14 - Schrock - TA-14 | LANL |
RFA 4352-40 - Schrock - TA-40-1 | RFA 4352-40 - Schrock - TA-40-1 | LANL |
RFA 4354 - Schrock - TA-50-1 | RFA 4354 - Schrock - TA-50-1 | LANL |
RFA 4354 - Schrock - TA-50-1 - Asbestos | RFA 4354 - Schrock - TA-50-1 - Asbestos | LANL |
RFA 4354 - Schrock - TA-54-38 | RFA 4354 - Schrock - TA-54-38 | LANL |
RFA 4356 - Houdashelt - TA-36-003 | RFA 4356 - Houdashelt - TA-36-003 | LANL |
RFA 4357 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4357 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4358 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4358 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4359 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 4359 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4359 - Gonzales - TA-3 | RFA 4359 - Gonzales - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4365 - Buchaniec - TA-50-100K Tank | RFA 4365 - Buchaniec - TA-50-100K Tank | LANL |
RFA 4366 - Schrock - TA-46-01 | RFA 4366 - Schrock - TA-46-01 | LANL |
RFA 4373 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4373 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4374 - Schrock - TA-16-460 | RFA 4374 - Schrock - TA-16-460 | LANL |
RFA 4375 - Sandoval - TA-60 | RFA 4375 - Sandoval - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4376 - PIENIAZCK - TA-40 | RFA 4376 - PIENIAZCK - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4378 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4378 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4379 - Micheva-Viteva - TA-43 | RFA 4379 - Micheva-Viteva - TA-43 | LANL |
RFA 4380 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4380 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4381 - Villareal - TA-51 | RFA 4381 - Villareal - TA-51 | LANL |
RFA 4382 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4382 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4383 - Torrez - TA-3 | RFA 4383 - Torrez - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4384 - Houdashelt - TA-68 | RFA 4384 - Houdashelt - TA-68 | LANL |
RFA 4385 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4385 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4386 - Gard - TA-41 | RFA 4386 - Gard - TA-41 | LANL |
RFA 4387 - Gonzales - TA-9 | RFA 4387 - Gonzales - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 4388 - Sandoval - TA-60 | RFA 4388 - Sandoval - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4389 - Chamberlin - TA-59 | RFA 4389 - Chamberlin - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA 4390 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4390 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4391 - Kozimor - TA-48 | RFA 4391 - Kozimor - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4392 - Kozimor - TA-03 | RFA 4392 - Kozimor - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4393 - Serazio - TA-03 | RFA 4393 - Serazio - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4394 - Kyle - TA-3 | RFA 4394 - Kyle - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4395 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4395 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4396 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4396 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4397 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4397 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4399 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4399 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4400 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4400 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4401 - Serazio - TA-3 | RFA 4401 - Serazio - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4402 - Sandoval - TA-60 | RFA 4402 - Sandoval - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4403 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4403 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4403 - Martinez - TA-16 | RFA 4403 - Martinez - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4404 - Gonzales - TA-8 | RFA 4404 - Gonzales - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA 4406 - Arellano - TA-35-213 | RFA 4406 - Arellano - TA-35-213 | LANL |
RFA 4406 - Vigil - TA-46 (TA-3-03 Tank) | RFA 4406 - Vigil - TA-46 (TA-3-03 Tank) | LANL |
RFA 4407 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4407 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4408 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | RFA 4408 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4409 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4409 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4410 - Shrock - TA-3-0191 | RFA 4410 - Shrock - TA-3-0191 | LANL |
RFA 4411 - Begay - TA-3-46 | RFA 4411 - Begay - TA-3-46 | LANL |
RFA 4412 - Oldham - TA-48 | RFA 4412 - Oldham - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4415 - Pieniazek - TA-36 | RFA 4415 - Pieniazek - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 4416 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4416 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4416 - Houdashelt - TA-15-534 | RFA 4416 - Houdashelt - TA-15-534 | LANL |
RFA 4417 - Cossey - TA-55 | RFA 4417 - Cossey - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4418 -Schrock - TA-60 | RFA 4418 -Schrock - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4419 - Gonzales - TA-9-34 | RFA 4419 - Gonzales - TA-9-34 | LANL |
RFA 4420 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4420 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4421 - Gonzales - TA-9 | RFA 4421 - Gonzales - TA-9 | LANL |
RFA 4422 - Booton - TA-03-1398 | RFA 4422 - Booton - TA-03-1398 | LANL |
RFA 4423 - Iacona - TA-60-1 | RFA 4423 - Iacona - TA-60-1 | LANL |
RFA 4424 - Schrock - TA-46-1 | RFA 4424 - Schrock - TA-46-1 | LANL |
RFA 4425 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16-399 | RFA 4425 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16-399 | LANL |
RFA 4426 - Sandoval - TA-3-38 | RFA 4426 - Sandoval - TA-3-38 | LANL |
RFA 4427 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4427 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4429 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4429 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4433 - Trujillo - TA-35-85E | RFA 4433 - Trujillo - TA-35-85E | LANL |
RFA 4434 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4434 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4435 - Gonzales - TA-9-46 | RFA 4435 - Gonzales - TA-9-46 | LANL |
RFA 4436 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4436 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4437 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4437 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4438 - Roberson - TA-3 | RFA 4438 - Roberson - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4439 - Parker - TA-53-595 | RFA 4439 - Parker - TA-53-595 | LANL |
RFA 4441 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | RFA 4441 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 4442 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4442 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4443 - Trujillo - TA-46 | RFA 4443 - Trujillo - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4444 - Mahoney - TA-18 | RFA 4444 - Mahoney - TA-18 | LANL |
RFA 4445 - Sandoval - TA-03 | RFA 4445 - Sandoval - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4446 - Trujillo - TA-35-85E | RFA 4446 - Trujillo - TA-35-85E | LANL |
RFA 4447 - Sandoval - TA-52 | RFA 4447 - Sandoval - TA-52 | LANL |
RFA 4448 - Sandoval - TA-69 | RFA 4448 - Sandoval - TA-69 | LANL |
RFA 4452 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4452 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4453 - Trujillo - TA-60 | RFA 4453 - Trujillo - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4454 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4454 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4455 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4455 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4456 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4456 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4457 - Pieniazke - TA-39 | RFA 4457 - Pieniazke - TA-39 | LANL |
RFA 4458 - Oshel - TA-48 | RFA 4458 - Oshel - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4459 - Villareal - TA-03 | RFA 4459 - Villareal - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4460 - Wells - TA-03-16 | RFA 4460 - Wells - TA-03-16 | LANL |
RFA 4461 - Gonzales - TA-16-399 | RFA 4461 - Gonzales - TA-16-399 | LANL |
RFA 4462 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4462 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4463 - Villareal - TA-03 | RFA 4463 - Villareal - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4464 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4464 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4466 - Gonzales - TA-16-399 | RFA 4466 - Gonzales - TA-16-399 | LANL |
RFA 4467 - Trujillo - TA-61 | RFA 4467 - Trujillo - TA-61 | LANL |
RFA 4468 - Garcia | RFA 4468 - Garcia | LANL |
RFA 4468 - Wells - TA-3-66SS | RFA 4468 - Wells - TA-3-66SS | LANL |
RFA 4469 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4469 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4470 | RFA 4470 | LANL |
RFA 4470 - Garcia - TA-50 | RFA 4470 - Garcia - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4471 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4471 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4472 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4472 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4473 - Martinez -TA-46 | RFA 4473 - Martinez -TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4474 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4474 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4478 - Martinez - TA-46-1 | RFA 4478 - Martinez - TA-46-1 | LANL |
RFA 4479 - Martinez - TA-46-1 | RFA 4479 - Martinez - TA-46-1 | LANL |
RFA 4480 - Martinez - TA-46-1 | RFA 4480 - Martinez - TA-46-1 | LANL |
RFA 4483 - Martinez - TA-00 | RFA 4483 - Martinez - TA-00 | LANL |
RFA 4485 - Martinez - TA-59 | RFA 4485 - Martinez - TA-59 | LANL |
RFA 4487 - Vigil - TA-46 | RFA 4487 - Vigil - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4488 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4488 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4493 - Arellano - TA-35-0213 | RFA 4493 - Arellano - TA-35-0213 | LANL |
RFA 4496 - Trujillo - TA-48 | RFA 4496 - Trujillo - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4497 - Martinez - TA-46-0001 | RFA 4497 - Martinez - TA-46-0001 | LANL |
RFA 4499 - Cossey - TA-55 | RFA 4499 - Cossey - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4500 - Parker - TA-53 | RFA 4500 - Parker - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4501 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4501 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4502 - Villareal - TA-35 | RFA 4502 - Villareal - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4503 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 4503 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4504 - Garcia - TA-46 | RFA 4504 - Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4505 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | RFA 4505 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4506 - Bustos - TA-46-0031 | RFA 4506 - Bustos - TA-46-0031 | LANL |
RFA 4507 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4507 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4508 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4508 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4510 - Bechtel - TA-35 | RFA 4510 - Bechtel - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4511 - Bishop - TA-50 | RFA 4511 - Bishop - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4512 - Pieniazek - TA-14 | RFA 4512 - Pieniazek - TA-14 | LANL |
RFA 4513 - Trujillo - TA-55 | RFA 4513 - Trujillo - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4514 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | RFA 4514 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4515 - Gonzales - TA-16-0260 | RFA 4515 - Gonzales - TA-16-0260 | LANL |
RFA 4516 - Bishop - TA-50 | RFA 4516 - Bishop - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4517 - Baumgartner - TA-16 | RFA 4517 - Baumgartner - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4518 - Begay - TA-03 | RFA 4518 - Begay - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4519 - Gonazles - TA-16 | RFA 4519 - Gonazles - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4520 - Houdashelt - TA-15-Concrete Waste 1 | RFA 4520 - Houdashelt - TA-15-Concrete Waste 1 | LANL |
RFA 4520 - Houdashelt - TA-15-Concrete Waste 2 | RFA 4520 - Houdashelt - TA-15-Concrete Waste 2 | LANL |
RFA 4520 - Houdashelt - TA-15-Wastewater | RFA 4520 - Houdashelt - TA-15-Wastewater | LANL |
RFA 4524 - Vigil - TA-46 | RFA 4524 - Vigil - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4525 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4525 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4526 - Gonzales - TA-60 | RFA 4526 - Gonzales - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4543 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4543 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4544 - Trujillo - TA61 | RFA 4544 - Trujillo - TA61 | LANL |
RFA 4545 - Pieniazek - TA-14 | RFA 4545 - Pieniazek - TA-14 | LANL |
RFA 4546 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4546 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4550 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16 | RFA 4550 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4551 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4551 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4553 - Bishop - TA-55 | RFA 4553 - Bishop - TA-55 | LANL |
RFA 4554 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4554 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4555 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | RFA 4555 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4558 - Houdashelt - TA-60 | RFA 4558 - Houdashelt - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4560 - Houdashelt - TA-60 | RFA 4560 - Houdashelt - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4561 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4561 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4564 - Gonzales - TA-22 | RFA 4564 - Gonzales - TA-22 | LANL |
RFA 4567 - Briner - TA-35 | RFA 4567 - Briner - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4568 - Pieniazek - TA-60 | RFA 4568 - Pieniazek - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4569 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | RFA 4569 - Pieniazek - TA-40 | LANL |
RFA 4571 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4571 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4572 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | RFA 4572 - Houdashelt - TA-36 | LANL |
RFA 4573 - Trujillo - TA-15 | RFA 4573 - Trujillo - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4574 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4574 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4575 - Villareal - TA-60 | RFA 4575 - Villareal - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4578 - Parker - TA-53 | RFA 4578 - Parker - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4579-2 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4579-2 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4579-3 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4579-3 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4580 - Parker - TA-53 | RFA 4580 - Parker - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4581 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4581 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4582 - Trujillo - TA-3 | RFA 4582 - Trujillo - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4583 - Sandoval - TA-60 | RFA 4583 - Sandoval - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA 4585 - Parker - TA-53 | RFA 4585 - Parker - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4586 - Sheldon - TA-51 | RFA 4586 - Sheldon - TA-51 | LANL |
RFA 4588 - Trujillo - TA-35-0301 | RFA 4588 - Trujillo - TA-35-0301 | LANL |
RFA 4589 - Cowan - TA-35 | RFA 4589 - Cowan - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4593 - Trujillo - TA-35-0294 | RFA 4593 - Trujillo - TA-35-0294 | LANL |
RFA 4594 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4594 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4595 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | RFA 4595 - Houdashelt - TA-15 | LANL |
RFA 4596 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4596 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4597 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4597 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4599 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4599 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4601 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4601 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4602 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4602 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4604 - Vigil - TA-46 | RFA 4604 - Vigil - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4605 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4605 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4606 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4606 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4607 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4607 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4608 - Briner - TA-35 | RFA 4608 - Briner - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4609 - Trujillo - TA-50 | RFA 4609 - Trujillo - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4612 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4612 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4614 - Briner - TA-35 | RFA 4614 - Briner - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4615 - Kyle - TA03-494 | RFA 4615 - Kyle - TA03-494 | LANL |
RFA 4616 - Pieniazek - TA-16 | RFA 4616 - Pieniazek - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4619 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4619 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4620 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4620 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4621 - Mahoney - TA-8 | RFA 4621 - Mahoney - TA-8 | LANL |
RFA 4627 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 4627 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4628 - Garcia - TA-3 | RFA 4628 - Garcia - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4629 - Trujillo - TA-03-0169 | RFA 4629 - Trujillo - TA-03-0169 | LANL |
RFA 4630 - Sandoval - TA-69-0033 | RFA 4630 - Sandoval - TA-69-0033 | LANL |
RFA 4631 - Smith - TA-48 | RFA 4631 - Smith - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4632 - Smith - TA-48 | RFA 4632 - Smith - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4633 - Anthony - TA-3 | RFA 4633 - Anthony - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4634 - Anthony - TA-3 | RFA 4634 - Anthony - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4636 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16 | RFA 4636 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4639 - Arcocha - TA-53 | RFA 4639 - Arcocha - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4640 - Anthony - TA-3 | RFA 4640 - Anthony - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4641 - Sandoval - TA-46 | RFA 4641 - Sandoval - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA 4643 - Garcia - TA-03 | RFA 4643 - Garcia - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4644 - Garcia - TA-03 | RFA 4644 - Garcia - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4646 - Parker - TA-53 | RFA 4646 - Parker - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4647 - Parker - TA-53 | RFA 4647 - Parker - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4648 - Parker - TA-53 | RFA 4648 - Parker - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4649 - Parker - TA-53 | RFA 4649 - Parker - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4652 - Lopez - TA-72 | RFA 4652 - Lopez - TA-72 | LANL |
RFA 4653 - Arcocha - TA-53 | RFA 4653 - Arcocha - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4654 - Anthony - TA-3 | RFA 4654 - Anthony - TA-3 | LANL |
RFA 4656 - Sandoval - TA-50 | RFA 4656 - Sandoval - TA-50 | LANL |
RFA 4659 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4659 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4660 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4660 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4663 - Briner - TA-35 | RFA 4663 - Briner - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4664 - Trujillo - TA-03 | RFA 4664 - Trujillo - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4666 - Trujillo - TA-03 | RFA 4666 - Trujillo - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4669 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4669 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4670 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4670 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4671 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4671 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4673 - Trujillo - TA-03 | RFA 4673 - Trujillo - TA-03 | LANL |
RFA 4676 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16 | RFA 4676 - Vigil-Holterman - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4681 - Trujillo - TA-16-0260 | RFA 4681 - Trujillo - TA-16-0260 | LANL |
RFA 4682 - Trujillo - TA-36-0010 | RFA 4682 - Trujillo - TA-36-0010 | LANL |
RFA 4689 - Lopez - TA-3-216 | RFA 4689 - Lopez - TA-3-216 | LANL |
RFA 4691 - Trujillo - TA-39-0004 | RFA 4691 - Trujillo - TA-39-0004 | LANL |
RFA 4693 - Lopez - TA-35-125 | RFA 4693 - Lopez - TA-35-125 | LANL |
RFA 4694 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4694 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4701 - Garcia - TA-03-66 | RFA 4701 - Garcia - TA-03-66 | LANL |
RFA 4705 - Smith - TA-48 | RFA 4705 - Smith - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4708 - Trujillo - TA-35-213 | RFA 4708 - Trujillo - TA-35-213 | LANL |
RFA 4709 - Smith - TA-48 | RFA 4709 - Smith - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4715 - Gonzales - TA-16 | RFA 4715 - Gonzales - TA-16 | LANL |
RFA 4718 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4718 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 4719 - Smith - TA-48 | RFA 4719 - Smith - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4721 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA 4721 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RFA 4722 - Serazio - TA-03-0102 | RFA 4722 - Serazio - TA-03-0102 | LANL |
RFA 4723 - Smith - TA-48 | RFA 4723 - Smith - TA-48 | LANL |
RFA 4730 - Martinez - TA-03-66 | RFA 4730 - Martinez - TA-03-66 | LANL |
RFA 4731 - Martinez - TA-3-66 | RFA 4731 - Martinez - TA-3-66 | LANL |
RFA 4732 - Martinez - TA-3-66 | RFA 4732 - Martinez - TA-3-66 | LANL |
RFA 4738 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4738 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4739 - Atencio - TA-53 | RFA 4739 - Atencio - TA-53 | LANL |
RFA 4743 - Trujillo - TA-35-213 | RFA 4743 - Trujillo - TA-35-213 | LANL |
RFA 4746 - Trujillo - TA-35-85 | RFA 4746 - Trujillo - TA-35-85 | LANL |
RFA 4747 - Trujillo - TA-35-86 | RFA 4747 - Trujillo - TA-35-86 | LANL |
RFA 4749 - Begay - TA-3/46 | RFA 4749 - Begay - TA-3/46 | LANL |
RFA 7374 - Schrock - TA-16-460 | RFA 7374 - Schrock - TA-16-460 | LANL |
RFA 7374 - Schrock - TA-16-460 Roof | RFA 7374 - Schrock - TA-16-460 Roof | LANL |
RFA 979 | RFA 979 | LANL |
RFA Garcia - TA-46 | RFA Garcia - TA-46 | LANL |
RFA# 2846 - Villareal - TA-60 | RFA# 2846 - Villareal - TA-60 | LANL |
RFA-4054 - Torrez - TA-03-29 | RFA-4054 - Torrez - TA-03-29 | LANL |
RFA-4055 - Trujillo - TA-35 | RFA-4055 - Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
RG ABQ Otowi | RG ABQ Otowi | N3B |
RG ABV Buckman | RG ABV Buckman | N3B |
RG ABV Otowi | RG ABV Otowi | N3B |
RG Biota and Water | RG Biota and Water | NMED |
RG BLW Ancho | RG BLW Ancho | N3B |
RG BLW Frijoles | RG BLW Frijoles | N3B |
RG BLW Mortandad | RG BLW Mortandad | N3B |
RG BLW Paj | RG BLW Paj | N3B |
RG BLW Sandia | RG BLW Sandia | N3B |
RG BLW Water | RG BLW Water | N3B |
Rio Grande at Frijoles MY2023 Q1 | Rio Grande at Frijoles MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Rio Grande at Frijoles MY2024 Q1 | Rio Grande at Frijoles MY2024 Q1 | N3B |
Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY2023 Q1 | Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY2023 Q3 | Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY24 Q1 | Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY24 Q3 | Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY24 Q3 | N3B |
Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY25 Q1 | Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge White Rock MY22 Q3 | Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge White Rock MY22 Q3 | N3B |
Rio Grande Biota and Water Sampling 2021 | Rio Grande Biota and Water Sampling 2021 | NMED |
Rio Grande Fish and Water Sampling 2021 | Rio Grande Fish and Water Sampling 2021 | NMED |
RLTWF Monthly NMED Sampling | RLTWF Monthly NMED Sampling | LANL |
Roach (RFA 3136) - TA-48 | Roach (RFA 3136) - TA-48 | LANL |
RULOB Boilers - Torrez - TA-55 | RULOB Boilers - Torrez - TA-55 | LANL |
S Martinez House December MY2025 Q1 | S Martinez House December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
S-6-2021-E1 | S-6-2021-E1 | NMED |
S-SMA-6 | S-SMA-6 | NMED |
S-SMA-6 Sediment Sampling - TA-72 - AOC 72-00 | S-SMA-6 Sediment Sampling - TA-72 - AOC 72-00 | LANL |
S. Martinez House Well December MY2025 Q1 | S. Martinez House Well December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
S23 MDA L | S23 MDA L | N3B |
Sacred Spring MY2023 Q1 | Sacred Spring MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Sacred Spring MY24 Q1 | Sacred Spring MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Sacred Spring MY25 Q1 | Sacred Spring MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Sample #1 | Sample #1 | LANL |
Sample #2 | Sample #2 | LANL |
Sample #2a | Sample #2a | LANL |
Sample #3 | Sample #3 | LANL |
Sample #4 | Sample #4 | LANL |
Sample #5 | Sample #5 | LANL |
Sampling & Sediment Monitoring | Sampling & Sediment Monitoring | LANL |
Sampling DP-1835 2018 Annual | Sampling DP-1835 2018 Annual | N3B |
san I GW | san I GW | NMED |
Sandia @ RG | Sandia @ RG | N3B |
Sandia Below Wetlands April MY2023 Q3 | Sandia Below Wetlands April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
Sandia Below Wetlands Feb MY24 Q2 | Sandia Below Wetlands Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Sandia Below Wetlands February MY2023 Q2 | Sandia Below Wetlands February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
Sandia below Wetlands IFGMP MY2024 Q4 | Sandia below Wetlands IFGMP MY2024 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia below Wetlands July MY2023 Q4 | Sandia below Wetlands July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia below Wetlands July MY22 Q4 | Sandia below Wetlands July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia below Wetlands July SW MY2023 Q4 | Sandia below Wetlands July SW MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia below Wetlands MY2022 Q3 | Sandia below Wetlands MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
Sandia below Wetlands MY2022 Q4 | Sandia below Wetlands MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia below Wetlands MY2023 Q1 | Sandia below Wetlands MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Sandia Below Wetlands MY24 Q3 | Sandia Below Wetlands MY24 Q3 | N3B |
Sandia below Wetlands MY25 Q1 | Sandia below Wetlands MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Sandia Below Wetlands Nov MY24 Q1 | Sandia Below Wetlands Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Sandia Below Wetlands Nov MY24 Q2 | Sandia Below Wetlands Nov MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Sandia Below Wetlands SW MY24 Q4 | Sandia Below Wetlands SW MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant April MY2023 Q3 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant Feb MY24 Q2 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant February MY2023 Q2 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
Sandia Right Fork at Pwr Plant IFGMP MY2024 Q4 | Sandia Right Fork at Pwr Plant IFGMP MY2024 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia Right Fork at Pwr Plant July MY2023 Q4 | Sandia Right Fork at Pwr Plant July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia Right Fork at Pwr Plant July MY22 Q4 | Sandia Right Fork at Pwr Plant July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant July SW MY23 Q4 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant July SW MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY2022 Q3 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY2022 Q4 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY2023 Q1 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY24 Q3 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY24 Q3 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY25 Q1 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant Nov MY24 Q1 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant Nov MY24 Q2 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant Nov MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant SW MY24 Q4 | Sandia right fork at Pwr Plant SW MY24 Q4 | N3B |
SAWL 17 Q3 | SAWL 17 Q3 | NMED |
Schrock - TA-22 | Schrock - TA-22 | LANL |
Schrock - TA-36 | Schrock - TA-36 | LANL |
SCI-1 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | SCI-1 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-1 Jan MY24 Q2 | SCI-1 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
SCI-1 January MY2025 Q2 | SCI-1 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
SCI-1 July MY24 Q4 | SCI-1 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
SCI-1 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | SCI-1 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-1 May MY2023 Q3 | SCI-1 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-1 May MY22 Q3 | SCI-1 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-1 May MY24 Q3 | SCI-1 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-1 Nov MY24 Q1 | SCI-1 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SCI-1 Nov MY25 Q1 | SCI-1 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SCI-1 November MY2023 Q1 | SCI-1 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SCI-2 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | SCI-2 Cr52/53 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-2 Jan MY24 Q2 | SCI-2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
SCI-2 January MY2023 Q2 | SCI-2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
SCI-2 January MY2025 Q2 | SCI-2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
SCI-2 July MY2023 Q4 | SCI-2 July MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
SCI-2 July MY22 Q4 | SCI-2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
SCI-2 July MY24 Q4 | SCI-2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
SCI-2 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | SCI-2 May ClO3 MY22 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-2 May MY2-23 Q3 | SCI-2 May MY2-23 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-2 May MY22 Q3 | SCI-2 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-2 May MY24 Q3 | SCI-2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
SCI-2 Nov MY24 Q1 | SCI-2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SCI-2 Nov MY25 Q1 | SCI-2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SCI-2 November MY2023 Q1 | SCI-2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SCP-GA-1 Sampling Event 1 | SCP-GA-1 Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
SCP-GA-1 Sampling Event 2 | SCP-GA-1 Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
SCP-GA-1 Sampling Event 3 | SCP-GA-1 Sampling Event 3 | LANL |
SCP-RSC-1 Sampling Event 1 | SCP-RSC-1 Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
SCP-RSC-1 Sampling Event 2 | SCP-RSC-1 Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
SDWA - Burgin - TA-03-0223 | SDWA - Burgin - TA-03-0223 | LANL |
SDWA - Burgin - TA-15-DARHT | SDWA - Burgin - TA-15-DARHT | LANL |
SDWA - Burgin - TA-22-5 DM Water | SDWA - Burgin - TA-22-5 DM Water | LANL |
SDWA - Burgin - TA-53-0898 | SDWA - Burgin - TA-53-0898 | LANL |
SDWA - Burgin - TA-55-RLUOB-Lab 1113 | SDWA - Burgin - TA-55-RLUOB-Lab 1113 | LANL |
SDWA - Burgin - TA-55-RLUOB-Lab 1126 | SDWA - Burgin - TA-55-RLUOB-Lab 1126 | LANL |
SDWA - TA-48-9000 - Drinking Fountains | SDWA - TA-48-9000 - Drinking Fountains | LANL |
SDWA - TA-53-1 - Drinking Fountains | SDWA - TA-53-1 - Drinking Fountains | LANL |
SDWA - TA-53-3R Drinking Fountain | SDWA - TA-53-3R Drinking Fountain | LANL |
SDWA Fountain 03-0510-100G | SDWA Fountain 03-0510-100G | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-03-216 | SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-03-216 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-15-0446 ACO | SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-15-0446 ACO | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-3-2618 | SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-3-2618 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-3-66 Sigma Water Line | SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-3-66 Sigma Water Line | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-43-1 Water Fountains | SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-43-1 Water Fountains | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-50 18-Plex Project (US | SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-50 18-Plex Project (US | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-50 18-Plex Project - I | SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-50 18-Plex Project - I | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-50 New Fire Hydrant | SDWA Sampling - Burgin - TA-50 New Fire Hydrant | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Burgin- TA-15-DARHT (8"line) | SDWA Sampling - Burgin- TA-15-DARHT (8"line) | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Carr - TA03-2618 MOB | SDWA Sampling - Carr - TA03-2618 MOB | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Juerling - SEP Waterline | SDWA Sampling - Juerling - SEP Waterline | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - Rangel - TA03-2587 CECF | SDWA Sampling - Rangel - TA03-2587 CECF | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - RLUOB - Lab 1122 - TA-55-42 | SDWA Sampling - RLUOB - Lab 1122 - TA-55-42 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - RLUOB - Lab 1123 - TA-55-42 | SDWA Sampling - RLUOB - Lab 1123 - TA-55-42 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-03-0029-7101 - Wing 7 | SDWA Sampling - TA-03-0029-7101 - Wing 7 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-03-0066 Water Line | SDWA Sampling - TA-03-0066 Water Line | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-03-1400-2327 | SDWA Sampling - TA-03-1400-2327 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-03-2002 | SDWA Sampling - TA-03-2002 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-03-271 SEP Waterline | SDWA Sampling - TA-03-271 SEP Waterline | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-11 - K-Site-0075 | SDWA Sampling - TA-11 - K-Site-0075 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-15 (DARHT) | SDWA Sampling - TA-15 (DARHT) | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-15-0312 - Kitchen Tap | SDWA Sampling - TA-15-0312 - Kitchen Tap | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-16-0260 | SDWA Sampling - TA-16-0260 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-16-0900 | SDWA Sampling - TA-16-0900 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-22 | SDWA Sampling - TA-22 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-3-0207 | SDWA Sampling - TA-3-0207 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-3-0443 | SDWA Sampling - TA-3-0443 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-3-142 Water Fountain | SDWA Sampling - TA-3-142 Water Fountain | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-3-1698 | SDWA Sampling - TA-3-1698 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-3-2006/2008/2009/2010 | SDWA Sampling - TA-3-2006/2008/2009/2010 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-3-2327 | SDWA Sampling - TA-3-2327 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-3-30 W122D | SDWA Sampling - TA-3-30 W122D | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-36-1, 214 | SDWA Sampling - TA-36-1, 214 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-40 - Chamber 15 | SDWA Sampling - TA-40 - Chamber 15 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-46 - Bldgs. 0178 & 0179 | SDWA Sampling - TA-46 - Bldgs. 0178 & 0179 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-46 CMRR Warehouse | SDWA Sampling - TA-46 CMRR Warehouse | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-46-0535 | SDWA Sampling - TA-46-0535 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-48 - RCI-107B | SDWA Sampling - TA-48 - RCI-107B | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-50-0250-004 - Safety Shower | SDWA Sampling - TA-50-0250-004 - Safety Shower | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-50-184 | SDWA Sampling - TA-50-184 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-55-0432 | SDWA Sampling - TA-55-0432 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-55-121 - Hot Water Tank | SDWA Sampling - TA-55-121 - Hot Water Tank | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-55-121 - Hot Water Tank - Resam | SDWA Sampling - TA-55-121 - Hot Water Tank - Resam | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-59-0003 | SDWA Sampling - TA-59-0003 | LANL |
SDWA Sampling - TA-69-06 Water Tank | SDWA Sampling - TA-69-06 Water Tank | LANL |
SDWA Sampling TA-39-62 | SDWA Sampling TA-39-62 | LANL |
SDWA Samplling - TA-3 SEP Waterline | SDWA Samplling - TA-3 SEP Waterline | LANL |
SDWA Testing - TA-3-123 | SDWA Testing - TA-3-123 | LANL |
Sed 2018 | Sed 2018 | NMED |
Sed MY2024 | Sed MY2024 | NMED |
Sed Sampling 2017 | Sed Sampling 2017 | NMED |
Sed sampling 2022 | Sed sampling 2022 | NMED |
Sed sampling 2023 | Sed sampling 2023 | NMED |
Sed SPRG2025 | Sed SPRG2025 | NMED |
Sediment Sampling & Monitoring | Sediment Sampling & Monitoring | LANL |
Seds 2019 | Seds 2019 | NMED |
Seds 2020 | Seds 2020 | NMED |
Semi-Annual #1 | Semi-Annual #1 | LANL |
Semi-Annual #2 | Semi-Annual #2 | LANL |
Semi-Annual 1 | Semi-Annual 1 | LANL |
Semi-Annual 2 | Semi-Annual 2 | LANL |
SEP 2017 Resampling | SEP 2017 Resampling | LANL |
Sep 2022 | Sep 2022 | LANL |
Sep 2023 | Sep 2023 | LANL |
Sep 2024 | Sep 2024 | LANL |
SEP Dry Precip Sampling Event 2 | SEP Dry Precip Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
SEP Firing Sites Event 1 | SEP Firing Sites Event 1 | LANL |
SEP Firing Sites Event 2 | SEP Firing Sites Event 2 | LANL |
SEP Firing Sites Event 3 | SEP Firing Sites Event 3 | LANL |
SEP Firing Sites Event 4 | SEP Firing Sites Event 4 | LANL |
SEP Precip Sampling Event 3 | SEP Precip Sampling Event 3 | LANL |
SEP Precip Sampling Event 4 | SEP Precip Sampling Event 4 | LANL |
SEP Precip Sampling Event 5 | SEP Precip Sampling Event 5 | LANL |
SEP Precip Sampling Event 6 | SEP Precip Sampling Event 6 | LANL |
SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 10 | SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 10 | LANL |
SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 11 | SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 11 | LANL |
SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 12 | SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 12 | LANL |
SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 13 | SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 13 | LANL |
SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 5 | SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 5 | LANL |
SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 6 | SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 6 | LANL |
SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 7 | SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 7 | LANL |
SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 8 | SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 8 | LANL |
SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 9 | SEP Ref SW Sampling Event 9 | LANL |
SEP SW Sampling Event 1 | SEP SW Sampling Event 1 | LANL |
SEP SW Sampling Event 2 | SEP SW Sampling Event 2 | LANL |
SEP SW Sampling Event 3 | SEP SW Sampling Event 3 | LANL |
SEP SW Sampling Event 4 | SEP SW Sampling Event 4 | LANL |
SEP SW Sampling Event 5 | SEP SW Sampling Event 5 | LANL |
SEP SW Sampling Event 6 | SEP SW Sampling Event 6 | LANL |
SEP SW Sampling Event 7 | SEP SW Sampling Event 7 | LANL |
SEP SW Sampling Event 8 | SEP SW Sampling Event 8 | LANL |
SEP Urban 14-Day Event 1 | SEP Urban 14-Day Event 1 | LANL |
SEP Urban 14-Day Event 2 | SEP Urban 14-Day Event 2 | LANL |
SEP Urban 14-Day Event 3 | SEP Urban 14-Day Event 3 | LANL |
SEP Urban 3-Day Event 1 | SEP Urban 3-Day Event 1 | LANL |
SEP Urban 3-Day Event 2 | SEP Urban 3-Day Event 2 | LANL |
SEP Urban 3-Day Event 3 | SEP Urban 3-Day Event 3 | LANL |
Sep-24 | Sep-24 | LANL |
Sept 2020 Groundwater | Sept 2020 Groundwater | NMED |
September | September | LANL |
September 2024 | September 2024 | LANL |
September 2025 | September 2025 | LANL |
Septic Tank Sampling | Septic Tank Sampling | LANL |
Serazio - TA-3 - Wash-down water | Serazio - TA-3 - Wash-down water | LANL |
SERF Blended Water - Waste | SERF Blended Water - Waste | LANL |
SERF Evaporative Ponds - Blauert | SERF Evaporative Ponds - Blauert | LANL |
SERF Plant | SERF Plant | LANL |
SERF Plant - PCB Congeners - Blauert - TA-3 | SERF Plant - PCB Congeners - Blauert - TA-3 | LANL |
SERF Plant - Blauert - TA-3 | SERF Plant - Blauert - TA-3 | LANL |
SERF Plant - PCB Congener Sampling | SERF Plant - PCB Congener Sampling | LANL |
SERF Plant - PCB Sampling | SERF Plant - PCB Sampling | LANL |
SERF Plant - PCB Sampling - TA-3 | SERF Plant - PCB Sampling - TA-3 | LANL |
SERF Plant -TA-3 - Blauert | SERF Plant -TA-3 - Blauert | LANL |
SERF Plant PCB Sampling - Blauert - TA-3 | SERF Plant PCB Sampling - Blauert - TA-3 | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (1) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (1) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (10) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (10) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (11) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (11) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (12) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (12) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (13) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (13) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (2) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (2) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (3) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (3) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (4) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (4) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (5) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (5) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (6) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (6) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (7) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (7) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (8) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (8) | LANL |
SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (9) | SERF Plant System - Blauert - TA-3 (9) | LANL |
SERF Spill - Sandoval - TA-3 | SERF Spill - Sandoval - TA-3 | LANL |
SF-3A | SF-3A | N3B |
SF-4A | SF-4A | N3B |
SFB - Area G Soil/Vegetation | SFB - Area G Soil/Vegetation | LANL |
SFB - FY13 - Area G Soil/Vegetation Sampling - TA- | SFB - FY13 - Area G Soil/Vegetation Sampling - TA- | LANL |
SFB - FY13 - Area G Tritium Sampling - Vegetation | SFB - FY13 - Area G Tritium Sampling - Vegetation | LANL |
SFB - FY13 - DARHT Honey Bee Sampling | SFB - FY13 - DARHT Honey Bee Sampling | LANL |
SFB - FY13 - DARHT Soil/Sediment/Vegetation/Small | SFB - FY13 - DARHT Soil/Sediment/Vegetation/Small | LANL |
SFB - FY18 - Area G Soil/Vegetation Sampling | SFB - FY18 - Area G Soil/Vegetation Sampling | LANL |
SFB - FY18 - Small Mammals - DARHT Background | SFB - FY18 - Small Mammals - DARHT Background | LANL |
SFB - FY18 - Weir Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | SFB - FY18 - Weir Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | LANL |
SFB - FY18 Small Mammals BKGD | SFB - FY18 Small Mammals BKGD | LANL |
SFB - FY19 - DARHT Eggs & Nestlings | SFB - FY19 - DARHT Eggs & Nestlings | LANL |
SFB - FY19 - Firing Site - Eggs & Nestlings | SFB - FY19 - Firing Site - Eggs & Nestlings | LANL |
SFB - FY19 - Soil & Vegetation - Prescribed Burn S | SFB - FY19 - Soil & Vegetation - Prescribed Burn S | LANL |
SFB - Roadkill - FY17 | SFB - Roadkill - FY17 | LANL |
SFB - Wier Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | SFB - Wier Vegetation/Small Mammal Sampling | LANL |
SFB FY13 Deer/Elk Muscle & Bone | SFB FY13 Deer/Elk Muscle & Bone | LANL |
SFB FY15 - Wier Vegetation & Small Mammal Sampling | SFB FY15 - Wier Vegetation & Small Mammal Sampling | LANL |
SFB FY17 - Roadkill Samples | SFB FY17 - Roadkill Samples | LANL |
SFB FY18 - Roadkill Samples | SFB FY18 - Roadkill Samples | LANL |
SFB Program - Area G Soil/Small Mammal Sampling - | SFB Program - Area G Soil/Small Mammal Sampling - | LANL |
SFB Programmatic Soil and Vegetation Sampling 2018 | SFB Programmatic Soil and Vegetation Sampling 2018 | LANL |
SFB Small Mammal Sampling - Regional Background | SFB Small Mammal Sampling - Regional Background | LANL |
Sigma Mesa Evaporation Basin - 2018 | Sigma Mesa Evaporation Basin - 2018 | LANL |
SIMR 10/17 | SIMR 10/17 | NMED |
SIMR Apr Q3 18 | SIMR Apr Q3 18 | NMED |
SIMR-2 April MY2022 Q3 | SIMR-2 April MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
SIMR-2 April MY2023 Q3 | SIMR-2 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
SIMR-2 April MY24 Q3 | SIMR-2 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
SIMR-2 August MY2022 Q4 | SIMR-2 August MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
SIMR-2 August MY23 Q4 | SIMR-2 August MY23 Q4 | N3B |
SIMR-2 August MY24 Q4 | SIMR-2 August MY24 Q4 | N3B |
SIMR-2 December MY2023 Q1 | SIMR-2 December MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SIMR-2 December MY2025 Q1 | SIMR-2 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
SIMR-2 December MY24 Q1 | SIMR-2 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SIMR-2 Feb MY24 Q2 | SIMR-2 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
SIMR-2 February MY2023 Q2 | SIMR-2 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
SIMR-2 February MY2025 Q2 | SIMR-2 February MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
SIMR-2 Jan MY24 Q2 | SIMR-2 Jan MY24 Q2 | N3B |
SIMR-2 January MY2023 Q2 | SIMR-2 January MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
SIMR-2 January MY2025 Q2 | SIMR-2 January MY2025 Q2 | N3B |
SIMR-2 July MY22 Q4 | SIMR-2 July MY22 Q4 | N3B |
SIMR-2 July MY23 Q4 | SIMR-2 July MY23 Q4 | N3B |
SIMR-2 July MY24 Q4 | SIMR-2 July MY24 Q4 | N3B |
SIMR-2 June MY2022 Q3 | SIMR-2 June MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
SIMR-2 June MY2023 Q3 | SIMR-2 June MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
SIMR-2 June MY24 Q3 | SIMR-2 June MY24 Q3 | N3B |
SIMR-2 March MY2022 Q2 | SIMR-2 March MY2022 Q2 | N3B |
SIMR-2 March MY2023 Q2 | SIMR-2 March MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
SIMR-2 March MY24 Q2 | SIMR-2 March MY24 Q2 | N3B |
SIMR-2 May MY2023 Q3 | SIMR-2 May MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
SIMR-2 May MY22 Q3 | SIMR-2 May MY22 Q3 | N3B |
SIMR-2 May MY24 Q3 | SIMR-2 May MY24 Q3 | N3B |
SIMR-2 Nov MY24 Q1 | SIMR-2 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SIMR-2 Nov MY25 Q1 | SIMR-2 Nov MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SIMR-2 November MY2023 Q1 | SIMR-2 November MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SIMR-2 Oct MY25 Q1 | SIMR-2 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SIMR-2 October MY2023 Q1 | SIMR-2 October MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SIMR-2 October MY24 Q1 | SIMR-2 October MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SIMR-2 Q2 2019 | SIMR-2 Q2 2019 | NMED |
SIMR-2 Sept MY24 Q4 | SIMR-2 Sept MY24 Q4 | N3B |
SIMR-2 September MY2022 Q4 | SIMR-2 September MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
SIMR-2 September MY23 Q4 | SIMR-2 September MY23 Q4 | N3B |
SIMR2018Q4 | SIMR2018Q4 | NMED |
SIP 1 | SIP 1 | N3B |
SIP 2 | SIP 2 | N3B |
SIP 3 | SIP 3 | N3B |
Small Mammal Sampling - Middle LA Canyon | Small Mammal Sampling - Middle LA Canyon | LANL |
Snake/mtn. lion | Snake/mtn. lion | LANL |
Snowmelt | Snowmelt | N3B |
Soil/Rock/Sediment Testing | Soil/Rock/Sediment Testing | N3B |
Soil/Sediment Testing | Soil/Sediment Testing | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 April MY2023 Q3 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 April MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 Feb MY24 Q2 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 Feb MY24 Q2 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 February MY2023 Q2 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 February MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 July SW MY2023 Q4 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 July SW MY2023 Q4 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY2022 Q3 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY2022 Q3 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY2022 Q4 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY2023 Q1 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY24 Q3 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY24 Q3 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY25 Q1 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 Nov MY24 Q1 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 Nov MY24 Q1 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 Nov MY24 Q2 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 Nov MY24 Q2 | N3B |
South Fork of Sandia at E122 SW MY24 Q4 | South Fork of Sandia at E122 SW MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Spills FY 2020 | Spills FY 2020 | LANL |
Spr1.5 11/17 | Spr1.5 11/17 | NMED |
Spr1.5 Apr18 | Spr1.5 Apr18 | NMED |
Spring 1 MY2023 Q1 | Spring 1 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 1 MY23 Q1 | Spring 1 MY23 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 1 MY24 Q1 | Spring 1 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 1 MY25 Q1 | Spring 1 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 2 April MY24 Q3 | Spring 2 April MY24 Q3 | N3B |
Spring 2 MY2023 Q1 | Spring 2 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 2 MY2023 Q3 | Spring 2 MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
Spring 2 White Rock MY22 Q3 | Spring 2 White Rock MY22 Q3 | N3B |
Spring 2024 MDA L Soil Vapor Sampling | Spring 2024 MDA L Soil Vapor Sampling | N3B |
Spring 2025 MDA T Vapor Monitoring | Spring 2025 MDA T Vapor Monitoring | N3B |
Spring 3 MY2023 Q1 | Spring 3 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 3 MY24 Q1 | Spring 3 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 3A MY2023 Q1 | Spring 3A MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 3A MY24 Q1 | Spring 3A MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 3AA MY2023 Q1 | Spring 3AA MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 3AA MY24 Q1 | Spring 3AA MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 4 MY2023 Q1 | Spring 4 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 4 MY24 Q1 | Spring 4 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 4A MY2023 Q1 | Spring 4A MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 4A MY24 Q1 | Spring 4A MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 4AA MY2023 Q1 | Spring 4AA MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 4AA MY24 Q1 | Spring 4AA MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 4B MY2023 Q1 | Spring 4B MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 4B MY24 Q1 | Spring 4B MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 5 MY2023 Q1 | Spring 5 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 5 MY24 Q1 | Spring 5 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 5B MY2023 Q1 | Spring 5B MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 5B MY24 Q1 | Spring 5B MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 6 MY2023 Q1 | Spring 6 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 6 MY24 Q1 | Spring 6 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 6A MY2023 Q1 | Spring 6A MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 6A MY24 Q1 | Spring 6A MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 6A MY25 Q1 | Spring 6A MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 8A MY2023 Q1 | Spring 8A MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 8A MY24 Q1 | Spring 8A MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 8A MY25 Q1 | Spring 8A MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 9 MY2023 Q1 | Spring 9 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 9 MY24 Q1 | Spring 9 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 9 MY25 Q1 | Spring 9 MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 9A MY2023 Q1 | Spring 9A MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 9A MY24 Q1 | Spring 9A MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Spring 9A MY25 Q1 | Spring 9A MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Spring Sed Sampling | Spring Sed Sampling | NMED |
squ 20 | squ 20 | NMED |
Starmer FY24 SWMU 40-004 Iteration | Starmer FY24 SWMU 40-004 Iteration | N3B |
Starmer Spring MY23 Q4 | Starmer Spring MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Starmer Spring MY24 Q4 | Starmer Spring MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Starmer Spring Pajarito MY22 Q3 | Starmer Spring Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
Starmer test SIM_PAH splits | Starmer test SIM_PAH splits | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito 40-004 | Starmer Upper Pajarito 40-004 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-010(a) | Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-010(a) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-010(b) | Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-010(b) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-011(b) | Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-011(b) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-011(c) | Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-011(c) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-014 | Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 09-014 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 40-003(b) | Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC 40-003(b) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC C-09-001 | Starmer Upper Pajarito AOC C-09-001 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito Asbestos samples | Starmer Upper Pajarito Asbestos samples | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito BGI SWMU 09-005(a) | Starmer Upper Pajarito BGI SWMU 09-005(a) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito Liquid Waste | Starmer Upper Pajarito Liquid Waste Characterization | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-001(d) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-001(d) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(a) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(a) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(d) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(d) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(e) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(e) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(g) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(g) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(h) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 009-003(h) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(d) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(d) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(e) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(e) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(f) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(f) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(a) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(a) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(b) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(b) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(c) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(c) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(d) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(d) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(d) (2) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-001(d) (2) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-002 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-002 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(b) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(b) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(d) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(d) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(e) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(e) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(g) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(g) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(g) (3) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(g) (3) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(i) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-003(i) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(a) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(a) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(b) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(b) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(c) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(c) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(d) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(d) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(e) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(e) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(f) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(f) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(g) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(g) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(h) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(h) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(i) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(i) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(j) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(j) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(k) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(k) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(l) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(l) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(m) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(m) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(n) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(n) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(o) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(o) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(o) (2) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-004(o) (2) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-005(a) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-005(a) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-005(d) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-005(d) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-005(g) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-005(g) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-006 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-006 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-008(b) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-008(b) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-009 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-009 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-010(a) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-010(a) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-013 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-013 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-Waste | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-Waste | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-Waste02 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-Waste02 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-Waste03 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 09-Waste03 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) Iteration 1 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) Iteration 1 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) Part 2 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) Part 2 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) Part 3 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) Part 3 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) Part 4 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-010(b) Part 4 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-012 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-012 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-015(c) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-015(c) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-015(d) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-015(d) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-015(e) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-015(e) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-016 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-016 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 40-001(c) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 40-001(c) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 40-003(a) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 40-003(a) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 40-009 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 40-009 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 40-010 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU 40-010 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU C-09-001 | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU C-09-001 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU C-09-001 (2) | Starmer Upper Pajarito SWMU C-09-001 (2) | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito TA- 09-Waste02 | Starmer Upper Pajarito TA- 09-Waste02 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito TA- 09-Waste03 | Starmer Upper Pajarito TA- 09-Waste03 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito TA- 09-Waste04 | Starmer Upper Pajarito TA- 09-Waste04 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito TA-09 WST 5 | Starmer Upper Pajarito TA-09 WST 5 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito TA-09 WST3 | Starmer Upper Pajarito TA-09 WST3 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito Waste | Starmer Upper Pajarito Waste | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito WST 4 | Starmer Upper Pajarito WST 4 | N3B |
Starmer Upper Pajarito WST 6 | Starmer Upper Pajarito WST 6 | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito 08-004(c) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito 08-004(c) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito 08-004(c) Iteration 1 | Starmer/Upper Pajarito 08-004(c) Iteration 1 | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito 08-004(d) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito 08-004(d) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito 08-009(c) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito 08-009(c) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito AOC 08-001(a) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito AOC 08-001(a) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito AOC 08-001(b) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito AOC 08-001(b) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito AOC 08-009(f) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito AOC 08-009(f) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-002 | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-002 | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-003(a) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-003(a) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-004(b) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-004(b) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-005 | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-005 | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-006(a) MDA Q | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-006(a) MDA Q | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(a) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(a) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(d) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(d) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(e) | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(e) | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(e) Iteration 1 | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 08-009(e) Iteration 1 | N3B |
Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-016 Additional | Starmer/Upper Pajarito SWMU 22-016 Additional | N3B |
Steam Condensate - Meadows - TA-9 | Steam Condensate - Meadows - TA-9 | LANL |
Storm flow 1 | Storm flow 1 | LANL |
Storm flow 2 | Storm flow 2 | LANL |
Storm flow 3 | Storm flow 3 | LANL |
Storm flow 4 | Storm flow 4 | LANL |
SUPCAA Waste Characterization at TA-22 FY24 | SUPCAA Waste Characterization at TA-22 FY24 | N3B |
SUPCAA Waste Characterization TA-08 | SUPCAA Waste Characterization TA-08 | N3B |
SUPCAA Waste Characterization TA-22 | SUPCAA Waste Characterization TA-22 | N3B |
SUPCAA Waste Characterization TA-40 | SUPCAA Waste Characterization TA-40 | N3B |
SUPCAA Waste Characterization TA-40 FY24 | SUPCAA Waste Characterization TA-40 FY24 | N3B |
SW Event 1 | SW Event 1 | NMED |
SW Event 2 | SW Event 2 | NMED |
SW Q1 2018 | SW Q1 2018 | NMED |
SW Q1208 | SW Q1208 | NMED |
SW-1 | SW-1 | N3B |
SW-2 | SW-2 | N3B |
SW-3 | SW-3 | N3B |
SW-4 | SW-4 | N3B |
SW-5 | SW-5 | N3B |
SW-6 | SW-6 | N3B |
SW-7 | SW-7 | N3B |
SW-8 | SW-8 | N3B |
SW1 | SW1 | LANL |
SW2 | SW2 | LANL |
SW3 | SW3 | LANL |
SW4 | SW4 | LANL |
SWA-1-1 | SWA-1-1 | N3B |
SWA-1-1 MY2023 Q1 | SWA-1-1 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-1-1 MY24 Q1 | SWA-1-1 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-1-1 Oct MY25 Q1 | SWA-1-1 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-1-2 | SWA-1-2 | N3B |
SWA-1-2 MY2023 Q1 | SWA-1-2 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-1-2 MY24 Q1 | SWA-1-2 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-1-2 Oct MY25 Q1 | SWA-1-2 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-1-3 | SWA-1-3 | N3B |
SWA-1-3 MY2023 Q1 | SWA-1-3 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-1-3 MY24 Q1 | SWA-1-3 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-1-3 Oct MY25 Q1 | SWA-1-3 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-2-4 | SWA-2-4 | N3B |
SWA-2-4 MY2023 Q1 | SWA-2-4 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-2-4 MY24 Q1 | SWA-2-4 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-2-4 Oct MY25 Q1 | SWA-2-4 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-2-5 | SWA-2-5 | N3B |
SWA-2-6 | SWA-2-6 | N3B |
SWA-2-6 MY2023 Q1 | SWA-2-6 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-2-6 MY24 Q1 | SWA-2-6 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-2-6 Oct MY25 Q1 | SWA-2-6 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-3-7 | SWA-3-7 | N3B |
SWA-3-8 | SWA-3-8 | N3B |
SWA-3-9 | SWA-3-9 | N3B |
SWA-4-10 | SWA-4-10 | N3B |
SWA-4-10 MY2023 Q1 | SWA-4-10 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-4-10 MY24 Q1 | SWA-4-10 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-4-10 Oct MY25 Q1 | SWA-4-10 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-4-11 | SWA-4-11 | N3B |
SWA-4-11 MY2023 Q1 | SWA-4-11 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-4-11 MY24 Q1 | SWA-4-11 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-4-11 Oct MY25 Q1 | SWA-4-11 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-4-12 | SWA-4-12 | N3B |
SWA-4-12 MY2023 Q1 | SWA-4-12 MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-4-12 MY24 Q1 | SWA-4-12 MY24 Q1 | N3B |
SWA-4-12 Oct MY25 Q1 | SWA-4-12 Oct MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SWDA Sampling - RLUOB - Lab 1102 | SWDA Sampling - RLUOB - Lab 1102 | LANL |
SWDA Sampling - SEP Waterline- Juerling | SWDA Sampling - SEP Waterline- Juerling | LANL |
SWDA Sampling - TA-40 DEOS - Gun Building | SWDA Sampling - TA-40 DEOS - Gun Building | LANL |
SWMP CY20 #1 | SWMP CY20 #1 | LANL |
SWMP CY20 #2 | SWMP CY20 #2 | LANL |
SWMP CY20 #3 | SWMP CY20 #3 | LANL |
SWMP CY20 #4 | SWMP CY20 #4 | LANL |
SWMU 06-007(g) Twomile Canyon | SWMU 06-007(g) Twomile Canyon | N3B |
SWMU 15-009(b) Threemile Phase II MY22 | SWMU 15-009(b) Threemile Phase II MY22 | N3B |
SWMU 40-001(c) iteration | SWMU 40-001(c) iteration | N3B |
SWMU 40-001(c) Iteration 1 | SWMU 40-001(c) Iteration 1 | N3B |
SWMU 40-010 Iteration | SWMU 40-010 Iteration | N3B |
SWSC MY2023 Q2 | SWSC MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
SWSC Spring Dec MY25 Q1 | SWSC Spring Dec MY25 Q1 | N3B |
SWSC Spring MY2022 Q4 | SWSC Spring MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
SWSC Spring MY2023 Q2 | SWSC Spring MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
SWSC Spring MY23 Q4 | SWSC Spring MY23 Q4 | N3B |
SWSC Spring MY24 Q2 | SWSC Spring MY24 Q2 | N3B |
SWSC Spring MY24 Q4 | SWSC Spring MY24 Q4 | N3B |
SWSC Spring Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | SWSC Spring Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
t | t | N3B |
T-1-21-E1 | T-1-21-E1 | NMED |
T-SMA-7.1 | T-SMA-7.1 | NMED |
TA-03-1400-2327 - Resample | TA-03-1400-2327 - Resample | LANL |
TA-03-1400-3303 | TA-03-1400-3303 | LANL |
TA-03-41 Fire Station | TA-03-41 Fire Station | LANL |
TA-11/Bldg. 4 - Bathroom Sink | TA-11/Bldg. 4 - Bathroom Sink | LANL |
TA-16-0016 - Water Fountain | TA-16-0016 - Water Fountain | LANL |
TA-21 IWL self-perform sampling | TA-21 IWL self-perform sampling | N3B |
TA-21 Land Transfer - Tract A-16-a | TA-21 Land Transfer - Tract A-16-a | LANL |
TA-21-257 IWL SAMPLES | TA-21-257 IWL SAMPLES | N3B |
TA-22-90-A155 - Kitchen Sink/Drinking Fountain | TA-22-90-A155 - Kitchen Sink/Drinking Fountain | LANL |
TA-3 Bldg. 0443 - New Ice Machine | TA-3 Bldg. 0443 - New Ice Machine | LANL |
TA-3 Bldg. 1411 - New Ice Machine | TA-3 Bldg. 1411 - New Ice Machine | LANL |
TA-3 SERF Plant | TA-3 SERF Plant | LANL |
TA-3 SERF Plant - 03/02/16 | TA-3 SERF Plant - 03/02/16 | LANL |
TA-3 SERF Plant - Blauert | TA-3 SERF Plant - Blauert | LANL |
TA-3-132 - Kitchen Tap | TA-3-132 - Kitchen Tap | LANL |
TA-3-132/213 Drinking Fountain/Sink | TA-3-132/213 Drinking Fountain/Sink | LANL |
TA-3-2011- Kitchen - Tap Water | TA-3-2011- Kitchen - Tap Water | LANL |
TA-3-261 Otowi | TA-3-261 Otowi | LANL |
TA-3-66 - Garcia | TA-3-66 - Garcia | LANL |
TA-3/SM32 Drinking Fountain | TA-3/SM32 Drinking Fountain | LANL |
TA-46-250-108 Drinking Fountain | TA-46-250-108 Drinking Fountain | LANL |
TA-50 Bldg. 9002 | TA-50 Bldg. 9002 | LANL |
TA-53 P-Rad Boneyard Clean-up | TA-53 P-Rad Boneyard Clean-up | LANL |
TA-53 Rad Boneyard Clean-up | TA-53 Rad Boneyard Clean-up | LANL |
TA-53-4-219 - E. coli | TA-53-4-219 - E. coli | LANL |
TA-53i Cr52/53 MY23 Q4 | TA-53i Cr52/53 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
TA-53i MY2022 Q4 | TA-53i MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
TA-53i MY23 Q4 | TA-53i MY23 Q4 | N3B |
TA-53i MY24 Q4 | TA-53i MY24 Q4 | N3B |
TA-54 - Mikkelson | TA-54 - Mikkelson | LANL |
TA-54 Dome 230 | TA-54 Dome 230 | N3B |
TA-54 HPAL samples 04/2024 | TA-54 HPAL samples 04/2024 | N3B |
TA-54 Support Trailers New Waterlines | TA-54 Support Trailers New Waterlines | N3B |
TA-55 Lavatory Sinks | TA-55 Lavatory Sinks | LANL |
TA-59 Water Quality and RCRA Trailers | TA-59 Water Quality and RCRA Trailers | LANL |
TA-59-1 - Refrigerator/Fountains/Sinks | TA-59-1 - Refrigerator/Fountains/Sinks | LANL |
TA-59-1-135 | TA-59-1-135 | LANL |
TA-60 - Bldg 0002 Water Fountain | TA-60 - Bldg 0002 Water Fountain | LANL |
TA-60 - Garcia - Soil | TA-60 - Garcia - Soil | LANL |
TCAA Septic Tank Liquid_SWMU 06-001(b)_Waste | TCAA Septic Tank Liquid_SWMU 06-001(b)_Waste | N3B |
TCAA Septic Tank Liquid_SWMU 22-010(a) Waste | TCAA Septic Tank Liquid_SWMU 22-010(a) Waste | N3B |
TCAA Septic Tank Liquid_SWMU 22-015(b) Waste | TCAA Septic Tank Liquid_SWMU 22-015(b) Waste | N3B |
TE-0.7-21-E1 | TE-0.7-21-E1 | NMED |
Term | Term | LANL |
Term 2020 | Term 2020 | LANL |
Test - training | Test - training | LANL |
test end of week | test end of week | N3B |
Test end of week 2 | Test end of week 2 | N3B |
Test Fall 2023 MDA C | Test Fall 2023 MDA C | N3B |
test MDAL | test MDAL | N3B |
Test Mobile | Test Mobile | N3B |
Test of Poly Bottles | Test of Poly Bottles | N3B |
TEST resample location | TEST resample location | N3B |
test soil | test soil | N3B |
TEST_SWMU 22-015(e) | TEST_SWMU 22-015(e) | N3B |
Thomas - TA-3-38-124 | Thomas - TA-3-38-124 | LANL |
TMCAA AOC 03-003(p) Iteration Samples | TMCAA AOC 03-003(p) Iteration Samples | N3B |
TMCAA AOC 03-014(a2) | TMCAA AOC 03-014(a2) | N3B |
TMCAA AOC 03-022 Iteration Samples | TMCAA AOC 03-022 Iteration Samples | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 03-001(k) Iteration Samples | TMCAA SWMU 03-001(k) Iteration Samples | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 03-001(k) Resample | TMCAA SWMU 03-001(k) Resample | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 03-003(a) Additional Samples | TMCAA SWMU 03-003(a) Additional Samples | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 03-054(a) Resample | TMCAA SWMU 03-054(a) Resample | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Additional Location | TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Additional Location | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Iteration 3 | TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Iteration 3 | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Iteration 4 | TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Iteration 4 | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Iteration Samples | TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Iteration Samples | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Resample | TMCAA SWMU 03-054(d) Resample | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 22-014(b) Confirmation Samples | TMCAA SWMU 22-014(b) Confirmation Samples | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 22-014(b) Second Iteration | TMCAA SWMU 22-014(b) Second Iteration | N3B |
TMCAA SWMU 22-014(b) Third Iteration | TMCAA SWMU 22-014(b) Third Iteration | N3B |
TMCAA TA-03 Liquid Waste | TMCAA TA-03 Liquid Waste | N3B |
TMCAA TA-06 WASTE RTCs | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-06 RTCs Screening | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characerization TA-22 2 | TMCAA Waste Characerization TA-22 2 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-03 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-03 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-03 2 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-03 2 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-03 3 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-03 3 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-03 4 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-03 4 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-06 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-06 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-06_2 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-06_2 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-07 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-07 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-22 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-22 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-40 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-40 | N3B |
TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-40 2 | TMCAA Waste Characterization TA-40 2 | N3B |
To End of Permit | To End of Permit | LANL |
tobac 20 | tobac 20 | NMED |
Tract A-15-2 | Tract A-15-2 | LANL |
Trujillo - TA-35 | Trujillo - TA-35 | LANL |
Trujillo - TA-35 - Ultra Sonic Soln | Trujillo - TA-35 - Ultra Sonic Soln | LANL |
TSCA Comp 2017 | TSCA Comp 2017 | LANL |
TSCA Comp 2018 | TSCA Comp 2018 | LANL |
TSCA Monitoring | TSCA Monitoring | LANL |
TW-2Ar TW-2Ar | N3B |
TW-2Ar MY2023 Q3 | TW-2Ar MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
TW-2Ar MY2024 Q3 | TW-2Ar MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
TW-2Ar MY22 Q3 | TW-2Ar MY22 Q3 | N3B |
TW-2AR Well Maintenance Purge Water June2024 MY24 | TW-2AR Well Maintenance Purge Water June2024 MY24 | N3B |
TW-2AR Well Maintenance Resample | TW-2AR Well Maintenance Resample | N3B |
TWF Vapor Monitoring - TA-63 | TWF Vapor Monitoring - TA-63 | LANL |
Two Mile Canyon Below TA-59 MY23 Q4 | Two Mile Canyon Below TA-59 MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Two Mile Canyon Below TA-59 MY24 Q4 | Two Mile Canyon Below TA-59 MY24 Q4 | N3B |
Two Mile Canyon Below TA-59 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | Two Mile Canyon Below TA-59 Pajarito MY22 Q3 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 03-003(k) | Twomile Canyon AOC 03-003(k) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 03-003(p) | Twomile Canyon AOC 03-003(p) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 03-022 | Twomile Canyon AOC 03-022 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 03-025(c) | Twomile Canyon AOC 03-025(c) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 03-038(f) | Twomile Canyon AOC 03-038(f) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 03-042 | SWMU 03-042 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 03-043 | Twomile Canyon AOC 03-043 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 03-051(a) | Twomile Canyon AOC 03-051(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 03-051(b) | Twomile Canyon AOC 03-051(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 06-003(f) | Twomile Canyon AOC 06-003(f) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 06-008 | Twomile Canyon AOC 06-008 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 06-008 Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon AOC 06-008 Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 40-007(e) | Twomile Canyon AOC 40-007(e) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC 59-004 | Twomile Canyon AOC 59-004 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-001 | Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-001 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-005 | Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-005 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-005_R1 | Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-005_R1 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-019 | Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-019 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-019 Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon AOC C-06-019 Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon AOC C-50-001 | Twomile Canyon AOC C-50-001 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-001(k) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-001(k) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-003(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-003(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-003(b) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-003(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-014(t) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-014(t) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-033 | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-033 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-043(c) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-043(c) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-050(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-050(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-050(d) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-050(d) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-050(f) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-050(f) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-050(g) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-050(g) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-051(b) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-051(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(b) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(b) Sed samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(b) Sed samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(b) Water Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(b) Water Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(d) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(d) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(d) Iteration 2 | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-054(d) Iteration 2 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-055(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 03-055(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-001(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-001(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-001(b) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-001(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-002 | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-002 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-002 Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-002 Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(a) Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(a) Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(d) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(d) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(d) Additional Sampling | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(d) Additional Sampling | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(e) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(e) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(f) Additional Sampling | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(f) Additional Sampling | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(h) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(h) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(h) Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-003(h) Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-005 | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-005 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-006 | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-006 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-006 Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-006 Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(b) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(c) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(c) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(c) Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(c) Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(d) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(d) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(d) Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(d) Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(e) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(e) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(e) Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(e) Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(f) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 06-007(f) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(a) Additional Sampling | Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(a) Additional Sampling | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(b) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(c) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(c) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(d) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 07-001(d) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-010(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-010(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-014(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-014(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-014(b) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-014(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-014(b) Additional Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-014(b) Additional Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-015(a) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-015(a) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-015(b) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-015(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-015(b) Field Splits | Twomile Canyon SWMU 22-015(b) Field Splits | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 40-001(b) | Twomile Canyon SWMU 40-001(b) | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 40-001(b) Deep BH | Twomile Canyon SWMU 40-001(b) Deep BH | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 40-005 | Twomile Canyon SWMU 40-005 | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 40-007(e) Add. Samples | Twomile Canyon SWMU 40-007(e) Add. Samples | N3B |
Twomile Canyon SWMU 69-001 | Twomile Canyon SWMU 69-001 | N3B |
Upper La Mesita Spring MY2023 Q1 | Upper La Mesita Spring MY2023 Q1 | N3B |
Upper La Mesita Spring MY24 Q1 | Upper La Mesita Spring MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Upper La Mesita Spring MY25 Q1 | Upper La Mesita Spring MY25 Q1 | N3B |
Upper/Lower Sandia Canyon Wetlands - Small Mammal | Upper/Lower Sandia Canyon Wetlands - Small Mammal | LANL |
Urban Developed | Urban Developed | LANL |
VC/BG 17 Q4 | VC/BG 17 Q4 | NMED |
Vine Tree Spring MY2023 Q3 | Vine Tree Spring MY2023 Q3 | N3B |
Vine Tree Spring MY2024 Q3 | Vine Tree Spring MY2024 Q3 | N3B |
Vine Tree Spring MY22 Q3 | Vine Tree Spring MY22 Q3 | N3B |
w corn 20 | w corn 20 | NMED |
WA Spr 18 Q3 | WA Spr 18 Q3 | NMED |
Waste Characterization TA-08 | Waste Characterization TA-08 | N3B |
Waste Water System Sludge - Villareal - TA-03 | Waste Water System Sludge - Villareal - TA-03 | LANL |
Water @ RG | Water @ RG | N3B |
Water at Beta MY2022 Q4 | Water at Beta MY2022 Q4 | N3B |
Water at Beta MY2023 Q2 | Water at Beta MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
Water at Beta MY2024 Q4 | Water at Beta MY2024 Q4 | N3B |
Water at Beta MY23 Q4 | Water at Beta MY23 Q4 | N3B |
Water at Beta MY24 Q2 | Water at Beta MY24 Q2 | N3B |
Water at Beta Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | Water at Beta Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
Water Testing - TA-72-0039 | Water Testing - TA-72-0039 | LANL |
Water Testing for TA-48-0242 | Water Testing for TA-48-0242 | LANL |
Water/CdV 2013 Sediment Monitoring | Water/CdV 2013 Sediment Monitoring | LANL |
Water/CdV 2024 Q2 | Water/CdV 2024 Q2 | NMED |
Water/CdV MY2021 Q2 | Water/CdV MY2021 Q2 | NMED |
WCO-1r MY2023 Q2 | WCO-1r MY2023 Q2 | N3B |
WCO-1r MY24 Q2 | WCO-1r MY24 Q2 | N3B |
WCO-1r Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | WCO-1r Water/CDV MY22 Q2 | N3B |
WCWRC2018 | WCWRC2018 | NMED |
Week 45 | Week 45 | LANL |
Week of 3/01/20 | Week of 3/01/20 | LANL |
Week of 3/08/20 | Week of 3/08/20 | LANL |
Week of 3/15/20 | Week of 3/15/20 | LANL |
Week of 3/22/20 | Week of 3/22/20 | LANL |
Week of 3/29/20 | Week of 3/29/20 | LANL |
Week of 4/12/20 | Week of 4/12/20 | LANL |
Week of 4/19/20 | Week of 4/19/20 | LANL |
Week of 4/26/20 | Week of 4/26/20 | LANL |
Week of 4/5/20 | Week of 4/5/20 | LANL |
Week of 8/16/20 | Week of 8/16/20 | LANL |
Well 60 December MY2025 Q1 | Well 60 December MY2025 Q1 | N3B |
Well 60 December MY24 Q1 | Well 60 December MY24 Q1 | N3B |
Winter 2024 MDA T Boundwater | Winter 2024 MDA T Boundwater | N3B |
Winter 2024 MDA T Vapor Monitoring | Winter 2024 MDA T Vapor Monitoring | N3B |
WRC 2021 Q1 | WRC 2021 Q1 | NMED |
WRC 2023 | WRC 2023 | NMED |
wrc 2025 | wrc 2025 | NMED |
WRC sampling event | WRC sampling event | NMED |
WRC2018 | WRC2018 | NMED |
Ycorn 20 | Ycorn 20 | NMED |
All valid values of SAMPLING_PROGRAM:
Value | Description | Data provider |
AIRNET | Air Monitoring Program | LANL |
AIRNET | Air Monitoring Program | NMED |
ASER-AIR | Air Monitoring for Environmental Surveillance | LANL |
ASER-SFB | Soils/Footstuff and Biota Monitoring for Environmental Surveillance | LANL |
ASER-Watershed | WaterShed Monitoring for Environmental Surveillance | LANL |
ASER-Watershed | WaterShed Monitoring for Environmental Surveillance | N3B |
AtmDep | Atmospheric Deposition (precipitation, dry deposition) Monitoring Program | NMED |
Biota | NMED DOE OB biota sampling program | NMED |
CH-TRU | CH-TRU investigations | N3B |
CO | Consent Order work unspecified cleanup activity | LANL |
CO | Consent Order work unspecified cleanup activity | N3B |
CO-57 | Fenton Hill Cleanup | LANL |
CO-57 | Fenton Hill Cleanup | N3B |
CO-Bayo | Consent Order Cleanup Bayo Canyon | LANL |
CO-Bayo | Consent Order Cleanup Bayo Canyon | N3B |
CO-CDV | Consent Order Cleanup Canon De Valle | LANL |
CO-CDV | Consent Order Cleanup Canon De Valle | N3B |
CO-Chaq | Consent Order Cleanup Chaquehui Canyon | LANL |
CO-Chaq | Consent Order Cleanup Chaquehui Canyon | N3B |
CO-Cr | Chromium Investigations | LANL |
CO-Cr | Chromium Investigations | N3B |
CO-DP | Consent Order Cleanup DP Site | LANL |
CO-DP | Consent Order Cleanup DP Site | N3B |
CO-Frij | Consent Order Cleanup Frijoles Canyon | LANL |
CO-Frij | Consent Order Cleanup Frijoles Canyon | N3B |
CO-GBR | Consent Order Cleanup Guaje/Barranca/Rendja Canyon | LANL |
CO-GBR | Consent Order Cleanup Guaje/Barranca/Rendja Canyon | N3B |
CO-GW | Interim Monitoring for Groundwater Protection | LANL |
CO-GW | Interim Monitoring for Groundwater Protection | N3B |
CO-lMort_Ced | Consent Order Cleanup lower Mortandad/Cedro Canyon | LANL |
CO-lMort_Ced | Consent Order Cleanup lower Mortandad/Cedro Canyon | N3B |
CO-lPaj | Consent Order Cleanup lower Pajarito Canyon | N3B |
CO-lPaj | Consent Order Cleanup lower Parajito Canyon | LANL |
CO-lSan | Consent Order Cleanup lower Sandia Canyon | LANL |
CO-lSan | Consent Order Cleanup lower Sandia Canyon | N3B |
CO-lWat-Ind | Consent Order Cleanup lower Water/India Canyon | LANL |
CO-lWat-Ind | Consent Order Cleanup lower Water/Indio Canyon | N3B |
CO-mCDB | Consent Order Cleanup middle Canada del buey | LANL |
CO-mCDB | Consent Order Cleanup middle Canada del buey | N3B |
CO-mLA | Consent Order Cleanup middle Los Alamos Canyon | LANL |
CO-mLA | Consent Order Cleanup middle Los Alamos Canyon | N3B |
CO-mMort-Ten | Consent Order Cleanup middle Mortandad/Ten Site Canyon | LANL |
CO-mMort-Ten | Consent Order Cleanup middle Mortandad/Ten Site Canyon | N3B |
CO-N3BRR | Consent Order-N3B RCRA Remediation | N3B |
CO-nAnc | Consent Order Cleanup north Ancho Canyon | LANL |
CO-nAnc | Consent Order Cleanup north Ancho Canyon | N3B |
CO-Pore | Poregas Monitoring | LANL |
CO-Pore | Poregas Monitoring | N3B |
CO-Pot-Fen | Consent Order Cleanup Potrillo/Fence Canyon | LANL |
CO-Pot-Fen | Consent Order Cleanup Potrillo/Fence Canyon | N3B |
CO-Pu | Consent Order Cleanup Pueblo Canyon | LANL |
CO-Pu | Consent Order Cleanup Pueblo Canyon | N3B |
CO-RDX | Consent Order RDX investigations | LANL |
CO-RDX | Consent Order RDX investigations | N3B |
CO-S | Consent Order Cleanup S Site | LANL |
CO-S | Consent Order Cleanup S Site | N3B |
CO-sAnc | Consent Order Cleanup south Ancho Canyon | LANL |
CO-sAnc | Consent Order Cleanup south Ancho Canyon | N3B |
CO-St-uPaj | Consent Order Cleanup Starmer/Upper Pajarito Canyon | N3B |
CO-St-uPaj | Consent Order Cleanup Starmer/Upper Parajito Canyon | LANL |
CO-Thr | Consent Order Cleanup Threemile Canyon | LANL |
CO-Thr | Consent Order Cleanup Threemile Canyon | N3B |
CO-Two | Consent Order Cleanup Twomile Canyon | LANL |
CO-Two | Consent Order Cleanup Twomile Canyon | N3B |
CO-uCDB | Consent Order Cleanup upper Canada del Buey Canyon | LANL |
CO-uCDB | Consent Order Cleanup upper Canada del Buey Canyon | N3B |
CO-uLA | Consent Order Cleanup upper Los Alamos Canyon | LANL |
CO-uLA | Consent Order Cleanup upper Los Alamos Canyon | N3B |
CO-uMort | Consent Order Cleanup upper Mortandad Canyon | LANL |
CO-uMort | Consent Order Cleanup upper Mortandad Canyon | N3B |
CO-uSan | Consent Order Cleanup upper Sandia Canyon | LANL |
CO-uSan | Consent Order Cleanup upper Sandia Canyon | N3B |
CO-uWat | Consent Order Cleanup upper Water Canyon | LANL |
CO-uWat | Consent Order Cleanup upper Water Canyon | N3B |
Co-Watershed | Watershed Studies | LANL |
Co-Watershed | Watershed Studies | N3B |
CoSF | County of Santa Fe sampling | LANL |
CST-Historical | Data analyzed by on-site CST LAB. SCREENING ONLY | LANL |
DOE Land Transfer | DOE Land Transfer | LANL |
ER-historical | Old ERDB samples before starting using SMO | LANL |
GDP | Groundwater Discharge Permit | LANL |
GSM | Gaging Station SW Monitoring | LANL |
GW-Drinking Water | Drinking Water - Supply Well Monitoring | NMED |
GW-IFGMP | Data associated with LANL's Interim Groundwater Monitoring Program | NMED |
GW-Other | Groundwater Program data not associated with the IFGMP | NMED |
LAC | Los Alamos County Sampling | LANL |
LANL Utilities | LANL Utilities | LANL |
N3B-MSGP | N3B NPDES - Multi-Sector General Permit for TA-54 | LANL |
N3B-MSGP | N3B NPDES - Multi-Sector General Permit for TA-54 | N3B |
NPDES-IDP | Data related to LANL's NPDES Industrial Discharge (Outfall) Permit | NMED |
NPDES-IDP | Industrial Discharge Permit | LANL |
NPDES-IP | Data related to LANL's NPDES Individual Permit for Stormwater | NMED |
NPDES-IP | NPDES - Individual Permit | LANL |
NPDES-IP | NPDES - Individual Permit | N3B |
NPDES-MSGP | NPDES - Multi-Sector General Permit | LANL |
NRDA | Natural Resources Damage Assessments | LANL |
San Ildefonso | The Pueblo of San Ildefonso | LANL |
SERF | Samples taken from the SERF Plant | LANL |
SF-Buckman | Buckman Diversion Project Sante Fe county | LANL |
SFB | Soil/Foodstuffs and Biota for ESR | LANL |
SIP - Sample Implementation Plan | Sample Implementation Plan for Investigative Monitoring | LANL |
Special Studies | Special Studies LANL Research Projects | LANL |
Special Studies | Special Studies LANL Research Projects | N3B |
Spills | Spills Program | LANL |
Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP) | Stormwater monitoring associated with DOE/NMED Supplemental Environmental Projects | LANL |
SW-Other | Surface Water, Stormwater and Sediment Special Projects | NMED |
SWMP | Stormwater Management Plan | LANL |
TRIAD-GW | used for groundwater sampling by LANL (TRIAD). Not under Consent Order | LANL |
TWF | Transuranic Waste Facility sampling at TRIAD | LANL |
Watershed | Watershed Monitoring of Surface Water, Storm Water and Sediment | NMED |
WM-DO | Samples from ADESH RFA program - ENV-RCRA | LANL |
WM-ER | Samples from ADEM Waste program | LANL |
WM-N3B | Samples from N3B Waste Program | N3B |
WQH-Historical | Old WQDB samples before starting using SMO | LANL |
Value | Description | Data provider |
All valid values of VALIDATION_QUALIFIER:
Value | Description | Data provider |
A | The contractually-required supporting documentation for this datum is absent. | All |
GUP | Historical legacy code that is no longer used and whose meaning is currently unknown. | All |
I | The calculated sums are considered incomplete due to lack of one or more congener results. | All |
IUP | Historical legacy code that is no longer used and whose meaning is currently unknown. | All |
J | The analyte is classified as detected but the reported concentration value is expected to be more uncertain than usual. | All |
J+ | The analyte is classified as detected but the reported concentration value is expected to be more uncertain than usual with a potential positive bias. | All |
J- | The analyte is classified as detected but the reported concentration value is expected to be more uncertain than usual with a potential negative bias. | All |
JN+ | Presumptive evidence of the presence of the material at an an estimated quantity with a suspected positive bias. | All |
JN- | Presumptive evidence of the presence of the material at an an estimated quantity with a suspected negative bias. | All |
JPM | The analyte is classified as detected but the reported concentration value is expected to be more uncertain than usual. Manual review of raw data is recommended to determine if the observed noncompliances with quality acceptance criteria adversely impacts data use. | All |
LIMIT | The limit type is uncertain. | All |
MS | Invalid validation flag. MS indicates a laboratory matrix spike sample. | All |
MSD | Invalid validation flag. MSD indicates a laboratory matrix spike duplicate sample. | All |
N | Presumptive evidence of the presence of the material. | All |
NJ | (Organic) -Analyte has been tentatively identified and the associated numerical value is estimated based upon 1:1 response factor to the nearest eluting internal standard. | All |
NQ | No validation qualifier flag is associated with this result, and the analyte is classified as detected. | All |
NUP | Historical legacy code that is no longer used and whose meaning is currently unknown. | All |
P | Use professional judgement based on data use. A decision must be made by the project manager or a delegate with regard to the need for further review of the data. This review should include some consideration of potential impact that could result from using the P-qualified data. | All |
PM | Manual review of raw data is recommended to determine if the observed non-compliances with quality acceptance criteria adversely impacts data use. | All |
Q | (For Air data only) Result has a potential quality issues associated with it which may affect final data usage. | All |
R | The reported sample result is classified as rejected due to serious noncompliances regarding quality control acceptance criteria. The presence or absence of the analyte cannot be verified based on routine validation alone | All |
RPM | The reported sample result is classified as rejected due to serious noncompliances regarding quality control acceptance criteria. The presence or absence of the analyte cannot be verified based on routine validation alone. | All |
RUP | Historical legacy code that is no longer used and whose meaning is currently unknown. | All |
U | The analyte is classified as not detected. | All |
UA | Historical legacy code that is no longer used and whose meaning is currently unknown. | All |
UJ | The analyte is classified as not detected, with an expectation that the reported result is more uncertain than usual. | All |
UNK | Unknown from data migration | All |
VUP | Historical legacy code that is no longer used and whose meaning is currently unknown. | All |
All valid values of VALIDATION_REASON_CODE:
Value | Description | Data provider |
DR0 | The retention time has shifted by more than the accepted method limit. | All |
DR0b | The required internal standard retention time documentation is missing. | All |
DR0k | The data validator identified analyte identification issues affecting data quality. | All |
DR10d | The required laboratory duplicate documentation is missing. | All |
DR10ea | The sample or laboratory duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
DR10er | The sample and laboratory duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
DR10fa | The sample or field duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
DR10fr | The sample and field duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
DR10k | The data validator identified duplicate sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
DR12 | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
DR12a | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
DR12b | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
DR12c | The required laboratory control sample documentation is missing. | All |
DR12e | The matrix spike percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | All |
DR12f | The matrix spike percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
DR12g | The laboratory-spiked sample and duplicate relative percent difference exceeds the acceptance limit. | All |
DR12k | The data validator identified laboratory control sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
DR15 | The affected analytes are considered estimated because the sample was diluted without any target analytes identified as a result of matrix interference. | All |
DR15b | The sample result is greater than the concentration of the highest point of the calibration curve. | ALL |
DR19 | The data validator identified quality deficiencies in the reported data that require further qualification. | All |
DR20 | The sample data package is incomplete. | All |
DR20a | The required reanalysis documentation is incomplete. | All |
DR20k | The data validator identified sample data package issues affecting data quality. | All |
DR3 | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
DR3a | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
DR3b | The surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
DR3d | The required surrogate documentation is missing. | All |
DR3k | The data validator identified surrogate issues affecting data quality. | All |
DR4 | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
DR4a | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
DR4d | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | All |
DR4e | The required blank documentation is missing. | All |
DR4f | There is evidence for cross-contamination. | All |
DR4g | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | ALL |
DR4k | The data validator identified blank issues affecting data quality. | All |
DR6d | The required matrix spike documentation is missing. | All |
DR6k | The data validator identified matrix spike issues affecting data quality. | All |
DR7 | The affected results were not analyzed with a valid 5-point calibration curve with a standard at the reporting limit. | All |
DR7a | The initial calibration curve exceeded the percent relative standard deviation criteria or the associated coefficient of determination is <0.99. | All |
DR7b | The initial or continuing calibration verification retention time is not within the retention time windows established during initial calibration. | All |
DR7c | The initial or continuing calibration verification recovery is outside the appropriate limits. | All |
DR7d | The initial or continuing calibration verification standards were not analyzed at the appropriate method frequency or sequence. | All |
DR7f | The required calibration documentation is missing, samples were analyzed on an expired calibration, or samples were analyzed using expired calibration standards. | All |
DR7k | The data validator identified calibration issues affecting data quality. | All |
DR9 | The holding time was greater than the applicable holding time requirement and was <=2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
DR9a | The holding time was >2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
DR9c | The sample temperature exceeded limits, or the sample preservation criteria was not met, upon receipt at the laboratory. | ALL |
DR9k | The data validator identified chain of custody, holding time, or sample preservation issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE0 | The internal standard retention time and qualitative criteria for target compound identification were not met. | All |
HE0b | The required internal standard retention time documentation is missing. | All |
HE0k | The data validator identified analyte identification issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE10d | The required laboratory duplicate documentation is missing. | All |
HE10ea | The sample or laboratory duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
HE10er | The sample and laboratory duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
HE10fa | The sample or field duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
HE10fr | The sample and field duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
HE10k | The data validator identified duplicate sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE12 | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
HE12a | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
HE12b | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
HE12c | The required laboratory control sample documentation is missing. | All |
HE12e | The matrix spike percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | All |
HE12f | The matrix spike percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
HE12g | The laboratory-spiked sample and duplicate relative percent difference exceeds the acceptance limit. | All |
HE12k | The data validator identified laboratory control sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE15 | The affected analytes are considered estimated because the sample was diluted without any target analytes identified as a result of matrix interference. | All |
HE15b | The sample result is greater than the concentration of the highest point of the calibration curve. | ALL |
HE16 | The detection limit verification standard did not pass method acceptance criteria. | All |
HE16c | The required detection limit verification standard documentation is missing. | All |
HE19 | The data validator identified quality deficiencies in the reported data that require further qualification. | All |
HE1a | The quantitating internal standard area count is less than the rejection limit of the expected value. | All |
HE1b | The quantitating internal standard area count is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit of the expected value. | All |
HE1c | The quantitating internal standard area count is greater than the upper limit of the expected value. | All |
HE1d | The required internal standard documentation is missing. | All |
HE1k | The data validator identified internal standard issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE20 | The sample data package is incomplete. | All |
HE20a | The required reanalysis documentation is incomplete. | All |
HE20k | The data validator identified sample data package issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE3 | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
HE3a | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
HE3b | The surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
HE3c | At least one surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit and one surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | All |
HE3d | The required surrogate documentation is missing. | All |
HE3k | The data validator identified surrogate issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE4 | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
HE4a | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
HE4d | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | All |
HE4e | The required method blank documentation is missing. | All |
HE4f | There is evidence for cross-contamination. | All |
HE4g | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | ALL |
HE4k | The data validator identified blank issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE6d | The required matrix spike documentation is missing. | All |
HE6k | The data validator identified matrix spike issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE7 | The affected results were not analyzed with a valid 5-point calibration curve with a standard at the reporting limit. | All |
HE7a | The initial calibration curve exceeded the percent relative standard deviation criteria or the associated coefficient of determination is <0.99. | All |
HE7c | The initial or continuing calibration verification recovery is outside the appropriate limits. | All |
HE7d | The initial or continuing calibration verification standards, or initial or continuing calibration blanks, were not analyzed at the appropriate method frequency. | All |
HE7f | The required calibration documentation is missing, samples were analyzed on an expired calibration, or samples were analyzed using expired calibration standards. | All |
HE7k | The data validator identified calibration issues affecting data quality. | All |
HE8 | The ion abundance ratios did not meet specifications. | All |
HE8a | The mass spectrum or extracted ion current profile documentation is missing. | All |
HE9 | The holding time was greater than the applicable holding time requirement and was <=2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
HE9a | The holding time was >2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
HE9c | The sample temperature exceeded limits, or the sample preservation criteria was not met, upon receipt at the laboratory. | ALL |
HE9k | The data validator identified chain of custody, holding time, or sample preservation issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
HR0 | The internal standard retention time and qualitative criteria for target compound identification were not met. | ALL |
HR0b | The required retention time documentation is missing. | All |
HR0k | The data validator identified analyte identification issues affecting data quality. | All |
HR10d | The required laboratory duplicate documentation is missing. | All |
HR10ea | The sample or laboratory duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
HR10er | The sample and laboratory duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
HR10fa | The sample or field duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
HR10fr | The sample and field duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
HR10k | The data validator identified duplicate sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
HR12 | The laboratory control sample or ongoing precision and recovery sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | ALL |
HR12a | The laboratory control sample or ongoing precision and recovery sample percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
HR12b | The laboratory control sample or ongoing precision and recovery sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
HR12c | The required matrix spike, laboratory control sample, or ongoing precision and recovery sample documentation is missing. | All |
HR12e | The matrix spike percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | ALL |
HR12f | The matrix spike percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | ALL |
HR12g | The laboratory-spiked sample and duplicate relative percent difference exceeds the acceptance limit. | ALL |
HR12k | The data validator identified laboratory control sample or ongoing precision and recovery sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
HR15 | The affected analytes are considered estimated because the sample was diluted without any target analytes identified as a result of matrix interference. | All |
HR15a | Required sample clean-up was not performed or samples or quality control samples were not prepared using the same cleanup procedures. | All |
HR15b | The sample result is greater than the concentration of the highest point of the calibration curve. | ALL |
HR19 | The data validator identified quality deficiencies in the reported data that require further qualification. | ALL |
HR20 | The sample data package is incomplete. | All |
HR20a | The required reanalysis documentation is incomplete. | All |
HR20b | The components comprising the total are incomplete. | All |
HR20k | The data validator identified sample data package issues affecting data quality. | All |
HR3 | The labeled compound recovery is less than the rejection limit. | ALL |
HR3a | The labeled compound recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
HR3b | The labeled compound recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
HR3c | At least one labeled compound percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit and one labeled compound percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | All |
HR3d | The required labeled compound documentation is missing. | All |
HR3k | The data validator identified labeled compound issues affecting data quality. | All |
HR4 | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | ALL |
HR4a | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | ALL |
HR4d | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the related analyte in the associated blank. | ALL |
HR4e | The required method blank documentation is missing. | ALL |
HR4f | There is evidence for cross-contamination. | All |
HR4g | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | ALL |
HR4k | The data validator identified blank issues affecting data quality. | All |
HR6d | The required matrix spike documentation is missing. | All |
HR6k | The data validator identified matrix spike issues affecting data quality. | All |
HR7 | The affected results were not analyzed with a valid 5-point calibration curve with a standard at the reporting limit. | ALL |
HR7a | The initial calibration curve exceeded the percent relative standard deviation criteria or the associated coefficient of determination is <0.99. | All |
HR7b | The affected analytes did not meet the ion abundance ratio, minimum levels, or signal-to-noise ratio criteria in the initial or continuing calibration verifications. | All |
HR7c | The initial or continuing calibration verification recovery is outside the appropriate limits. | All |
HR7d | The initial or continuing calibration verification standards were not analyzed at the appropriate method frequency or sequence. | All |
HR7f | The required calibration documentation is missing, samples were analyzed on an expired calibration, or samples were analyzed using expired calibration standards. | All |
HR7k | The data validator identified calibration issues affecting data quality. | All |
HR8 | The ion abundance ratios or mass resolution did not meet specifications. | All |
HR8a | The required ion ratio documentation is missing. | All |
HR8b | The gas chromatograph column performance check was not evaluated at the required frequency or the method criteria were not met. | All |
HR8c | The analyte 2,3,7,8-TCDF was detected in a sample and the result was not confirmed on a second column with successful analysis of the gas chromatograph column performance mix. | All |
HR9 | The holding time was greater than the applicable holding time requirement and was <=2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
HR9a | The holding time was >2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | ALL |
HR9c | The sample temperature exceeded limits, or the sample preservation criteria was not met, upon receipt at the laboratory. | ALL |
HR9k | The data validator identified chain of custody, holding time, or sample preservation issues affecting data quality. | All |
I0 | Analyte retention time for ion chromatography analysis is outside the retention time window. | All |
I0c | There is evidence for cross-contamination. | All |
I10d | The required laboratory duplicate documentation is missing. | All |
I10ea | The sample or laboratory duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
I10er | The sample and laboratory duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
I10fa | The sample or field duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
I10fr | The sample and field duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
I10k | The data validator identified duplicate sample issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
I12 | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
I12a | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
I12b | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
I12c | The required laboratory control sample documentation is missing. | All |
I12g | The laboratory control sample and duplicate relative percent difference exceeds the acceptance limit. | All |
I12k | The data validator identified laboratory control sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
I15 | The affected analytes are considered estimated because the sample was diluted without any target analytes identified as a result of matrix interference. | All |
I16a | The mass calibration is not within 0.1 amu of the isotope standard or the percent relative standard deviation is >5% for any isotope (Be, Mg, Co, In, Pb.) | All |
I16b | The analytical instrument tune was not performed prior to calibration. | All |
I16c | The required instrument performance check or performance evaluation sample documentation is missing. | All |
I16f | The performance evaluation sample target analyte percent recovery is below the lower acceptance limit. | ALL |
I16g | The performance evaluation sample target analyte percent recovery is above the upper acceptance limit. | ALL |
I16k | The data validator identified instrument performance check or performance evaluation sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
I18 | The relative percent difference between the sample and its serial dilution is greater than the acceptance limits. | All |
I18a | The required serial dilution sample documentation is missing. | All |
I18k | The data validator identified serial dilution issues affecting data quality. | All |
I19 | The data validator identified quality deficiencies in the reported data that require further qualification. | All |
I1b | The percent relative intensity for the quantitating internal standard is less than the lower acceptance limit established by the initial calibration blank. | All |
I1c | The percent relative intensity for the quantitating internal standard is greater than the upper acceptance limit established by the initial calibration blank. | All |
I1d | The required internal standard documentation is missing. | All |
I1e | The percent relative intensity for the quantitating internal standard is outside of acceptance limits, and samples were not reanalyzed at a 2x dilution. | All |
I1k | The data validator identified internal standard issues affecting data quality. | All |
I2 | The interference check sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
I20 | The sample data package is incomplete. | All |
I20a | The required reanalysis documentation is incomplete. | All |
I20k | The data validator identified sample data package issues affecting data quality. | All |
I2a | The interference check sample percent recovery is greater than or equal to the rejection limit and less than the lower acceptance limit. | All |
I2b | The interference check sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
I2c | The required interference check sample documentation is missing. | All |
I2d | The absolute value of the interference check sample non-spiked analyte is >2 times the reporting limit, and the detected sample result is <10 times the non-spiked analyte concentration. | ALL |
I2k | The data validator identified interference check sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
I4 | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
I4a | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
I4c | Method blanks were not analyzed at the appropriate method frequency. | All |
I4d | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | All |
I4e | The required method blank documentation is missing. | All |
I4f | The method blank result is less than the negative contract-required detection limit, and the associated sample result is <10 times the contract-required detection limit. | ALL |
I4g | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | ALL |
I4k | The data validator identified blank issues affecting data quality. | All |
I6a | The associated matrix spike percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | All |
I6b | The associated matrix spike percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
I6c | The required matrix spike documentation is missing. | All |
I6g | The matrix spike sample and duplicate relative percent difference exceeds the acceptance limit. | All |
I6k | The data validator identified matrix spike issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
I7 | The initial calibration curve does not contain the required number of standards and/or a standard at the reporting limit, or does not follow the appropriate process. | All |
I7a | The initial calibration curve did not meet the percent relative standard deviation, correlation coefficient, or coefficient of determination criteria. | All |
I7c | The initial or continuing calibration verification percent recovery is above the method-specific or laboratory control limits. | All |
I7d | The initial or continuing calibration verification standards, or initial or continuing calibration blanks, were not analyzed at the appropriate method frequency. | All |
I7f | The required calibration documentation is missing, samples were analyzed on an expired calibration, or samples were analyzed using expired calibration standards. | All |
I7g | The initial or continuing calibration blank result is greater than the method detection limit and the detected sample result is <5 times the blank result. | ALL |
I7h | The initial or continuing calibration blank result is greater than the method detection limit and the detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the blank result. | ALL |
I7i | The initial or continuing calibration blank result is less than the negative contract-required detection limit, and the detected sample result is <100 times the absolute value of the blank result. | All |
I7j | The initial or continuing calibration verification percent recovery is below the method-specific or laboratory control limits. | ALL |
I7k | The data validator identified calibration issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
I9 | The holding time was greater than the applicable holding time requirement and was <=2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
I9a | The holding time was >2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
I9c | The sample temperature exceeded preservation limits upon receipt at the laboratory. | ALL |
I9d | The sample was analyzed without the recommended preservation. | All |
I9k | The data validator identified chain of custody, holding time, or sample preservation issues affecting data quality. | All |
J_LAB | The analytical laboratory qualified the detected result as estimated (J) because the result was less the PQL but greater than the MDL | All |
NQ | The analytical laboratory did not qualify the analyte as not detected and/or any other standard qualier. The analyte is detected in the sample. | All |
P0 | The target analyte retention time has shifted by more than the accepted method limit. | All |
P0k | The data validator identified analyte identification issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
P10d | The required laboratory duplicate documentation is missing. | All |
P10ea | The sample or laboratory duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
P10er | The sample and laboratory duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
P10fa | The sample or field duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
P10fr | The sample and field duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
P10k | The data validator identified duplicate sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
P12 | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
P12a | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
P12b | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
P12c | The required laboratory control sample documentation is missing. | All |
P12e | The matrix spike percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | ALL |
P12f | The matrix spike percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | ALL |
P12g | The laboratory-spiked sample and duplicate relative percent difference exceeds the acceptance limit. | ALL |
P12k | The data validator identified laboratory control sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
P13a | The breakdown criteria exceed the limits. | All |
P13c | The required instrument performance sample documentation is missing. | All |
P13d | The instrument performance sample does not meet criteria. | All |
P13k | The data validator identified instrument performance sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
P15 | The affected analytes are considered estimated because the sample was diluted without any target analytes identified as a result of matrix interference. | All |
P15b | The sample result is greater than the concentration of the highest point of the calibration curve. | ALL |
P19 | The data validator identified quality deficiencies in the reported data that require further qualification. | All |
P20 | The sample data package is incomplete. | All |
P20a | The required reanalysis documentation is incomplete. | All |
P20k | The data validator identified sample data package issues affecting data quality. | All |
P3 | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
P3a | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
P3b | The surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
P3c | At least one surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and one surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
P3d | The required surrogate documentation is missing. | All |
P3k | The data validator identified surrogate issues affecting data quality. | All |
P4 | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
P4a | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
P4d | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | All |
P4e | The required blank documentation is missing. | All |
P4f | There is evidence for cross-contamination. | All |
P4g | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | ALL |
P4k | The data validator identified blank issues affecting data quality. | All |
P6d | The required matrix spike documentation is missing. | All |
P6k | The data validator identified matrix spike issues affecting data quality. | All |
P7a | The initial calibration curve exceeded the percent relative standard deviation criteria. | All |
P7c | The initial or continuing calibration verification recovery is outside the appropriate limits. | All |
P7d | The initial or continuing calibration verification standards were not analyzed at the appropriate method frequency or sequence. | All |
P7f | The required calibration documentation is missing, samples were analyzed on an expired calibration, or samples were analyzed using expired calibration standards. | All |
P7k | The data validator identified calibration issues affecting data quality. | All |
P9 | The holding time was greater than the applicable holding time requirement and was <=2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
P9a | The holding time was >2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
P9c | The sample temperature exceeded limits, or the sample preservation criteria was not met, upon receipt at the laboratory. | ALL |
P9k | The data validator identified chain of custody, holding time, or sample preservation issues affecting data quality. | All |
PE0 | The sample or internal standard retention time and qualitative criteria for target compound identification were not met. | All |
PE0b | The required internal standard retention time documentation is missing. | All |
PE10d | The required laboratory duplicate documentation is missing. | All |
PE10ea | The sample or laboratory duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
PE10er | The sample and laboratory duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
PE10fa | The sample or field duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
PE10fr | The sample and field duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
PE10k | The data validator identified duplicate sample issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
PE12 | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
PE12a | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
PE12b | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
PE12c | The required laboratory control sample documentation is missing. | All |
PE12e | The matrix spike percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | All |
PE12f | The matrix spike percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
PE12g | The laboratory-spiked sample and duplicate relative percent difference exceeds the acceptance limit. | All |
PE12k | The data validator identified laboratory control sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
PE15 | The affected analytes are considered estimated because the sample was diluted without any target analytes identified as a result of matrix interference. | All |
PE15a | Required sample clean-up was not performed or samples or quality control samples were not prepared using the same cleanup procedures. | All |
PE15b | The sample result is greater than the concentration of the highest point of the calibration curve. | ALL |
PE19 | The data validator identified quality deficiencies in the reported data that require further qualification.. | All |
PE1a | The quantitating internal standard area count is less than the rejection limit of the expected value. | All |
PE2 | The interference check sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
PE20 | The sample data package is incomplete. | All |
PE20a | The required reanalysis documentation is incomplete. | All |
PE20b | The components comprising the total are incomplete. | All |
PE20k | The data validator identified sample data package issues affecting data quality. | All |
PE2a | The interference check sample percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
PE2b | The interference check sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
PE2c | The required interference check sample documentation is missing. | All |
PE2k | The data validator identified interference check sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
PE3 | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | ALL |
PE3a | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | ALL |
PE3b | The surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | ALL |
PE3c | At least one surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit and one surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | All |
PE3d | The required surrogate documentation is missing. | All |
PE3k | The data validator identified surrogate issues affecting data quality. | All |
PE4 | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
PE4a | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
PE4d | The detected sample result is <5 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | All |
PE4e | The required method blank documentation is missing. | All |
PE4f | There is evidence for cross-contamination. | All |
PE4g | The detected sample result is >=5 times and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | ALL |
PE4k | The data validator identified blank issues affecting data quality. | All |
PE6d | The required matrix spike documentation is missing. | All |
PE6k | The data validator identified matrix spike issues affecting data quality. | All |
PE7 | The initial calibration curve did not contain the required number of standards or a standard at the reporting limit, or did not follow the appropriate process. | All |
PE7a | The initial calibration curve exceeded the percent relative standard deviation criteria or the associated coefficient of determination is <0.99. | All |
PE7b | The affected analytes did not meet the ion abundance ratio, minimum levels, or signal-to-noise ratio criteria in the initial or continuing calibration verifications. | ALL |
PE7c | The initial or continuing calibration verification recovery is outside the appropriate limits. | All |
PE7d | The initial or continuing calibration verification standards were not analyzed at the appropriate method frequency or sequence. | All |
PE7f | The required calibration documentation is missing, samples were analyzed on an expired calibration, or samples were analyzed using expired calibration standards. | All |
PE7k | The data validator identified calibration issues affecting data quality. | All |
PE8 | The affected analyte is considered not detected because mass spectrum did not meet specifications. | All |
PE8b | The liquid chromatography column performance check was not evaluated at the required frequency, or the method criteria were not met. | All |
PE8k | The data validator identified mass spectral issues impacting data quality. | All |
PE9 | The holding time was greater than the applicable holding time requirement and was <=2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
PE9a | The holding time was >2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
PE9c | The sample temperature exceeded limits, or the sample preservation criteria was not met, upon receipt at the laboratory. | ALL |
PE9k | The data validator identified chain of custody, holding time, or sample preservation issues affecting data quality. | All |
R19 | The LANL project chemist identified quality deficiencies in the reported data that require further qualification. This code can only be used and/or under advisement by the LANL project chemist. | All |
R5a | UI Uncertain Identification | All |
R5d | Non-Detect determined using ANSI/ANS-41.5-2012. Non-detect > Lc Critical Level and < Minimum Detectable Activity | ALL |
R5u | Non-Detect determined using ANSI/ANS-41.5-2012. Below Lc | ALL |
RB1 | Analyte detected in the Method Blank above Lc Critical Level and sample >=5X but <10X the blank concentration | ALL |
RB10 | Other (describe in comments) | ALL |
RB2 | Method Blank was not similar matrix as the analytical samples | All |
RB3 | Gross contamination exists | ALL |
RB4 | Blanks were not analyzed at appropriate frequency | All |
RB5 | Analyte detected in the Method Blank above Lc and the sample concentration is <5X blank concentration | ALL |
RB6 | Blank data not reported | ALL |
RB7 | Blank tracer recovery outside limits | All |
RB8 | Sample not significantly different than the Field Blank | ALL |
RB9 | Sample count duration > blank count duration | ALL |
RC1 | Calibration data not reported | All |
RC2 | Calibration not performed | All |
RC3 | Chemical resolution criteria were not satisfied | All |
RC4 | Calibration standard matrix not the same as sample matrix | All |
RC5 | Calibration verification efficiency outside control criteria | All |
RC6 | Calibration verification background outside control criteria | All |
RC7 | Calibration verification energy outside control criteria | All |
RC8 | Calibration verification peak resolution outside control criteria | All |
RC9 | Other (describe in comments) | All |
RD1 | Significant difference between sample and duplicate | ALL |
RD2 | Laboratory Duplicate was not analyzed at the appropriate frequency | All |
RD3 | Laboratory Duplicate data not reported | All |
RD4 | Significant difference between sample and Field Duplicate | ALL |
RD5 | Sample count duration and duplicate count duration not equal | ALL |
RD6 | Other (describe in comments) | All |
RE1 | Custody of sample in question | ALL |
RE2 | Standard not traceable | All |
RE3 | Other (describe in comments) | All |
RG1 | Professional judgment was used to qualify the data | ALL |
RG2 | Gross issue with data | ALL |
RG3 | Other (describe in comments) | All |
RH1 | Analysis holding times were exceeded | ALL |
RH2 | Analysis holding times were grossly exceeded | ALL |
RH3 | Samples were not preserved properly | All |
RH4 | Sample temperature exceeded criteria prior to preparation | All |
RH5 | Other (describe in comments) | All |
RL1 | Laboratory Control Sample recovery above upper control limit. Relative Bias (+-)0.25 | ALL |
RL2 | Laboratory Control Sample recovery below lower control limit. Relative Bias (+-)0.25 | ALL |
RL3 | Laboratory Control Sample was not analyzed at appropriate frequency | All |
RL4 | Laboratory Control Sample not the same matrix as the analytical samples | All |
RL5 | Laboratory Control Sample data not reported | ALL |
RL6 | Other (describe in comments) | All |
RM1 | Matrix Spike recovery above upper control limit | ALL |
RM2 | Matrix Spike recovery below lower control limit | ALL |
RM3 | Matrix Spike not analyzed at the appropriate frequency | All |
RM4 | Matrix Spike data not reported | All |
RM5 | Significant difference between Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicate | ALL |
RM6 | Other (describe in comments) | All |
RQ1 | Peak misidentified | All |
RQ10 | Negative result >3 sigma Total Propagated Uncertainty | All |
RQ11 | Compounds were not adequately resolved | All |
RQ12 | Sample geometry different from calibration geometry | All |
RQ13 | Sample outside of calibration curve criteria | All |
RQ14 | Isotopes of same radionuclide do not show equilibrium | All |
RQ15 | Full Width at Half Maximum and or Peak centroid not within appropriate energy range | ALL |
RQ16 | Counting uncertainty >=75% of sample result | ALL |
RQ17 | Raw data anomaly | ALL |
RQ18 | Other (describe in comments) | ALL |
RQ2 | Target analyte affected by interfering peak | ALL |
RQ3 | Qualitative criteria were not satisfied | All |
RQ4 | Cross contamination occurred | All |
RQ5 | No raw data were provided to confirm quantitation | All |
RQ6 | Minimum Detectable Activity > Required Detection Limit | ALL |
RQ7 | Inappropriate aliquot sizes were used | All |
RQ8 | Elevated uncertainties | ALL |
RQ9 | Sample result <2 sigma Total Propagated Uncertainty | All |
RY1 | Radiochemical tracer or carrier yield was above the upper control limit | ALL |
RY2 | Radiochemical tracer or carrier yield was below the lower control limit | ALL |
RY3 | Radiochemical tracer or carrier yield was zero | ALL |
RY4 | Radiochemical yield data was not present | ALL |
RY5 | Other (describe in comments) | All |
SV0 | The internal standard retention time has shifted by more than the accepted method limit. | All |
SV0a | Analyte is positively confirmed with the target analyte relative retention time outside the method acceptance window. | All |
SV0b | The required internal standard retention time documentation is missing. | All |
SV0c | There is evidence for cross-contamination. | ALL |
SV0d | Peaks have not been correctly identified as target analytes, tentatively-identified compounds, surrogates, or internal standards in the sample and blank chromatograms. | All |
SV0k | The data validator identified analyte identification issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
SV10d | The required laboratory duplicate documentation is missing. | All |
SV10ea | The sample or laboratory duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
SV10er | The sample and laboratory duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
SV10fa | The sample or field duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
SV10fr | The sample and field duplicate results are >=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
SV10k | The data validator identified duplicate sample issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
SV12 | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
SV12a | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
SV12b | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
SV12c | The required laboratory control sample documentation is missing. | All |
SV12e | The matrix spike percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | ALL |
SV12f | The matrix spike percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | ALL |
SV12g | The laboratory-spiked sample duplicate relative percent difference exceeds the acceptance limit. | ALL |
SV12k | The data validator identified laboratory control sample issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
SV15 | The affected analytes are considered estimated because the sample was diluted without any target analytes identified as a result of matrix interference. | All |
SV15b | The sample result is greater than the concentration of the highest point of the calibration curve. | ALL |
SV16 | The instrument performance sample result does not pass method acceptance criteria. | All |
SV16c | The required instrument performance sample documentation is missing. | All |
SV16k | The data validator identified instrument performance sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
SV19 | The data validator identified quality deficiencies in the reported data that require further qualification. | All |
SV1a | The quantitating internal standard area count is less than the rejection limit of the expected value of the mid-point calibration standard or the previous continuing calibration verification. | All |
SV1b | The internal standard area count for the quantitating internal standard is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit established by the mid-point calibration standard or the previous continuing calibration. | All |
SV1c | The internal standard area count for the quantitating internal standard is greater than the upper acceptance limit of the area count for the mid-point calibration standard or the previous continuing calibration verification. | All |
SV1d | The required internal standard documentation is missing. | All |
SV1k | The data validator identified internal standard issues affecting data quality. | All |
SV20 | The sample data package is incomplete. | All |
SV20a | The required reanalysis documentation is incomplete. | All |
SV20b | The components comprising the total are incomplete. | All |
SV20k | The data validator identified sample data package issues affecting data quality. | All |
SV3 | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
SV3a | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
SV3b | The surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
SV3c | At least one surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit, and one surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit for the same fraction. | All |
SV3d | The required surrogate documentation is missing. | All |
SV3k | The data validator identified surrogate issues affecting data quality. | All |
SV4 | The detected sample result is <5 times (<10 times for common phthalates) the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
SV4a | The detected sample result is >=5 times (>=10 times for common phthalates) and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
SV4d | The detected sample result is <5 times (<10 times for common phthalates) the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | All |
SV4e | The required blank documentation is missing. | All |
SV4g | The detected sample result is >=5 times (>=10 times for common phthalates) and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | ALL |
SV4k | The data validator identified blank issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
SV6d | The required matrix spike documentation is missing. | All |
SV6k | The data validator identified matrix spike or matrix spike duplicate issues affecting data quality. | All |
SV7 | The affected results were not analyzed with a valid 5-point calibration curve with a standard at the reporting limit. | All |
SV7a | The initial calibration curve exceeded the percent relative standard deviation criteria or the associated coefficient of determination is <0.99. | All |
SV7b | The initial or continuing calibration verification relative response factor is less than the laboratory's lower limit. | All |
SV7c | The initial or continuing calibration verification recovery is outside the appropriate limits. | All |
SV7d | The initial or continuing calibration verification standards were not analyzed at the appropriate method frequency or sequence. | All |
SV7f | The required calibration documentation is missing, samples were analyzed on an expired calibration, or samples were analyzed using expired calibration standards. | All |
SV7k | The data validator identified calibration issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
SV8 | The mass spectrum did not meet laboratory specifications. | All |
SV8a | The mass spectrum documentation is missing. | All |
SV8b | The instrument performance sample has an incorrect mass measurement. | All |
SV9 | The holding time was greater than the applicable holding time requirement and was <=2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
SV9a | The holding time was >2 times the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
SV9c | The sample temperature exceeded limits, or the sample preservation criteria was not met, upon receipt at the laboratory. | ALL |
SV9k | The data validator identified chain of custody, holding time, or sample preservation issues affecting data quality. | All |
U_LAB | The analytical laboratory qualified the analyte as not detected. | All |
V0 | The internal standard retention time has shifted by more than the accepted method limit. | All |
V0a | Analyte is positively confirmed with the target analyte relative retention time outside the method acceptance window. | All |
V0b | The required internal standard retention time documentation is missing. | All |
V0c | There is evidence for cross-contamination. | ALL |
V0d | Peaks have not been correctly identified as target analytes, tentatively identified compounds, surrogates, or internal standards in the sample and blank chromatograms. | All |
V0k | The data validator identified analyte identification issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
V10d | The required laboratory duplicate documentation is missing. | All |
V10ea | The sample or laboratory duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
V10er | The sample and laboratory duplicate results are <=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
V10fa | The sample or field duplicate result is <5 times the reporting limit and the absolute difference between sample and duplicate result exceeds the limits. | All |
V10fr | The sample and field duplicate results are <=5 times the reporting limit and the relative percent difference exceeds the limits. | All |
V10k | The data validator identified duplicate sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
V12 | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
V12a | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
V12b | The laboratory control sample percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
V12c | The required laboratory control sample documentation is missing. | All |
V12e | The post spike percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit. | ALL |
V12f | The post spike percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | ALL |
V12g | The laboratory-spiked sample and duplicate relative percent difference exceeds the acceptance limit. | ALL |
V12k | The data validator identified laboratory control sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
V15 | The affected analytes are considered estimated because the sample was diluted without any target analytes identified as a result of matrix interference. | All |
V15b | The sample result is greater than the concentration of the highest point of the calibration curve. | ALL |
V16 | The instrument performance sample result does not pass method acceptance criteria. | All |
V16c | The required instrument performance sample documentation is missing. | All |
V16k | The data validator identified instrument performance sample issues affecting data quality. | All |
V19 | The data validator identified quality deficiencies in the reported data that require further qualification. | All |
V1a | The quantitating internal standard area count is less than the rejection limit of the expected value of the mid-point calibration standard or previous continuing calibration verification. | All |
V1b | The internal standard area count for the quantitating internal standard is less than the lower acceptance limit and greater than or equal to the rejection limit of the expected value of the mid-point calibration standard or previous continuing calibration verification. | All |
V1c | The internal standard area count for the quantitating internal standard is greater than the upper acceptance limit of the area count for the mid-point calibration standard or the previous continuing calibration verification. | All |
V1d | The required internal standard documentation is missing. | All |
V1k | The data validator identified internal standard issues affecting data quality. | All |
V20 | The sample data package is incomplete. | All |
V20a | The required reanalysis documentation is incomplete. | All |
V20k | The data validator identified sample data package issues affecting data quality. | All |
V3d | The required surrogate documentation is missing. | All |
V3g | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the rejection limit. | All |
V3h | The surrogate percent recovery is less than the lower acceptance limit but greater than or equal to the rejection limit. | All |
V3i | The surrogate percent recovery is greater than the upper acceptance limit. | All |
V3k | The data validator identified surrogate issues affecting data quality. | All |
V4 | The detected sample result is <5 times (<10 times for methylene chloride, acetone, and 2-butanone) the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
V4a | The detected sample result is >=5 times (>=10 times for methylene chloride, acetone, and 2-butanone) and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the method blank. | All |
V4d | The detected sample result is <5 times (<10 times for methylene chloride, acetone, and 2-butanone) the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | All |
V4e | The required method blank documentation is missing. | All |
V4g | The detected sample result is >=5 times (>=10 times for methylene chloride, acetone, and 2-butanone) and <100 times the detected concentration of the same analyte in the associated blank. | ALL |
V4k | The data validator identified blank issues affecting data quality. | All |
V6d | The post spike documentation is missing. | All |
V6k | The data validator identified post spike sample issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
V7 | The affected results were not analyzed with a valid 5-point calibration curve with a standard at the reporting limit. | All |
V7a | The initial calibration curve exceeded the percent relative standard deviation criteria or the associated coefficient of determination is <0.99. | All |
V7b | The initial or continuing calibration verification relative response factor is less than the laboratory's lower limit. | All |
V7c | The initial or continuing calibration verification recovery is outside the appropriate limits. | All |
V7d | The initial or continuing calibration verification standards were not analyzed at the appropriate method frequency or sequence. | All |
V7f | The required calibration documentation is missing, samples were analyzed on an expired calibration, or samples were analyzed using expired calibration standards. | All |
V7k | The data validator identified calibration issues affecting data quality. | ALL |
V8 | The mass spectrum did not meet laboratory specifications. | All |
V8a | The mass spectrum documentation is missing. | All |
V8b | The instrument performance sample has an incorrect mass measurement. | All |
V9 | The holding time was greater than the applicable holding time requirement. | All |
V9c | The sample temperature exceeded sample preservation limits upon receipt at the laboratory. | ALL |
V9k | The data validator identified chain of custody, holding time, or sample preservation issues affecting data quality. | All |
All valid values of WATERSHED:
Value | Description | Data provider |
Ancho | Ancho | All |
Canon de los Frijoles | Canon de los Frijoles | All |
Cañon de los Frijoles | Cañon de los Frijoles | All |
Garcia | Garcia | All |
Jemez | Jemez | All |
Los Alamos | Los Alamos | All |
Lummis | Lummis | All |
Mortandad | Mortandad | All |
Pajarito | Pajarito | All |
Pecos | Pecos | All |
Rio Grande | Rio Grande | All |
Sandia | Sandia | All |
Santa Clara | Santa Clara | All |
Water | Water | All |
Water Canyon | Water Canyon | All |
All valid values of WELL_COMPONENT_MATERIAL:
Value | Description | Data provider |
10/20 Silica Sand | 10/20 Silica Sand | ALL |
20/40 Silica Sand | 20/40 Silica Sand | ALL |
3/8 in. Bentonite Chips 10/20 | 3/8 in. Bentonite Chips 10/20 | ALL |
A304 Stainless Steel | A304 Stainless Steel | ALL |
Carbon Steel | Carbon Steel | ALL |
Carbon Steel Casing | Carbon Steel Casing | ALL |
CS | Carbon Steel | All |
NA | Not Applicable | All |
Passivated A304 Stainless Stee | Passivated A304 Stainless Stee | ALL |
PP | Perforated Plastic Pipe | All |
PVC | Polyvinylchloride | All |
Schedule 80 PVC | Schedule 80 PVC | ALL |
SS | Stainless Steel Generic | All |
SS304 | 304 Stainless steel | All |
SS312 | 312 Stainless steel | All |
Stainless Steel | Stainless Steel | ALL |
type A304 stainless steel | type A304 stainless steel | ALL |
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You can optionally select specific sample types to narrow down your results. For example, chemicals found in different types of water (e.g. stormwater vs. tap water) have varying degrees of significance.
Environmental samples are taken at specific locations defined by the data provider. The data in Intellus is associated with these "Location IDs".
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